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Booba edition:

>What is Vintage Story?
Medieval block autism

What is a hobby you picked up irl with inspiration from vintage story?
For me it was brewing.

>What’s New?
Not much. Ded hours. A few people went back to og. A few to random servers from the official nigcord. Wigger made an anarchy server that only he plays.

>Do I have to play the listed servers to post here?
No. Singleplayer lads are welcome too, just try and keep it civil and avoid dick-cord talk.
>Servers: NOTE - No servers with discord will be posted in these threads. If you can prove a server listed has a discord I will remove it. If you make a server with no discord I can add it, otherwise, discord posts are off-topic to the thread.

>Server List
>Mazor’s New Sbr
Was the main server for a few months but even head janny dropped off. Still worth a visit. Basically the main vm server for modded but it is pretty dead from burnout. It has some really cool port cities.

The original server and longest running server in the entire game. Not that popular but got some new players. Still slow. Much less modded and no oceans but it has some old worldgen and a lot of interesting old builds.

>Other servers of note
The MLP server has some vm fags. You can find it on the mlp board’s gaming thread. It is a little alive but has a discord for it.
Wigger made an anarchy server you can find it in the catalog but is is DOA. If it has no discord I will add it next thread but I would be worried of him dataming, being one of the least trusted people on vintage story.

Music for the music mod and stream will come in the second post

>Previous thread
>Music packs of .abc files for instruments mod

cytu DOT be SLASH r SLASH joyless
Named after the town in OG, Joyless, this is a public music streaming area for /vm/ vintage story players on any server or game. (Replace DOT with . SLASH with / and remove spaces).
>What is a hobby you picked up irl with inspiration from vintage story?

I sealed a jar of beef/potato stew with bacon geese a while ago and it worked great. yesterday I have started on making a sling. (Thanks anon for the detailed post) In the future I think it would be cool to pick up some chisels and start chiseling windmills of friendship into slabs of rock.

Anyway I am on the anarchy server if anyone wants to join. Just hit copper age.
Mazor what is the IP or port or whatever of the box with westtown save on it?
also i only have the old keys not the username/password
Cool thread name bro.
>solo play except wigger will tp to your base and delete it
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oh no not my little shithole
wigger only griefs trannies
I just don't trust the least trusted community member of the last two years who is 15 years old running a 10 dollar a month server. It's not worth building or playing in. If he has no discord server for it I'm not against his ip being added to the thread even with that said.
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Does wind blow more consistently at higher elevations? I'm having this issue where I step outside, it's nice and windy, I go fire up the forge so my helve hammer can start pounding out ingots, and then the wind dies when I get through two. it's very frustrating to get all set up for forging only for the wind to disappear.
I'd be willing to set up a forge in the mountains if I could get reliable wind power there.
>Does wind blow more consistently at higher elevations?
It blows with more strength. So kinda.
Like if it is .2 wind on a hill, it might be .8 higher in the atmosphere. If it is .1 it might be .7 up there.
Every 1y above sea level you get a 1% boost to windspeed capped at 50% or something like that don't quote me. point is you should build your windmill approximately 50y higher than the sea.
Yo, whats crackin my homies? It's ya boy tyrone comin atcha with a fresh update for vintage story! we done shook thangs up real nice with this one so listen close. ya heard? first thangs first, we done added some mad new mobs. there be creepers, enderman, and zombie motherfuggas runnin round. you be wantin to watch your back white boi, cause they dont play nice. we also added some dope new biomes, like the lush jungle and the frigid tundra. they the perfect spots to spark a crack pipe if ya feelin adventurous. speaking of which we done added some smokin new features for yall to enjoy. you can now light fires and cook up some real fine cuisine. and if you be finding yo'self hurtin, you can use bandages to patch up your wounds. aint no shame gettin high on your own supply, ya feel me? and last but not least, we done fixed up some nagging bugs and crashes. we be workin hard behind the scenes to make sure vintage story is runnin as smooth as a fresh crack rock.
Are you drunk again?
quality post
>captcha POPK
>mold shattering in water
who asked for this
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wigger srbr kinda cozy
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>in my lane.
So the janny spawns lava for his ugly mud base
it's charcoal noob
git gud
Whoops, I didn't look at the new thread. Try default SFTP port,
Thx, will save and upload for viceroy. what is westtown.json.zip though?
It's some random copy of grassless's westtown from I don't know when.
is there a way to pirate this? for mp or so? I am omegapoorfag
or sp*
I played on mazors server couple months ago with a copy i got from the high seas, but dunno if that's changed
I used to hate HOAs but now that I am an upper middle class homeowner I now understand their importance.
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war elk would be pretty kino not gunna lie
tyrone will find a way to fuck it up though :(
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mazor do you care to explain what the fuck a .zst is? This isn't going to do viceroy any good. How do I recover the save?
How do we make food good again? There are dozens of mushrooms and vegetable and they all count as the same thing, fucking vegetable nutrition (mushrooms are not vegetables btw TYRONE). there are fruits but they all have the same effect. etc. etc. there is no logical reason to have variety in a garden. you could just grow one type of veg, one type of fruit, and one type of grain. and obviously you would choose whichever variety takes longest to rot and provides the most nutrition.
The whole point of food variety for humans is morale, but the Seraph does not give a damn what he eats, since his morale doesn't exist. He's just a robot.
How do we incentivize the player to have food variety, and how do we reward the player who has food variety?
with ZSTD. It's like disease X. But instead it's STD-Z.
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What am I looking at?
I grow different things to avoid soil depletion.
Soil depletion doesn't matter because its super easy to stockpile food. Honestly Minecraft is more challenging in how much food you need to sustain yourself. In this game you plant a little plot of rye grain and all of sudden you have bread for a year.
Also you can always plow another field and put some dirt-cheap fencing around it.
I need a much stronger incentive to carefully manage a large food variety.
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Here is a download for grassless:
included is a program to decompress .zst's for windows fags; just open a cmd line in same directory and run:
zstd.exe -d grassless-backup.vcdbs.zst -o /path/to/somewhere/reasonable
I didn't verify the file because I lack the space atm. Let me know if anyone is able to recover it.
Not even sure which version it is.
Different food ingredients can give buffs when turned into a meal, certain combinations can give stronger or more unique buffs to the player like mining, night vision, extra speed, extra defence etc.
Though it might make potion crafting pointless if that ever gets added, and some autists would probably screech that the game is copying Minecraft
Buffs? Fun?

