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t-tim allen?
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I think that's young Mike Rowe. The other pseudo motivational boomer.
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I have nowhere to go out, Europe is just one big city.
project somewhere else, anon. i'm homeless, i'm always outside! HAH
>'tuber thread
>they used to call me hotlips
what did he mean by this
nobody calls him hotlips
>Europe is just one big city
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forgot pic
categorically false
Go to the Alps moron
Love this fucking goober. He's living my dream up on the last frontier.
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>mike rowe
Maybe if you're a servile faggot, then yeah, this would be motivational to you. If you aren't, then this is just disgusting.
5 (within reason) and 7 are fucking retarded, but the rest of it isn't bad. Working hard, applying yourself, and not being a whiny faggot aren't bad things.
>nooo don't complain about your shitty job with shitty pay, just think about how lucky you are that your boss hired you instead of an illegal immigrant!! now lick his boots and thank him for the amazing opportunity to shovel pig shit!
7 is all I need to see to know that this guy is retarded.
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So complain and whine, but don't actually do anything to change your situation? You're a passive faggot. If my boss treats me like shit, then I pack my things and fucking leave instead of putting up with shoveling the pig shit. Complaining doesn't do anything but make you insufferable to be around.
>quit job
>can't find new job fast enough
>become homeless
So develop some actual marketable skills? You're not supposed to be pushing shopping carts forever.
When you are stuck at a job, what is complaining about it supposed to do? It sure as hell doesn't get you a better job with better pay and more respect. It just makes you fucking annoying to work with.
Hating your kike boss is understandable, but the only way to change that is to improve yourself so you actually have the opportunity to leave. Sorry to be the one to break it to you.
I went on a 5 km walk this afternoon so fuck you.
That's pretty based, Anon.
Nice job anon. Now double it.
Lots of anons would love to have the money to move into a rural location and make videos pretending to bushcraft from the comfort of hotels, campground lodgings and big camper RVs. Or better yet just go “camping” in the back of your property that way you don’t even have to worry about other campsite visitors bugging you when you’re trying to film.
I do have marketable skills. There aren't many jobs available where I live, and moving is too expensive because my country's real estate market is fucked beyond repair.
>pretending to bushcraft from the comfort of hotels
Are you the same retard that thinks him having a lot of food has to mean he has a crew? Because you sounds like him.
Where's the evidence that he's pretending?
I’m the adult who can spot an act. You probably, subconsciously, think all those different camera shots are your personal God-granted voyeur footage into a youtuber’s “adventure” 2 minutes away from his truck.
When he does the waking up scene — who set up the camera to film it? If he did it himself then he’s literally acting as if we just woke up. They all do that. Ie, pretending to hike across the wilderness, pretending to go to bed, etc.
Have you ever considered that maybe it's possible for a person to set up a camera in the right position and then turn it off and go to sleep? and then wake up and reach over to turn it on again?
Then build skills for an industry that is actually hiring.
I was in a similar situation. Was tired of working my ass off and getting treated like shit in retail. Nowhere was hiring before the coof, so I bought some cheap tools and taught myself to do metal finishing (I'd never touched a buffing pad before in my life). Ended up getting into a good industry and got myself out of a shitty spot. It's hard to start something from scratch, but sometimes you just have to do it.
I don't know where you're posting from, but I wish you the best of luck, anon. Shit sucks right now, but shit sucks a lot less if you don't whine like a bitch and put the work in to improve yourself.
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he comes off like a real american, he keeps mentioning his trips to japan
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I sincerely dislike mormons for their rigidity, dogmatism, and exclusionary ways. I wish this board were not so devoted to glamorizing people who live such hateful lives.
please be respectful of other cultures and religions you bigot
the whole point is they are automatically disrespectful of others for being different
they want to control your life and make you unhappy if you aren't exactly how they expect you to be, it's unjust and cruel
its because they are white thats the real reason be honest
there's plenty of non-white mormons, the white and delightsome days are long since over, most of their proselytizing is done to asians and hispanics at this point
so are you mad they are white and dont accept fags
Honey butter
on undercooked sourdough
Is that Saul Goodman?
This. I live in buttfuck nowhere and it's fucking surreal. Walking home from "the woods" (it's mostly planted shit) with skis on the shoulder all I see is pajeets and other third world mystery meat.
mango chutney
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I went out yesterday for a few hours into the Olympics.
Outdoor Boys is Mormon?
Nta, but he is Mormon.
Luke seems genuinely like a good common guy, there are old videos when he had small views where he talks about his legal career and how he really likes helping people fight DUI's, he doesnt judge which surprised me because hes very strict personally even on caffeine
luke is based for this
>t. has a DUI
yeah he seems like a good guy, gives off a quintessential American vibe
>he really likes helping people fight DUI's
Driving under the influence is objectively terrible, though.
I live in a van with the purpose of being /out/ as much as possible. I mountain biked and hiked past couple days, tomorrow kayaking
how else am I supposed to get home after an evening of fishing with the boys?
not to mention if you live in a rural area like I do then there is fucking nothing else to do 90% of the time other than drive around or get drunk. many, many people out here choose to do both.
His potato wife and them being absolutely loaded didn't tip you off? lol
Sounds like something a pussy would say desu senpai
This. The righteous will always come out on top.
Hence why God gives his strongest souls (drunk drivers in a Suburban) his toughest enemies (children on the sidewalk).
ever been to eastern europe Pierre? plenty of wilderness everywhere, just watch out, you will be going more than 15 minutes away from a mcdonalds, so Im not sure you can survive
shut up faggot
i hope he does more with that land he bought as the weather warms
wonder if that road they built held up too
Luke is awesome because he:

