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What were they thinking with Clouds design in the remake?
>Let's make an almost perfect blonde twink whore for SFM porn but then give him too wide shoulders and a noticeably masculine jaw.
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Cloud should get sodomised by Sephiroth while Tifa is forced to watch, like the ecplipse.
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He's perfect
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They were thinking about the best girl, that's what.
cum in ass
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looks way more fun to be a trapfag
funny enough you'll probably earn more points from the judges in the bottom one

meaning the bottom one is the better one
File deleted.
Cloud is perfect just as he is!
That's the best part though. Twinks should still look like dudes, not "draw a girl, call it a boy".
Tifa should fuck both with her futa cock
You would be disqualified for the jetpack
They know their audience.
hell of a show though
i wanna shoot loads on his soft smooth body
The designs in that remake are pretty close to the ones you see in the movie Advent Children
Be honest, how many of you had no sexual thoughts about Cloud Strife until the remake?
I've only been alive since I woke up this morning.
I never had its not normal
I've wanted to suck his dick and put my finger in his butt since I saw advent children
File deleted.
>wow, I can't believe this animator who likes degenerate faggot shit also likes degenerate blacked shit. I am just absolutely shocked
which one?

They thought
>Cloud is the series' posterboy so let's make him the perfect representation of the FF fanbase, a mentally ill tranny who will never pass
And they were right
built for my bbc
im not even gay but i would caress his body and play with his nipples and make him moan
>which one?
cloud ofc
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I would, and I respect corneo for picking the one he could try to fuck through the bed.
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that sounds pretty hot to me
>this post is low quality
>still up 30 mins later

Mods are fucking faggots.
honestly if cloud didn't have 100's of people making 3d porn of him the remake model probably would have been fine.
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probably SEXO
but this is a high quality thread
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I will never be attractive.
Mods are jerking off to Cloud too

I want top right's thighs wrapped around my cock
>I will now play your remake for twink cloud
>he used one of the bait options
there's no rule on this board nor sitewide for post quality
What did retardbro mean by this???
>cloud_strife 3d gay interracial
congrats on finally having a good demake thread
I know bro. I'm ugly too no matter what my friends, family, and coworkers say. Our job is to be the ugly friend that makes the attractive people look even better. Embrace it and maybe they'll let you see the pics they took of the hot guy they brought home.
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There will be so much porn of cloud made after rebirth
But there aren't any more crossdressing scenes in rebirth
Not my proudest hundred faps
Cloudia, my beloved

so plaplable...
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life finds a way
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This is the one and only reason I'm excited for it.
The question is will we get Zack flashbacks at the end of this section or will they save it for part 3?
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good thread
True, there's even a mod camping it to make sure mean bullies that say no no words about heckin colored folx get in trouble
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>nipple piercing
>Image deleted
What, are PS5 controllers not allowed anymore?
male nipples haram
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I think we'll see more of Zack in it. They seem pretty set on changing up the story.
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How can that be? They're in like every game

All the cute guys. Just like Resident Evil or Kingdom Hearts
everyone's a fag nowadays
Yes please
Modders will fix that up hopefully ;)
Good. We need more of them in this world.
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It's the only way to be in a world where w*men are literally the worst things ever
The shoulders are a plus, queer.
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what are /v/s favorite vidya femboys?
If a twink sent me a photo like this I'd pass iut from the blood going to my dick.
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no fujos here
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I want to kiss Cloud
This is one of my favorite set of tags
They knew what they were doing too, the feminization was deliberate, just compare the reveal trailer Cloud to the final product.
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I would never go gay irl (because poop is stored in the butt and i hate poop.) but im hopelessly in love and very sexually attracted to leon Kennedy, cloud strife, and raiden from mgs2.
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>You lived long enough to see all your childhoold heroes become fetished by gay men into twink cocksluts
This Earth is literally too gay for me. I fear what the future holds.
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I wish I was a girl
stop im gonna cry
is this the thread where we jerk off?
take your pills
me too... :(
only way to search the booru
wtf is wrong with sfm "artists"
Wish Andrea Rhodea would make me a cute trap through the power of dance too. The way Cloud stared up at him, you just know.
Most of them live in the third world and hate white people and that's their way of "winning"
Plenty of irl gay dudes don't like anal either. It's not a lot, but they exist.
show me where it says low quality is banned or will be deleted.
This is a guideline that got lost and found itself among rules.
maybe in the next life
You can be the ugly bastard though
I've only ever gotten poop on my dick once and it was from a woman, every time with a guy it was clean because they spend an hour cleaning out beforehand whereas women don't really give a shit (no pun intended)
Built for Barret
Don't worry, someone said the n word in this thread and most likely got banned for it. Mods have their priorities in the right place
Finally some twunk
frotting feels so good...
well they are not trying to make a femboy they are trying to make a beautiful man. That wasn't the point of his design.
for me its 69ing
Now we can post the good stuff
Post more, you coward. I didn't follow this thread into fagland just to be left with blue balls.
nice cope, but the only nation obsessed with BBC and interracial porn is the US
Next time don't be so fucking gay, /v/
Can't be deleted now, can it
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Gods I wish this was me in every way possible
and that's all my crops uncropped. enjoy
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>shit thread full of sfw images, women, reaction pics, and irl images
>they move it to /y/
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a white boy's dream...
You will never have a BBC
>>>/d/ and kys
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Fuck off that's the best part
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If it's wrong, I don't want to be right.
Literally peak couple
that looks like a woman with short hair and no tits
dude doesn't even have a chin
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Aren't they, though?
Not a blacked fag but these two are adorable
If all your childhood heroes share traits that make them easily turned into twink cocksluts, I think you might be gayer than you think.

