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>All artists welcome!
>Try to keep references to one image.
>Try to avoid unnecessary off-topic posts, so as to not hit the bump limit too fast.
>Be patient - requests take time per artist, and our board is slow! Delivery time may vary and artists will not necessarily tackle requests in the order they are posted.
>You may also post /u/-related drawfag pictures from other boards, provided they are credited accordingly (or at least state which board it came from).
>Feel free to post /u/-related original content - gay OCs, non-requested fanart and sketches made for fun are all welcome!
>Try to actually draw stuff occasionally.
>Have fun!

O/u/r booru:

Color/Edit thread: >>4136056
Previous thread: >>3947793
Requesting a soft but rapey one. Yorha 2b keeping Cammy White in bondage and rubbing her pussy while she drips juices.

Please have 2b apologizing and saying she will be gentle and Cammy scared/aroused.
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Requesting cunnilingus between Rita and Estellise in the given pose. I'd like Estellise to be the one giving it in a sweet manner while Rita is the one receiving and surprisingly flustered by it, kind of like a reversal on her usual temperament as she cracks from the pleasure. The reverse however is also fine if the artist prefers.
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Requesting Mona (Genshin Impact) kissing a surprised Candace.
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I haven't done Master & Mel, so have this instead. I'll try to finish all of them earlier.
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Requesting a 2koma of Homura posting the text on the right on /u/ and Sayaka reacting to it.
is this the person responsible for all those yuri fertilization commisions all those years ago
It wouldn't surprise me.
They have commission money, why would they waste time putting up a request?
I think they mean the anon who wrote the post in the screenshot, not the OR.
Requesting a short situation.
A girl opens the front door of her house and her mother is there. She tells the girl that certain problems have been resolved, so now the twin sister she didn't know she had will be living with them.
Her first instinct upon meeting her is to immediately make out with her.
Damn i like the idea, i'd draw it if I could
Requesting Juri stroking Chun-Li's clit between her toes.
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Really small pic, I know. This is a screen cap of a Orin/Jaheria video over in the BG3 Yuri thread. I'd like to request a pic that shows Orin and Jaheria kissing after Jaheria cums.
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Requesting an onee-type pic of a pretty young gymnast with a ponytail and bangs seducing her adult instructor with lewd gymnastics poses.
Requesting Ryne and Gaia (FFXIV) double-teaming a huge dildo
or one inserting the dildo into the other for assisted masturbation
They can be nude but keep the stockings on Gaia
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Requesting Iroha Tamaki and Yachiyo Nanami: with one caressing the other's feet, or both barefoot and making out. Other ideas are also welcomed
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Requesting the scenario on the right with Glimmer as the straight sub and Catra as the gay domme.
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hey there, I've done a version of this couple too
hope your childhood is officially ruined now
>TDF is alive
Thanks, my childhood is officially gone.
god bless
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Requesting Resine and Simone from Shiroi Heya no Futari if they'd gotten to live together happily ever after.
This is amazing
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Requesting some wholesome art of Rosa and Penny
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Requesting Diana from the D&D cartoon going down on Sheila under her invisibility cloak.
Requesting an exploitable two-panel image of a girl whispering something to another girl's ear, followed by a shot of noticeable "mysterious fluid" traveling down the second girl's thigh.
This is a good idea.
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Requesting Dupli-Kate from Invincible having a threesome with her own duplicates.
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Request same comic like in the left pic but with Luvia Edelfelt and Tohsaka Rin.
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Hello /u/. I would like to request Aoko Aozaki and her friend Alice tribbing romanticly. I always wanted to see them happy together
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Here is something to shake things up:
That's a dumb idea.

You're welcome
Requesting Sally being "gay, lively & adventurous" with Misty.
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Still very new to drawing and especially to drawing yuri, but I gave this one my absolute best shot. Hope you enjoy! Would appreciate any feedback as to how to improve.
This is super cute! Thanks for the delivery.

