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can Super7 just fuck off? I'm sick of overpriced 5poa. I hate seeing this garbage at my target for $19.99 for one Foot Soldier while the Playmates vintage are right next to them for half the price. Fuck you if you bought these.
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Toys will be our new currency
I'll trade you 7 Eternals for 3 Duke Thomases
I think they're just ordering 1 of everything that Super 7 puts out but don't seem to realize that they mostly make a bunch of shit nobody wants.
Better to discount them and move on then
According to Brian Flynn, $18 to $20 and will replace the Re-Actions.

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Previous Thread: >>10961311

>Necro-Conda now up for pre-order on fan channels, no longer Wal*Mart exclusive
>Extendar expected to be next on Mattel Creations on the 22nd
>Lord Grasp and Terroar are reportedly not Wal*mart exclusives, they just get first dibs for a while. No ETA but expect them to show up on places like BBTS eventually.
>Krang hitting shelves at Walmart in abundance, should be easy to find in the USA
>Sla'ker arriving in Target stores
>Sunman 3-pack is being liquidated for $14.99
>More Turtle of Grayskull figures coming including; Hordak, April, Alternate Leo, Turtle Armor He-Man, Deluxe Rock Steady/Bebop, Splinter, Stealth Ninja Leo and He-man, and Merman. More rumors for an additional wave of Raph, Donnie, Rattlor, Mekaneck.
>Masterverse Horde Trooper coming in Fall as Mattel Creations Exclusive
>Origins Demo Man and Geldor coming in Autumn
>Crowdfund vote winner is the Snake Lair, Crowdfunding campaign date pending
>Skeletor/Demogorgon are starting to show up, He-Man/Vecna should be next
>Moss Man might be on clearance at select Wal*Mart locations your mileage may vary
>Filmation Collection Wave 2 starting to show up, Teela shelfwarming

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If I was in charge of Origins, this is how I would've rearranged things to get as much of vintage out at retail (including fan channels like BBTS) instead of MC AND completed before Cartoon Collection took over:
>All vintage He-Man/Skeletor variants will be pack-ins to free up some deluxe card slot; only one BA He-Man release with Battle Cat in Battlefield Warriors, BA Skeletor comes with flocked Panthor to mirror that; Flying Fists He-Man will be Zoar's pack-in, TC will be Screeech's (TC will have the articulated jaw head plus the troll face head); TP He-Man will go with Ground Ripper (I'll get to Mekaneck in bit) and DB Skeletor will come as a pack-in with Snake Mountain.
>Deluxe assortments will now go as follows: First assortment of 4 deluxes wll still include Ram-Man and Clamp Champ vs Two-Bad and Blast-Attak (Two-Bad will get extra weapons plus two alt-heads to justify it); BuzzSaw Hordak and Mosquitor; Sy-klone and Dragstor as next pair (the stuff in the Sy-Klone box could fit on a deluxe card fine); Leech and Snout Spout; Rio-Blast and Rattlor (with action feature) as first snake deluxes. Splitting King Hiss into two regular releases later; and Snake Face and Hurricane Hordak as the last deluxe assortment.
>Not scraping Rulers of the Sun, but am removing them from regular waves after Snakemen start; the first 3 pack will now be Duplico, Bolt Man and Space Sumo and the second will remain Holographo, Zap Man and Kikto. Hypno will take Duplico's spot as a single carded extra Walmart exclusive
>For regular wave changes, Grizzlor is going to wave 7 to replace wither naked Stratos OR regular Sorceress (if the later, reg Sorceress will be packed with Graskull and we won't do ToD Sorceress)
>In wave 11, King Hiss (human form) replaces Rattlor and Mekaneck replaces Bolt Man
>In wave 12, since we moved Sy-klone to an earlier release, Strobo replaces Hypno
>In wave 13, I'm replacing 200x Randor with Extendar and Snake Teela with King Hiss (serpent form)
That basically covers virtually everything except Lasers, Energy Zoids, movie, Rocks and Modulok and Multi-Bot before Cartoon Collection. Rokkon and Stonedar after the fact I'm giving Reptilax and Vypor's BBTS exclusive spots, the snakes can go to MC. The only spot I can reasonable think to fit Modulok or Multi-Bot would be to give one of them the slot of the Skeleton Warrior 2 pack, but the other gets left out in the cold.
There's nowhere reasonable to fit anyone else, but that leaves us in a good place with less than 10 vintage guys left over that might have to be MC exclusive. And Plasmar is the only 88 guy that is left out, as Grasp and Terroar can remain where they are
I don;t think anything I;ve suggested in unreasonable
holy fuck that's good
I was thinking about ToG hordak earlier and I just found myself hoping that mattel would make more use of the lesser and more often over looked turtles foes once the horde debuts in the crossover. Im glad hordak is along for the ride (even if his mutant design leaves a lot to be desired), atleast it could open the doors to the triceratons, fugitoid, and potentially even lord dregg. if they're willing to bring out the horde they should do the same for turtles. Here's hoping we get something unexpected down the line too, like a cosmic enforcer irma.