I desire pain and punishment. Just debuff me if I don't have varied meals, please and thank you. How about a -75% movement and gathering debuff if you don't get a varied diet within a week or two
But that's already a thing with the nutrient system, you get killed a lot easier when the bars aren't full
It should be even worse.
You should have to crawl everywhere when you don't eat varied diet.
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when is that austrian fuck gonna release a new update? The last two have been boring as hell
What the buffs guy said. Some food/herbs acting like potions.
Some food giving bigger buffs.
More particular growing conditions to make localized food types.
Are those saddlebags I see
Will we finally have more movable storage options
wait can you not freehand draw with charcoal anymore? or was that never a thing? I sort of vaguely remember you could do that but I can't seem to do anything other than symbols
drawing won't be worth shit until whatever you draw with doesn't have a random chance of being completely depleted
Same as before.
Shift right click to select the pen.
Hold ctrl and spam rmb around to start drawing.
I'd like to convince my friends to buy this game, is there any hacked dll that allows my friends to connect to me over a upnp hosted game?
this is nice. not too over detailed but still fancy.
If you don't get varied nutrition, your Seraph starts cutting himself, eventually resulting in suicide.
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nice fucking columns and ceiling you ceiling-and-column-chiseling nigger. REAL nice.
systemic lead poisoning and overdependence on personal car infrastructure as well as shitcord influences cause your seraph to cut his dick off and post on twitter
Add estrogen pills. You need them every 24 hours in game or you start cutting.
This would reflect the reality and diversity of around a third of the vintage story community.
>think about playing vintage story in my free time
>end up doing real life productive hobbies only occasionally playing casual games with friends or single player shit like rimworld
Anyone else like this? I love imagining playing vintage story but it is such a commitment type game that it either consumes my life or is never touched at all.
Vintage Story is a real all of nothing kind of game because if you play it in spurts you don't really experience anything fun, you just end up doing a couple of minor chores before logging off for the day. I got a divorce and when single I played 18 hours of the game straight and had a blast.
Yeah I see that. In spurts I just parkour and do farm chores or mine a chunk of stone.
When I had covid, was single, and lived alone, I played for 2 weeks straight.
When I started with you guys I was a young, single, college guy and was online too much for my own good. Now I am a married, middle class, working man who relaxes on hikes with my wife instead of gaming.
4 years really can change a lot.
Just take up all those activities you'd do in Vintage Story in real life
Become this guy
I already did but I like that in vs I can civ larp
You guys still on 1.19.3 ?
I always run the most current version because i'm not a mod-cuck tied down to his little mods while real chads play with the real game.
holy based. I have never played online or with mods because i heard you can potentially get viruses taht way
Online vs can give you a virus. I trust dove and mazor enough to not give me one (other than aids).
Bros.. ultra high native copper and cassiterite that overlap for several chunks. Though i wish i could find iron
Nice. In a single player world?
I hate prospecting. It helps but I get most my iron by cave hopping.
We can like totally have a Vintage Story LAN party at my house with pizza and mt dew. Huh, what do you mean your mom wouldn't let you? She doesn't let you anything fun? Stranger danger? Wow she honestly sounds like a bitch bro, you're def mature enough to have sleep over, like by far most mature six year old I've ever met 2bh lol. You should sneak over anyways and we just don't tell her lol, it will be our ninja secret.
What are you brewing irl?
Yeah SP. Maybe i should find a really deep lake and look at the walls
Currently, wild apple-rasperry cider that is on the priming phase. I harvested some garlic mustard and have been looking for morels lately.
You can jump into a cave, go to iron depth, and occasionally do a node search propic
explosive diarrhea

Bros why can't Tyrone be like this.
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Tis the season
i don't care how delicious that is, it looks terrifying and i wouldn't eat it if it looked like that
It is one of the best foods on earth. You are missing out buddy. Had it with some pasta, butter, and toasted garlic-mustard green puree. I love foraged food sm.
eat it without butter and tell me if you still love it
butter is like the duct tape of foods, it applies to everything and makes it better.
>oh, you like steak? Well try it eating it raw, see how you like it then
what's your point anon
I used a minuscule amount of butter. As an avid forager, mycology fan, and rural midwesterner, I have eaten hundreds of wild morels prepared in stews, as a seasoning, over a fire in the woods, etc.
For fresh morels, I love them best in a dab of butter, over a skillet, with the smallest pinch of salt, and slow cooked until they crisp up. It still tastes crazy like morel. Fresh morels are like fresh truffles in that their flavour overpowers. Two or three fresh morels is enough for me to disperse the flavour on a pasta dish for me and another. God it was so good. I will hunt after work today. Hopefully I can get another handful this season.
Morels are rare but I forage around 30-40 lbs of mushrooms a year. Mostly hen, chanterelle, lions mane, bolette, chicken/sulphur, and puffball.
ok thats pretty cool. i still think that mushroom looks icky though.
this is why i play VS not live VS.
If you want icky look up stinkhorn. Edible but that is my shroom limit.
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Forgive me Lord for I have sinned...
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You after eating that with a side of termites on a stick
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Found a ton more today. Vintage story end game is making the players go >>>/out/
>Vintage story end game is making the players go >>>/out/
Nope, still looks gross. There's dirt and shit. Things that bite. It gets hot, then it gets cold, and wet. The outdoors is such a huge fucking meme.
If I could live in a sealed box-like environment for the rest of my life, I would. And I would play Vintage Story when I wasn't masturbating compulsively.
>If I could live in a sealed box-like environment for the rest of my life, I would. And I would play Vintage Story when I wasn't masturbating compulsively.
gigachad moment
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perfect opportunity for a seraph rape raid desune
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This is how you get eaten by vampires. Basically a vampire buffet. The capsule walls are even slightly rounded so they won't trigger the crucifix glitch.
based blindsight reader
We are legion
Is this lore accurate to vintage story history? Are the robots the rust-automatons?
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cant build very well, maybe things will improve when i find stuff for plaster/mortar.
That is soulful. Even if it is simple. Reminds me of early spawntown architecture. I wish I could go back to being a teen again to play with you guys.
i know i read the book a couple years ago and i remember fucking nothing
Day 1 of Tyron doing nothing :<
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wigger srbr is ded but not offline yet.
it is cozy hiding out next to a greifed spawn.
It was dead on arrival. Server is ran by a literal autistic child. He is not even old enough to post.
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I was only really playing to track and kill the ukrainian guy on it. Are there any not ded srbrs?
I have been playing pone one mostly... Currently setting up an array of windmills.
Not ded sbrs are found on the official discord, when og has events, or when a new update happens for a month or two on here.
The way I would do it is every unique ingredient in cooked food you consume fills a bar (similar to nutrition) which buffs resistance to temporal stability loss. I'd mod it in myself if I knew how to make code mods but I'm just a casual content modder.
Elk Jousting WHEN
I hope we get a combat update with lances
>combat update dejank #3
>added: lances
>greater chance to shatter the faster you are going, 100% at full speed
>doesn't even 1 hit kill a doubleheaded drigger
>also increased animation/swing speed of all weapons by 30%
Lol. Remember when Tyron wanted to add gore and his wife said no so he never did. I think she is the one pushing for such heavy pve. Pvp is cripplingly bad.
can one of us finally go and fuck his wife, cucking him so he divorces her?
or would he like that?
He would probably like it. Also she makes all the models. The reason we get so many retarded things to collect is because his wife is literally autistic and loves animal crossing. It has been like this since they worked on the minecraft butterfly mania mod.
In her free time she just autistically makes models for shit to collect like the animal crossing museum and tyron puts it in game 99% of the time (rip falcons). She is literally autistic.
make sure to mention she is literally autistic one more time
(we all here are)
I have yet to catch a single butterfly. it's not like you can even do anything cool with them like in old Transraria Thorium
She is LITERALLY autistic (you need to clarify these days since it is hip/cool to be “autistic” now)
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make sure to mention she is literally autistic one more time
She is quite LITERALLY autistic
good girl.
I recognize that racist fox
that is the cutest thing ive ever heard
I prefer Jenny's red hot rod paint job.
I prefer Jenny's red hot rod.
It is cute until you realize she also flies to jamaca every year to record videos for Tyron
Kill yourself NTRfag
>recording videos of beautiful tropical beaches
Does anyone know the relationship between Tyrone and Dunk? Why aren't they talking/collabing?
why? Tyron is not affiliated with the TFC team in any way
I just want the Austrian jew to give Dunk a thick wad of cash to bring most TFC+ features to VS.
I wish. People forget that vs already made tyron a millionaire.
>People forget that vs already made tyron a millionaire.
citation needed
any good servers on the official discord? all im seeing is heavily modded stuff
No. If you want a vanilla server that does not delete stuff I would just play og. It is dead outside of events these days as some anon mentioned but I like that the world has been around so long. One of my issues with tyron making mods so easy to install for servers is now most servers are way too modded.
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Hello again, I'm the same anon from >>955388 and a few other previous older posts about a possible host. I haven't kept up with the drama for the past 6 months(?) last time I was in these threads was at the end of the greenweb stuff.