>Would appreciate any feedback as to how to improve.
I'm not an artist, so I'm sorry to say I can't help you there. Have you tried >>>/ic/ ?
Glad you liked it! I've been on /ic/ a lot for references and tutorials and I've posted a little bit there, but their board culture is kind of a mess. /u/ is downright comfy by comparison.
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The proportions are sound for the most part: Diana's upper arm is a tad short - generally, the elbow will be level with the waist, but when the arm is bent it's more in line with the top of the pelvis.
As the figures are in 3/4ths view (third pose in the reference), if you want Diana's head to follow that perspective, then her eyes/nose/mouth won't be visible (this can vary depending on the size of the nose or if the angle is slightly more biased to profile view), but you can show the tongue if it's out far enough.

You have to learn all of the basics when you're new, so you'll improve gradually over the long-term if you draw consistently, preferably daily, with the intention of learning new things and correcting yourself as you get a better eye for what makes good work. Learn things that you can use often enough at your skill level, like some fundamental figure drawing mannequin or shapes until they become natural parts of your drawing process.
Drawing yuri gives us an obvious MO to focus our learning, so I'd place a lot of importance on:
>Copying your favorite artists: good for learning how to draw what you see, confidence, when you're just not feeling like drawing; you can get a feel for why they choose to draw things a certain way and the shapes they like to use, and doing this can give you a stylistic springboard to jump off from and help you figure out the way you'd really like to draw long-term
>Gestures: keeps your figures from stiffening, fills your mind with poses, also reinforces your understanding of anatomy/proportions/observation
>Anatomy: Morpho is recommended a lot for good reason, you can copy the first book front to back, read the text as the bulk of it is in the first 30 pages; test yourself by looking at the drawings, closing the book, and drawing from memory until you get it just about right - this is a critical learning technique for your studies and getting good faster
>Perspective: Learn 1/2/3 pt perspective, eye level/horizon line at the very least, you don't have to be super exacting, but you should understand how drawing uses perspective to create the illusion of depth, so you're better able to handle form and thus value/color later on; not a fundamental to be half-assed
How to Draw by Scott Robertson is a great all-around perspective book and mostly well-regarded on /ic/ aside from some autistic disputes, but it can be technical. If at some point you'd like to draw backgrounds/environments and maybe vehicles/other machinery for your girls to do /u/ things in and around, you can't go wrong with this book.
Be warned that it quickly becomes non-linear in how you're meant to learn from it, and that you'll have to frequently jump around inside the book to fully get everything, mainly because the accompanying videos can divulge a lot of extra instructions for how you're supposed to start drawing something and refer you to later chapters as prerequisite reading
>Value/Light/Color: It can be discouraging to deal with these ahead of understanding perspective and being able to draw good solid forms, and seeing everything look awful despite your sketches being nice, so for now just develop an awareness for these fundamentals, and gradually ease into applying them, starting with value in black & white since this is the underlying thing that you always have to control when using color
How to Render, also by Robertson is good, as is Color & Light by James Gurney, and I also like Marco Bucci's YT videos for learning color. All resources that /ic/ has recommended that are actually solid.
If you're not about books or videos at the moment, many have gotten good just by drawing countless references & using tutorials from all over the place like Pixiv or Pinterest.

Good luck to you anon, and anyone else who reads this:
So long as you keep trying, and you keep faith with your own ability to improve in the long run, you will.
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Thanks so much for the detailed critique! I've got a couple of those books from lurkign /ic/, but it helps a ton to have an actual outline of what to do with them. I've flipped through Morpho in particular a few times and just been kind of perplexed as to what to do with all the different breakdowns. Gonna keep grinding fundamentals, but I'll probably also keep pumping out more /u/ content so that I don't go completely insane after drawing 10,000 boxes.
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Requesting Kei from Akira grinding an onahole against her clit while looking at a polaroid of Kaori.

