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Looking for parts 2 and 3 of the REFORM! docuseries
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lol, thought that site was only for porn
not sure what to do with a .txt file
oh i didn't even notice lol. yeah you're on your own. i guess you could try asking on the kemono forums? ymmv
please regard the following
it seems like the links in the .txt file are just expired (i couldn't open them in mpc-hc, but you might have luck with vlc). try checking again frequently

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I'm looking for a webm of this lady claiming that the first native americans were black people, or indigo people, or somehting like that.
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I think you'd be more likely to get a result if you posted this thread in /pol/ or /b/. Be sure to post it back here if you find it, I want to see it too lol.

No audio, but maybe that'll help.
Ultra based, this is exactly what i was looking for.
THe time i watched it in the past it didnt have audio either
Here it is in .webm format lmao
>Here it is in .webm format lmao
I came back, this shit is always so cringe lol.

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I need some book recs based on what I've read this year.
>Shakespeare (R+J, Othello, Macbeth, Hamlet, Taming of the Shrew, Richard III)
>A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson
>Wild by Cheryl Strayed
>Foucault's Pendulum by Umberto Eco
>CHAOS by Tom O'Neil
>V by Thomas Pynchon
>A Thousand Naked Strangers by Kevin Hazzard
>The Pale King by David Foster Wallace
>Spring Snow by Yukio Mishima
>Survival in Auschwitz by Primo Levi
I have the rest of Mishima's Sea of Fertility but Spring Snow didn't hit like I thought it would. My favorite non fiction would probably be CHAOS and my favorite fiction The Pale King. I love survival/outdoor stuff as well if that helps
I figure you've read a far share of the following books, but I figure I'd throw out a list of stuff that I've personally read and enjoyed
>Gravity's Rainbow
>Mason & Dixon
>any of the DFW essay/short story collections (assuming you've read IJ)
>really just any Shakespeare that catches your eye; it's hard to go wrong. I like the Henriad, personally
>Ulysses (optional pre-reqs of Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man & Dubliners).
>Underworld (or alternatively White Noise, if you want something shorter)
It seems like you're into the postmodern (or whatever they call it) stuff (given Pynchon and DFW's places), so you really can't go wrong with picking any of the major figures of the movement like Barth (heard good things about Sot-Weed Factor), Gaddis (JR and The Recognitions), et al.
Have fun :)
I've actually ordered Gravity's Rainbow recently lmao. I like Pynchon and DFW but not for the post modern stuff imo. Pynchon's zany characters are fun and DFW's writing has an emotional core I really enjoy. I've been thinking about getting away from post modern stuff and trying to find more sincere books but I'm not sure what the parameter for that would be since, to a degree, both those authors can be sincere. Anyway, I appreciate the recs

Saw this page from an old Garfield comic and I was surprised at how wild some of the art was back in the day. Like Jim Davis wasn't afraid to experiment a bit. Is there a particular year where he just gave up and got lazy with it?

I've tried asking /co/, but it's not a waifu thread so it went completely ignored.
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Difficult to tell since "Jim Davis" hasn't been just Jim Davis" in decades.
>While retaining creative control and being the only signer, Davis now only writes and usually does the rough sketches. Since the late 1990s most of the work has been done by long-time assistants Brett Koth and Gary Barker. Inking and coloring work is done by other artists, while Davis spends most of the time supervising production and merchandising the characters.
Gotcha, so around the late 1990's is when it went from soul to soulless real quick. Gonna see if I can't track down some older omnibus' and take them with me when I go camping. If I'm not mistaken, now they just do a buckly and have a bunch of pre-drawn pics for their comic strip.
>Talking about comics in /co/

I suppose it's as asinine as trying to talk about any of the board topics on the bigger boards.
>Like Jim Davis wasn't afraid to experiment a bit.

he wrote, drafted, and contributed to the storyboards and the stories for almost all the animated specials, except Babes and Bullets, and some of 9-lives. So there's some relatively severe moments in them compared to their contemporaries.

But since he signs everything, nothing goes out without his approval and there was some freaky shit in the 9-Lives book.
You wouldn't think it, but Jim Davis does seem to have a bit of love for the spookier things. No idea why he likes throwing his cartoon cat into those scenarios though.
yeah the best place to talk about comics is actually /trash/ now, not kidding

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Urbandictionary.com alternatives?
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Hmmm. Interesting, but I really enjoy Urban Dictionary's format (That site isn't [spolier]letting[/spoiler] Me post words).

