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>What is Lost Ark
A free-to-play MMO ARPG set in a vast, vibrant world with thrilling fights, endless customization, and endless adventure.

>What is Lost Ark really
A misunderstood game. It's not for everybody but the people who do like it, like it a lot. If you want to play a PvE action MMO with the best raids and combat in the genre, Lost Ark might be for you.

>I have questions
Ask in the thread and someone will assist you.


>In-game Chat
Make an alt on the server of the chat owner, send a mail saying you want to join and include the name of your main.

NAE: Lerynsere on Balthorr
EUC: Daddypump on Ratik
NAW (OCE): Sneed on Brelshaza

NAE: Touchfluffytail on Balthorr, password is fluff
EU: Handholding on Ratik, password is mods

Lost thread: >>1261096
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my good friend minimyeh... these are truly the last days
did you quit bard
VERY believable screenshot
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what was his purpose?
remember to breed your bard daily
i don't have one ):
nobody likes you
wrong i like him
soulfist is best class quit shitting on her
I haven't played in 2 weeks and feel great. You guys are genuinely retarded if you're still playing this slop.
>and feel great
It's a video game. Did you expect to experience withdrawal or something?
>just got banned for rmt
I'm finally free
I made $14k off this kusoge see ya losers
Now divide that by your hours played
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i need to sell my gold...
So glad i quit this game for good
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elves nuked themselves? lol
this game is a shadow of itself. i only play to cum to specialists now, what about you guys
>a shadow of itself
But literally nothing changed.
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therein lies the problem friend
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It still hurts honestly, the first several months of playing this game was honestly a blast and was the most fun I had in an MMO in a long time. I actually redownloaded the game recently only to get to the login screen and ask myself, "Do I really wanna do this again? Naaah" and then uninstall.
Same except I said "eh why not" and now I'm addicted again.
>LA reduced to a /vm/ thread

best class for taking in the big cawk u sissy now bend over
Typical bard player
zamn traps have hips like THAT?????
Going to start getting into the game.
Anything I should know as a new player?
Thinking of playing Soul Eater.
Oh. Also is the story any good at all? Or should I just skip all of it?
one of the best things about this game is how good the catchup mechanics are.
I feel kinda shit spending hundreds of dollars on ffxiv, and for what? Because I have to. I didn't get anything out of it really.

This game, you can stop playing for months, come back, and there is a catchup mechanic to at least get to doing the content from like 3-6 months ago which still has tons of people doing it. You don't have to be 1630 to enjoy the game.

Do your Arkesia Tour thing in the top right asap, aka horizontal express. You can get it done in a day after you use the pass to skip your char to 1490.
Maybe watch some vids to pic a class you think you'll like. You have to decide whether you want high or low apm, fixed rotation or toolbox, easy to play or high skill expression or both, etc.
I enjoyed it okay. Skipped it the additional times.
I wouldn't do story on your first char though. Do it on an alt when you feel you have plenty of time, like after you reach 1600 on your main.
you can't get into lost ark anymore, you're 2 years late, the gates have been closed for a long time, turn around and walk away
Join lagcord when you're ready to start doing raids

I liked the story. Take your time and don't just rush to endgame
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making a breaker just to try him out, how is he compare to scaper? I heard his weaker but aside from that how is his gameplay? I don't care about being optimal I just want it to be fun.
>heard his weaker
From who?
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>haven't played since the server merges in march
>nae will be getting flooded with samonkeys in june
bwos what the FUCKK did i miss?
mage sex
we better get new slutty mage cosmetics as compensation. if i have to deal with hueniggers and more frilly mage clothes i might 98%
you missed me jerking it to your mage butt, show it please
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no. it's milky monday
mages have no butt to show, bwo
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o-okay then
adult woman mogged by a child in the same outfit
r u serious? should we just let this general die. nobody talks
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it's over, just let it die.
wrong i talk
i talk in discord
Trannymyeh is back to brag about beating min ilvl event gems shitters with no hands in a Guardian raid.
Too bad we have a log site now so he can't LARP like a DPS artist is good anymore. The highest DPS artist parses are literally half of what real classes do.
stfu and stop buli
i need his new pics
which is why generals die, it's your fault
wow that's so unfortunate for the sissy spamming channoids!
He's right.
Any new loli asses?
>this mad he lost mvp to an artist
i don't think anybody has ever lost mvp over a dps artist
Anyone know what's a good website for class guides?
Very nice. Thank you.
>It still hurts
lmao pussy
this game isn't "fun", it pushes all the right levers in low iq gambling brains just like gachatards, you are mazed because you are addicted
everyone else moved on to actual fun a long time ago
not really, i enjoy the combat and most of the gambling systems are just annoying shit that i hate and choose to put up with because there isnt another mmo with such satisfying combat and the ones that come close have their own baggage

i play plenty of other video games though and i dont look to one game for literally all of my entertainment so maybe that has to do with it too idk
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gooned to MMO tributes all day yesterday bwos...
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too bad go again right now!!
i have some not new but rarely posted maybe
>everyone else moved on to actual fun a long time ago
such as?
all assassins have obvious boob jobs
based need an assassin gf with giant bolt-on tits

literally nothing
creepshot anon can save this general, all we have to do is pray for his return
>elixir boost event
If this involves clearing hm voldis to get rewards, I'm just gonna uninstall again and just wait for loaon
nothing will bring me back to this game other than single player raids with gold
more false promises at loaon can't wait for that yippee
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is the game worth it for new players in 2024?
>worth it
What does that mean?
No lol
I like it, it's free, download it and see if you like it
i waited 60 seconds for a captcha to post this
this website isn't fun
>Can't do chaos dungeons on NAE now
the game's great but completely impossible for new players to get into, sorry
plapping specialist
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>guy keeps dying
>avoids my heals
nani the fuck? i ask why hes not healing
>gaslights me
fuck u bud, tell me now or i boot
>admits that he doesnt want me to get healing on the final mvp screen
da fuck? i hate raidniggers
>D4 inclining
>WoW based more than ever with cata classic and MoP remix
>POE BTFO's bot shart every season
Meanwhile in Lost Ark
>nothing but bots
>steam sales rankings declining every month
>KR players are retarded and think this game is fine
>The First """race""" complete scam