Diff anon here, but you should also check out sketchfab:


It has a pretty decent collection of free 3D models to pose around and draw from. It's great for when you're looking for new perspectives to draw from and don't wanna have to go out and buy ohysical models just to get the right angle. Just be sure to click "enable restricted" under "Filters" if you're doing a search for nude figures. They do have them, but you won't see 'em otherwise:

I disagree with this suggestion. The level that anon is at, it would be better if they were to learn on their own how to come up with poses(and how to draw them correctly) before starting to rely on 3d stuff. One becomes too used to them and won't be able to adjust the drawings properly after using them.
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Requesting Marcille teaching Frieren magic to make a girl "happy"
Requesting Kylie Griffin from the Ghostbusters comic getting eaten out by the Dream Ghost from the original Ghostbusters movie.
Requesting a magical girl offering her hand to help a civilian (female) get up. Unbeknownst to her, the last battle damaged her top, causing her to accidentally flash her breasts to the civilian, who can't help but stare.
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Requesting Maribel Hearn and Usami Renko from Touhou Project taking nice relaxing shower together.
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I deviated a little bit but here you go.

Also in case you want to change the text:

And the higher resolution with the same text:
Requesting Tinker Bell (grown to human size) going down on a teenaged Alice (shrunken to minigirl size).
NTA, but talking about the Drink Me bottle and yuri reminds me of this picture.
Nice find!
looks great!
Amazing delivery. One of the best I've seen in these threads.
OR, this is insanely good. Wasn't expecting anything this detailed, the style is very cute. TY very much :)
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Requesting Sara Crewe and Lavinia Herbert from Princess Sara hate-kissing.
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This artist made a post about different college girls sharing leftover from their curry with (You), but I'd rather have them eloping with each other.

I'd personally prefer it to be as lewd as possible but will accept anything regardless.
This, but they both go to get much-needed breast reduction surgery together.
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I don't like you.
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Requesting a blushing Amanda Buckman from Addams Family Values discovering she enjoys pulling on Wednesday's pigtails just as much as Wednesday enjoys having them pulled on.
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make em kiss
I remember making that request. It was pretty PoG. Been writing a short fic about the two, but i'm slow as hell!
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Alien x Scientist yuri!
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/r/ing the pic and dialog on the right redone with Laura Wilson and Minerva from the Wicked and the Divine.
Requesting an embarassed Maria Renard (middle) sandwiched between Iris and Tera, about to get Ara Ara'd by them.
They're from Castlevania Rondo of Blood. Sorry for the lack of a full body reference for Tera, it's an old game and there's not a lot of art of her, but based on her low res sprite she's just wearing a generic nun outfit.
You couldn't find one Yang pic that wasn't hetshit, you retard?

imagine its a girl in there
>/u/ in charge of not sperging out, over the mere sight of a guy in a pose ref.
I could understand it if it were something like their dicks, but this is just embarrassing.
>defending het pics on /u/
You need to go back.
You need to go outside.
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unhet version
Post Lunar New Year themed requests
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Requesting Molly Blyndeff from Epithet Erased snuggling with Mera Salamin.
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Requesting this but with Haruka and Korisu from MahoAko.
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Requesting Yuu-chan (pictured) performing a Ron Paul "IT'S HAPPENING" reaction.
I'll give this a shot, but got a source on bottom right? I remember seeing the artist awhile back but I lost them.
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Requesting the Ninas from Breath of Fire 3 and 4 making out with each other.
>basically only draws het now
oh yeah thats why i stopped following.

still a shame. the yuri stuff was cute.
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Requesting Ghislaine Dedoldia and Eris Greyrat from Mushoku Tensei hugging like in the middle image. fully nude or in only their panties.
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Requesting the panels on the right redone with Artoria and Mordred.
Requesting Sakurazaki Setsuna and Konoe Konoka from Negima; specifically with Setsuna not having her hair dyed or contacts in.
She's canonically an albino that dyes her hair and wears contacts to hide it, but we've never gotten any official art of her not hiding her albinism.
I think it'd be great if Konoka would convince her one day to stop hiding it since white hair and red(pink) eyes is fucking kino. Pose doesn't really matter. I just need more KonoSetsu in general.
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give up.
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Last thread an anon requested:
>Can we get a Yuri pic from a MegaTen game that is not Persona?
>Yuriko licks Isabeau`s pussy while Isabeau tries to read a Yuri manga. Both are nude