Even back when advent children came out I looked at cloud and was like: wait, why is this guy so cute and fem?
I'm not the biggest fan of all of Cloud's crossdressing but I do enjoy seeing him get fucked
where da footjobs at
Cloud was the first man I've ever had an orgams to...
Idk what I was thinking when I finished to him but it felt so good I couldn't stop and now I'm here
It's so over..
>eight billion people on Earth
Statistically there must be at least two or three who look exactly like Cloud
statistically there must be at least one person who looks exactly like knuckles from sonic
Barrett is just such a daddy, and Cloud is a bratty boy
who made this? nothing coming up with saucenao
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>those rolled back eyes
oh my fucking GOD that is the perfect visualization of how it feels when you get hit just right
Bumping in honor of new shirtless Cloud
fujo money
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i actually ranted a bit about this to someone explaining what FF was, etc the other day... i was like "that's the remake, but cloud isn't like that... no way he'd even be able to lift his sword like that... doesn't even match his personality, nothing... Prompto would even make a better Cloud than the new one...
what drugs are you on
i fucking love this twink
For fuck's sake. It's called a condom.
Bros, why is he so pretty?
where did his eyelids go
They were thinking: anal sex
They were trying to compete with Link for my cum.
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i'm glad i finally found a good place for nsfw cloud posting

his face is beautiful. i think his shoulders are a bit too wide though
i wanted to fuck him since i saw his ps1 manual art
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can't find the uncensored one
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question: can i post a cloud x tifa picture?
i know this is yaoi but i just wanted to post any cloud related things
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last one from me. on catbox because the file is too big for here:
this is so hot.
the burly hot tub guys are holding cloud in place against his will while holidng up his shirt and lowering his pants.
he can only sit there helplessly and watch as they undress him and comment on his body.
how embarrassing.
the speech bubble censorship is strangely hot too. i guess it adds a bit of mystery
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there's no way he can look like this and not have 100s of people making porn of him. he's just too beautiful
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thread needs more cloud x sephiroth
>reddit filename
glad people are still posting