Only ESLs are left in this game. It is functionally EoS.
You're functionally retarded.
you're functionaly normal, only retarded masochist play this gook slop.
d4 bad
Am I the only one who tilts during Thaemine reclears (prog)?
I tilt during all reclears (prog).
op as fuck og monks is based, im gonna return to try it out
hey guys how's it going?
>every single thaemine party is lf supp
fucking fix this shit already
who cares at this point, just release solo raids so we dont have to put up with phaggotry aymore
solo raids are for new players and won't include thaemine
They better have at least something about support shortage at LOAON. Otherwise it's gonna be another LOAON summer disaster except they can't really bring Goldriver back again.
I cannot understand why they're insisting that the general playerbase is wrong about the support shortage. What hidden data are they using to back up their claim? I think they mentioned the 23% supports at endgame before but that's not a valid reason if it's their only one. 23% of 1640+ chars being support still leaves thousands of dps chars that cannot run Behemoth every week simply because there aren't enough supports.
thats fine as long as it gives gold. i would rather be perpetually one raid behind than deal with raidniggers
/videogatcha/ is that way
It's not one raid behind. KR already has Thaemine, Echidna, and Behemoth. By the time solo raids comes out, KR will most likely have another already or at least very soon.
Even for our version it'll be 3 raids behind on release. Then you better hope SG plans to constantly maintain solo raids at 3-4 raids behind rather than a periodic update every year or so.
When gooks make a change they forget about it for years, like improving dailies. It won't be one raid behind, it will end at ivory tower forever
fuck youre right, i was hoping it would be like training mode for new raids but they dropped that shit too
they dropped the rehearsal shit cause I'm pretty sure literally nobody was doing them
imagine making a 16 man epic poggers raid only to make a solo version of it 2 months later
>They better have at least something about support shortage at LOAON
ain't happening. KR's actually dealing with a massive DPS shortage in all the 1620+ content, including HM ivory tower
players stopped doing them after the monumentally retarded change that made them share the lockout with the regular version of the raids

before that, you could EASILY find a rehearsal party to do the clown with 24/7, I specifically remember that, I actually got my x10 doing rehearsal only

then they rolled out the change and yeah, literally nobody used it any more, or the brel one after that, or the akkan one because why the fuck would you do it if your reward was literally getting fucked in the ass

it's insane how much this game hates new players
[citation needed]

And don't say saintone because people already called him out for saying that
Is it even possible to max out transcendence before echidna releases, assuming literally best case scenario that will apply to maybe 0.1% of players?
Yes. The only timegated mat is dark fires and if you do 1-3hm you'll have enough. Soundstones are roster bound so your nm alts can farm them for your main.
let's do the math

you need
15 x 3 + 20 x 4 = 125
blobs for each gear piece

that means 125 x 5 = 500 blobs in total

hard mode gives you 12 + 16 + 24 + 24/2 = 64 blobs a week

+ everyone got 50 blobs extra as free gibs

[500 - 50] / 64 = 7.03125 =~2 months

the answer is therefore yes, if you did G4HM week 1, you can just barely have everything ready for echidna
125 x 5 = 600 not 500 so you actually need 10 weeks (not counting the handout).

Depending on when exactly in June echidna releases, we may or may not have enough time.
Don't post my pictures here.
nice abs
125 * 5 is 625...
Including the 50 dark fires, it'll take 9 weeks to max it. So yeah it would depend on when Echidna exactly releases, though even if it's not maxed, dps would only be missing the 15/20 grade effect for helm which isn't a big difference.
One more thing to consider is the planned transcendence boost event we're getting. If it gives dark fires, it could be definitely maxed before Echidna. If it's very generous, maybe it'll even possible to max with some g3 NMs and missed g4s.
it's fucking bullshit, gooks had 4 months to prepare, we're getting literally half that
isn't echidna easier than thaemine and probably isn't even balanced around having maxed trans?
but I like to ogle at these pictures
Guys when does this game get good? Gooks told us the game gets good at Valtan/Vykas then they said it gets good at clown. Then Saint said Brel is where the game really starts. Then Akkan was supposed to be the good raid. Now Thaemine???
Maybe that's what the boost event is for? Keep in mind we're also almost certainly getting nerfed Echidna right out the gate. I remember seeing a lot of Echidna g2 jails, including reaching berserk, when I watched some streamers. Maxed transcendence won't be as needed compared to KR who had to blind prog the pre-nerfed version.
game gets good in 2 years when it starts to die and the retarded devs actually have to fix their game
>make several new accounts
>make level 1 characters with several popular sa/naw streamer/area chatters on nae
I will profit.
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imagine if we actually got content at KR's pace, we'd still be at vykas or so and actually having fun
that was the last good raid imo
gooning to sissy hypno
imagine if they just released the game with all the raids in it from the start, they're naturally timegated so it wouldn't be a problem and we'd be up to date.
i never understood that stuff desu
i want to dress like a girl and take it up the butt until i cum hope this helps
pls post it
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Thaemine is too difficult for the Western playerbase.
tfw no stupid big titted bimbo slayer gf
>152 clears after a month
merging servers was just the first step
the problem isn't the difficulty level, it's how unfun the raid is, it's a 15-minute long streak of untelegraphed one-shot basic attacks that you literally have to memorize like a fucking autist and then stare at the boss and recognize what he's doing, just thinking about it makes me not want to play holy fuck it's retarded (and then there's ridiculously tight dps checks and some actual mechs on top of that to make sure you can't clear g4 without an esther weapon)
You are NOT an Expert Reclear like me if you did not clear Hard Mode. Please link Baratron's Core.

new survey

it looks like they're planning to release the next raid on all regions simultaneously
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Hello friends I am here to remind (You) that the weekly NAE /lag/ Brel 1-3 HM/Akkan NM lobbies will be posted in ~1 hour. Newfriends are welcome, watching or reading a guide is recommended.