I did the request back in December but I forgot to post it until now. I'm sorry SMT anon, hope you are still lurking around here and that you like it.
OR here, thanks a lot anon.
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Requesting Nanami from Revolutionary Girl Utena tribbing with her own reflection.
Not the requester but I love it! Isabeau's expression is so good.
These are Marle (left) and Lucca (right) from Chrono Trigger.
Upon learning that Marle was royalty, Lucca tries to refer to her formally, but Marle dissuades her.
I'm requesting a panel about Marle teasing/seducing Lucca, giving her a look and saying something like "wanna know how royalty tastes like?", or guiding her hand to her breast, that sort of thing.
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Requesting Spryte from the DIC Legend of Zelda cartoon getting eaten out by Zelda.
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I'm reposting my request from the past thread.

I wish to see more girls tucked underneath other girls' wings.
Maybe it could be an angel warrior woman protecting an unarmed bystander, or a cute harpy girl shield her friend from the cold on the way to school. I don't care about the specifics or that it's an original character or from an IP, only that it shows this sort of interaction.
Ponyshit can only be posted on /mlp/
TECHNICALLY it two humans
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>having curry this close to your pussy
But great job you gotta love those huge inverted nipples
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Requesting Magik from the X-Men using her mutant power to open a portal to Kitty Pryde's room so Kitty can eat her out under the desk while she studies in class.
Amazing, thanks anon!
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Has anyone ever drawn some sort of two-headed ogre monster girl kissing herself? I think that's cool, someone should do it. Doesn't have to be this character either.
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Please draw Elster 512 and Ariane Yeong engaging in sexual activities. Anything will do but something based off my example picture would be great.
Most importantly please have Elster actually be naked with her nipples/vagina out and visible. Art of her with actual boobs and a vagina is hyper rare from what I can tell and it's driving me crazy!
Robots deserve nipples too!
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Requesting Asuka riding Rei-Lilith's giant clit.
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lol nvm someone already did it on twitter
great idea
Now moooke it Cow Nanamoooi and we're moooving!
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Requesting Team Rocket Sabrina giving Green a stockinged footjob.
Requesting Elven Forest Maker, Dark Elven Forest Ranger, Cerestia of Life and Hathor (from Last Origin) having a foursome like in the bottom picture, while each is lactating milk of her respective flavor.
Requesting a cute ghost girl haunting her old best friend/crush waiting for a chance to push her in front of a train/truck so they can be together again.
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Requesting Strikers Peach grinding on Strikers Daisy's butt.
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Requesting the /u/ twins accepting a World's Slowest Drawthread award from /i/-tan.
>world's Slowest Drawthread
I've got my eye on a request but I'm in the middle of a commission and drawing a dumb comic so it has to wait
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it's all your fault!
Requesting Kagura and Yomi from Azumanga Daioh transforming into mermaids together
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Requesting to make a follow-up of the first image where Nadeshiko Kagamihara is forcing Rin Shima from yuru camp into tribadism .

I would really like it if Nadeshiko looks happy/excited/cheerful and Rin looks a bit disgusted, angry or dislike the situation, the more rapey the better.

Thanks for considering it.
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Requesting Windblade (from Transformers) hanging suspended in energy shackles while Lady Shazraella (from Micronauts) gropes her and licks up her tears.
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Requesting Kiva and Yoko scissoring each other.
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Requesting Azula from Avatar kissing the viewer's hand.
>Messing around with the dd2 character creator
>End up making my fetish