Is there a need for a new host? From what I read both server options seem mostly abandoned and/or low-population I know it gets better after updates, but still. It would be my first time running a server, but I'm interested in the experience of learning how to handle linux and dealing with problems as a host in general.

My *personal* interest would be running a vanilla-adjacent modded server (with mostly QOL and extra content mods, with minimal new mechanics), but if there is indeed a demand for a new server and this direction isn't very popular, I'm willing to host any other sort of thing.
>Is there a need for a new host?
Not really a need. Dove still runs the vanilla and Mazor still does modded/new servers on updates. If mazor wants to step down then we will need one but I would not host until the next update drops. If you want, anyone can host but only non-discord servers get put in the thread.
VS has had some linux problems in the past I have heard, especially with code mods.
You can host but nothing will be popular unless it is a limited event server (like the planned custom hardcore), if you did something unique (like an accurate earth map or custom mod like the mlp one), or if mazor does not host anything for the next major update.
>and/or low-population
Throwing yet another server into the fray isn't going to help the population issue.
If you want experience hosting, maybe do it for your girl/boyfriend or some random online friend. Get the experience, and if we have the need (like is mazor steps down) >>1283050
Then it might be good here. Short lived event servers are also fun and always welcomed but a lot of effort to set up.
So we are getting sailboats and horses. Nice.
That opens the option of going nomad with how you can use your tamed elks as mobile bases.
>boats and mounts
>new story dungeons
don't care
>reworked mob animation
cool I guess
>new mob
>new bricks
I'm gonna cum

cool update, 1.20 serb is still gonna die early though
>reworked mob animation
>new animator
if only he hired a fucking AImator to make all the mob AI not suck fucking dick
give me one (1) game where the hostile animal AI doesn't either beeline towards player despite apparent danger or run away whining after it got slapped N times, even though it could have done that from the start
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>Not really a need.
Alrighty, I just wanted to check if there was a need/demand since I can't tell since I just lurk the threads when I have time and rarely actually play on the serb.
>VS has had some linux problems in the past I have heard
Ty for letting me know, sadly the way I'll be hosting will most likely only allow for a linux host, but dealing with these issues is interesting in itself.
>You can host but nothing will be popular unless it is a limited event server
That's an interesting idea, I might do something like that here in the future since people seem to agree it's an appealing format and there's no demand for a more long-term vanilla experience when there are already other servers

>Throwing yet another server into the fray isn't going to help the population issue.
I know anon, but (talking from memory) sometimes I see people cry about "ded serbr" and pointing some problems/aspects they dislike about the server, so if the cause of the ded serbs was a lack of interest in them, I could maybe help by running something different. That said, good to know things are running fine in the thread still and there doesn't seem to be any issue.

>If you want experience hosting, maybe do it for (...)
GF has no interest in VS and neither do any of my closer friends, so hosting for the thread was a way to pay forward all the nice things I've got from the people here, the nice discussions and the help I got when I did play in here for a short while a long time ago
>Short lived event servers are also fun and always welcomed
The >>1283023 anon did mention the same, I am really liking the idea of hosting these sorts of short events. What would be good events? I don't have any clue what you guys would enjoy, so any and all ideas are welcome.
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I meant to link >>1283050 for the first replies and the mention at the very last one, my bad
meme server where its only 10 chunks wide but 1m km tall
>What would be good events?
Well, we have map-anon working on a desert hardcore custom map. He has the old earth files but I heard he gave up on that after making Africa since the game's world edit isn't 'there' yet.
Historically, temporal tribes was a server here that did alright with weekly events but that was too much work for the owner and people got bored quick.
One server I remember from the official discord was a stone age only map that had small tribes. It was cool. They basically did tribal grug larp.
I would say hardcore or semi-hardcore with a custom map or theme is the most fun for an event server. Basically a hardcore intcraft type thing. (Intcraft was a history/war larp that would last 2-4 weeks usually on custom maps).
You can also look up 4chan vintage story on youtube since some anons have archived smaller events from the past.
meme server where everything is on a large floating island
That would be shit.
Someone would just mine a crater in the earth around spawn.

I think an underground world would be neat for a few weeks.
>Someone would just mine a crater in the earth around spawn.
it's almost like literally every /vm/ server has a protected spawn of at least 1k square blocks around it, retard
If there's interest in setting something up, I can put it up on grassless's 50 euroacorn/mo box. Maybe even give user access via ssh if I get over my privilege escalation paranoia.
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That's very kind of you anon (I assume mazor? I haven't played or lurked enough to be 100% sure).

If I host on my own I'd be using Oracle's service but the region would be less than optimal for both NA and EU, so if people have issues with the latency and such, that would be really nice to have as an alternative, not to mention learning from a far more experienced host would be invaluable. If you want to keep in contact with me we could set something up right now, wherever you prefer, like steam, discord or whatever is best for you.
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>only 10 chunks wide but 1m km tall
It's a very interesting idea

>temporal tribes weekly events
Yeah, if it's done too often I feel it might get stale quickly. Keeping it to a medium length thing might be best. Something between 1-4 weeks at most with rarer one-day things depending on the theme perhaps?

>large floating island
I like that one too

>underground world
I really like it too

Very interesting ideas honestly, if you guys have any more do send them my way, I'll note it all down for when I do get around hosting.
did a quick edit to get a better look at the new common mob, kinda creepy. Looks a little too similar to a drifter desu.
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Oh boy, I can't wait for skinwalkers in the forest. Musket chads rise up
>Combat dejank #37
>Added: Muskets!
>Take 3 minutes to load (with just the gunpowder)
>All musket balls must be individually banged out on an anvil, 1 singular musket ball per iron ingot (only iron), no casting whatsoever
>Musket chamber may randomly explode even with full durability
>Accuracy depends on wear and amount of inebriation, the more boozed up you are the better you shoot
>Muskets do not stack
>Takes almost 4 shots to kill a doubleheaded drigger
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Oh god I'm gonna cum, this sounds so good. Nomad gang rise up!
That would be fucking based though
>animal husbandry before the most basic bitch transport of all
fucking dugout canoes and log floating in a river fucking when? there literally could not be anything more simple than tying some timber logs together and tying a rope to one end so you can guide it along a river by walking alongside. effectively infinite moving capacity (as long as the river is wide and deep enough) for as long as you can be bothered to tie together more logs and don't care that whatever you're transporting gets wet.
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Nah fuck that, I just use the firearm mod. Muskets do take forever and a day to load and require steel, but they will one shot any drigger out there. It even comes with a bayonet.
>I think she is the one pushing for such heavy pve.
good, the era of forcing pvp into everything is OVER, i hope they have loving sex every night
At some point I guess. I'm too lazy and tired after waging to set something up right now.
Oh I just meant exchange some form of contact, I'm sorry if I was confusing
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Who dat?
>giant walking vagina
H-heh pretty terrifying, right?

Transport raft would be nice, but I kind of hate that a raft fits in your inventory. Should have to drag that shit or leave it behind.

>sailing but no rivers
I know the Sneezer rivers are jank, but surely the guy writing the fucking source code could do something better. Moving between continents is cool, but having a fixed path to traverse a single one is a big boon in itself.