Bakugan gen 3 is probably completely done at this point.
With the near complete second season of the show still without a green light, and year 2 toys reportedly getting destroyed, I think it’s pretty safe to say it’s over

On the 7th, spin master will publish their investor Q1 sheet. If Bakugan isn’t on it, then I think it’s officially over.

It’s not like we didn’t see this coming, G3 has kinda sucked ass and nobody is buying it.
Do you think we can expect a G4 after this? Is Bakugan no longer an evergreen brand?
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So goddamn underrated. Tenkai Knights, the brand's flagship series, took a hit with the Beast World arc, and it forced the cancellation of ALL lines in the brand, meaning we couldn't get other cool designs like Venetta and the Tenkai Wolf.
Is it impossible for Bakugan to disconnect from the TCG aspect? Like how Turning Mecard has completely dropped that battle hobby aspect, gone full combining mecha and aren't even using cards this season.
So it's a nothingburger that OP blew out of proportion?
that happened twice

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Anyone collect these? I discovered these existed yesterday when I saw a Gandalf one in a store. The gimmick is kinda cute and I think they’d be cute on my front dash. Curious if anyone here also collects them or what the general consensus on them here is. I think they’re better than fukno pops at least.
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agreed I dont like them but they dont invoke the same visceral reaction from me thqt funkos do
Will they float in my pool? Because if so I would buy some
Really fun idea for a toy ruined by their inability to float.

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So I'm in the UK looking for a Dragapult select figure and the only ones I can find are from US ebay sellers, most of which not specifying a shipping cost to me.
After messaging some asking for shipping costs it seems most use this 'ebay international shipping program' where they send the package to ebay and have no idea how much ebay will actually charge me once they send it.
Anyone got any experience with this? The dragapult figure costs ~$30 and I don't want to get raped by a shipping cost of more than the figure itself, that I can't even see until I've actually bought the product
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Shame, but expected as much, thanks for replying

As I understand it you can't send toys from the US to the UK via eBay's international shipping program. You will need to persuade the seller to send it to you via another carrier, which probably means they'll have to update the listing so you can choose this option.
I have used the Global Shipping Program a few times from U.S. ebay sellers, to Australia. Sometimes, if you really want the thing, you just have to eat it. That's the reality of limited distribution & lazy sellers. They get indemnity from the GSP that they don't get from USPS, and it's because of shady buyers who've fucked them in the past that they have no trust or willingness to take risks. I get it. And I get your position, because I've been there.

Tl;dr - if you really want the thing, buy it; you will forget the shipping pain and enjoy the thing down the track. Don't make a habit of it & it won't be the end of you.

There have been several lengthy discussions about this on ebay's community forum. Here's one:


The short version is that as a result of post-Brexit changes, the UK government now requires certain categories of goods to be accompanied by a declaration that they meet UK standards when they are imported into the UK. When goods are imported through ebay's international shipping program, ebay will be responsible for providing this declaration. They seem to have decided there's no easy way for them to do this, so they've suspended shipping goods to the UK in all the affected categories (one of which is toys).

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gonna wait for something for a view hours. This should keep me entertained
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>all these Sonic Goo Jit Zus
>no Werehog or Chaos

Come on, Moose. They're literally made for this.

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Anyone have any word or insider knowledge if TheFwoosh.com is finally down for good? I don’t really know where else to ask, I only browse here occasionally but mostly was on theFwoosh.
The site and forums went down about two weeks and there's been no word on what's going on.
If it's for real gone this time (the forums have went down a few times now over the past few years), then it's a real shame, because as far as I'm aware, it was one of the last true 'forums' where fans were discussing toys, as they have for almost twenty years.
I know most people on here really only know the Fwoosh as a youtube channel, but for some of us, it's been so much more. As someone who started chatting toys on the Raving Toy Maniacs Toybuzz board back in the late nineties, The Fwoosh has always felt like a community that grew out of the Toy Buzz, and has been a community of like-minded toy fans for almost 20 years now. For it to simply disappear without any fanfare feels really weird and like the true end to an era. I suppose everything was on borrowed time after Robo and Veebs left as they kind of embodied the heart of the forum community..
We've still got fandom specific forums, but, unless I'm mistaken, the Fwoosh was the last of the 'general' toy forums that embraced pretty much all properties, though they did stick to 6" scale for the most part. But as a collector of a certain age, there was a comfort there, and a snarkiness, that was true to those early days talking toys on the 'net, and I'm going to miss it if it's truly gone for good. I was a lurker for many years, and then a minor poster, but I'll still miss the gang who hung out there.
So I guess this is just one toy fan's eulogy for a forgotten internet era. Now, anyone know of any other forums that are still kicking and still active?
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He has a YouTube channel now. He doesn't do reviews there, he just shows off his massive collection