God damn it the brain rot is real
>The spamfag that plagues most of 4chan's drawthread is here now
Took a while, but i do hope the artists that come here can see the same copy/past type of shit this bot uses.
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I drew this in the VT drawthread, but I thought people might like it here too.
these threads have always been 99% garbage requests anyways.
but also pretty cute anon, nice job.
always nice seeing more sequential drawings.
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Can you draw FuwaMoco?
Nice work.
Damn that's some commitment right here
Nice job
In this link is literal furry porn so if you don't want to see it then don't click it:
Wouldn't usually post something like this here but I wanted some feedback before I called it "finished". I still need to add a hint of background and rearrange the illustrations but I don't typically do completed drawings so I always end up feeling like something is missing. Any suggestions for extra touches that could bump things up a notch?
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With Crayons I drew Reimu Hakurei and Marisa Kirisame from Touhou Project cuddling in bed.
That's going on the fridge, very well done sweetie.
Started sketching. I'm going to bed soon so I will finish it another day.
Massive soul.
>inb4 it's just AI art with a "children's drawing" prompt
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Requesting an image of two idols stting in front of a banner, blushing and looking embarrassed. The banner depicts them both doing a risqué or almost-kissing pose together as some sort of advertisement for an event.
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I like how they're sharing a scarf too
Too cute, my heart
OR got super lucky
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This is fantastic! Thanks for picking my request. Love the poses, love the personality you put into their faces. Great job overall.
Gotta say, you're knocking it out of the park with these.
Very nice! Thanks a lot!
Requesting Aircraft Carrier Princess (girl in the top-left pic) breastfeeding and fingering a squirting Abyssal Crane Princess (girl in the top-right pic).
Requesting Hornet's (on the right) and Shoukaku's (on the left) abyssal versions in similar poses as them in the center picture. Also, if possible, make them looking at each other, with their tongues out (either french-kissing, or with a saliva string between their tongues) and leaking glowing milk from their breasts (orange for Shoukaku and light blue/cyan for Hornet).
>Check THIS out, Onee-chan!
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Requesting a sequel with the onee-san correcting that brat
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Requesting a parody of this manga page with Nier and Death from Granblue Fantasy, wherein she would scrape her fingernails off in Death's iron chest in a misguided show of affection.
It doesn't have to be the entire page, one or two panels is enough.
Beautiful! Not the requester but this is really great.
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Requesting a fake two panel meme. The first one just says "Me" and shows a lone girl walking. The second one says "Me on my period" and shows the same girl walking but surrounded by three vampire girls.
Then a third panel that's "me after my period" showing me desperately holding up a blood drive van a gun point so the three vampire chicks don't leave
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Delivery here!
I hope you like it
Not them but pretty good
Not the OR either but this is high-quality stuff.
Crane's belly is a bit too big and her navel seems weird, but otherwise this is really good. Thank you very much.
Nah, the onee-chan should be the sub.
Requesting Ray-K's angel and demon girl in a french kissing while hugging with their breasts exposed and enlarged (each breast at least as big as their heads), their asses exposed, enlarged (each ass cheak as big as their heads, but smaller than their breasts) and spanked, the demon girl with an ahegao and the angel smiling.
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Feels bad I couldn't draw to what you wanted well enough, sorry. Can't really change it too much at this point, but hopefully this edit alleviates the issues a bit.
>Who's managing the booru?
I update it each thread but otherwise am just a regular user. I believe anyone with an existing account can upload, but new accounts can't be made.
There's nothing to be sorry about. As I said it's good, though this one is admittedly better. Btw, I just noticed that you made their hands white. Why? I don't really have a problem with it. It just seems like a strange choice to me. Anyway, as I said they're very good. Thanks a lot.
This art style and coloring screams early 2000s anime fan art to me, very nice and nostalgic feeling, good work.
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Requesting cute little viking girl bullying nuns/monk girls from an isolated british monastery.
Y'know, bullying sexually.
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Requesting Suki kissing Toph back.
Based as fuck
Requesting a gloomy looking loner girl aggressively flirting with a flustered gyaru because she's read too many yuri stories where those two types are paired up and thinks it's a natural, inevitable situation.
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Requesting any two girls (not just from the pictures) naked and on their knees holding each other while their bodies sprout animal ears and tails.
*girls who are not normally animal girls
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Requesting the I Prefer Girls cover redone with Tsuyu and Kyoka.
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Requesting a picture of one or two generic harvin NPCs from Granblue Fantasy popping up from under a generic draph NPC's huge breasts, as if there was infinite space underneath them.