>triggers lazy fatasses by excavating snow by himself without muh crewz
>triggers gooning homosexuals by not being pretty
>triggers Godless degenerate heathens by being Mormon
>triggers manlets by eating normal adult male portions after hard work
>triggers woke lunatics by using firearms and building axes and shit
>triggers (((antinatalists))) by having multiple white children

I'm thinking based

ahh that pork jowl hit the spot
>managing to stick this many buzzwords in a single post
Based (((zoomer))), triggering all degenerate woke lunatics.
not in the god damn winter. fuck that shit man lol. Winter lasts here till mid april also.
Just to clarify: I live in a cardboard box and therefore I hate winter.
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they linked up
keep it. guga didnt even go outside
this. if God didn't want that family to die He wouldn't have created the 12 pack of busch lite
womp womp nigga bitch ass nigga
those kids should have been in bed during drunk driving hours. not my problem
how is 5 retarded? Are you black or something? It makes sense to not want to answer to some bank or lending company. And if you are buying shit above your means you are selling yourself into servitude of someone else since you probably don't have the money for upkeep/ownership. It's pretty straightfoward.

I think 8 cancels out 7's servile connotation. If you don't like your job then find a new one, but if you do like your job then do it well. You really aren't sticking it to the man as much as you think you are by being a lazy little tumor and looking at your smartphone during work.

3 on the other hand is dense. You can definitely get caught in dead end government jobs just because you're fishing for a pension that could defiinitely be matched by some stock dividends or other investments much earlier in your life. Increasing marketable skills (and skills in general) is obviously important, so treating every job equally is stupid in that regard. 4 is just being ignorant of the meaning of the phrase "follow your passion", so I'll ignore that.

Are you doing that as a joke? lol
>You really aren't sticking it to the man as much as you think you are by being a lazy little tumor and looking at your smartphone during work.
But why should I work harder, when working harder gets me nothing? I get paid the same no matter how hard I work. Promotions also almost always mean being some sort of manager or supervisor and I hate dealing with people so that isn't an incentive either.
>But why should I work harder, when working harder gets me nothing?
Because you're a man and should carry yourself as one in your mind and in your actions. Laziness is a pervasive bad habit that shows up in unexpected places when you let your guard down in others. You aren't selling yourself out by doing a good job, that only occurs if you let people take unfair advantage of you. Besides, what do you get out of not working harder? Can you truly relax on the job past the point of simply being idle? The only responses lazy types have for not working is either whining about something being too hard or "ur stupid an i dont wanna"; not being associated with those types should be enough motivation.