I'm also worried about how the mounts are going to deal with, ya know, blocks. The teaser video has it running in a flat plane, and considering the elk is about two blocks long it's going to have to have some weird collision or animation to deal with going up or down a block. I always hated how horses felt in Minecraft.
it's criminal that there are still no actual rivers. even sneezerivers are better than nothing, despite them being perfectly flat and never descending from a scenic mountain.
Doing stuff like elevation brings in other potential levels of jank, though. I figure a lot more in terms of fluid simulation would have to be done for that (i.e., revamping water entirely and making it finite), but maybe it could be accomplished just by redrawing vectors based on the dimensions and elevation of a body of water. Flat rivers would be easier to deal with if you cut them off, since you could just turn them into static water. Water flowing down would be tricky, though.

Sneezer's are also baked into the worldgen, so if you place water in a "river" chunk it starts flowing with predetermined parameters, regardless of whether it's connected to running water or not. His implementation also means you can totally block off the source and nothing happens.
Just make it step on chunk borders or something. Better than complete flatness.
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We need to bring back og somehow... I don't think many are willing to invest time into another burnout ded srber. I was thinking we should do an "event" that is a bit of a challenge or milestone. For example finding uranium, building an outpost at the south pole, etc... Ideas?
Well dove added the end game thing. I started a base there a while ago but not many have been. We could found some new city based on an old one. Like something great. We could create a new religion against the order of chef. The main thing that drove players to og was the civ larp, events, trade. You need at least two very autistic people who do not fully get along that can rally to make a civ (like dove for his towns, the int guys for middul, mald for norf, or carrot with the temporal netorks. Autistic people, who no lifed and larped a lot at the time).
Oc also helps. During the biggest days there was lots of art and memes.
I think a grand journey, a more grand city, and civ larp would do it.
I guess byz managed to get big without any competitor city and sort of grew suburbs. Maybe some large artifact hall and ask jannies to either remove some claims or take some artifacts. Like a city that has people adventure to old, lost towns and find artifacts.
That would be cool for a newfag to do. Ask around to find old lands and try ro figure out what happened. Like shit from the salty journey, norfairs, rimtown fires, various failed expeditions, the lost catpottery stash, the ruins of the first byzantium, etc.
thinking of playing here, can I raid folks?
Historically, raids have been fine. People who do civ larp sometimes have them. This is often accompanied with drama or a small war. We have had some raid events as well like the siege.
If you mean raid like in rust? Not really. Vm servers learned from mistakes and have claims. Sometimes jannies turn claims off for events though.
If you find unclaimed stuff you can raid. I would not recommend griefing since the history stuff is cool but looting tools/supplies has always been fair game. No one ever got banned for raiding on og but if the community finds out you get designated as a shitter and no one will interact with you. I would just loot tools and supplies as a newbie from unclaimed stuff.
I think there was an old rule on og where if two civs agree to go to war, claims are off for big cities during a decided on time frame.
that depends entirely on what your idea of raiding is
if you are intent on destroying peoples builds and stealing then you'll most likely just get kicked off the server
if you mean engaging in PVP with others, then no, partly because the PVP in this game is absolute dogshit and also because all the current servers are dead
>ywn have a comfy raider camp in the outskirts of a city, attacking travelers for loot until the army crushes you and burns your camp.
I want this.
Winters would be more challenging if getting wet would immediately make you start freezing
>Autistic people, who no lifed and larped a lot at the time
I was not larping. I actually manage and run an exploratory guild called the Hermes Initiative in real life. I build hacking spears from basic component parts I find in my backyard. In my free time? Geocaching. Perhaps you need the safety net of a "video game" to fulfill your wildest fantasies but for me life is too short to move 10% slower: I game like I live and unapologetically at that.
hey guys i got my serial killer rp app accepted on resurgence anyone wanna join me and cause mayhem?
Everyone hates winters enough already. I would accept it if windchill and heatstroke became things. Like wearing armor/warm clothes in the desert. Or being out of shade for too long.
The Hermes Initiative was seriously such a good name. It would be cool for a shipping/transport service or airline. Sucks exploration irl is mostly dead besides wandering in nature to find random old ruins.
I think I am going to extend the south mombasa TL network until I reach the south pole and then build a big U-boat pen under a glacer/lake. Shackleton style embarking supplies. Anyone want to come with?
I appreciate the 'tism for that mod, but the thing that really activates my almonds about the Firearm mod is that it's a massive inventory hog. Why on God's green earth do linen patches and bullets/slugs take up separate fucking slots? The other two gun mods had that solved with cartridges or other single item ammunition. I get the match since it's meant to be extinguished, but why make the cocking lever a separate item if it's only paired with the single wheellock? 4 or 5 slots to use a boomstick is excessive.
If I had to guess I think it's the mod author's attempt to balance it, because they really are a get out of jail free card in certain situations. I agree it makes them a hard pick unless you're also using some kind of mod that adds bigger backpacks.
When will you do it?
I would do it tomorrow afternoon after I give my mom her gift and go shoot some guns irl.
It is, and damn does the rest of the mod feel overtuned. If you look at his posts on the mod page, paper cartridges would break balance, and inventory clutter is intentional as a balancing tool. Really just a whole host of arbitrary decisions for the sake of balancing and already expensive and end game weapon. 4-5 black bronze spears can do equivalent damage and are very reusable and quick, same with bow and arrows. You're really not supposed to be fighting drifters with guns with how many of them spawn, so bows and spears are your best bet when exploring and don't overkill on damage. On bears it's great since by far they're the deadliest and can't really be kited like drifters, so erasing their health can save your ass. Pistols one shot wolves if you don't miss. So as you said, a get out of jail free card. There's also reliability to think about. Water fucks you and the arquebus' retarded 120 degree dispersion means you're not hitting anything unless it's damn near point blank, doubly so for the pistol. For all the gun autism that went into making them somewhat period accurate, you'd think the mod author wouldn't fall for the smoothbores are innacurate meme, but here we are with muh balance. And I simply fucking loathe the number of dependent mods he slapped on (which he also made).
>loathe the number of dependent mods he slapped on (which he also made).
This shit really irritates me. I started my first 1.19 run recently and was amazed at all the other crap I had to download. I haven't actually gotten far enough to start using guns yet, I've got iron but not enough to spare for steel yet really. Is the musket/carbine inaccurate as fuck too?
Dispersion values. At least they can be modified in the mod config txt. Core issues like inventory jank not so much.
Musket: 60
Carbine: 90
Arquebus: 120
Pistol: 160
Please tell me that isn't fucking DEGREES but MOA?
>can't really be kited like drifters
If you black bronze a spear at enough range in vanilla he will not even agro on you.
>160 degrees
>bullet immediately leaves the barrel and hooks down into your knee
Considering how some video game devs think aim bloom and shotguns work I wouldn't put it past some people.
I do gunsmithing irl and fire matchlocks often. They are way more accurate than people let on. Also rifling has been around since 1440. It is just really annoying to do with hand tools. So is forging the breech plug. Making a barrel is easy to forge but the forge weld is the only difference from it being a gun and a bomb. I have also drilled barrels. It is easy but takes ages and never did it past a handgun.
Oh not for a while i gotta start preparing. I want to leave with enough supplies to build an outpost. Maybe next weekend.
Sounds like fun honestly. I've only gotten to fire a muzzle loader once, got me interested in getting my own but I've got enough until I leave commiefornia.
Is muzzle loading that bad in california? I am an iron ranger. It is great here. I can hike into the woods, set up a range, and work on my skills and have some fun. I sometimes make my own gunpowder but honestly it is not that good. It is cheaper but you really want reliable, consistent firing black powder if you want to train so I would just buy it online. Plus finding natural sulfur to make powder is too much work. You can make your own lead shot easy and affordable if you plan to make your own cartridges but it is toxic. You can shoot any time of year here in any state forest or national forest as long as you are away from a trail, a house, a campsite, and water by 200 ft. You do not even need a license for a musket and anyone can make a musket except maybe felons. The only stupid rule is you need a serial number but, since no fags ruined muzzle loaders, you can just carve one on the side of the gun. You also need a different number for each gun you made.
>Is muzzle loading that bad in california?
If it goes bang in any form it's that bad in california.
Damn. That sucks. Why are you there?
I am also sling anon. Slings are the best weapon imo for heavily restricted areas. You can conceal them in your pocket, most people have no idea what they are if you are not using one, and ammo is all over the ground for them and also able to be in a pocket. Plus they are very very quiet. So you can use them in places not even bows/crossbows/darts/spears are allowed. I do not promote poaching but city parks have a lot of small game with low hunting pressure for you urbanites. (A slingshot with steel ammo is better for an actual city since a sling misfire breaks cars/windows and hurts people).
>slinging in city parks
a sure way to make cities bang slings as well
>Why are you there?
Gf's job. If it wasn't for her I'd have gone out to Texas and couch surfed off my best friend until I got something going, but that's a whole other discussion. I'm not noguns but it's not worth the headache of getting anything more these days.
Most cities in the usa actually banned slings in the 80s making it a misd or petty misd under some variation of projectile weapon statute. A lot of it was so police could combat slingshots and rouge baseballs back when kids would use slingshots a fuck ton as a trendy toy to break stuff. Some cities did away with it in the 2010s because it also banned snowballs. Slings are more just easier to conceal than slingshots. A city I used to live in banned touching plants and climbing trees.
I think it is funny a lot of vm vintage story is married or in a relationship now. We went from losers to normalfags.
You can make your own guns. Ez mode is buy a heavy pressure, steel metal tube (preferably with interior threads) and a high pressure breach plug. Then get wood and carve a stock. Make the barrel groove fitting with a drill. Then get some metal bands and wrap around the barrel and screw them to the stock (now you can replace the barrel). Then drill a touch hole. Get a small chunk of steel and drill a pan, weld it below the touch hole. Then make your mechanism. Easiest is 2 long brass door handles welded together with the part that attaches to the door sawn off. Then drill a clip on top of the serpentine to attach a match cord. Then drill into the middle of the serpentine and the stock. Attach a semi loose fitting bolt so you can move the serpentine up/down (your trigger). Attach it so when you squeeze the serpentine, the top dips the match into the power pan, lights the touch hole, and blasts the charge. You can also weld a sight on the end, attach a clip for holding the ram rod, and attach a spot for the fork rest.
Now you have a scrap arquebus that is legal to make under the second amendment. (You just cannot sell it).
I will add. If you can, a proper gun barrel and proper breach plug are preferred to any hardware. Pipe guns are okay fir really small powder charges but I would not recommend it ever. Forge welding a barrel requires really high temps that are expensive to maintain.