This is merely supposed to be funny, not some sort of body vore fetish.
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Inspired, brilliant, perfect
These threads may be slower than molasses, but when they deliver, they really deliver.
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Requesting symmertrical docking between Kengzeta's vampire OC and Cinko's werewolf OC, while they're french kissing, fingering each other and groping each other's asses.
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Requesting Marceline grabbing her mother Elise and passionately kissing her while floating in mid-air.
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gave it a shot
fixed the 'mystery liquid' shot,not sure why it saved wrong first reply lol
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I guess I should post this here? So I've commissioned a few yuri images from this artist and just wanted to plug them: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/32658067

Price is a bit expensive, but they're pretty fast!

Here's Scarlett and Connie from The Holy Grail of Eris.
What was the cost?
Lmao this popped up on my Pixiv homepage this morning. I love it. Thanks for bringing more CFNF Yuri into the world Anon!
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8,000 yen, which is about $52 USD.


Forgive my ignorance, but what does CFNF mean?

<---- This one's mine too.
>Forgive my ignorance, but what does CFNF mean?
Clothed female/nude female (AKA best fetish)

Ah. Happy accident then. Scarlett only wears one outfit (because she's a ghost) and Connie wears many different ones. So rather than picking one I just had her be nude.
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Requesting Chime from Nikke, extending her revenge scene with Indivilia by forcing her to eat her pussy. Hair grabbing a plus.
>8,000 yen, which is about $52 USD.
That isn't expensive at all. If anything, that's a good deal considering it's two characters, the speed it takes, the quality and it being NSFW. Western artists charge incredibly much more.

Anyways nice requests.
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Does anyone want to do that "child gf" meme but with good ol' onee-san?
>"child gf" meme
I don't understand the joke explain it to me
The original meme is "Anatomy of a Gamer". The joke is that the picture marks a couple details of an average gamer which are funny in and of themselves (like a "subtle" gamer shirt that just says "I'm a gamer"), and for no reason seems to imply the man is a pedophile as it points out the small girl at the side is his girfriend.
There have been several edits, including one with the genders reversed.
Requesting Akino and Saren from Princess Connect re:Dive making out in bed. Nudity optional.
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Requesting Nami and Meia Gisborn kissing passionately on top of each other
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/r/ Mari Setogaya and Mari Omori scissoring
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Requesting a magma grunt and wikipe-tan fooling around like in the reference
I had an idea for a comic this morning, sort of a 4koma probably.

