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johto's like 8 feet wide, just walk, lazy ass.
GBC games can play online now with emulators.

Yeah, a new one spawns every week. Not sure why you'd need to catch more than one though since they can breed.

You have a bicycle.
oops i forgot, gonna pkhex one of my gen 2 boxmons to a lapras lol
Why are pokefags too lazy to play their games
>NPC method: catching Lapras on Friday
>chad method: changing the in-game time to Friday
>gigachad method: >>55903780

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Both normally pink.
Both have a unique blue shiny.
Both learn transform.

What's the secret connection between Mew and Ditto?
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he was the composer
Same person that said Kyurem might've been even fused with pikachu before making BW2 when BW constantly scream "Kyurem and zekrom are the same creature".

Same person that says pokemon has no lore and he resets his brain.

And he even blatantly admitted he doesnt make the lore at all when somebody asked him about zacian and zamazenta's inspirations, he said ohmori thought about that lol.

ditto is a failed laboratory abortion clone
He was also Tajiri's bestie, a co-studio founder and director of Gen 2 when Tajiri melted down trying to get that made before becoming series director with Gen 3. But you afterbirths only know him from the memes, I know.
Masuda can’t even keep his own stories straight
>Arceus is the top god among gods
>Arceus is not a god
replying to two different questions

Both of these from the man who wrote DiaPer’s lore
I think you should get a job

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We were robbed
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>personally i think original sneasel became mienfoo
didnt realize i deleted half my sentence and accidentally sounded deranged about this lol
holy shit
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>The ears could have easily been added to it.
are you schizo
>tfw /vp/ had the most kino match against /sp/ this sunday
brutha just dropped in from the bald mantine reality, give that man his little flippers back

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ITT: fat ugly shitmons
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Xister is so fucking mad it can't spam bort and gen 5 bad in every gameplay thread anymore or it'll be banned for inciting genwars.
Dubs of pure unrestrained murder.
>posts a mon that has been competitively viable since gen 1.
Kill yourself retard Tera normal ESPEED with the ice panther as a doubles partner is busted.
Based janny doing its job, but you missed one >>55904825

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the anime should have let Ash catch Diancie if they wanted to give him a mega that much in XY instead of that shitty frog
>B-But Ash isn't allowed to catch lege...
first Diancie is a mythical
second this "rule" was stupid to begin with since he eventually gets a melmetal in Alola
>B-But then it would be literally impossible for him to get Burasto Ban?
Well yeah thats the point, it was poor decision to make him lose this league which is why they get rid of him after Journey, if Ash won the Kalos league, journey would never happen.
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Really Ash not being able to use Gen 6's gimmick was a bizarre choice, especially when Charizard, Pidgeot and Heracross both got Megas.
>permamently stuck in the midevo leaf form and not the girly final flower form
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>posts the most hated pokemon from the most hated season of the anime
You just proved their point
>it was poor decision to make him lose this league which is why they get rid of him after Journey, if Ash won the Kalos league, journey would never happen.

Are you still crying because your self-insert lost a fucking league?

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Full-life sigilyph (New post, no reupload)
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>Although we did lose the file name...
Counterpart to the Gogoat one
-pokemon players see thing on 4 legs
-"its a dawwwgggg"
Literal down syndrome child brains
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The Sycamore ancestor vs Lysandre ancestor and XZ vs YZ thing kinda implies it. Unless its just something like PLA where at the climax you just choose the box legendary you want to fight and the story is identical just swapping out Xerneas for Yveltal etc.

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>both peaked on the DS
>newest installments are objectively the worse in the franchise
Did Nintendo lose its touch?
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>Smash Ultimate
Overpriced DLC worse online than smash 4
>Mario Odyssey
Probably marios worst 3d platformer second only the sunshine
Wii U game
>Pikmin 4
Worse game in the franchise with brain dead AI still decent
>Metroid Dread
Decent metroidvania but hardly original and plenty of alternatives
>Kirby and the Forgotten Land
Actual Great game only original one on this list
>Ultimate is teh bess because uhhh big bloated roster
God, can't wait for Smash 6 to come so you Ultimate losers can die off with WiiU fags.
The dexcut isn't really as big of a deal people make it out to be from the perspective of just playing through the story. Most Pokemon in the National dex aren't available natively anyway.
You had everything right but here. Metroid isn't soulsvania tranny arpg slop. It's Metroid, a search action game.
>That's where 2D games were perfected
It wasn't, but I'm not gonna take time on a Pokémon board to argue with you why most of Nintendo's IPs on the SNES were better on the NES or N64. If you like those games that's fine (I like a lot of them too), but I find it hard to believe that nostalgia isn't pulling most of those beliefs.