Reply to this post if you want to reserve a spot. If you're a new or returning player on the fence about reserving a spot, just do it, these runs are for you.
>22k clears after a whole month
This game is fucking dead, I knew it. Nobody wants to put up with the stupid ass raidniggery, and the raidnigger centric design anymore.
Just got the game and played a little bit and picked the Soul Eater.
But are all these skills basically just the same skill with different animations?
Does rotation matter with the Soul Eater?
On a basic level you cast blue and purple skills to build soulstones so you can then use big dick pink skills and sometimes press Z to power up
This changes and gets more complicated once you get your class engravings and start raiding at which point look up a guide
also join the groomercord this place is dead
looking very grim desu
this just proves the game is at least 50% bots
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>23k nm g3 clears after a month
>that's less than 6k clears if assuming it's the same players who cleared each week
>now take out all the alt runs
not looking good desu
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but what about this?
Oh I'm dumb. I meant Slayer.
But I'll join the discord though
NAE: discord.gg/W8gvrvs5
EUC: discord.gg/TCtba93y
hmmm nyo i don't think i will be joining
animal print underwear is the most trashy desu, still love the curves
Can I get more booba? I need to tribute something quick
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Atleast post it when you're done, there's only like 1 LA tribute on erome
Give me your discord and I will send you some nice tribs
>1 LA tribute on Erome
I didn't know there even was 1 thanks for the heads up
mage nipples
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nursing handjobs and paizuri from mages!
teasing a mages nipples through her dress, groping mage breasts from behind
>using AI to enhance Mage
Do it to some of the other classes.
nyo, nothing is enhanced.
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wtf is the arolas poking out???? thats part of the game?? graphics???
i've stopped using the n-word and i've been making a lot of friends lately
future is looking bright
>befriending niggers
if you stop using the gamer word, your skills start deteriorating rapidly
its true
Take note, this is what a 95%+ uptime bard looks like
Is there a way to do out of combat healing outside of the passive regeneration?
Or do I have to use potions?
Use the potions that you buy for silver from a vendor, not the % healing ones that you get from chests since you'll want to save those for raids
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lol is that real? does amazon not care anymore?
Amazon is a small online book store. What do you want them to do?
actually, youre right. we need to get on smilegates ass for this.
when's LOAON so they can announce solo raids?
In 13 days and 24 hours.
Why is there a massive queue? What is going on?
anti-botting protection is off
bots, hues, and chinese, oh my!
they want the game to look alive because they know too many real players left
congratulations bwo!!!!!!!
bro i think ur right, legit why did this happen right after the thaemine stats which proved this game is dead? lmao. the timing is too sus
good job bro
I don't feel like progging g4 after spending 20-30 hours to clear g3...

He was right
don't worry Dawntrail soon
i cant bear to do chaos gates anymore, fucking shit is clogged with bots and it takes 15 minutes to clear because these fucks are just standing in place doing fucking nothing.
>Lost Ark on twitch averages 2k CCV at peak hours. Not even saint streaming game anymore
>R*ddit super doomer mode
>Can't even maintain a thread on /vg/ anymore
>Korea not happy with the game
>Bots overrunning servers

W-w-w-w-we f-f-f-f-fine right bros?
fuck you gooks, stupid fucks. they were the ones to push the game into this garbage ass state its in right now, and then they have the nerve to be mad about it. FUCK YOU GOOKS FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU
LA isn't a game that you watch, it's a game that you play
not true, the game is much enjoyable through Stoopzz
>the same gameplay
>the same epic raids
>nn dailies
>no drama
>no gatekeeping
>no bullshit RNG
>parasocial friends to joke around with
>damage MVP thanks to whaling on every fotm class
look, I'm not going to judge you for being a cuck

I'm just here to tell you it ain't normal
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yes it is
Can you prove that you are Japanese?
can you prove im not watashi desu bakayaro?
why are koreans unhappy now?
theyre fucking retards. they whine for a raidnigger game, then get raidfatigue and then whine about it. fuck them, never listen to these stupid people and just laugh in their face instead. you will get a better game instantly if you do that
the final refuge of the dead game coper
good games are both
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I love mages but I love bimbo titcow slayers almost as much
she can smack her balls harder than that
can I see her butt too
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what's the magic word?
please! would make my day
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thank you for delivery anon!
I know where this spot is and I'm coming right now.
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i might not be in the same server as you bwo
fucking cuh-ringe
You are, I just walked by.
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I got my free una's ticket so i logged off. i'm on luterra btw
This activates my neurons in so many ways
Gay orgy on Luterra when?
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name ONE
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>ask AGS to ban bots and reduce homework/honing/elixir/transc
>get this shit instead
omfg no I already spent like 500k gold on artist outfits, please don't release any more good ones
>G4 only got cleared 152 times
so basically it's 100% bus runs by korean/russian vets
i forgot to buy the current skin until the last date and now people are trying to sell it for like 60k+ gold. fucking assholes
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>Anime - Lost Ark - XIV
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Only skin I care about. If it's not put in the game soon, there will be consequences.
>anime - gook filter - lost ark avatar
>upset hamodbeast
Now there's 1 more jerk trib for the gooners.
nice cock bro
you didn't even cum bro wtf
the things i would do to sit on your cock... are you self conscious about your cum though anon?
ummm i thought we were all straight here
What are you even talking about?
im re installing lost ark! only 1 day of downloading and ill be playing again
search lost ark on erome
or don't
what class do you main

