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Kneel to actual future ruler of Pegasi.
Our tomboy rebel princess. Zipp and Zippchad general. Pipp welcome.
Cont. from >>40950818 and >>40927179
AI anon, grant us more Zipps.
Blessed image
The only one I'd argue stuck is the Toothpaste one
Thought I would brush the fuck out of my teeth with it if I could
why would you make another thread when your previous is at 176 posts?
She's not beating the toothpaste allegations I'm sorry
This. I fucking hate that "art style".
Gen me the same image but in a good art style and I'll save it.
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You can't handle true horsey looks
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Pretty Zipps for all.
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Please can you gen us some lewd Zipps?
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I just repost, I can't into AI.
It's cute. Are you taking proooooompt suggestions?
I adore this style. You just lack taste.
Starting to like g5 now
Damn look how happy she is after chonklat
>>41013430 >>41013864
The moment chonklat hits just right.
Poor Zipp is so overshadowed by her little sister.

When the time for ascension comes and she's given the throne, she'll be surprised by how many of her subjects demand it be Pipp instead.
Zipp wouldn't even mind.
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This. Pipp would be the queen while Zipp actually rules when Pipp is attending official shit.
Zipp is so beautiful like that.
Look at that bliss. I envy her
this is why they should rule together
As Princess and Princess or...?
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She is not toothpaste
She is ice cream
Lick the ice cream cony pony
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as queens
This is soooo unfaaaaair she will get so much fuck and CUM!!!!
Come on gen this one with a good artstyle
Zipp's VA got brigaded by Taylor Swift fans on Twitter for saying her 1830s line was weird
I want to tease Zipp about eating too much choco
She's going to get really embarrassed if you do
What do you mean?
Maitreyi Ramakrishnan said she disliked some Taylor Swift lyrics about romanticizing the 1830s.
How is this MLP-related in any way, shape or form?
More related than /opg/
>defending celeb gossip
Never stopped people from talking about Tara Strong
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Or empresses
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Or any of the CMC VAs, especially when they were underage. *shudder*
Oh yeah. I remember people post here all the time about Sweetie Belle's VA and her boyfriend, which I don't like. Anyways, the thing with Maitreyi will blow over
Zipp has been acting less autistic in TYT, sadly. I really liked seeing her uncomfortable in MYM.
What did they mean by this?
Zipp is trying to play it cool. Cool cool cool
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Well, this exchange makes no sense. If Haven was implying Hitch was with her daughter romantically, Haven meant BOTH sisters at once.
>Zipp: Hitch is _our_ friend.
>Haven: I DO know~
Or, herds are canon.
Those threads were all deleted, as they should be.
Haven is just that desperate for grandfoals
Same. She's not a people pony
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Look at the way Zipp's wings flutter at the mention of Hitch.
That was just her putting Hitch at ease, like "Hey buddy, it's okay".
Nice detail
How did Zipp catch on fire?
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Detective magnifying glass incident on a sunny day.
I wonder what Misty is planning to do with that bucket.
She intends to give us G5 version of this.
She isn't looking at him in that scene though, but at Sunny and her sister. She makes those wing movements when she notices Pipp had her own wings open in surprise, possibly in worry.
Seriously? What a shame.
Twitter HATES this ship
Moralfags gonna moral
board's fast
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Someone whining about petalstorm in a comment section got outted as wanting to bust a nut in Applebloom in another comment section, on an image of her riding Big Mac
zipp it
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You got it
Pipp is expecting?
>wanting to bust a nut in Applebloom
>an image of her riding Big Mac
>moralfag outted as a foalcon
it's like that one artist who drew outright petalstorm porn and yet joined in on the hate. it's almost like it's all performative.
My penis, yes.
Cum inside who?
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That artist knew what she was doing
That's exactly what it is
Don't be silly anon, Zipp is a mare too! Pipp is just fat.
More like gravid
Zipp it good
But I like toothpaste
You must Zipp it
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Her Opaline voice was so hot.
No pants? The mares will laugh at me!
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VGH, those feathered fetlocks. What could have been...
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She was born for the role.
>You got a problem with my rule Anon?
blame aislop
Oh NOW she wants to be queen?
Something is off with her eyes
I thought that was a dildo stand on the desk
I guess its likes a joystick but used with hooves?
that would be pretty small for a horsecock
Why doesn't she use headphones?
She wants everyone to hear her classical music.
Yo dawg I herd u liek crowns, so I put a crown on your crown, so you can crown while you crown.
Look at that fat Qween
Manes of the gods, the perfect bloodline
How rude, Zipp!
Pink hair just like Zipp
these hooves are like periscopes
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Submarine Zipp is watching anon covertly.
MiB vibes
What the hell, she has a spy camera in her hoof?
toothpaste ice cream
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>Accidental kiss
>"Might as well"
I love how Zipp gets into it
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I recognize this art style, it’s from the Dude with a capital ‘D.’
With the above images in the thread, I couldn’t help but think those were lipstick marks all over her at first.
Everytime I see the thumbnail I think the same thing
I thought it was too but then I realized it was stream emojis
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You dont?
Imagine her tickling you with those
Imagine her ticking your balls with those.
>Could have gotten this instead of meme body sizes
hasbro is its own worst enemy
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>They keep kissing and then try to act surprised
They'r not fooling anyone
And what would feathers do there for flight?
They just have to kiss longer
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Zipp flies high
She's flying right up to the sky.
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I don't think they are joking anymore
It's just a phase
All hail the Queens of Zephyr Heights!
Classic Royalty
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This Zippy balloon lineart looks a little different from usual, in a good way.
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Official T-shirt design on Amazon. Who is the unicorn? Why these three ponies? Should you not love dragons?
Strange that they didn't choose Firefly.
Her hair is so annoying it just looks like a giant toothpaste dollop
How should her hair have looked like? (Sincere question)
Like a toothbrush
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If it was firefly I would’ve gotten it
I think her name is Glory.
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She put on a pretty dress!
Woah pretty!
I love Zipp in a dress
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My beautiful Magenta and Cyan queen.
Did you gen this yourself? Good work.
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I did indeed.
Nice. Putting that GPU to good use I see.
you make the op too?
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It’s a chant. A war cry, even.
God I want to fuck Zipp do much
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Why did Zipp try to unlock my phone?
Nope that was someone else.
Researching human lore.
>that Zipp with the ruler-straight graduated sidecut
She's investigating you
She's too modest to perform like that in front of a stadium
And pink
Her pussy?
I was referring to non-blue streaks but sure
> Zipp "Anon what is that? It kinda looks a stallion thingy......Anon seriously why is it growing? Now its shrinking. Anon talk to me. Pipp come take a look at this."
>Pig noises in the background
Stop sending the princesses dickpics, anon.
I love this athletic nerd like you wouldn't believe.
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>being backed into a corner by Zipp
Throw away the key.
She's one of a kind.
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Athletic tomboy nerd rebel princess <3
AUTISTIC athletic tomboy nerd rebel princess
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How is Zipp in bed?
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Steampunk Zipp
If she was in Arcanum I'd take her into my party each playthrough
Soulful eyes
Zipp loves technology but despises gnomes
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Does not like gnomes? Surely not for their short stature.
oh no its not their stature its thier ((gnomishness))
What are your opinions on gnomish immigrants?
Taking up space that hoomans could occupy. Special note Mr. Mooch is not a gnome but an midget elf.
Moochik is one of the good ones
I thought he was a gnome
He is but if he were in Arcanum then he 100% is not a gnome for he has virtue and goodness.
So he's a halfling?
I don't like gnomes for their half-ogre experiments
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Would Zipp get a piercing?
Only if her mom makes her so she can wear some fancy earrings at some royal event.
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that pin just made me realize zipp is tranny colors
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Help, that’s square on her EYE
Can someone edit out the trans? Please and thank you
Here you go, Anon.
OK ill watch G5
Only just now? You must not have been around Twitter much (good for you!)
cope seethe dilate
Much better. Thanks Anon!
I'm glad Twitter defied their expectations
That's how tall Zipp's hair is
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Deer sends her love.
Hitch and Misty don't seem to approve of tomboy deer sending her love
Misty is literally just butting into an established group in that picture.
>Anon pulls his dick out in public again
She looks like she walked into frame on accident
Yeah. Zipp asked him to whip it out again after tucking it back. Misty and Hitch are bystanders who just walked into the scene.
Well at least Sunny, Pipp and Izzy like it
Buying Zipp a salt lick. Keeping Zipp from /k/
Life isn't fair
I think Zipp is more popular in fandom
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Nah, Pipp is generally liked, while Zipp is a more refined taste. Those who like Zipp - they love her.
But a lot of people can't get over Pipp using a phone
Why couldn't tyt have been in this style?
Are we sure?
Pretty sure: >>41071811
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Too detailed/anatomically correct for a budget split between two shows.
>far right bangs
Her white fur is oddly appealing.
White just looks great.
It makes her look very pettable
I love her wishday outfit
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Zipp is starting to feel like an MC again
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That's rude, Izzy
My queen is great at parkour
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Go on.
Give it a squeeze.
What will happen if I do? If I squeeze her?
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Zipp gives me born in the wrong decade vibes
Yeah, Zipp is a boomer.
Kill that waste of space
A good boomer or a bad boomer?
I just did. Now what?
You are rewarded for your forward thinking and curiosity.
>Zipp becomes real
>in all her glory