And if you don't want to advance your career where you are, then why are you still working there?
>Because you're a man and should carry yourself as one in your mind and in your actions.
I don't care about that macho shit.
>Besides, what do you get out of not working harder? Can you truly relax on the job past the point of simply being idle?
I can't truly relax, no, but I can reduce the amount of stress and difficulty I have to deal with. Slacking off is easier than working hard.
>The only responses lazy types have for not working is either whining about something being too hard or "ur stupid an i dont wanna"; not being associated with those types should be enough motivation.
I could really care less about that shit. Working hard is hard, so why should I bother when I get nothing for it? I don't take pride in making money for other people either. There's nothing, absolutely nothing, to motivate me to work harder.
>And if you don't want to advance your career where you are, then why are you still working there?
Advancing in any career means being a fucking manager. I'd rather shoot myself than deal with interpersonal bullshit and an increased workload just for a couple extra dollars an hour.
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>how is 5 retarded? Are you black or something?
Tell me you've never run a business without telling me you've never run a business. Even strictly talking about personal expenses, living in a tent and eating beans because you're scared of a mortgage is fucking stupid. Borrowing for large assets, especially in current year where interest rates are outpaced by inflation, makes sense. You must have missed the part of my post that says "within reason." Racking up credit card debt because you're a dumb nigger is not the same thing as taking out loans on a big expense to keep more capital liquid.
>But why should I work harder, when working harder gets me nothing?
Find a job where working harder gets you something, retard.
I'm not aware of any job where you get paid according to how much you actually work.
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>I don't care about that macho shit.
>macho shit
Anon...that's one of the basics of being a fucking adult. It's nowhere close to being macho. Are you underagedb& or something?

I get having small, temporary credit as part of a larger investment, but it isn't "retarded" to want to avoid that especially if you don't need to take out business loans or mortgages.
>Tell me you've never run a business without telling me you've never run a business.
Nice twitter snowclone, faggot.
It's wild to me how Luke is both the corniest outdoors guy on YouTube and also one of the most accomplished /out/tubers. Can't think of anyone else who can deepfreeze camp as easily and comfortably as he does.
>Anon...that's one of the basics of being a fucking adult. It's nowhere close to being macho. Are you underagedb& or something?
You didn't say "you're an adult and should carry yourself as one" though, you specifically said "you're a man and should carry yourself as one," implying that part of being male is being a cuck who works extra hard to make his boss more money (while he gets nothing more for it).
Either way, my point remains the same. I'm not going to work harder just to satisfy some servile pride. If you want me to work harder, pay me more.
No, fuck off. We're full. Go to Poland or Romania some shit. They have mountains too
>he couldn't respond to that
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NTA but a lot of warehouses do production-based pay, so you can go above the base rate if you fucking murder yourself. Problem is when you decide to catch your breath and take the base rate they treat it like the worst kind of slacking off.
He is literally slave cuck. Also was born to be large man looking man. He can literally just do wtf they want. Imagine winning the lottery, and using their only fucking life to doing brain dead work and then die.
Don't forget

>triggers /k/ autists by using shit fudd guns and doesn't give a fuck about tacticool combat rifles
everyone loves his outdoor videos but the japan trip one he made a few months ago was really good
god i wish i had money
factory jobs and their brother warehouse jobs are the current form of slavery.
Avoid at all costs
so leave it if it sucks you little faggot
every job sucks, retard
I live in Australia, it's illegal to go outside
simply not true
this is something lazy, shiftless faggots tell themselves in order to once again shirk responsibility and blame everyone but themselves for their situtation