I remember when TNI was americandreamcomics and was considered the worst of the toy websites. Funny that they're the last one standing
He meant forums dedicated to a specific topic, it's own site that stands alone. Reddit, instagram, twitter, discord, facebook, all of it just swallowed the userbase of everything else. It sucks that I have to navigate the random shitpools of these sites and apps to find what I want to look at and discuss.
For me, its was figures.com, action-figure.com, TNI, spawn.com, and too many G.I. Joe sites to list. I know the Joe fandom has mostly migrated to Facebook, because it was always filled with lame, old fucks.
Have they delivered on those skeletons yet?

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Can you help me identify some of these? Anything intresting in here? They just lay around in my cellar since my childhood and I never knew what they are even from. Not sure if I should refurbish them or salvage for fun part. Though I'd like to know whether anything cool is in it first.
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The red dude with four arms is Sagitar from New Adventures of He-Man
Purple guy at the bottom is Oddjob from James Bond Jr. cartoon, I think.
The 4" military figures are from Chap Mei's Soldier Force line.
If those tanks are made of metal, they may be from Kenner's Mega Force line from the late 80s/early 90s.
that design is pretty damn cool, like a different take on Goro. I would like to see that as a modern figure

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Do you throw them all away and keep the extras/accessories in a separate container? Or do you keep them to store the accessories, or in case you decide to sell the figure later or to make it easier if you move to a new house? How do you store all the boxes?
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i only keep the boxes of my imports (if i ever want to sell my figures the box of a domestic figure adds no value so theres no point)
i put all my accesories in some bead containers, works for the most part except for the bigger accesories (figma ann's whip is massive) i just keep it in one of those 3 tier mini plastic drawers. and i just keep the boxes with their plastic in the closet.
Keep them all for sure. (For imports anyway, if it's a black series or something fuck that) I consider them mandatory to store figures(I don't display everything at once) and bonus accessories. Also for re-selling purposes. I know if I'm buying a used figure that is out of circulation I absolutely want the box and am definetly willing to pay $20-30 more for it so I imagine a lot of people are the same.
I horde them. Duh. I will toss dupes though.
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I only own a few (less than 8), but I know some are valuable (the Smallville Funkos, for example) so I did keep both the box and the clam shell.

For McFarlane DCMV, I have dupes that are still in boxes including one Super Powers, that I will probably end up trying to sell; some of these were mistakes, some of these were dirt cheap and I bought for fodder parts, before I realized I don't really have ventilation in my new place to do the major work some would require and I don't know if I want to hold on to a box for that long.

Ditto, except I keep them in baggies, and then keep those in a larger box. IF I had enough accessories, I do think a tackle box is a great idea!

>I ripped that bandaid off I felt so much better

Which toy line has the best community AND makers/designers who enjoy connecting with the fandom?
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Kotobukiya's mecha musume franchises but strictly within the borders of Japan
Yeah, they’ve done a lot better lately. Especially with Haslabs,
I need to move
who cares, stop looking for "community" in your consumerism bubble and go make real friends.
maybe I want both?

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Why does this company make this board seethe has hard is it does? I genuinely don't get it. Doesn't seem any better or worse than any other toy company out there.
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>wholesome six inch DnD kino
>wholesome six inch Fortnite kino
>wholesome six inch GI Joe kino
>wholesome six inch Indiana Jones kino
>wholesome six inch Marvel Legends kino

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>says the poster that mass replies for attention
the majority of hasbro sales come from children's toys, not six inch faggotry you fucking retard. power rangers failing proved six inch crap doesnt sell
isnt it crazy wizards of the coast would rather make lego dungeons and dragons instead of propping up the kreo line again, which was a colossal failure? and no more six inch action figures have been made?
In that case they would stop making them altogether. Problem solved! Any day now they'll stop making them, right?
And D&D Lego makes a ton of sense. Lego experimented a simple D&D like game years ago called Heroica, which I thought looked very natural. I wouldn't be surprised if people playong D&D used Lego custom stuff already.