Eh. I just want to post a slang word definition. This seems like a shmorgasbord of memes or whatever.
nothing you want to post is more interesting than https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Dog%20In%20A%20Bathtub

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I got a new laptop with windows 11 and it’s not letting me post on 4chan. I can’t access the main page at all, it just says “checking if the site connection is secure” and never goes through. I can go to specific boards if I type there address in, but I can’t post because the captcha never loads.
what browser are you using? edge?
>'boo hoo i cant post!!'
>doesn't tell us what browser he's using
>hasn't simply tried using a different browser
>is an itoddler
Not OP but I came here because I'm having the same problem. I'm using Firefox and able to post here by being on Edge. Which is weird because I was able to post yesterday.
this is a feature, not a glitch
Lots of shitposters use firefox, cloudflare is now blocking most versions of firefox.
It's really just that simple.
You were both able to post, so why complain?

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What are some of the lesser known (but still good) turn-based JRPGs? Also no, ATB is NOT turn-based, so stuff like Final Fantasy and Chrono Trigger doesn't meet the criteria.
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Watching thread. FFX isn't atb.
When we invented this joke as 12-year olds in 2005 we knew it was dumb, you post-2k zoomers now using this as an unironic insult is the purest source of autism the world has ever experienced. Literally glowing.
>(but still good)
Wild Arms

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Switched from the shitty free internet at my apartment to Verizon, but now Catbox is blocked. What do I do to fix it?
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It didn't fix the issue, just made 4chan freak out more. Did I do something wrong or is there another step I have to take?
What's your router's model number?
I've got one from Spectrum that absolutely won't let me change the DNS, completely ignores and uses their server anyways.
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Try (Google) instead.
Did you actually click OK then close all the boxes? It doesn't actually update until you do all that, (Then you might want to open the run box (windowskey + r) and run "ipconfig /flushdns" (without the quotes).
Also if you could instead try enabling DoH in your broswer, that should bypass verizon dns block. https://blogs.infoblox.com/security/how-to-configure-dot-doh/

I need to download the 6th edition of 'The Norton Anthology of English Literature' by WH Abrams, volumes 1 and 2. Anna's archive did have links, but they either didn't work or were insanely slow and absolutely undownloadable when I tried them in Tor. Plz help
if you need it for college, just buy it and write it off your taxes (if you work a part time job and pay taxes)
it's only for personal use and I don't wish tos pend money before I find it useful
>don't wish tos pend money
Ohh shit you really do need the book.
Here is one of the 9th edition: https://archive.org/details/nortonanthologyo0000unse_n9h2/page/n7/mode/2up

I can't find the 6th edition. Where you at, general location wise OP? Might be a local library that got it
thx but the reason why I want old editions is because I was advised that the newer editions (editions published post 2000) is riddled with crappy works for 'diversity'. Some of the older works of europeans are removed and replaced with newer works. Simply put, the older the better so if anyone of you can find an older edition, It's good enough

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What are some of the best examples of a simplistic and cutesy arts style being used in a dark and serious story?
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I've seen this before.
glad you upgraded from .moe after over 4 years
Yep, op needs those. Posting these threads for a year

Need some help finding a specific music track. In FF7 Rebirth, every big region has two "versions" of its theme. When you first enter the region, it will play the first version of the theme. After your do so many overworld quests (not sure but I think maybe the Towers quests will drive it), the theme will change to a different version. Usually more instruments added, more vocals, more bombastic, etc.

The Corel region has this happen. No matter what "Corel theme" music I find, I can only find the second version of its theme. Even the official OST that I found seems to only have the second version. I found several YouTube videos of the Corel theme, but they've all been the second version. I can find the first version of so many others, like the Grasslands and Junon, but not the first version of the Corel theme.

Can anyone help? You'll know the first version by comparing it to the second version. The first version is more low key, has less instruments and key notes, etc. Please, someone help me track this particular track down.
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It's a joke, "final" implies there shouldn't be any more Final Fantasies or Destinations, since it's the final.
please don't spoonfeed the esl idiots

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frens only
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Comedy gold.
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I was two of the replies, glad you enjoyed the run we had.

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Please help me find this scrubbed video from youtube heres my only lead

zero fucking effort

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Ok got a funny ask here, in the manga Ragna Crimson there's a short arc or point in an existing arc where Ragna's allies (he isn't with them) are trying to fight a dragon that has bullshit time haxing magic. They manage to kill it by burning it alive. I'm trying to see what chapter(s) that was or what episode that has in the anime or if this particular dragon actually had a name that I can look up.

Reason why I'm asking is because there's already another character who can do the same, 'Ultimitaita' or something is her name, and she also happens to have time magic so I'm not sure if she's the same character or not because everytime I search on google or youtube 'ragna crimson time dragon' it always brings her up instead.

Anyone know what arc this is? I would ask over in /a/ but rules are a little different there and I don't think there are any Ragna crimson threads up.


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Is there a trick that makes it easier to read handwritten characters besides studying stroke order? I've been learning Japanese for a good two years but this calligraphy type writing style still trips me up everytime. Do natives have a problem reading this sort of stuff?

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