its important
Don't actually play the game, I tried it out in 2022. Only come here sometimes to enjoy pics of sluts.
holy based
im kneeling
Sent a DM to the guy who made one of the tribs hoping they would make more
What are the new artist outfits? Worth coming back for and selling myself in return for them?
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rejoice xisters! the game is alive and well
Do you ERP?
I'd love to have you on my dick
what a really gay general this is
Nothing is more fun than jerking to vidya characters especially MMO/game characters of your friends together in Discord
Is there really interest in lost ark tribs? I made some in the past that I could maybe upload
if ur a girl doing a trib then sure, if not then dont bother
Put on erome
how can a girl even do that
idk, squirt on silian or kharmine pic or smth maybe
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yes I was looking for them so I brought it up, there's plenty for XIV and even wow. I did some bdo and XIV ones myself
Bros I am shit at the game and Im running out of items boxes. Do I have to buy the battle item package in the store? Fuck me, cant I grind some item boxes?
thats crazy considering lost ark sluts look perfect to cover in cum
>suddenly lost ark erome active
Thanks thread
>endgame acceleration event
>+1 elixir per week
Holy fuck ags is ass
pretty much, TERA was semi popular for it too but dead game lol. I think a part of the problem is a lot of pornsites got purged of a lot of content including tribute stuff at one point and people have swapped platforms multiple times without ever re-upping old stuff
>a gooning dude in the glow of the aftermath uploads his cawk on the internet
>snaps out of it and realizes what he has just done
why would they upload it again? lamo
I have 1200 of every type of box
girls can have gocks bro
If you just need potions you can forage and use those mats to craft potion boxes. Though foraging is pretty slow until you reach lv30. If you don't care about life skill at all then change your stronghold farm setup to get mats to craft battle item chests.
You can craft battle items in our sh.
any reason why the game jumped to 80k concurrent players again or is it still just bots?
chnag is back. we're around 40k peak humans
Ok. I was thinking about this but it costs gold. Im always running out of that too so I was hoping there was a zero gold trick but I have no choice
everybody came back because thaemine was so hecking poggers
fucking gook niggers, i accidentally wasted my royal crystals buying gold. fucking fuckers, fuck you
Thaemine IS poggers. But only G3 and only on normal. Everything else is cringe shit.
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Someone post the new skin, I need to coom.
wow the new event is super shit, it's not even silver elixirs lmao
do you rike it?
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havent played in about 2 years, have some crap in my storage, is it worth anything? some of it isnt even listed on market so i have no idea

graceful monkey skin set x4
cat pet selection chest x2
omen skin selection chest x3
omen weapon skin selection chest x3
mount: radiant golden cloud x3

also how do i find out what i should be fucking doing, i dont remember a single thing after 2 years, have 2x 1420s, 4x 1370s
3 una tasks 2 chaos dungeons 1 guardian raid raid per character every day
welcome back (:
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i dont remember how to do any of those
just press alt+q
this game is too confusing to learn again i just wanted to sell some stuff and play dress up
>is it worth anything
how do i see how many peaches i have from shangra, i will farm another nimbus to sell
open your inventory -> storage tab (third one at the top) -> sailing -> island item
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i have quite a bit of peach farming to do...
all you can do with these characters is join argos card runs for a quick 1k gold each

don't hone them past 1472.5 or argos won't give you gold anymore

your top priority right now should be to get your weekly una tokens before reset, you have like 2 hours

just do a cube weekly quest on each of them, that's 6 x 12 = 72 points, more than enough to get all the tokens (there's an NPC in most towns that will convert your old tickets into a currency item that you can use to buy the new tickets, get one lowest lvl ticket on each character for now just to clear the weeklies quickly)
gonna not do anything this week in lost ark and play wuthering waves all week
no one is fucking joining the match making for cube im so fucked, rip my weekly unas...
fart clouds are cash money rn
you can't sell that one
what yes you can, i sold the shangra nimbus 2 years ago already, did they change it?
Degenerate posting ended. Gameplay posting rare
this game is dead bwo, 2 week old general and only 1/3 the way to cap. thats graveyard speed even for /vm/ standards
>new event is an extra chaos dungeon every day
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this but unironically, I want to live the comfy rice eater life but its impossible with bots selling 100k gold for $12 on g2g
im not expecting much but that red headed bitch is pretty hot..and the mc.
they cant even hide how much they hate us. it turns out myeh wasnt the sissy, it was all of us who keeps getting fucked in the ass by yellow dick.
its literally the same as genshin, arr rook same. koreans have developed their unique gook doll face that is unmistakably korean when you see it. the chinese have yet to develop its own unique art style
It's quite different from genshin actually, if you look at a side-by-side roster thing. But yeah I do agree I wish they were more distinctive, koreans make the best models unless it's way too barbie doll but goddamn do they make the worst monetization schemes for their games too. The UE3-4 era of korean mmos was a wild ride I took part in
>86k peak players
>now its 20k on a brand new patch
We know what the real player numbers are now..
wait this is it? repurpose an old event into an island? well its better than nothing
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>still no 35 set from 5 event elixirs
yeah fuck this game. This event is so dogshit. Im just gonna pirate and play tsushima and horizon forbidden west.
>playing snoy movieslop
Kill yourself
*Samurai Cinema
Throne and Liberty waiting room xD
He said he's pirating so it's okay. He doesn't actually enjoy those games and only plays them to spite Sony.
you can do the lowest lvl cube solo EASILY now, even if you're a supp (just use your chaos dungeon preset for optimized dps)
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>when the new island is an event you did every day for a month on three accounts
limp and very small
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wtf game literally died overnight
did devs rugpull??
and this is the new patch day, so this is higher than normal. if bots didnt come back and the patch day number stabilizes, we're at legit 10k daily peak. how are we even fucking alive desu
Gros? Why is the reddit trashing the game non stop recently?
why did riot have to kill their mmo...
>more raidnigger shit
ban all raidniggers off the internet FOREVER
>elixir complaints suddenly surging after thaemine release
They probably honed all their characters to 1610 to farm nm thaemine but were too shit to actually down him at 1610 ilvl + event gems.
So they're now begging for elixir/transcendence changes so they can farm thaemine as easily as they farmed akkan + nm ivory
how about that hell monkey guys?
is anybody doing that?
theyre right though, who the fuck wants to sweat their dick off for normal mode? raidniggers are delusional
Am I getting old?

It may be because I’m in my 30’s, but I’m just so unsure of why people get so invested or upset about things Smilegate/Amazon does or doesn’t do.

