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I just wanna hang out and chat with her editon

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>I just wanna hang out and chat with her
Pokemon Masters offers that in the Lodge
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Is Cynthia a screamer?

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Pokémon Unite is a 5v5 MOBA where your objective is to score more points than your opponent. It's focused on quick matches w/ minimal downtime. For Switch, Android, & iOS.

>Test Server (Needs VPN)

- Ceruledge(June 13th)
- Ho-Oh

- Falinks has been released

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>2 games in a row I can't play the game because I get stunlocked to death
I feel like I NEED full heal now more than ever.
Too bad the only changes it ever gets are nerfs, lol.
Are you hardstuck and not able to climb? Do you think you deserve to be higher ranked than you are? Why are others able to do it and not you? What's the difference?
No. Kys pathetic shill.

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>Bunken tries a kaizo hack for gen 4
>It's so terrible that it takes him nearly a day just to reach Heartholm City
>The long wait for Cuckguard's update continues
>I go back to Empire, at first just for testing purposes
>But now I am convicted to finally finish this miserable game
>Alanah's got no cake
>Wagie tries Aether and Chaos for a bit, it sucks
>He then starts Apex with a single goal in mind, KILL CHAOS
>RG starts Elite Redux, it's autistic, very autistic
>Empire's writing continues to be something amazing

>What is this?
This is a thread where a bunch of autists come together and play shitty fangames. Join if you want. This is mostly a filler thread due to us not really having anything big to play through right now.

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I'm not even going to bother trying to do that puzzle legit, here's Forgiant, a pretty bulky physical attacker with some strong utility, probably one of the only fakemons in this game I actually like.
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I barely arrived in Calvera and I'm already getting ganked by trainers who are doing nothing but trying to stall me or abuse bullshit boosting moves.
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This whole area is literally nothing but trainer spam and stall, just that and there's no healing center in sight to make things even shittier.
Might be better if you just switched to v10, used my skips, then switched back to v11 when you head to farmhell 2.0, I know I made a skip for this shit
Might be possible to just paste it directly into Data for the current version and replace the files, assuming no variables changed or whatever
I am genuinely considering learning how code properly just to make a mod that removes all sources of healing, all protect like moves and heavily reducing the PP of every single non-attacking move in this game, I am extremely pissed off with this game and it's driving me to the point that I can't even think reasonably anymore. The AI is not even using unique movesets or anything, it's the exact same copypasted Protect+Harvest+Curse sets on a dozen Pokemon on several teams, for fuck's sake dude, this is as bad as Shitstones 2 on higher difficulties if not worse.
Thanks, I'll probably install the mods soon enough depending on how utterly atrocious this continues being.

>Gary got an Eevee like in Pokémon Yellow
>WOW, he beat Ash's Pikachu
>Gary carries Eevee out of his pokeball
>Gary and Eevee appear in the opening of Johto
>OHHH Gary's Eevee evolved into Umbreon!!! The bond between them is strong!!!
>The dream fight Ash vs Gary in the Pokémon League!!! Surely the final fight will be Pikachu vs Umbreon!!!
>Who is that Blastoise??? Why is there a Magmar? Why is there a Golem? Where is Umbreon???

Reminder that Eevee had real use before becoming the female companion pokemon
>WOW, he beat Ash's Pikachu
It wasn’t “wow” it was more like “that’s it?” at the time building this rivalry for a shit 1v1.
Probably killed pokemania
>Ash self-inserting schizo mad because the plot armor rat is 0-1 and didn't get "payback"
Kill yourself.
Still 0-1 against Electivire too btw.


Hope finals went well for ya'll. At least for the people who have had finals.
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My friend wanted me to inform you all that he has unfortunately been given yet another 1 day suspension.
It was even the post he worried about, but interestingly it was because it was for being off topic, and not because of flame warring.
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He made an edit to commerate the event, and a very bad LeafyIsHere joke.
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I'd say to wear it proudly and/or evade like I do, if you're so inclined. I'm surprised there's such a thing as a one-day ban, though. I've never had less than three lol. It's actually really funny how mine was for egging on Delcattyfag, and not for ranting in https://desuarchive.org/k/thread/61649772/ for example.

Since the other one reached bumplimit
previous thread: >>55865272
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i like to think alcreamie eats a lot to maintain her cream supply
i feel the more cream she has the bigger she is (like she cant get fat more like the extra cream makes her physically bigger like a slime)

i love this brat
i like to think shes chill but still a bit spoiled

While I enjoy it myself, I know that it probably shouldn't be in this thread.
Indeed. Oh, she is absolutely spoiled. It's probably how she got into the Elite Four without really doing much. What a bratty fatty..

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post 'em
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We are at that point, yes. We've become the Australian government.
Not into big & puffy nips
Hmmmm. Got a catbox link to a pic of them? For science, of course, I want to know what you’re talking about.
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>literal granny tiddies and shit-colored areolas

Ohnonononono pedobros, it's fucking over...
Care to catbox a pic? I’m curious now, but I don’t wanna pay $10 if they’re that bad. She’s smoking hot her nipples cannot be that bad.

