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>android internet connection problem

preface, im not a boomer and on an average to high idea how to tinker my phone settings and shit,
but i was having this problem for about half a day now:
some apps cant "refresh" (eg. kuroba shows jpeg pictures and posts, but when trying to refresh, it doesnt load any new shit, twitter shows posts FROM hours ago but doesnt load any new posts),
BUT some apps are doing fine (eg, instagram is loading fine, can use the internet just fine, can youtube).

i tried "solutions" ive read online such as:

Confirmed all other apps work fine
Currently running android 20
Rebooted device > same issue
Reset network settings > same issue
Reset all settings > same issue
Unable to delete and reinstall app > play store offline

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can somebody id these shoes?

Any other films like this?
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Maybe Stalker? It's similarly melancholic and surreal, but it lacks the humor of It's Such A Beautiful Day. What in particular are you looking for? The Little Prince (the book) might also scratch your itch
>What in particular are you looking for?
I should probably specify I'm looking for other animated films with traits like you've just listed: melancholic and surreal. Humor is optional though.
The Tragedy of Man would be my first recommendation. The premise is that Adam and Lucifer travel through time, with each period animated in a corresponding art style.

Son of the White Mare is by the same director. It's less melancholic, but more surreal, and is based off a traditional folk tale. I prefer it of the two, but both are excellent
Thanks for the recs, anon.
Bump for interest.

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Which character is shown in this image?


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everytime i update windows 11, it boots but none of the apps work
i am still able to browse files, but most of the functions just dont work
is it just me or does windows 11 run on jeet monkey code?
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Microsoft sure is benevolent. Making such horrid OS builds for the past 15 years just so that more people will gravitate to Macintosh. Truly, this is something to be respected.
Try resetting your PC:

>is it just me or does windows 11 run on jeet monkey code?

No, it's not just you. Windows is held together by duct tape.
>held together by duct tape.
Oh good, that shits strong
Do you mean the games you pirated won't run on your the copy of Win11 you pirated?
You're going to have to give a better description if you want any actual help.

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Hey anons, do any of you got Rock Maiden FC 1 and 2? I can only find the original three Rock Maidens on DoujinStyle but none of the FC entries. Thanks.

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Does anyone remember a cartoon black cat very similar to Felix, but they also had a bunch of guns strapped to it? I remember seeing toys of it back in the late 90's and early 2000's, but I can't recall a name.

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need video of the nerdy guy at graduation with his mom taking pictures of him and he’s getting lifemogged by the guy kissing his girlfriend

Recommend me some anime/shows (preferably anime) that give similar feels to Gurren lagann.
6 replies omitted. Click here to view.
Promare altough it's a movie, by the same studio
Sure! If you enjoyed "Gurren Lagann," you might like these anime with similar vibes:
1. Kill la Kill - A high-energy series with intense action and a rebellious spirit.
2. FLCL (Fooly Cooly) - Quirky and fast-paced coming-of-age story with surreal elements.
3. Promare - A visually stunning film with mechs and a story about fighting against oppression.
4. Darling in the Franxx - A mix of mecha battles and emotional drama.
5. Eureka Seven - A sci-fi series with a mix of action, romance, and adventure.
Dead Leaves
G Gundam
Star Driver
Mazinger Z the Impact (Shin Mazinger Z)
Getter Robo Armageddon
Shin Getter Robo
Giant Robo
Gundam AGE
Macross 7
Code Geass
Blue Gender
The Big O
ai posting...

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Ranpha Franboise (From Galaxy Angel) wearing a Sriracha hoodie with the top of the hood looking like a cap. Thanks!
I'm interested in this happening too. Isnt there a thread on /trash/ for this. Or /v/?

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I am looking to watch some old videos today. Pre 2013
>music related
>gmv amv
>pre youtube
use before:2013 in your youtube search term
NTA but thank you. i dont know how ive gone this long without knowing you could even do that.

Hey /wsr/, I'm currently looking for scans of this Tamagotchi doujin called Tamatomo Friends, and I'm going to need your help.

So, here's the problem, there seems to be no full scans for this doujin anywhere on the internet that I can find. The only pages that got scans were for the first few pages on an online store, and all listings for the doujin have been sold out. Still isn't stopping me from searching for this doujin, though!

I really hope this doujin can be fully scanned and posted online so that it can never be lost to the sands of time, because it looks promising from the few pages I have seen.
Anyways, care to help me on my quest?
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Correct me if I'm wrong if you used that scanning service in the past.
Definitely check all Japanese auctions sites because declaring it a dead end.
The scanning service does books you own, as in you can ship books you bought to them and they'll scan them for you. That's how I think it works anyway, but feel free to hit them up and ask for advice on how it works exactly. If you do, post about it, because I haven't used them but I'd be really interested to know.
Thanks, I'll be taking all of this into further consideration in the future.
If there are any listings for this doujin that currently available to purchase, be sure to let me know.

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the video is from the perspective of a guy walking into a room, right in front of him is an obese man in an office chair, he slaps the obese man's back and says something, the obese man then turns around and says something along the lines of "I put 50% of my paycheck into my stock portfolio" while edging his chair closer to the recorder, but he leans back too far and the chair's back starts to collapse under his weight
Ive tried looking up the line, but only find financial advice
also, if anyone happens to know who the people in the video are thatd be great
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But ones that are actually good

Like pic rel

No pedo shit
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Ib, witch's house, yume nikki, mad father, pocket mirror, mogeko castle, chloe no requiem, and the dark side of the red riding hood.
Doesn't really seem that bad
play black souls
sex scenes (for the most part) are optional
and look at this guy's translations since he does a lot of rpgmaker stuff
also vgperson i believe is the one who translated many of the works listed by >>1462624
>still up
Dunno if was made on rpgmaker, but sinisistar is a really well game for what you are looking.

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