Like we didn’t get what we wanted this patch...okay? I don’t mean to be that guy, but what is the worry or rush? So what they didn’t give you what you wanted? Sometimes they will sometimes they won’t. Like aren’t you exhausted being angry for no fucking reason? So what that you figured out that they don't care about homework. I can’t keep up. Maybe I just don’t belong on Reddit lol.

Sorry, I feel like I’m coming off harsh and I don’t mean to, I just don’t get video game subreddits anymore.
Why didn't they just increase elixir tap count by one? So many elixirs end up 4/3 or 5/2 that would be 4/4 or 5/3 with one more node.
>what's the rush?? why complain?? just eat shit until things change
based reddit boomer retard
just give everyone pre-cut 5 crit/5 atk or 5 master/5 atk elixirs
>removing the rush of happy chemicals you get from winning the gamba and getting a good elixir
You should not be a game designer.
Hes me

I'll just keep playing with my friends, I enjoy the gameplay and I'm not gonna cry if I get 0.5% damage increase this week instead of 1%.

FOMO retards will see this and seethe about it
how do people get full level 10 gems without RMT
Anon, if you are served shit on a plate you have the option of not eating it. Of course being an addicted consoomer, you dug in and devoured your hot turd with great gusto, only to complain afterwards that it was, in fact, a pile of shit you just ate.
>great gusto
literally who did retard? people are whining because they see the shit, reject it, and complain for actual food.
Complaining has never accomplished anything. It's just a way for the mazies to vent their impotent rage before logging back into the game and buying another pack of crystals.
every week, you can get

2 x lvl5 from kayangel tokens
2 x lvl5 from siege events
at least 2 x lvl5 from cubes and other stuff combined

that's 2 lvl 6 gems every week

you need 81 lvl 6 gems to get 1 lvl10

that means you get a free lvl10 passively just by playing for 41 weeks (per account)
he's right
i complain about a lot in this game but every day i login and do my 12 chaos 6 guardians like a good little cuck retard fag
the idea is that the purchases won't happen

and then the company will wonder "gee why's the money well drying up??"

and then they'll look at reddit and see it's on fire, read all the feedback, and make adjustments to their strategy
Most obvious samefag, you are embarassing.
I'm not gonna stop buying bwo I need to keep up
That's just 451 weeks for one character's gems (of course you aren't guaranteed to get damage)!
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did you buy the new pack bro?
no for some reason they haven't added it to ingame shop
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bwos what do we do
if that ipad is 10" like mine then thats a solid 8.2" you have there... please cum next time
I will NOT sail the Wuhan Waves
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bro is out here measuring dicks weirdge
New skins look ok in game, too bad game is dead
post ingame screenshots
I'm just waiting for throne and liberty to satisfy my grinding autism
raids on there aren't AIDS to complete either
you save your raid gold instead of dumping them for honing. should be able to afford at least 1 lvl 9 per week even if your characters are at pleb levels
artist or aeromancer?
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usefulcunny vs cunny
do people bus argos? does anyone even do argos anymore?
do you have any recommendations bro? I need something until fromslop's elden ring dlc and lost ark solo raids (copium)
bro new characters reach 1600 in a day why would anybody do argos?
yes, start a party, name it "cards" and people will join
take it easy on him bwos, his president just died hes in mourning
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what the fuck why did they do this? all the cards i had are gone, and i got like 50 uncommon - rare card packs instead?
do you like it?
wow your mad
what the fuck did they even change, as far as i can tell its the exact same but they just removed all progress?

incredibly fucking angry
Where all the degenerates at?
on ffxiv
i just jerk it here desu, dont even play xiv anymore just gacha and sp games
>found the erome stuff through thread
You guys ruined me. Why is this shit so hot?
...just claim the cards? This was back when they merged servers. Click the button and you get all your previous progress back.
are you jerking off to fat cocks cumming now...?
Teach me your moneymaking ways now that you don't need them anymore.
she cute
what the fuck is this shit? smilegate apparently releasing a new mmo under the radar
this is why they don't care, they're just milking the remaining LA whales and moving on to the next project

If you have friends to play with then Lost Ark is a good option, if you don't then definitely prioritize BDO.

I would not recommend Lost Ark to a solo player currently.

As for the main community frustrations currently, the answer is easily elixirs. They are a progression system added back in December that combines rng with path finding and act as a gold sink. The power returns from interacting with the system are REAL but it's also easy to put in gold and get nothing useable in return. There's nothing Lost Ark players hate more than putting their hard-earned gold into something and getting jack shit, hence the frustration.

As for things the community is happy about that would probably be the new Thaemine legion raid. Gate 3 has seemingly been very well-received and even rated as highly as Valtan gate 2, a long-standing community favorite, in community polls. Some people say the raid is unacceptably difficult and are put off by it so there is that as well.

