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Anyone have more of these comics They'd be willing to share? I have around 35.
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knowyourmeme com memes racists-on-4chan
Has a bunch of these of you want to just browse or just search for niggerwalks
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Post some.

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guys i hate acidgvrl, but i think she could be pretty cool if she like actually knew what breakcore was. can someone help me find how to contact her.

also i fucking hate how smug her oc looks. pic related
7 replies omitted. Click here to view.
bro wtf no its’s not??? literally look at any jungle track, venetian snares is breakcore
>original do not steal
This music sounds like hot shit.
So you are trying to convince someone to switch to making breakcore?
yeah ;-; she makes like a posercore version of breakcore, i think with some help tho and an insane amount of luck she coul be good. i have a ton of guys into breakcore who can help
bump :/ maybe someone’ll find it anon dw

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How can I hide threads on a phpBB forum using uBlock origin?

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Anyone know where I can torrent foreign dubs of cartoons and shows? I want to watch the serbian dub of MLP but all the streaming sites are shit

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All I remember was it talked about how awesome being a Monke is but when it went to Humans it only said stuff like Cringe.

of this box art without the 1-2 Player Box covering Knuckles shoe, please and thank you.
Actually hold up, I found another art with Knuckles shoe not covered by it, so if anyone can be kind enough to just edit his boot onto the first image I posted that would be greatly appreciated.

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I'm looking for a math inspirational video. It's very short and it shows 3 separate but simultaneous slideshows about the math behind real-life scenarios. The best I can remember is a picture of a board game then next to it is a probability equation, and a picture of an indoor plant then it shows some sort of biological equation on the right.
I remember one like that with Coldplay's Don't Panic as soundtrack

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What are those fonts and font sizes please?
1 reply omitted. Click here to view.
doesn't work
Try harder.
Also you won't be able to work out the size without a reference.
I did. doesn't work
Ask in >>>/gd/ Font Share Thread
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Based 4chinz connoisseur. Thank you for the help!

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Looking for an old stick figure animation that I watched on YouTube many years ago, but can't seem to find it anywhere.
>It was from the mid to late 2000's or the early 2010's, can't remember
>Followed a bunch of stick figures running across a house, with each character being named and introduced like in the intro for Under Night In-Birth
>I distinctly remember a specific scene where one of the characters fires up Super Smash Bros Melee and fights on the Corneria stage before immediately having to pause the game so that he can join the chase sequence
>Can't remember too many details, but it was probably a minute or so in length and ended with the characters jumping out a window
Can anybody find the video that I'm trying to describe?
I was never really into stick fights, but there's a good chance it's also on Newgrounds and you might find it easier to search for stick fights on there https://www.newgrounds.com/collection/sticks

Also, add "Before:2012" to your youtube search (set it to whatever year), and that way it won't just start recommending things off your front page when you scroll past the top 5 search results
Still can't find that specific video, anon. I know it hurts for me to say all this, but none of the videos looked like they were the one I was looking for.
If any of you somehow found the link to the video I described in the OP, be sure to let me know!

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Looking for Dreamcast torrent with every game. Thanks.

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Goes smth like this
"bach y u r flying plain"
"cuz am have autism"

will dump cool tattoos and edgy tumblr yandere-core until my request is done
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I have a Toshiba 4k tv that turned on and was fine until I turned it off and now doesn't want to turn on again. it has a flashing red light and has sound but no video. Serial No.: G30A133B015099
help me please. I have a screwdriver so I can fix it from the inside with your help
22 replies and 2 images omitted. Click here to view.
It's so blurry that we STILL can't see the model number.
Clearly trolling, or far too retarded to be able to fix anything
fix my tv, numbnuts

you need something that can circuit test to actually do anything to a modern tv to know whats wrong.

Can someone find me the name of this restaurant? It's somewhere near Cleveland, Ohio

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Where to cop this type of top. Ample room but tie waist.

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Something like this.
Is there a tool to easily do this? I don't think FFMPEG can.
It feels like a drag to use adobe premiere or after effects for something that looks so simple, yet i can't find a way to do so.
Help is appreciated!
OP here.
Let me clarify.
Basically i want to add a white box above videos (NOT overlapping part of the video) where i can write text and write said text.
Without abobe premier or after effects, if possible.
If it's a gif then use gimp or photoshop.
add a white bar, then white text.

or for webm, then yeah you'll need editing software.
look up more on how to caption videos or gifs.
>no verification
If you make the text box you can add it to the top of a video with ffmpegs mosaic feature (xstack)

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