>couple gets ambushed by a genie or a cupid or something who offers offers them both one wish for their perfect partner
>I'm a poof of smoke they both cast their wishes, and as the smoke begins clear over both of them, GIRL A looks at her hands and same clothes then his GIRL B Who looks exactly the same, happy they both wished for each other exactly the same way
>in the next panel the smoke fully clears and the joyous GIRL A is totally unaware what she now has cat ears and a cat tail, while GIRL B sweats nervously through the hug
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Requesting selfcest tribadism (accidentally put this request in the wrong threads)
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/r/ Beryberie lusting after Shalala's dumptruck
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Pick two and do a yuri.
Scarred blond tomboy x tall megane muscle-girl would be delicious.
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Requesting Ta-class (left) and Ru-class(right) from KanColle either sleeping or cuddling together.
Can be wholesome or more sexy if you prefer, similar ideas are also welcome.
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Requesting a femdom pic of an 18th-century fortune teller using an enchanted Lenormand card deck to bring her customer to orgasm in stages by drawing Heart (=Love), then Snake (=Desire) and finally Lilies (=Sex).
Requesting a girl getting turned on because her teacher is using her to demonstrate mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to her classmates.
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I'm still trying to get the hang of drawing little scenes like this, but your prompt was a lot of fun to practice with.
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And the colored version. I couldn't decide which looked better.
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Nice (not OR)
Requesting Zone-tan kissing her voice actor Caxx.
Subarashi, Onee-san!
Artists, got any WIPs you'd like to share?
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Been a while since I drew any lego girls so I started this last night
Very nice
Congrats, these are amazing!
Cute LEGOs, anon.
Requesting a redraw if this classic art of Morrigan and Lilith Aensland. Keep the expressions and poses the same, but make both girls more voluptuous with more pronounced asses, and bigger boobs for Morrigan.
What's the name for the hairstyle that like odango twin tails but just one ball and ponytail?
Are you drawing someone with that hairstyle?
No, I just thought this thread would know best when it comes to design elements
Okay. To narrow it down, can you name some characters with that haircut?
I swear I've seen it before... but all I cab think of is Karen from Kiniro Mosaic.
I guess it's just a normal bun that's suspiciously round.
The hairstyle you’re referring to is called a "single odango" or sometimes just an "odango bun with ponytail." This style features one bun, often positioned on the top or back of the head, with a ponytail extending from it. It's similar to the "odango twin tails" but with only one ball or bun instead of two. This look is popular in various cultures and is often seen in anime and manga characters.
Can you give me some examples, ChatGPT?
>but all I cab think of is Karen from Kiniro Mosaic.
Well booru tags are proving spectactularly unhelpful, because they just give "hair bun" and "ponytail" as separate tags and nothing more specific than that. Sorry, I tried.
Requesting one girl asking another this question in the middle of a heavy make-out session, destroying the mood.
Like this?
Sure! Here are a few examples of the "side odango" or "side bun with ponytail" hairstyle:

Asuka Langley Soryu from Neon Genesis Evangelion: She often wears her hair in a single side bun with a long ponytail.

Camie Utsushimi from My Hero Academia: Camie frequently sports a side bun with a ponytail, giving her a distinctive and stylish look.

Momoka Nishizawa from Sgt. Frog (Keroro Gunsou): She is depicted with a side bun and a ponytail in several instances throughout the series.

Amy Wong from Futurama: While Amy usually wears her hair in a single ponytail, there are a few episodes where she has a side bun with a ponytail.

These characters provide good examples of the side bun with ponytail hairstyle in various forms of media.
I guess so. I was thinking of there was a version where the ponytail extend from the odango like in Sailor Moon's Usagi, but only one of course.

It really just listed any old anime characters.
There doesn't seem to be a word for it.
Requesting the classic romcom situation of "girl wanders off at the beach, gets accosted by tanned, faceless, surfer-looking douchebags, then the MC come to her rescue by grabbing her and saying something like "she's with me"" but they're all girls (maybe it's been done before?)
This is definitely artificial, but in no sense of the word intelligent.
Requesting a mother and daughter pair sitting on a sofa under a blanket, watching tv. The mother is nervously trying to ignore her daughter sneakily masturbating under the cover, but failing.

This scenario might or might not be based on a true story.
Very nice.
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Requesting two loli-ish girls in some sort of sexual situation, but they're both loudly saying how much of a coincidence it is that they're both 18 years old and happen to look like this.
Seconded and also have them kissing.
im from /pol/. i request art of buhanka chan and alpha 1918 chan the two characters in pic related making out if you can will you make it as SFW as you possibly can.
make love not war
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requesting monika domming sayori, preferably being a bit rougher on her
Have you tried looking at pixiv tags?
Heyo, hope you don't mind me giving a go at this one!
inappropriate version
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Requesting a threesome between Shantae, May, and Amy in their belly-dancer outfits.
Amazing! You're a shining beacon in the desert of mother x daughter content!
Incredible delivery
A follow-up to this already wonderful piece would be nice
Endorsing this suggestion.
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Requesting Ichihime (cat) x Miki (purple)

Miki drank a neko love potion which made her a catgirl horny for Ichihime. They are both naked (maybe Miki ripped both their clothes off).

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