fuck you and your shitty upbringing, too many millions of retards like you exist
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I go out every Saturday, the Olympics is pretty much my back yard.
Where do they shit?
You must be quite the athlete.
on eachother
The Olympic peninsula is referred to as the Olympics. Also I am.
Let me guess, you need more?
There's alot of bad things to say about an American religion but hating a guy who is genuine and adding good to the world is a poor reflection on yourself and shows you have misaligned hate in your heart.
10:00am around my neighborhood.
Very tasty
Heading into the Gifford Pinchot or Mt St Helens, but I cant decide where. Worried about the snow and getting stuck in my car due to unseen road debris. Any suggestions?
Does he ever talk about his religion? I know seething with impotent rage over the fact he's a mormon or whatever is the SOP for anons, but I've watched a few of his videos and he doesn't mention religion. Just seems like a wholesome dude enjoying being /out/side
>Does he ever talk about his religion?
Nope, people just enjoy sperging out over it.
If his kids came out as gay or lesbian he would disown them. Stop worshipping a guy who is this devoted to cruelty.
wtf I love mormonism now
Mormonism started to sound based!
WTF are you talking about? I live in the northeast of the EU. We have basically unlimited hiking areas here.
All this guy has done for me is make me want to make my own bread pudding sous vide bags
Braindeadest take
Oh yeah, I can't wait to walk for 8 hours through this endless shit
Luke never mentions anything about being mormon and when the filming takes place on sunday, he minimalistically mentions, that they are going to church.
You being this butthurt and trying to insinuate that he is some bible thumping religious freak is quite far from the truth.
>he is some bible thumping religious freak
Ok but he is or he wouldn't be making these videos. This whole thread is trying to shill positively for intolerant zealots.
I was making a joke, not an actual criticism of him. I know he never talks about being Mormon. He just talks about being HERE IN ALASKA all the time and it made me think of "here in my garage"
why did he go from fat and living in virginia to skinny and living in alaska