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Super Saiyan God Son Goku - Saiyan God of Virtue
Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Son Goku (Reissue)
Frieza Fourth Form (Reissue)

Vegeta - 24000 Power Level [Web Exclusive]
Super Saiyan Vegeta - Awakened Super Saiyan Blood (Reissue)

Cui [Web Exclusive]
Super Saiyan Son Goku Effect Parts Set - Teleport Kamehameha
Son Goku - Saiyan Raised on Earth (Reissue)
Super Saiyan Son Goku - Full Power (Reissue)

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The EE has translucent hair.
This budget release basically combines the EE body colors with the original's head.
The hole should shrink back down after a while. I've had it happen to other figures and it eventually tightened back up.
Probably Cooler and Buffku.
New version appears to have the same or similar production to the EE version, the head is however a metallic opaque ruby like the original release (the original looks a little lighter than this, however. It may be very close in person)

The unique elements in this figure are the faces where the eyes are looking to the side.
Eh, I wasn't that impressed by FP Broly despite how highly he's rated. The paint and sculpt is beautiful, but his wrists have the retarded decision to be like a neck ball joint, and having no hinge at the wrists as usual is surprisingly annoying. The torso/abs don't work that well despite the excessive engineering, and the clown shoes are off in both accuracy and visual appeal (but I understand the choice for stability reasons, especially compared to Z Broly who has dainty little feet.) He also benefits a lot by having a cloth waistscarf replacement.

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Connection rerelease preorders are up on Amazon. Additionally, there is a section on the tamagotchi website for the rereleases active.
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it is brutal from a preservation perspective, but every other past tama is still around, some with custom content available through the right kind of phone. there will hopefully always be some current tama release for new fans. i can accept that this one will be limited once the live service is discontinued because the experience now has been fun for me.
even before tamaverse events and the DLC I was enjoying the basic gameplay; it won't exactly be a paperweight even if it will be comparatively limited. maybe it's warped but i like that i'll be able to hold on to some favorite items past when they're available. compared the the pix where everything is a QR code away, everything feels more special and real
think they will restock the current shells?
a restock seems certain
Uni enjoyers, cool! I get the FOMO aspect. Usually I just turn on my uni to do or get what I want and then turn it off again unless I actually do feel like playing with it for a while.
Right now i'm running my entama and two digimon 20ths. Pretty loaded for me but still fun. Currently waiting on an 15th anni ID L and those connections rereleases to come. The entama can connect with the keitai, so I hope these rereleases can also have backwards compatibility with the original tamagotchi plus/connections so I can have them all play together.
>The entama can connect with the keitai, so I hope these rereleases can also have backwards compatibility with the original tamagotchi plus/connections so I can have them all play together.
I'd be impressed if they do this
In the connection menu of the original connections/pluses, after the first version, it had a list to select which version you intended to connect to so it knew to use a different protocol/game/etc.
The 2024 Connection instruction manual doesn't mention this device choice in the connection menu, so I'm not getting my hopes up unfortunately

But on the plus side, it looks like the TC24 uses the Keitai's connection multiplayer minigames which actually use realtime input from both players rather than just watching an RNG animation

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smol edition

Previous thread: >>10955360

This thread is for the discussion of scale plastic (and resin, PE, wood, etc) models kit
-Post photos of your builds in progress and your finished builds
-Have your builds critiqued or critique others
-Discuss tips and techniques
-Ask for advice or give advice to others

Always remember:
>No manufacturer is purely perfect or awful (except for Flyhawk). ALWAYS research your kits before buying.

Some helpful guides to get started:

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>T-80 wheels
I never noticed, but they are

The road wheels of the T-80 have always been sussy to me that they've been reverse-engineered from some western tank exported to some turdworlder country, it looks very western compared to roadwheels on other slavshit tanks.

I have T-80's built, maybe I'll get a Leo 2 kit and compare them. Maybe a Leo 1, since it was probably what they copied it from.
>IRL kitbash
Gotta do something with all those unusable husks that have been sitting in Siberian warehouses for 30 years
Didn't they try to destroy the stabilizer on that thing before displaying it? Why is the gun still erect?

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Show me your displays.

Looking for lighting solutions for this big cabinet at the moment.
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Seeing a bit too many good displays around here that may put off others from posting. Let's get some meh to alright tier displays.
Oops Der doops
Cool shelves anon, where are you on the spectrum?
Not gonna like I came into this thread expecting pure shit but you managed to save it.

No offense to everybody else in this thread you all just have too much displayed in too small of a space.
lolwut, I'm not sure how you can call it crammed at all? Also, don't be afraid to post yours since you seem aprehensive.

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