Basically it's same old same old for Lost Ark. Outstanding gameplay, class and raid design bundled with frustrating progression systems that eventually get tweaked to make them more palatable.
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is the doomposting getting out of hand?
It's almost sad to watch AGS try and make the best they can out of this game, while Slimegate are actively trying to kill it by listening to mazie gooks and adding more mazie casino garbage to make sure casuals never even consider playing this shit.
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amazon is just the fall guy for gook greed so they can keep milking money while dangling a thread of hope out to western mazies
I feel the problem is they cant find the middle ground in risk/reward.
It's either press Q to clear screen or beat this yeeyee hardcore asshole while simultaneously playing match 3, memory game, entering captchas and "please insert correct cube into this circle or your entire party will be oneshotted".
Not everyone can do the latter without taking a serious mental hit and former is just... boring.
Worst offender is that you cannot opt out of the raid progression and do something else, either you progress this week or you don't. before you say "but you can be bwussied" bussed people are not playing the game
>make amazing combat
>the only place where it shines is snorefest
Why are they like this?
Remade my bard in hgame and cleared some drive space...
>savior of korean gaming
>god of mmos
I will NEVER forgive those bugs for lying to us with a straight face. Fuck them.
what do we absolutely need to see from LOAON in order to regain trust in smilegate?
i will never trust smilegate until gold river goes up on stage and says "fuck you gook raidniggers, im not listening to you anymore, we will do what we think is right and fuck you"
This isn't even being developed by Smilegate, they're just the publisher. LOA is also literally the top MMORPG in KR rn. No corporation in the world would drop support for a game like this to push out a brand new project.
Whether Smilegate is intentionally balancing frustration and player satisfaction to encourage spending or they're just genuinely incompetent, they are not trying to kill this giant cash cow.
>nerf elixirs to the ground
>nerf thaemine and make lvl 7 trans unlocked by nm mode g3
>nerf all gold cost by every single progression system by half
>buff rates of honing by 10x
>nerf this nerf that'
>still dont address raidnigger game design
you failed
its like asking for the shit you eat to be less smelly than asking for real food
fuck off retard, most systems in the game would be fine if they didn't dial the RNGfaggotry up to 11
>muh raidnigger
if you don't want to raid go play another genre of games
fuck you raidnigger
>if you don't want to raid go play another genre of games
there's a lot of mmos that don't revolve around raiding
I think its more about the balance of focus. There are games that are solely about raiding or guardian killing, like Monster Hunter, but Lost Ark wasn't originally like that. The game evolved over time to only become raiding, and it's natural for some people to dislike that. You being immediately defensive shows how much he's right about how skewed the game has become.
Hello friends I am here to remind (You) that the weekly NAE /lag/ Brel 1-3 HM/Akkan NM lobbies will be posted in ~2 hours. Newfriends are welcome, watching or reading a guide is recommended.

Reply to this post if you want to reserve a spot. If you're a new or returning player on the fence about reserving a spot, just do it, these runs are for you.
What about Thaemine lobbies?
Probably after Echidna comes out, NM is pretty free now honestly
idc, your pic = BREEEEEEEED
That's fanart of my bard relaxing in punika
I don't play the game but this pic made me horny..
more empty promises so the lemmings can cheer that we're back while they kick the can down the road and milk whales a little longer
the crying raidniggers dont even realize theyre the ones perpetuating the shit they complain about. raidniggers turning a game into a raidnigger game turns it hypercompetitive and whale bait that attracts hyper rng systems designed to milk you because everyones obsessed about .00015% more dmg because thats all the game has left, numberniggering. raidniggers are so fucking stupid.
>AGS try the best they can
>bots and rmt never gets punished
>events getting worse and worse in terms of rewards
>endgame acceleration event lmaoooo
Yeahhhh suuuuuure
no, fuck YOU shiteater, go fuck off to diablo4 or wuwa or some shit
no there's not, all the non-raid MMOs are shit and lack content
>raidnigger slops up raids
>all the non-raid MMOs are shit
I wonder if there's a conflict of interests here
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hm transcendence makes me want to kiss my sister
and elixirs simply make me want to quit the game every time i do it
god i love panties so much
because raids are what define MMOs
if you want to grind mobs, go play d4
if you want to pvp, go play lol/dota
if you want to collect rocks/plants and build houses, go play a survival game
if you want to gamba on RNG shit, go play a gacha
>gamba gacha
go play a bot shart
youre the only retard that sees that a game has to have only one thing and focus on that. mmorpgs werent like that, raidniggers like you swooped in, made it like that and then declared for no reason that this is the way it has to be.
the real menace is not raidniggers its bus rats
this has to go and stay go
bus is the issue? no i dont think so. you are the issue. yes it is true i believe that maybe if you decide put more time into play raid and learn how to do mechas then maybe you would spend less time on reddit cry about bus and more time having fun helping mokoko (which is what i call bus). i think bus is very good for mokoko because they can learn and have fun seeing the raid, but if all mokoko play lost ark and no bus is around then there is no mokoko. learn mech and play better maybe then you would understand how easy make gold in this game really is
thanks for confirming my suspicions busniger
afraid of losing that income huh
I bet you rmt it too
Busing is not ruin game but help mokok if you care to read my comment I said I bus to help mokoko learn raid and they get to see and experience mech which is better than prog because they clear at the end of a bus, you sound like someone who is too bad to be buser and so you cry about it to people online, I'm sorry. I don't take game like job I just have lots of free time live with my parents and so I help mokoko become better at easy game. Clearly you take too much time in this game being bad because you are not buser. You have standards? Also no because you don't like help mokoko.
blabla didnt read buskek you are the symptom of everything wrong with our game die
normal raid is too easy im clear the first mode thaemine last week with pug loby. I do buses for mokoko help, i dont need gold but it is free money to do bus and help people it is win win situation
Mokoko seeds express when?
except games that focus on 1 thing actually get it right and develop a proper niche. spreading out too thin and trying to appease everyone is how you fuck up your game.
play monster hunter and gtfo, thats clearly the game you want, not mmorpg
>no pale stacked ponytail delain wife
i should just end it all right here bros
imagine getting isekaid not to some shiddy anime verse but arkesia where you can have all the gookdoll gigamodel gfs you want.............heaven.....
you will be isekaid into bard bro
ESL nigger talking to himself
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make me a destroyer, give me a specialist slavewife and you can sign me up
I'll also make sure to tell kadan he's a fag
i will be futa bard and still have my wifes, seethe
Profits falling with every update. EoS soon.
no thanks, i hate using sharpening stones every 2 mins
we're getting 2 piss easy dogshit trixion
dummy raids next... why can't they keep making Thaemine G4 style kino??
Show face
I want more and harder raids that fewer people are going to clear and I'm not kidding
someone has to tell that kadan sissyboi off
i hope its us, but prolly itll be armen cuz gook writers suck
you will never be a woman
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thank you unas tasks
thats it? literally 2 honnes
got one of the big gold bars so im happy. when i get to 1490 my account will be able to use market and i can sell my fart clouds
>piss easy
i still see gooks wipe on enchilada whenever i tune into their streams
in 2 half years i only got 1 super bar. its ultra gay.
so true...
bro cautty is the biggest mazie we have. if hes gone, we have nothing left
what is he mumbling right at the start?