>We went from losers to normalfags.
lol, I've been with her 10 years in September, only got back into VS recently though.
>You can make your own guns
You can't make any kind of firearm or firearm adjacent device in california without contacting their DOJ and getting them to issue you a serial number for it, registering it in the process, provided you also have your goodgoy card. Not to mention I'd be incredibly surprised if they didn't consider it a zip gun, which is illegal in it's own way. This state just exists in a different dimension from the rest of the country, I hate it.
Holy shit that is bad. Dude does the second amendment fucking exist there? And it does nothing for the violence. Usually that bullshit stays in the cities in my state. We are liberal but the countryside gets all their freedom. I like a balance for environmental protection and muh gun rights. It is also legal here to attach a tripod to the back of your truck, mount a semi auto 50 cal browning or modified rifle on it, and go to a state forest range. The issue is you need permission from a local chief of police for modified rifles/military ones and you cannot mount the gun in public without a reason (goes along open carry laws). A wall gun on a truck would be fun.
God now I wanna make a scrap pistol.
>Dude does the second amendment fucking exist there?
What's that, can I give illegals healthcare and drivers licenses or raise minimum wage and therefore cost of living some more with it?
I knew cali was bad but that is just un-american. I am not even a patriot. I hope the job your gf has pays good. I would not recommend texas unless you need heat. North woods mn, western dakotas, idaho, western wyoming, and montana are the real god’s country to me.
Her job is pretty good, the thought is that once she's established enough in her field to become a mostly-remote consultant then we're gonna dip. Wyoming or Montana are my preference but we're still figuring it out. But yea, California might as well be a different country, people aren't joking when they call it the Democrat People's Republic of California. God help you if you're white, because you're gonna be the one paying for it while getting none of the benefits.
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To bring the game back to VS, this is my starter house/farm with the foundation of my real house behind it.
That is cool. On a server or sp?
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Single player. This is the outline for the cellar(s), each room is outlined to maximize floor space. The first time I played as my farm got bigger storage space for food, cheese, booze, etc became a serious issue so I'm gonna try to nip it in the bud this time.
Why do you need such a big cellar in sp?
I love VS, the primitive nature of tools and learning the systems is great. I just managed to kill an Ewe and I'm so happy to have some actual food.
I have an addiction to farming and hoarding as much food for as long as possible.
Based. Savor your grug moments anon. It will make copper and bronze ages that much more rewarding. Nowadays in vs oldfags speedrun to steel in a day.
Is there a way to convert a chiseled block back to it's original one or is it forever converted even if you don't change anything?
No way to convert it back. In old vs all chiseled blocks became a stone material of break level 0
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Well it's not like I can't get more, just figured it would be helpful if I'm trying to figure out what material to use and decide no to use a certain one. In a related note, update to >>1287237 I'm thinking this is the look I'm gonna go for.
that's not LONDON
The glory days of carrot infodumping about some book by Phillip K. Dick and Tom obsessing about British pedophiles and 60s music have long since passed…
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>smokes, does drugs
>wants kids
That's a custody battle waiting to happen
Looking good.
What the fuck is this lmao
the jew fears the indoor 3011 farmer
wait why did this turn into k
Is there a pirate friendly server currently running?
No. Pirate servers have failed every time we tried to run one (5+ times). Only good for friend groups when the ip is not leaked. It makes it impossible to ban and fucks the server updates up. People can easily steal your pirate accounts then grief your shit or spoof to get into claims.
Carrot reminded me a lot of a well known, 4chan oldfag, renja. Dude changed names and gets talked about years after he disappeared.
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Any mods you guys are looking forward to?
Dove’s early modern mod, release date circa 2030
The models are kino
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Where can I check that?
He lurks thread. You can also check the archive. He has just worked with bek for a few years on/off showing us some cool weapons that never get released. I also hope we get a good steampunk mod.
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I'm BOOOOo0000rrring
I'm gunnnna BORE
Is that scaffolding on the top right? Where can I get some?
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This thread is really comfy so far :)
Any Rainworld/ Noita enjoyers in this thread?
No, but I just learned there exists a Chinese singleplayer deck builder coombait gacha-adjacent adaptation of Krzyżacy
that guy that makes all those holocene animal mods. It's only a matter of time before he does mammoths and then my stone age kino will be complete.
I enjoy both, yes. I played rainworld back when it was first made on adult swim.
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Progress update; Major construction of the cellar is complete. I'm working on producing enough vessels for what I want, still not sure as well if I want 3 rows of vessels going all the way to the ceiling or if I'm only gonna do 2 rows and curve the ceiling inside the rooms too.
Cool builds but your autism is more set for multiplayer or co op.
rainworld is the best looking game i've ever played
didn't like downpour at all, hoping the third dlc comes closer to the basegame
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Pretty much, but the only other person I know who plays VS is my gf and she only has a bit of time on the weekends. Even if I hosted a serb I don't want to have to fuck around adminning it. I like building large things anyway, this is my first shot at a decently large build in VS. My previous builds in my last coop run were more contained and purpose built. pic rel my smithy, charcoal, and pit kiln area.
Og never deletes its world and has not for 4+ years but the activity is low (for now). There are some on the main discord you can look at. Or the mlp sbr since xeth is a prettt good guy who would give builds. Also the grassless since mazor does the same. I understand wanting full control over a world (and mods)
I hate that snow doesn't pile on farmland
The "4chan dating app" which had a big data leak to the surprise of no one.
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Fuck you Tyrone. Why is the sailboat collision box so disproportionate and retarded when it doesn't even matter if two rotors have colliding sails? Look at how retarded this air intake turned out...
I have had both since they came out basically. Good, challenging games. I have been trying to learn the intricacies of spear chucking in rainworld lately. (like upwards and downwards throw)
yes it is from workbench expansion mod but other mods have similar additions
>The "4chan dating app" which had a big data leak to the surprise of no one
I wonder if any random edaters decided to search up their partner on the app and found them lmao.
The owner was hardcore shilling that app by posting the few girls from it on r9k.
>workbench expansion mod
Thanks anon. That'll come in hand for building the upper stories. I hate using dirt, it just looks so unsightly.
she looks like she only plays in creative mode
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>I hate that snow doesn't pile on farmland
Same, it's even more irritating because it does collect on slabs/chiseled slabs
there will never be another game like Rainworld
Also why didn't you like Downpour? Too fan-canon-y?
I wish there was more decorative blocks, for building houses, that arent gated behind finding chalk.
don't you like all the beautiful ruin items?
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when in doubt, chisel it out
the candle block always triggers me when I imagine all that wax dripping down and getting over fucking everything
I like it. The way resources work inspires the building of town and trading in multiplayer. It sucks in single.
Tell tyron in his discord. He will probably fix it.
NTA but like you can prospect for ore I wish you could prospect for rock types and layers without having to dig down to take a literal core sample. Sure if there's sand or gravel around you at least know what the top layer is but there's often more under it.
Why do placed lanterns give off so much less light than a held one?
I think it is because of dynamic vs stable lighting. I think a held lantern gives off the same light regardless of silver/gold lining but placed give off more when placed.
Is there a good way to find a salt pillar, aside from prospecting obviously, is there a particular type of environment or rock type they generate in? I want to get on mass meat preservation but I can't find salt to save my life.
Gunsmithing anon
Here is a very wip scrap metal matchlock mechanism. I need to cut a mounting plate and attach the flat spring, a center bolt, and make a flash pan with a cover to mount on the touch hole.
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Super basic. If you have scrap metal and a saw, all you need are a few nuts/bolts/washers (and one wing nut).
I might cut a proper serpentine out of sheet metal
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Nigger are those erector set parts?
Door handle, scrap steel, scrap brass, cotton rope, some nuts and bolts. I just found the steel laying around in my workshop.
salt generates in sedimentary stones, and sedimentary is always on the surface layer. so shit like sandstone, claystone, limestone, chalk, etc. can all have salt pillars or sand domes in them. sand domes only spawn in high temperature desert areas and don't have halite readings, while salt pillars have halite readings but they're entirely probabilistic; that you have a halite reading doesn't mean there's halite under your feet, just that there's maybe a halite dome in the entire contiguous area for which you have readings (and it's not even a guarantee). but salt domes are pretty wide once they get going (~20 blocks in diameter) so you can strip mine fairly wide.
In regards to prospecting, the only metric worth paying attention to is the qualitative descriptor as for whether to mine or not. The percentage just gives you an estimate on how much there could be.
Cave diving and occasionally doing a node search is the best way to find shit imo
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>open vintage story in memory profiler
>80% of it is vectors as classes
OOP causes braindeath
tell it to tyron in exactly as detailed a post at that (it'll let us laugh)
good programmers don't make games because they can just get a much better paid job with less work hours that doesn't include geting berated on the internet by know-it-alls constantly
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I was getting worred it was halfway through March and still snowing, but it's finally starting to warm up.
I just caught a trophy sized walleye and it managed to get away when I tried to land it :(
I've finally got some terra preta, what crop should I use it for? Rice or cabbage?
Server dead... :(
This sucks since I'm away for an entire week with barely any access to the Internet. I'll try my best to restart it, but no promises.
Biggest issue I find with multiplayer is you need to no life to keep going back to your stuff versus just having your own world. Time goes by when you are offline so it makes surviving piss easy because your crops will just grow when you are offline and will almost never have to worry about food and adverse times. The downsides are true that large builds are more autistic in singleplayer but atleast if you can't play for 1 or 2 weeks the whole world won't have drastically changed.
god bless
This. You need no life to play. That or you end up just running in circles doing chores
Rice is the best grain for eating so rice.
Cabbage is the best pickled food for retaining nutrients making it good for a traveller and multiplayer veggies if you have salt.
Depends how you approach the game. A big field of goats and cabbages will yield you plenty of long term food. Also knowing how to find large deposits of charcoal easily and then quickly bombing them out will prevent you from being a coalburner. Esepcially if you find chadthrocite. I assume that is what you mean by chores. (farming and charcoal burning)