i just dont get it
He has terminal cancer, that's also why he only does a video every 2 weeks now
for you
I was skepitcal he even was mormon because he never mentions what denomination he is until he videoed near me and I recognised the church in his video
>no video this saturday due to "illness"
Lukebros... was I right? >>2709138
shut the fuck up faggot
if i were rich i'd live in alaska too
he looked up the insurance premium on being a lardass
capitalism wins again
he exclusively only talks about how much he wants to kill Ptarmigan
>Doing that thing that control hungry ideologists do where you frame a group of people being "Le hateful" as a projective tactic where you are actually being the hateful one
There is an absurd amount of these kind of autists online like this these days, its getting very old.
He is fuck-ugly
mogs me
yeah I tried watching his videos but it's actually distracting how fucked he looks
american hands typed this
he looks like a classic long faced american
>i only look at hot men otherwise i dont like content
Incredibly gay.
Are those the molde-vestnes ferries?
only one of us is thinking about hot men and it's not me
"hot" and "distractingly ugly" are not the only possibilities
>nuh uh your verbiage isn't right
Shut up homo. You care about the looks of men in outdoor videos.
correct, I'm tall and handsome and don't being reminded that such untermensch exist. seems you can't relate.
>im not gay
>obsesses about looks some more
Yeah you sure got me with that one, pretty boy
didn't know this guy is a mormon
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shut up and put it on ugly
>blonde hair, blue eyes
>blonde haired, blue eyed wife
>3 blonde haired, blue eyed sons
idk man it seems like he's doing a lot more for the aryan race than you are, anon
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i'm thinking we're back
Does he drink HOT TANG?
he had some bad fucking luck in this one
no. he brings that theory up in a q&a and shuts it down. switched to 1 vid every 2 weeks because he does all his own editing, his kids are getting older, and he's been uploading once a week for about 6 years. dude deserves to start going easy on himself.
from time to time he'll say something like, "its sunday morning so we're off to church" or he'll mention how he learned japanese while being a missionary in japan. for the most part its barely noticable.
>I'm here in Alaska camping for 3 days without air
>Im looking for tarmigan, I think that's a tarmigan over there. Its a tarmigan
insatiable mormon ptarmigan bloodlust
imagine your entire culture being reduced to this...
teaching gormless tourists like this your traditional techniques and dressing up in your traditional garb like a clown suit for their entertainment
truly a horrible fate
Wow I sure hope this guy isn't a jewish elite larper or anything
How am I supposed to /out/ when I live in the city and have no car
Mormons don’t use the Bible. Stop pretending Mormons are Christian, doing so is a disgrace to American history.
Yeah man, having a cultural identity entirely based around wageslaving for someone who makes 100x what you do, and consuming products that were made at the cheapest possible cost is way better.
At least these people still have a cultural identity and traditions that weren't just invented in the last 200 years to sell a product.
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>unlimited pedestrian ways
>Yeah man, having a cultural identity entirely based around wageslaving for someone who makes 100x what you do, and consuming products that were made at the cheapest possible cost is way better.
I never said it was.
>At least these people still have a cultural identity and traditions that weren't just invented in the last 200 years to sell a product.
But their cultural identity and traditions have been reduced to what is essentially an interactive amusement park ride.
Based. But also sad.
While I don't like Mormonism or Mormons, the preservation of Polynesian culture through the support of the Mormon church is one of the few examples of true cultural preservation and support. Sure, they are kind of like minstrels putting on a show, but they are also given the opportunity to serve as living documentation of a prehistoric lifestyle that has been lost.
>man spends years in schooling to become an attorney
>uses that lucrative career to fund his passion
>it works out, he gets his big break
>gets to quit "real" work
>becomes an unironic millionaire living the lifestyle he's always dreamed of
>because of this he's able to focus on his wife, his kids, his health, etc.
>because of this he feels comfortable with taking time off and assuring that he's the best husband and father he can be
>retards on 4chan make up bullshit about him because they're bored
man, that's gotta be so fucking annoying
Internalizing these behaviours is the best thing you can do IF you are in a workplace where your work will be rewarded.
But the whole idea of creating something like this implies people know there's a lot of shitty workplaces where you will not be rewarded.
This Boomer mindset only works if you live in the Boomer era.
ie. If your boss is a cunt you quit and go get another job that day.
Boomers will say younger generations are lazy: but go talk to those same boomers about advice about your job.
>Your boss asked you to do 10 minutes unpaid overtime? Tell him to get fucked and that you won't do it.
>If he doesn't bend to your will then quit, because I am even going to so far as to assume you will still have that job after literally telling him to get fucked.
Unpaid overtime is illegal.
I'm not even saying they are wrong. Just that Boomers would not stand to be exploited and do not recognize that "lazy" millennials have had to put up with being exploited their entire work life.
I'm a millennial and I have never worked unpaid overtime in my life. Every minute I work is on the clock and if I'm not paid I'm not working. This has never caused a problem at any job I've ever worked, and in fact I have had more situations where employers made me stop working so as not to pay me overtime. If you're legitimately letting bosses talk you into unpaid overtime you need to grow a spine and learn to say no.
I meant it more as a hypothetical but it is arguably a condition of my job.
I have to clock-on at a scheduled time, work from home call centre role.
But setting up to clock-on probably takes me approximately 10 minutes per day.
And sometimes after an update or for causes I can't explain shit moves or closes and it then takes more like 15-20 minutes.