"gamers, it's time for [???] I'm not wearing any pants"

I can't watch the rest of the video until I decipher that part.
two truths one lie
This is what is wrong with Koreans. They don't fight to keep good things going. Once they see just a little bit of a downturn, they give up and start milking who remains instead of preserving what gold they struck. They quickly abandon it and then make other shit games and think they'll hit gold twice, thrice, or however many times. That's why its a mistake to ever trust Korean games. They will abandon it immediately and milk you at the first sign of "trouble" after they listen to raid autist morons.
thanks bwo

I guess the one lie was the "friend that quit" and left him a full tab of lvl10s?
I really like Brel gate 4 now, a lot.
I'm 1630 and never did hard g4 brel
You should this week before a hotfix or a patch.
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this raid was hard...
my dick was hard...
for ur bard
>Damage buff :3
sissy bard detected
Lery is peak bard has a twitter, onlyfans etc
You're so fucking stupid do you even know how many dramas and melties KR LoA has had? The only time the game unironically almost died was in tier 1 when the only endgame was guardians
I need a discord whore so bad
>the game unironically almost died was in tier 1
And why didn't it?
post ass now
GODriver created legion raids and the rest is history
Legion raids were the beginning of the end for this game, numbnuts.
No. Raids saved the game. Raids are great. The main improvement we need is more raids. The biggest problem with the game is taking too long to release new raids.
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we need Kazeros (6 gates much harder than Thaemine) asap
The game does not revolve around you, retard.
No, the game revolves around Raids.
except thaemine isn't fun, it's an absolute slog the likes of which the games has never seen before
>make nothing but raids for 3 years
>rest of the game gets no fucking update for 3 years
>raidnigger burnout
>nothing else in the game to chill with
FUCK raidniggers.
u got like 4 shift+g continents and a hundred bikinis in that time. that's what u wanted isn't it?
fuck off retard, season 1 LOA was literally chaos dungeon/guardian and islandslop that nobody likes, shit was dead until valtan released
chaos dungeon is the best part of the game, and islands are top kino

guardian raids are cancer though, I'll give you that
>chaos dungeon is the best part of the game
The absolute state of anti-raidfags
Who even mentioned season 1 except you, raidnigger? Also,
>guardian RAID
Fuck you raidnigger.
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shit fart
unironically, yes. you run through hordes and kill them spectacularly like in good arpgs.
biofems are yucky
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Are you ready for FREE +20 ilvl from Echidna?
cope, she would cost 10k a night
Yeah so go play one of those good ARPGs where chaos dungeon content is the entire game, retard. Why the fuck are you here when you can play PoE RIGHT NOW and it has like 500 types of chaos dungeon?
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this doesn't seem very free
so you're saying she's a whore?
you did retard, your fried brain actually thought this game was any good before legion raids were a thing. laughable, go seethe some more
>ayo muhfugga nigguh bix nood sheeeit
you okay?
concession accepted
actually unironically yes
you can see even the staunchest of mazies reach their breaking point with each new raid and progression system added, it's a fascinating study on how far you can push a koreaslop paypig until they mentally break
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bros I'm so happy
that's a lot of chests
Don't steal my posts you dumb ESL turdie. I know you're gonna turn around and spew more retarded lowercase "meme speak".
still sitting at 5k "follow for follow" and 10 likes per post i see
slay troon kween lmoa
enough to buy a million chang gold monthly
You think you can give me orders, bitch?
someone typed
>*spanks ur tight little ass*
to my artist and i didn't report them
you should have
destroy worst korea
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>18k on reset
is it just me or did they do away with daily login rewards?
and raidniggers are still saying the game is fine
and raidniggers say that legion raids are saving the game
and raidniggers are telling those who want a better game to just quit
its like raidniggers are the fucking dumbest people in the universe
the new skin... bwos...
they're so massive
>no attendance reward
>no login reward
bros......are we done
what else is there to do besides raiding?
split that between all regions and you have close to the real player count without bots
everyone is waking up as their friends quit one by one, well everyone except the retarded mazoids ITT
>log in at 6am
>heh heres the REAL play count chuds
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why does LOA live rent free in doomfags heads?
Mental illness, everybody normal moved to discord years (literally) ago
who cares, im playing winning waves along with my chad friends
i'm a chad and you're a liar
we have never met
i met joe mama nigga
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Wow, all the coomer skins won and all the tasteful ones lost. Again. I didn't see that one coming. Nice job, you buck toothed slant eyes.
coom sells, cry about it
Wanna buy some of my coom?
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I honestly don't even mind if they were at least good coomer skins. The GS underboob is iconic. Most of last year's skins could be considered coomer but still looks nice.
Slayer and assassin look like they just swapped their previous year's skins and edited some things. Mage has a single titty hanging out but otherwise the rest of the outfit is pretty plain. The rest I don't feel are really coomer skin.
Idk if people are going to be jerking it to any of these besides maybe the slayer one. So imo this year's skins failed even as an opportunity to add in coomer skins.
who the fuck follows 1400 people LMAO how desperate is this sissy
i do on my goon alt
based me2
awooga can you zoom out a little more (still cut it at lips though please thats very hot)
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shit fart
Yeah, I'm thinking fuck koreans
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>meanwhile the best game ever made according to boomers
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>sorry westoid, it's YOUR fault that bots are around and gatekeeping exists
>don't like the probabilities and progression systems? well just go play another game
>nothing can be done, just seal the servers
straight from KR's mouths, it's actually fucking over
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Holy shit this thread is nearly a month old, the absolute state of this place. Also Reddit mazie tried to cope that gooks give a shit about the west instead gooks shit all over the west. The game will not get better we've reach the point there are new players it's just mazies and bots.