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i love slop!
i love slime!
i love sludge!
i love to roll in the muck and grime!
*tries to figure out who this is*
uhhh... UHHHHH... LEDIAN????
>swoshi bootlicker can't read
Kill yourself Joe
i was close tho :P

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Who is your favorite pokehebe?
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Nice marnslop
But hebe refers to pubescent girls. 10 is usually too young to be pubescent.
I didn't know it was possible to have taste this shit. Who the fuck hates tanlines??
I sure as hell do.
That's crazy. They're so hot

Cringe. Sadly the fandom is made up of these scourges
He’s right doe Dawn and Serena were peak

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i don't understand people trying to insult the unova starters by saying chandelure is more popular than them, as if chandelure isn't one of the coolest pokemon ever created
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How do you like Pokemon enough to come to a dedicated board for it and you still care about starters?
>please stop noticing how impressively shitty the unova starters are
Next you're going to tell me you use legendaries too.
>please be a campaignshitter like me
niggas be on cawadoody here.

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>18 are locked behind postgame
>6 are version exclusive, meaning three are unobtainable without trading
>3 are event only
>only 9 are obtainable before postgame
And that's before going into the other issues like
>no megas for any kalos pokemon, meaning if you want an all-gen 6 team, you will not be able to use megas
>4 of them are for the gift kanto starters, meaning you will only get to use 1 without trading
>the aggronite and houndoominite are exclusive to y, but the pokemon themselves are exclusive to x
>vice versa with the tyranitarite and manectricite in x
So, realistically, you have about 5 Megas available to you before the post-game in XY without trading or cheats. Thank God ORAS fixed these issues. Hopefully LZA redeems XY's Mega Stone distribution, as well as gives a bunch of Kalos Pokémon Megas.
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Well I got to go around the region getting stronger and stronger and slowly build up my team so yeah
>Introduce a new gimmick into a generation
>Give it to none of the new pokemon of that generation except one
>It's for a legendary
>That legendary only gets it a gen after the introduction of the gimmick and region
>wtf why didn't they give this gimmick where the entire point is new designs to these pokemon that are already new designs
>my autism makes me physically incapable of using the other 650 pokemon in the series
>It's almost as if a gimmick that only applies to a small number of mons
They've literally never done this unless you count the stupid special ones which are basically reskins anyway.

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Do you have a /vp/ gf yet /vp?
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It's not the same when it's some thot trying to sell their nudes, girls who post nudes for free are a true blessing
fortunately my gf does not care about pokemon and neither do i really these days, except when it comes to playing romhacks. instead i got the femcel mmo gamer special gf
>constantly go after "loser" women
>they still reject me
how the fuck you niggas get femcel gfs...
I'd love one
Living in Japan, you’d be amazed how many girls look like Lacey. It’s whiplash every time but its really shocking how identical she looks to someone you see everyday on the subway.

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What if they replaced the Pokemon artists with AI?
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They would never do that because the AI would probably give all the female characters cleavage. Can't have that these days.
>muh DEI boogeyman
You have to go back
AI trained on gen 1-2 designs would 100% make better designs than the slop GF has been shitting out gen 4+
Like moth to a fire.

It'd certainly save them money, which GF and TPC love doing the most, but the backlash probably wouldn't be worth it.
sorry, didn't mean to trigger you
I'll say "nigger" npcs next time

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Yesterday's thread kinda went down the shitter, so I wanna try and get a proper one.

I like Avalanche. shit's STRONG. If I have the ability to run it on a bulky physical pokemon, I'm going to. shit's GOOD. Combo's stupid well with Ice Shard, too.
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i hate close combat. The description is vague in a way that allows basically anything to learn it, and there's no downside to spamming it if you're fast enough.
Gen 3 aurora beam is probably my favorite animation. As far as usage goes I have no favorite, I like sets that fit the pokemon's lore rather than slapping whatever's strongest on it, especially in newer gens where everything gets relatively wide distribution.
Water Shuriken
>meteor beam
I wish this didn't require a turn to charge.
Would've been absolute fucking perfection.
i wish it didn't fucking miss. missing a meteor beam is the worst feeling.

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