Same, if I'm not clocked in I won't even talk to people about work. I've had managers try to tell me shit on my way to the time clock, and I'll ignore them and then make them repeat it once I'm being paid.
I don't care for religious bigots.
They don't think about you at all
man I just want him to actually go camping again. 2 videos in a row now have been him and his family staying in luxury lodges and resorts and shit. I want to see him build shelters and hunt and fish, not drive around on snowmobiles with a faggy guide or learn how to crack a coconut
in the uk its shit, all of our wildlife is just fake, most of it dead, woods are all plantations or monocultures, you can go to the touristy places ig but you will always bump into some cunt, a lot of farmland. Wales is alright if you sneak onto land. There are some genuinely beautiful areas but youve got to drive a while for them which is alright if you camp overnight but I wish I could do what americans do where you can slip into the vast wilderness and not see anyone
>another 'staying in a cabin and interacting with the locals' video
is he just a pussy now? I want bushcraft not this gay tourist shit
gay is ok
thats what you're pining for. more ONE DAY IN THE SNOW videos.
you want less content for some reason. maybe ask him to do a seventh video about warming up gravel and sleeping on hot sand.
I love this man. He seems super cool to hang out with in real life, like really down to earth and nice
>maybe ask him to do a seventh video about warming up gravel and sleeping on hot sand.
yeah, that would be more entertaining than watching him spend thousands of dollars to stay at resorts and fancy cabins and piss around with faggoty tour guides
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sour ass bitch baka
i typed a paragraph and deleted. suck my dick eat shit go away,
It's too early to properly enjoy that area. My favorite hikes are on a road that closes in the winter if I recall correctly. Best time is early fall imo.
>i typed a paragraph and deleted
>i wasted my own time and this means i'm cool
enjoy living vicariously through a gormless rich mormon going on luxury vacations you could never afford, i guess
funny how people think this guy is rich for doing what middle income people used to do 30 years ago.
How times have changed.
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he's always been a travel channel - he's only recently a bushcraft 'tuber
Theres some truth to what youre saying but some of these lodges theyre staying at are well over 10k for a week or less, thats not middle class in my books anymore.
Tbf I had travels with my dad in that monetary region in that area, but that was for longer and in exotic regions. Plus europoors, maybe the american standard is higher.
I live in a rural area. Rural and nature turns out not to be the same...
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>outdoor boys when he sees a ptarmigan
>too soi to get a fire going via the hand drill, so he just puts the stick in an electric power drill to do it
well he should stick to bushcraft because travel vlogs are only watched by retarded queers
>finally a camping video
Lukebros... we're so back
in some of the videos when he doesn't have a rifle he legit tries to kill them with his hands or with a rock, he only films this process when he fails but I think about the implications of this a lot
Are ptarmigan just fucking retarded? How does a bird let itself be caught by a clumsy mormon?
I almost ran over a ruffed grouse going 30kph a few days ago. ironically i can't get within 20 meters of one when I'm actually hunting them.
im jealous of this guy's life and i think its hilarious he has to turn comments off his video.
birds tend to hyper-specialize in their own specific enviromental niches and then get utterly destroyed when chad humanity enters the scene.
anon never heard about Scandinavian countries lmao
back on the homestead this week
day hiking is going outside, right bros?
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>*notices bulge*
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i went /out/ for the first time in a long while just aimlessly walked a large distant along the riverside and through the woods the next day my foot swelled i'm guessing that being inactive for a long period of time and the sudden long distant walk with no warm up was the cause. 6 days since and the swelling is still there but it got a little better at least i can move my ankle a little
proud of you anon
do it again
luke is breddy good but i think they slap their kids because there's a couple vids where one of the young one flinges
He's mormon, he definitely beats his kids. He probably has a special stick for it or some weird shit like that.
this was funny anon
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I fucking love this dude.
I don't know for certain of course, but honestly I'd be fine with getting smacked around a bit when acting out if it might I had a dad who constantly took me to cool as fuck /out/ places. He's kids certainly had it better than I did.
do you suppose he beats the ones he suspects of being gay extra hard?
Because I’d rather have a mortgage and raise white children in a house than be a single homeless loser in a tent.
Which one is it?
Tommy, Nate or Jake?

I really like the Walmart challenge(s). They're very American.
>that's young Mike Rowe.
Source or you're an idiot shit talker.
>no mosquito net
I'd rather live in a tent and save up money to buy a plot of land and a small house instead of doing things the "proper" way.
definitely the one on the right in the thumbnail, look at the pose. probably got the special demon exorcising beating stick right afterwards
Dubs of truth
Go clean your room and wash your dick. The men are talking
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My daughter came out as trans so i sent her to live with her mom. I hope its just a phase but aint taking the chance it spreads to my other kids, or to me.
This. My dad smacked the shit outta me when i acted like a pissant. My grandma would just use the cattleprod. I preffered getting spanked and slapped over the 5 hour long lectures on why its not a good idea to pour candle wax down the sink or read books under the covers with a fleshlight
Did he delete his walrus tusk search video?
>My daughter
>aint taking the chance it spreads to me
you're already a tranny
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You should try parenting instead of ignoring the problem and sending the kid away. Kids who are confused like this need guidance and are calling out for help to be set back on the right path. You're a terrible person who never should have had kids.

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