You are punished for your hastiness.
>Zipp becomes real
>but it’s the tiny squeezey toy Zipp gaining sentience and she can only say Super Mignon!
Well a tiny Zipp would be super cute
Zipp strikes me as a pegasus that likes pretzel sticks dipped in mustard and her snacks are all perfectly lined up.
Remember when Zipp said
>Fo sho
Zipp can be a little cringey sometimes.
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Looking comfy and relaxed
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It's a good cringe
I'd really like to pet Zipp's mane but I think she'd be weirded out by that and she's probably not even used to compliments about her mane.
I was wrong about Zipp. She had the right to be wary about Misty.
What makes you say that?
This is awfully specific anon
She's so adorable and disdainful at the same time
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But it's true
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>Zipp's face when Pipp keeps arguing with the wagie about only wanting exactly three nuggets from the four piece meal
Im glad I was wrong about Zipp before the movie was released
What car she have?
A Pegagyatti
There's nothing weird about showering with your sister.
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Exactly. There's nothing wrong with Zipp shampooing Pipp's mane and then making sure every part of her is spotless. And then she can put up Pipp's hair.
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My queen has been indulging herself. Nothing wrong with that
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Nice collar
A double lightning bolt would look better on her
You are what you eat: marshmallows
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I can't believe that collars are legitimate canon G5 accessory, according to MYM.
Oh yeah one of the unicorns wears one
Don't look at me, I'm not the one sitting on a cloud
The hippo
yes but she is disabled
What does Cool Zipp taste like, and can I put it on pies?
bumpo for zippo
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My zippocampus is activated.
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Why is it when I look at Zipp's mane I instantly think of this?
Don't post that flag shit here.
Because Zipp is a chad
Just report and hide. Don't give them attention.
Report for what? It's sadly not against the rules.
Who is a virgin?
Misty, as is board lore accurate

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