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I saw my son drawing Delcatty today. I asked him why he wasn't drawing a more popular Pokemon, like Mabostiff or Grafaiai. He told me that he would force someone to drink Turpentine 100% Pure Gum Spirits until they puke so much they die if they told him they bought Pokemon "scat and vomit"! I told him that was a horrific thing to wish on someone! He said that he would poison-type every nursing home that contained a single person who bought Pokemon Sword and Shield! What should I do?
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shit that never happened for $100
If your phone is relatively modern it may have an AMOLED or OLED display which in layman's terms means better colors.
Fuck your son
This is literally not a Delcatty, this is your fursona.
>babys first time playing with opacity
you suck

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Walkchad Meetup Edition

>May info

>Pokémon GO Event Info

>Frequently Asked Questions

>Submit and Review Pokéstop Nominations (level 37+)

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Yeah figuring out the cell envelopment bullshit by yourself is tough without any aiding information that the game itself does not give you and getting a stop unenveloped by moving it to another cell is almost impossible because you can’t do it from the game itself for no reason

Having to be within interaction distance of a stop to do anything to edit it is fucking stupid and is inconsistent with the game’s
>You can’t do this remotely! Think of the vision!
and the
>Oh yeah you can do this thing remotely! This is perfectly fine to do!
They should just get rid of that “feature” in the next update and have you be able to change shit remotely instead of focusing on shit no one wants like routes or avatar changes
as a superior spoofchad i can't even imagine playing this game as a walkcuck,
>Yeah figuring out the cell envelopment bullshit by yourself is tough without any aiding information that the game itself does not give you and getting a stop unenveloped by moving it to another cell is almost impossible because you can’t do it from the game itself for no reason
yeah i accidentally submitted 3 of the same pokestop corrections because I didn't know the regulations that aren't listed. I couldn't even remove the errors. they all got rejected too. was afraid i'd catch a ban for spamming the pokestop correction or something.

>Having to be within interaction distance of a stop to do anything to edit it is fucking stupid and is inconsistent with the game’s
It's all just arbitrary numbers that limit gameplay.

>no you can't open too many boxes...because reasons
>no you can't hold too many boxes...because reasons

>They should just get rid of that “feature” in the next update and have you be able to change shit remotely instead of focusing on shit no one wants like routes or avatar changes
There's tons of quality of life improvements they need to do on top of updating gameplay.

they haven't touched gyms since they were introduced, for example.

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>superior spoofchad
Yup, totally. Not at all like I'm better than you in every way.
Smarter, more fit, more active, more outgoing, etc.
why are you black

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Do you have a /vp/ gf yet /vp?
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fortunately my gf does not care about pokemon and neither do i really these days, except when it comes to playing romhacks. instead i got the femcel mmo gamer special gf
>constantly go after "loser" women
>they still reject me
how the fuck you niggas get femcel gfs...
I'd love one
Living in Japan, you’d be amazed how many girls look like Lacey. It’s whiplash every time but its really shocking how identical she looks to someone you see everyday on the subway.
Game Freak has mentioned various times that many of their character designs are inspired by people they saw IRL.

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New Pecharunt movie announced for 2025
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I like how you can basically make a timeline of Pecharunt by what the art is
>le evil mastermind
>not a mastermind but still le evil
>uwu did nothin' wrong
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Isn't it great? That's what you call character development
>Slither Wing card in Night Wanderer
Nice, pulling for two favorites in one pack
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You now remember this thumbnail.
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Replace Exploud, Glalie and Guzzlord with Lickitung, Muk and Pinsir
>guess people didn't remember him
>disappears after that
Good. One less reactionfaggot on youtube.
Fairly sure half this guys' followers followed him because of the KAANTOOOOOOOOOO meme
Hi JammerProHD. I'm sorry your channel failed, maybe streaming wasn't for you. It's not ideal, but at least you have a legacy, even if it's just the memes.
All because of Let's Go. I bet he never dreamed that making a video about their announcement would lead to his channel's demise.

Ever seen a Gardevoir? Now you have
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While that's super sexy a lot of her weight it probably in her big giant head
He wants for her to live, not to die
Its interesting that a bunch of Megas got new dex entries about being in pain but Garde didnt
If anything the dame is in more euphoria than a redditor in a fedora.

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Why are bug Pokemon so cute even though irl bugs are creepy/scary/disgusting?
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But that's fucking wrong, anon
They deaw them cuter
>irl bugs are creepy/scary/disgusting?
Soulless hands wrote this.

Having a grass pokemon as a pet would be very fun at home
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Trips of truth.
Ivyfag was annihilated in that thread

Oh no no no he has no self awareness
holy fucking autism. how is ivycocksucker not banned? Unless he is a mod?
what a shit thread
The day sharty lost to /vp/

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