best korea has our backs, bros
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I always fucked with North KR heavy.
it literally is tho
dont tell me you like faggy ff8 or god forbid ff6 you normscum
theyre right about the ssn req, if we had that shit we would have no bots or fucking scamming thirdies in the game. it wouldnt fix everything but it would make the game imensely more enjoyable
if it's so good how come nobody is playing it? checkmate
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You faggots are unironically still shitting on other games after gooks just took a shit in your mouth and told you to enjoy it?
LOA mazies, in addition to being retarded paypigs, have zero self awareness
and the game would have 500 players
small weak limp eu sissy
thats fine. its not like the scamming thirdies or bots are adding anything positive by being here
the game has 500 players currently
They don't see any problem about the fundamental content strategy for the game, so who cares what they think. They're below subhuman.
I've been calling them subhuman for years now. Honestly they're pathetic with the women 4b movement and men are mega neets/incels.
they make pretty good BBC NTR...
I never understood their obssession of cuck porn.
What is your obsession with cuck porn?
examples?asking for a friendfor research purposes haha
someone ai edit the negro to a white guy and this is hot
>best art quality
>its cuck porn every time
fucking jappos
taiwan launch has revived the lost ark twitch section
>implying they will play after the first week
They are patriotic. They won't play worst koreas game when their daddy ccp commands it.
>koreans are cucks
they proved that with this game already
>gooks who grinded lineage and maplestory for decades think hyper RNG systems are fine
its way beyond battered wife syndrome at this point
hyper rng ultra milking is intricately intertwined with raidnigger priorities. this is why raidniggers kill games, yet they will tell you they arent responsible for this.
we could just have phone number verification, but you probably saw how well that went with the poors in overwatch 2
see, thats where the trap happened. they caved to the scammy whiny poors. if youre poor that sucks, i feel sympathy. if youre so poor you dont even have a phone number, then you can fug off desu.

I miss Vykas and Valtan era for how easy everything was.
raids were still relatively chill back then, then the raidniggers attacked and ruined everything
Haven't touched ow2 in a while, but it actually looks like they still require it unless you were grandfathered in with ow1. We could have trusted status locked behind phone verification or something
All raids should be like original hard Brelshaza and Thaemine, epic kino and brutally hard
ofc the sissy wants to get phucced in the ass difficulty
Vykas was when the raidniggery began. G1 orb mech was cancer. I will hate raid niggers who keep begging for harder and harder raids and more raids. The natrual response from you mazies here would be that it was an easy mech meanwhile lets look at how the playerbase dipped after vykas's release and every raid after.
Loa ON will be focused almost entirely on Kazeros raid.
When they released Thaemine, Gold River said this will be the hardest raid until Kazeros. Look forward to it!
fun fact: thaemine used to be the most recent legion raid until echidna/ladon
wow! I sure can't wait to see all the same retards soifacing about a new, even harder and gatekeepier raid with even more progression systems until reality hits them again
they'll fall for it again too
There's no falling for anything. They love the raidnigger design, they love the monotonous homework, they love the niggeRNG systems to milk you. They LOVE it. They can't stand the idea of a game where raids are a part of a game instead of the entirety of it. They can't stand the idea of a game that doesn't ram it's cock into your ass while emptying your pockets.
harder gook daddy harder
Gook sama I will buy the $20 skin every month, I will do my 2 chaos dungeons on 6 characters a day I will do the same shitty gaurdian raid I will fail my honing I will get gatekept on all my character I will do my unas and I will do it all over again every week.
>LOAON June 8th
are you ready for the day of reckoning? either the game is saved or everyone will quit
This will be the last time they get to fuck my asshole for free. If they fuck me this time I'm done. No more freebies. I will quit and I won't return until they start paying me for the bussy.
why hasn't anyone reverse engineered a private server of this game yet?
Why don't you do it?
every loaon is the new last straw lol
i don't know how, what about you?
Me neither, but I'm not the one asking for it.
bros im playing ff4 pixel remaster and im getting my shit pushed in. i dont want to hax but its tempting.
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Hello friends I am here to remind (You) that the weekly NAE /lag/ Brel 1-3 HM/Akkan NM lobbies will be posted in ~30 minutes. Newfriends are welcome, watching or reading a guide is recommended.

Reply to this post if you want to reserve a spot. If you're a new or returning player on the fence about reserving a spot, just do it, these runs are for you.
I'm seriously quitting if LOAON is trash.
me too, and desu im not expecting much. but at this point i dont blame smilegate as much as i do the fucking gook playerbase scum who want this shoveled cow shit raid hamster wheel
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not even this can bring me back if loaon sucks the giga cock
>$20 skin every month
stingy cunt, bet you spend more than that in a week gulping down some fruity shit from starcucks
Gonna take a mental health week (or two) break from pretty much all of social media, and for all y'all remember to have as much fun as you can!~
-love from everyone
What a great slut you are <3
the 99%...
they will announce LOA2 at LOAON
that wont save the game desu famalam unless they undo all the raid tism
as we all know sex sells, but how do they improve on slayer? what is the next class? specialist with hag milkers?
theyre stuck, you cant improve on gookdoll perfection. now they can only go forward by catering to more specific and niche degeneracy like bogged faces, feet, K cup cowtits, hip waist ratio that makes gooner porn look tame, BNWO avvies, chinese tier bogged giraffe legs, giga nigga ass, and so on.
>you cant improve on gookdoll perfection
yes you can
I want to erp with you on ds <3
haven'[t played in a year, will there be a catchup event any time sooon? also why did they move the general from vg to here?
>why did they move
cus dead game
>catchup event
missed it by a few months, but it didnt save the game
any news of future catchups? i thought we got bi-yealrly catchup events in this game, maybe im mixing it up with another koreanslop mmo
nah maybe sometimes theres a bost event that will get you to ilvl 2 raids behind the current one, but the one that gives you free island soul, cards and etc has only been done one time ever, and the jump server didnt include that. anyways what your behind 1 year is too massive, your gonna play alone while you get gatekept from everything as you catch up for 6 months of nonstop play. best to play other new releases. if you have to play korean slop then play mapplestory
there are multiple catchup events active right now but as always they're nowhere near enough to actually get you caught up, if you missed out on a whole year, you're bricked forever, it's jover,
I just like posting my characters here every now and then
but ur just reposting inven pics? why tf u lyin
nyo they're my pics...

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