The whole game tho is kinda one big chore when you think about it
Chores for me are living in a multiplayer town and doing city work at the smithy, chiseling small shit, feeding animals, working the apiary, gardening, and running the furnaces. Sometimes going out to a pit to quarry stone for a half hour.
>Time goes by when you are offline so it makes surviving piss easy because your crops will just grow when you are offline
Meanwhile you can't store shit because anything you do store that isn't grains rots instantly
Free rot!
You can stockpile honey and fat.
and booze
and meat (live) and plants (if you're in a non-dogshit latitude)
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>Doesn't enjoy VOXEL MINIGAMES
>Thinks chiseling is a chore
i hope you are using xskills r2tk
>posts thumbnails
I like chiseling. You can enjoy chores anon. Making a million chisel windows is a thing to do if you do not have time to commit.
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I'd love to play multiplayer but this is what always keeps me in singleplayer.
Has anyone tried making a server where everything just happens at a much slower rate? Or even just simply only host the server during weekends?
>Has anyone tried making a server where everything just happens at a much slower rate?
Yeah. OG is that way.
>Or even just simply only host the server during weekends?
Apparently map anon has been working on one. I think temporal tribes was done that way. Weekend only isn’t good for a main server but works well for themed event servers that are run like intcraft.
wut? properly stored food in a cellar can last for years
a meal in a sealed crock can last for up to a year in a cellar, salted meat can go up to 3 years, pickled veggies also last a long time, basedbeans can even last up to 5 years, cheeses also 2+ years
I've never had an issue in multiplayer with food, even if I stopped playing for a month I could still get food from my cellar
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yeah the way og is set up makes it pretty slow. I'll do an hour on it randomly every few days or a week and have hardly noticed any time pass ig. Occasionally someone else will have logged in during the time you have been absent and you will come back surprised to find your barrels/crops etc have all done their thing. Maybe the next main server should have "allowtimeprogressionwhilesrbrded" disabled too.

