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What's up with Krauts, specially boomers, and their kitted out rigs?
I'm in southern Europe and every time I go to the beach, no matter the time of the year, there's always many, many hundred thousand €€€ traveling/camping rigs there and 90% of the time they have German plates.
As I post this there are a couple 100K vans, mercs sprinters I think, fully prepared for world travel and parked on a gravel road right up to the beach.
They need a way to escape the shithole they have turned their own country into, and blow away their ill-gotten gains.
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>What's up with Krauts
Because they know exactly what the fuck they're doing.
Larping that they aren't EU cucks
Germans are pretty savvy so even if they have a lot of money they spend it on practical setups like this. Other rich boomers probably dismiss a van setup as being for poors or, more importantly, can't handle roughing it a bit so they spend their money on expensive hotels, cruises or glamping tours, preferring to spend money for the experience rather than Germans who value material possession, which then allows the experience. Also contrast it with Americans who also prefer material possession but instead buy impractical, gaudy ones like fucking massive RVs and trailers that must be an absolute pain to take anywhere, although admittedly their roads are probably better for that.
it partially soothes their natural urges to LARP as military invaders across europe in a highly mobile and self sustained fashion
i live in southern chile and i even see them down here, with german/swiss/austrian plates
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Jesus Christ. They're a tumor.
Germany has no way to go /out/ so boomers LARP by being dipshits all over europe
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Let's start a nuclear war. I want to see Kraut sandcrawlers roaming the Earth.
German here.

sadly you're right.
also in Germany everything except working, paying taxes and consuming is illegal so the only way of participating in most hobbies is by consooming and daydreaming.

then after years and years of this vicious cycle you retire or apply for a sabbatical and spend the wealth that your forefathers accumulated on an Unimog or tricked out tüv conforming Sprinter because you never once went camping and you don't know what you need or don't need.

on the way you also find out that you don't like to drive for long hours and your wife kinda hates camping and nature.

I've seen that shit first hand with my mother in law and my dad does the same thing in small with stuff like ebikes.
As an American I would love to cheaply get a unimog or a pinz for cheap to use as a base camp
You could drive for around 10 mile/gallon and have enough space for bed, bath, and kitchen; allowing you to stay /out/ for longer and come back to a comfy den.
You could drive for around 10 mile/gallon and have enough space for bed, bath, and kitchen; allowing you to stay /out/ for longer and come back to a comfy den.
no clue how I did that
I kid you not, sometimes I think about starting an export business for cars.
I can hook you up with some reasonable priced older bmw as well.
I thought only Americans did this?

Trust me, you do not want anything Mercedes. Due to US fuel regulations, it causes their motors to be unreliable and break. They used to sell these cars here, I think they still sell the Sprinter, but there was so much outrage at the repair shops against their brand that Mercedes said fuck it and stopped importing. American "diesel" is not the same diesel that these cars are actually designed for. You're better off with a gas engine Chevy Express 3500 or Pro master. I know they don't look as tacticool, but it is what it is.
>You're better off with a gas engine
>I can hook you up with some reasonable priced older bmw as well.
they will need them to run over all the turkish hordes taking over their country
Krauts can't afford that van lmao. Wtf are you on about?
I, too, was under the impression that van life was a North American phenomena. Maybe the tiktok boom that we saw right before COVID also made it fashionable in Europe?
Anyway I agree that people should avoid German vehicles if they plan on using their vehicle for camping. In the US at least, stuff made in Germany typically requires going to a mechanic that focuses on imports. General maintenance often requires things like specialized synthetic lubricants, and German engineering philosophy prioritizes capability over ease of repair. This isn't necessarily an issue if you have shitloads of cash to burn and are only planning on using it a few times a year (honestly, most retirees would fit this category), but if you want to put serious miles on your camper van, I'd recommend a Ford Transit or Dodge Promaster.
>only americans
lol so naive. overlanding is an european/colonist invention.
there is direct land access to the entire european, asian and african continents from here and its been explored by cars since, well, the invention of the car. didnt really kick off until after ww2 and 70s was when it really started to be a thing.
most of theese are doers, not posers, so they dont really post much online except from a few forums, and a whole lot of it is in their native language so it might not ever come up on your suggestions. germany, france, nordic, dutch, spain, italy, all of these basicly have their own section of internet that you barely see while they see all of yours.
i might only be a norwegian but i have friends who have driven far into africa and asia, and i seen plates here from the same places. also the occational usa or canadian plates.
>Being this much of a clueless flyover
Do you have any idea on how much money boomers are sitting on right now?
>only boomers
you would be suprised how many middle aged, even mid-late 20s can afford such here today.
yesterday i saw one with a french plate, new one to me.
Imo the French are better tourists, though in here it's mostly germ trash hogs. I loathe them.
Not in Germany. In Canada absolutely you see these vans everywhere, in the US absolutely.
cuz theyre sick as hell?
I wish i had one of those things i would just sell my house
>Not in Germany
Every year I see maybe 100-150 of these with german plates on, french tags are probably second but 1/10 or even less.
If you're a kraut and don't see them then it's no surprise because they all flock south, it would be retarded if they had a vehicle like that and stayed confined to your authoritarian industrial hellscape.
getaway vehicles after you burn a quoran but you get followed in a hyundai hatchback and flipped upside down by high test middle easterners
Only Dutch people drive those though
Krauts don't drive those tho?
I don't understand the $150,000 overlanders. That's more than my house. I just want something like picrel on a 4x4 I rebuilt with the basics.
I would buy one in a heartbeat if i had the money but they cost.more than my house
And honestly no German/Dutch boi is affording that lmao.
Kraut here. /out/ is basically dead here because camping is pracitcally illegal of you are not coming in a camper van or to a designated camping spot (which in most cases is just for camper van anyways). If you want to go out you basically have to bring a camper unless you go to a festival or got the go from the owner of some private property.
And as it turns out a lot of the boomers put their money in these giants once they paid there house off.
this might sound strange to you but 200k/year can equal 50k in some parts of europe. living and housing cost is so friggin low it makes up for it.
people basicly live for free, no health insurrance jew, no student debt, used cars significantly cheaper than usa, low or no rent and skilled grunts who buildt you a rig for a bottle of vodka.
i doubt the average american can ever afford this, yet here the campervan/overland season has already started and i see plates from all over europe with both zoomer and boomer drivers.
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>i doubt the average american can ever afford this

>he doesn't know
Same. They pop up on bring a trailer sometimes, and can go for “cheap” there. I’ve seen stripped down pinz go for $30k on Facebook market though. I want an unimog, but it wasn’t practical. Settled for a Jeep Gladiator. I say settled, but it’s more pleasant to drive, and it’s a hell of a lot lighter. Just can’t put an actual camper on the back.
Is it time for shitpost bumpin?
>no health insurance
Just health taxes, kek
It's obviously not an import if they're already in Germany...
You can supposedly get around the health insurance jew in the US by buying insurance meant for tourists.
It's not like they can really do a whole lot anyway and there's no penalty for just not paying medical bills.
>there's no penalty for just not paying medical bills
You mean other than having your credit destroyed and potentially being litigated over not paying.
>You mean other than having your credit destroyed
They're not allowed to do that as of last year.
>and potentially being litigated over not paying.
1) If it comes to that you negotiate and you'll probably end up paying half or less
2) If they do really go after you then you can declare bankruptcy.
3) Honestly you're just not likely to need a hospital and even then you probably don't want the "care" unless you're over 40, a woman, or extremely unhealthy.

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