captcha YX0GJN
All servers I hosted had time passing when ded disabled.
I am still on favor of just having og be the main server again.
In a dream world, we have some anons host event/themed servers or random hardcore servers every few months and use og as the server you fuck around on between each or when you die and did not burn out.
Short lived meme servers might be the key for boosting the player count. I would personally like to try playing on a server where the map is tiny, or landcover is ~0% so that everyone is stuck living on one small island.
A no map no coords forest world might also be a fun experience.
>A no map no coords forest world might also be a fun experience.
is this a reference to the first mald server? I liked it but most guys hated it
I'm just thinking of server ideas that slow down technological progress and make people stick together.
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OG will always be the main-main srbr for me
it was revealed to me in a dream that 1.20 will include villages
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>,< i just woke up were am i this isnt middlel og dove srbr !!
What server providers are good? I'm tempted to try hosting an island survival meme server.
None are that good. Gportal is imo the best for small to mid servers. For large, you need a dedicated host.
Would anyone actually be interested in playing on a ~0% landcover server?
If yes, what kind of settings would you like to see? I was thinking 100% landcover scale and temperate start, but a tropical island might also be cool. Above 100% landcover scale the island seems to become so large that it kills the point of playing with limited space, but i might be overestimating the amount of resources present.
Is there a blockgame where base elevation is variable per chunk? It sucks so much how everything has to be in a single X blocks tall horizontal plane so instead of real mountains all you get are wacky hills.
maldaris would log on and make sealand 20k blocks offshore and everyone would follow him
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it's a windmill of frenship, a rune of the zigger race :/

yay 1.19.8
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I luv me 0% landcover 400% landcover scale 300% landform scale
you can get large island worlds.
rivermod just enhances, especially if it is a polar island.
400 is way too much for what i was going for. The idea is to have an island survival challenge, where the available resources are limited because of a lack of space.
well it depends how truely limited you want it to be and other settings. The picrel i posted was a polar world where the only oak and beehives were in a single grove to the SE near to where the player icon is. I am not sure if there was even bauxite anywhere for refractory bricks. A smaller island at the equator could be cool too. Maybe like a Vietnam revival.
In general, oldfags like to sail far out then get followers to abandon spawn but spawntowns always have the most soul. Spawntown survival is usually hardest because of resource and player pressures.
I was first thinking of doing a very cold world with a 5k pole to equator distance, so that the spawn island would be freezing cold except for the southern shore, but i think i'll just do a tropical island. I'll vet seeds for an island that has acacia and reeds, but won't check for other resources. Server will likely be up sometime tomorrow. If anyone has suggestions, please let me know.
will it have mods? what about caveins?
I'm not planning any mods, but i'm open to suggestions.
I don't like caveins, but if everyone else wants them, we can have them.
Is it possible to edit out all landmass after a certain distance and replace it with infinite sea? Or rather edit a continent or set of islands into an infinite sea. Setting a superflat world to ~0% landcover doesn't generate a sea world, however, so I don't know how that could be done; maybe one of the mapmaker anons knows about hardcoding a world?
It's really hard to find land at ~0% landcover, and what you find tends to be way too tiny to inhabit.
I could also make it nomap nocoords to make ocean exploration difficult or remove the ability to reset spawn. Neither of these would be particularly cumbersome for people living on the spawn island.
That sounds pretty good then, especially with nomap and nocoords. And if need be you can still drop in a larger spawn continent/island, I imagine.
i think caveins with this recently updated mod would be nice
yes nomap nocoords plz
cant get lost on an island right
Nice looking windmill, I assume those are beams?
What are the settings for that world? That seems like an interesting idea for another playthrough.
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Something like picrel and with sneezers river mods
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>A no map no coords
I'm in.
>forest world
I'm out. You don't know the horrors you speak of.
remove the fucking bushlands from worldgen. shrimple. the rest is in not making tree leaves so fucking dense.
Thanks, I'll have to check that out. Might be interesting in single player no map no coords, having to pick somewhere to base in and slowly branch out with way stations or some kind of markers more than just a dirt pillar.
hey guise what if we obstructed 20% of the player vision when they are holding blocks and made the player see his own nutsack when they looked down wouldn't that be le realistic
>you can turn in down in the settings
turn it down and have no idea what I'm holding in my hand? At least the movement of the hammer was adjusted to the actual hitting pace but whoever is making this game didn't bother doing the same thing for hoes. This entire new player view is a fucking disaster.
I'm currently setting up the nomap nocoords ~0% landcover server.
Any wishes on sapling growth time or temporal storms? I think the other server are using greatly extended growth times, should i do the same here?
Sure, go ham.
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Removing the bushlands does nothing if everywhere is full of trees. Make a map with 100% forest and see for yourself.
Fuck off, clearing the land to make way for your buildings and roads is kino and makes the world comfier
Crummy island server should work now:
landcover ~0%
landcover scale 125%
tropical start
only mod is rivers
I do wonder if it's simple enough to just make all trees taller, or to cut off the minimum height
I wonder if you could force it to be a redwood forest. They tend to be tall enough for it to not obstruct your ground view too badly.
OP maker here. I will add it in next thread if you do not make a discord for it. Any preference for description? Timespan for the run?
A warm and humid world spawns almost exclusively redwood.
Stuck on a lone tropical island in the middle of an endless ocean. nomap, nocoords.
I'll keep it around at least for a few months. Longer if it somehow manages to retain players.
Sounds good. If you need any janny advise you can ask in thread. If the island is smallish, you will want to maybe have a resource regen event. The other worry is there are client side xray hacks and on a small word, someone can easily monopolize/grief rare resources. Stone, vines, and reeds may also become extinct at spawn and need regen if you plan more than 3 months. Also, pirates mean more players but if you have claims on then they can do claim griefs which are horrible but do not kick up usually for a few weeks after a new server. The best for a short lived server would be something like only on during weekends with pirates allowed and no claims so people can defend from griefs. The issue with no claims is no one cooperates outside of discord groups and oldfag clans.
what timmy gon do?
sounds like wolf and bear aids
kill yourself shitcord nigger
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Update on this. The first floor is laid out, only need to add a couple walls between what's going to be the kitchen and dining hall and to separate the big room in the middle. I'm unsure of what block to use for the ceiling of the first floor/floor of the second floor, I'm open to suggestions. I don't mind if it requires split material one on each side.
Also bonus picture of the cellar slowly getting filled in with vessels.
The whole point is limited resources and space, so i'm not really planning on holding a regen event.
The discord obviously isn't mine.
How did you guys find tin so quickly on the island server? When i went to sleep we didn't even have copper tools.
add this vanilla looks awful
I'm a cave God, also found iron(poor quality) btw.
I found bountiful about 50 blocks away from the bamboo hut. I left a sign outside the cave in case someone wants to go and mine more.
Based, just thinking about working on the blooms makes me want to kill myself.
>surface driggers
I can tolerate the pitch fucking black from pouring rain, but I shall not tolerate surface driggers.
But it is basic bitch driggers that break you?
they are, if I can't even make a FUCKING firepit before five of those retards come in when I can't possibly defend myself
the game should give you a nohunger status effect if you spawn at night, otherwise it's a crib death
Make a bed and sleep through the night.
The no map isn't an issue with how small the island is, you can only fuck up if you really push your luck.
please tone down the drigger storm frequency
They are twice as frequent, but only last 25% of the normal duration. You are experiencing 50% less storm time than an average server.
>25% of the duration
so it being a "heavy" or "light" storm has no actual relation to anything, huh
As far as i know, the magnitude is only a visual thing.
Yes fuck these constant drigg riots
also, i do like trees to take long in general... but not so much on a tropical island with finite resources. Maybe half the time?
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also small mod suggestion, hideplayernames https://mods.vintagestory.at/show/mod/2934
i think this would compliment the nomap and nocoords well. Allow people to make hidden bases and whatnot in the cramped space.
pic is rel you can spot people from miles
I already halved the tree growth time earlier today. You need to replant saplings for it to take effect.
I think the storms are better with being more frequent, but lasting a shorter time. Overall, you spend 50% less time dealing with them. I can change this if the majority prefers normal settings.
Stop trying to hide Barm.
It's fine the way it is.
I'll add it if no one protest against doing so.
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Is there any way to get rid of the black line on the edges of polished blocks? I want to make sections of the floor appear seamless. I don't want to use the rock because the colors and texture are different.
It's over.
We're back.
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bump for island srbr
very cozy. you can get lost but since it is one island you will always eventually find where you were.
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Thoughts on plaster for a ceiling? I was thinking about chiseling a relief into it.
Horrible without custom chisel and wood supports or stone arches. It has potential, I would only use for an interior roof.
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>vanilla textures
Player names are now hidden.
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It's not gonna be just left like that, I just can't think of anything else to use as a starting point. Something analogous to pic related
How much salt is too much?
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Look what i found hiding :)
impossible to spot pinyap: spotted
nature's buttplug
Mine it all
Make a monopoly
Sell it
Salt has been used as money in the past and had wars over it.
Mining it isn't the issue, processing it in a reasonably timely manner is. Not to mention storage.
Just build a mill.
Tism mill*
Or just make like 3-4 iron hammers and craft it.
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sky gardenin' is the only way to go in green hell
Does the propick detect sulphur?
When you join a server and you are missing mods, does the game download them from that server, or does it check the mod id and download them from the official website?
it should download them from the server, because you can have mods on your server that do not exist on the mod site.
t. doesn't actually know
It does it from the server not the website. I have seen custom non-public mods. That is why part of me still plays og since it has been the same for ages.
Songs of syx is a game I appreciate since it warns you that public mods can fuck your computer.
And we've had the shitcord nigger gr*enw*b server spammed in this very thread come with a bitcoin miner installed as a mod, or whatever it was.
Am I just retarded or does it feel like lanterns don't light up rooms enough?
visually or in terms of preventing drifter spawns? if former, yes. if latter, no, tyrone's shitty obsession with drifters being as annoying as possible is pretty much the only thing holding this game back from actually being a good game.
Visually. Fuck driggers, I turned off storms in my current SP run. What are you supposed to do now that Niggerone made it so they can spawn midair if they have to, I see people on youtube just running around in a field throwing spears. Shit looks dumb as fuck, when I played last year I made a whole bunker but with the updates they would likely just spawn next to me and instagib me if they're a high enough tier.
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Free range chickens are a meme. Embrace factory chicken farming and keep them in 1x1 block enclosure with no exposure to the outdoors.
You'll thank me later.
and increased gamma doesn't help? in-world lighting feels plenty bright enough for me.
You can still create a room with no space for them to spawn. For example, the top room in the bamboo shack on the island server should be drifter proof.
and you can also just use half-blocks.
Every block in the space needs to be occupied by something. Slabs will stop working once the room gets large enough. Works fine for a small bunker though.
Literally any air block? Because I'm pretty sure flooring everything with halfblocks (and an arbitrarily high ceiling) works just fine.
Storms can spawn driggers in any empty block, even in air.
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that was a crazy video, the fat guy should have ran instead of casually walking away
Should i install this to the island server?
>latest file for 1.19.5
test it properly before you do
but yes, fuck driggers literally spawning behind you
(also disable surface rifts because fucking hell are the incredibly annoying)
can we have this? or is it too out there?
doesn't add content so i think it should fit in
I want https://mods.vintagestory.at/show/mod/247 so I try it out once (1x) (there's almost nobody playing anymore at once anyway it's gonna be daijobu)
I don't see why not.
I can add this if the majority of players want it.
damn i forgot to log out and got drigged or starved
guess ill be saying goodbye to physXless for a while
not touching the chisel mechanics in any meaningful way until they add the ability to copy/duplicate chiseled out blocks
>copy/duplicate chiseled out blocks
There's always QP chisel mod, it's got that and more. Though, I think niggerone just has an obsession with making cool mechanics that are absolutely aids to interact with.
jeez, Carrots looks rough.

vote for xskills (or against it)
Collecting all the Jonas parts is a pain in the ass. Tyron should make another version of the teleporter that you can use more than once, the way it is right now, I would probably only make as a display piece.
I would say yes since island server is not meant to last like og so it can have more mods.
>last like og
>when og had xskills and only xskills
what did he mean by this
OG had xskills and it broke the server twice. It got removed forever and agreed on by the users to not bring it back. It took down og and had to be fixed which is why we had the temenos server briefly.
Only mods og has kept for a while are larger stacks and instruments as far as I know.
Probably working as intended in his mind, since he seems to love making shit intentionally obtuse and annoying. It's a good thing the game is so mod friendly to fix all his retarded decisions.
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At least there's some snoxes here in polar shithole de la ocean.
>island server
>everyone still just swims 20k blocks away in the ocean
you cant make this shit up. you retards need to be put in a cage.
t. someone who isn't playing on said server at all
quit whining about a server that you literally do not even participate in
Just bought the game after half a year of hiatus while being a pirate.
What should i do if i don't find a nice enough place to live? (Temporal stability and humidity), i've tried plenty of times and it always ends up with me fucking around in a movable dirt den while i am able to hit copper by 2nd day if i settle in one place early.

Mods, terrain gen settings that anybody reccomends for my current predicament?
just live the nomad lifestyle
You can keep searching, skipping nights using a torch and a hay bed. There's also plenty of shallow caves you can wall yourself in if you look hard enough. I don't see why humidity would matter, since you can dig up soil. Sure, it's a pain in the ass but it's possible to settle in an area with no rainfall and still comfortably grow crops. Hitting copper in the 2nd day is the norm since it boils down to finding surface deposits and grinding pottery.
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Yeah i think the Elk ridding lifestyle will be good for me whenever it comes out.
In the meanwhile i'll just RP as a Mongolian nomad on my based yurt.
I just need to find a block that can be easily obtainable and is white.
>but also Adidas
fast fashion has polluted the earth far more than any other industry
Don't forget the crocs
Wildcraft Trees includes wattle and daub blocks that are fairly easy to get and are white enough for building purposes

Not sure what i should do.
If it's 50/50 and supposedly there were issues with it in the past I'd say don't add it unless there's some kind of massive shift of opinion.
What do you guys use meteoric iron for, if anything? I've got like almost 100 ingots of it collecting dust.
Historically in vm, it has been used to flex on poorfags. In sp it's iron that is easier to make than regular and needs no helving.
>someone actually using my 2hu reskin for hudclock
I usually have 2 forlorn armor and 1 meteorite helm or other part to compensate for the weight/movement speed.
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I also added yukari to the drigger storm indicator
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>he still lives in a shack in the middle of the wilderness
it's time to industrialize, comrades
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>it even has AC
xskills seems to be winning now. I guess i'll add it in a day or so if the situation doesn't change.

Added these two to the island server.
how many unique players have even played on the server so far? couldn't have been more than 10 at once
I also want to wait a little because i just added two other mods and want to see that they don't cause problems before adding more.
but the earlier you add xskills the more experience I can grind and the more niggerwood trees I can plant
You can wait a day.
those wooden verandas made me remember how my family used to dry fish and clothing there, of how i used to chill there with my mates and play darts
god, so many good memories from such depressing architecture
is this clownpiss
>see three (3) double driggers
>can only kill one of them before the storm is over
I fucking hate these short storms, they are the worst of both worlds, frequent interruptions without the luxury to actually farm
>"i added yukari"
yes, its clownpiece
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yeah it's definitely clownpiece
Anybody have experience making mods? In particular crops. I want to either add some more or update older mods if for no other reason than some visual variety in my farm, but I'm not really sure where to begin.
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