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here's another one
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The height difference is too hot
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one the best femboys
Just lie in bed all day and dream of what it would be like to be hot
That’s what I do
Anybody ever see that pic of Aerith and Tifa egging on Cloud in drag as he works a glory hole, both of them clearly trying not to laugh because he doesn't know it's Barret on the other side? Cloud bottoming to Barret without even knowing it is the hottest fucking thing
but does barret know he's fucking cloud?
something a straight woman would say
i like how this started out as a /v/ thread but then got moved to /y/ because cloud's so sexy that people feel compelled to post porn of him when they see him mentioned
Nah, I think they're both in the dark. He's on one side of the wall blissed out while someone deepthroats his dick on the other side, meanwhile Tifa is pushing Cloud's face down while Aerith visibly holds back laughter.
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photoshop out the females next time
Is it weird if I don’t want to have sex with a woman but I want to have sex with a woman there
It’s not weird you’re bi.
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Is this straight up for the latest game or what?
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i think it's a fanmade model of how he would've looked when he first became a shinra grunt
It's so fucking funny that you act like the top panel is normal and straightforward thinking when in actuality this bizarre and defective mode of categorizing human sexual activity is less than 200 years old.
Have you ever noticed how no culture that wasn't poisoned by Jewish fairytales ever cared? No no, don't turn your brain off becuase I said the "J" word, Abrahamic religions all have a God and a Prophet in common, so acknowledge it. They are all the same. Learn to think of Islam, Christianity and Judaism as the same religion, because they are.
So now that you know that, can you think of a single human society that wasn't infested with that garbage that gave a fuck about any of this? Why do you THINK "Romans didn't think it was gay?" why do you THINK nobody can fucking decide whether Sappho was "a lesbian?" Because nobody used to give a shit, because no evil wizard had yet come along and psyoped them into thinking gay sex is wrong or strange.
Now that I've put you in your place, have some yaoi. Personally, I want to deep creampie this little fag and give him a prostate orgasm, so I focused on his cum-leaking ass.
>nobody used to give a shit
that doesn't mean nobody was gay or bi, it means there was no cultural context/nomenclature for it.
>no evil wizard had yet come along and psyoped them into thinking gay sex is wrong or strange
Depends on the type of gay sex and your role in it, and on the society in which you buttfucked. Don't pretend it's as simple as "nobody cared until Jews." How many ancient societies wouldn't give a shit if you lived openly in full-fledged relationships with members of the same sex? How many societies didn't give a shit which person bottomed and which person topped?
>Now that I've put you in your place, have some yaoi.
Thank you, Dross is a god, but I don't get the "penis bent all the way back while it's still hard" thing he does in half his pics. How can that be comfortable?
>Personally, I want to deep creampie this little fag and give him a prostate orgasm, so I focused on his cum-leaking ass.
Good taste.
>that doesn't mean nobody was gay or bi, it means there was no cultural context/nomenclature for it.
Agreed, that's what I was saying, hence arguing about what qualifies for that nomenclature is a recent abstraction born of defective social values.
>Depends on the type of gay sex and your role in it, and on the society in which you buttfucked. Don't pretend it's as simple as "nobody cared until Jews." How many ancient societies wouldn't give a shit if you lived openly in full-fledged relationships with members of the same sex? How many societies didn't give a shit which person bottomed and which person topped?
The burden of proof lies on you here. I have looked extensively for this because honestly, I find it so funny. Do you know of the historical role of male homosexuality in Chinese society? How about Indian? China had a word for "boywife" for God's sake. And when you look at the history of homosexual persecution in these countries, when does it always begin, 100% of the time? Contact with Abrahamic power. Literally every time. For instance, in India it started with the Mughals (Muslim Emperors) and intensified under the British Raj.
If you want to show me that historical societies frowned upon homosexuality, it's up to you to demonstrate it. I have seen the odd insane claim (e.g. Varg claiming ancient Nords threw gay people into pits of snakes, with no evidence at all for it other than his own homomisia) but nothing substantive.
Yes, there is a cognition of reproduction's importance. Yes, they knew homosexual love and heterosexual love were not the same thing. Yes, I know I'm using the modern nomenclature when saying all this. None of that matters at all for what I said. Nobody in history was pointing fingers at each other and saying "That's gay so it's bad" until the story of Noah's son seeing his penis (and literally being damned to Hell with all his descendents forever for it lmao) took root in the psyche.
Sorry, out of space. Have yaoi.
i wish you guys wouldn't respond to that bitch, she isn't going to read your reply she just wants to complain
I realized I've been explaining myself inelegantly here so I'll strive to be more succinct: "Homosexual" and "heterosexual" as terms for MODES OF ATTRACTION is simple description, they mean what their etymologies say. But their use as terms for FIXED SEXUALITIES is abject nonsense. The idea that a person can "be heterosexual" or "be homosexual" is nonsense in any sense other than identifying their usual patterns, the reality is that we all experience both homosexual and heterosexual desire all the time, to varying levels. (I don't care that there's a bunch of vapid political rhetoric on this, I care about psychology.)
This is an important distinction because it *normalizes homosexual thoughts* even among those who do not *wish to engage regularly, overtly or even at all in homosexual behaviour.* I awoke to my "bisexuality" in the first place because my desire to see women getting fucked good and hard meant I watched a lot of videos of men mating pressing women, which means staring at a lot of men's asses. After a while I started fantasizing about fucking the guys in their assholes (particularly as they clench and cum) just as often as fucking the girls in theirs.
At first these feelings were associated with some level of guilt and insecurity, and THAT is what I'm railing against here. If a person experiences an attraction, there should never be any shame in it, unless its expression would harm another.
Think about it. How many times have you seen people who are militant about their defense of their sexuality? And it always comes down to rights: the RIGHT to be attracted to only men, or only women, or whatever. It becomes politicised. They get tilted, dogmatic. Before long, lesbians are angrily masturbating while trying not to think about men. That is the consequence of sexual repression, and it's why our society is awash with men who cannot come to terms with their own homosexual desires - men who would rather beat a gay man than fuck him.
It doesn't matter, I don't care about convincing whichever idiot posted that image, I care about making sure that people who saw it also saw me tearing it to shreds, and that seems to have happened.
>noah's son seeing his penis and being damned
i was under the asumption ham and his descendands were damned because ham took his father's nudity very lightly and joked about it. he even told his brothers he saw his dad naked, which should've stayed a private matter.
one of his descendants was even one of the most foolish people to live, nimrod, who tried to build a tower up to the heavens and failed. nimrod was also the reason god made everyone speak different languages. it was punishment.
but i'm only going off the king james version of the holy bible. i'm not familiar with any other holy scripture.

i also appreciate all the sexy clouds you guys are contributing!
>"penis bent all the way back while it's still hard" thing he does in half his pics. How can that be comfortable?
Are you female? It doesn't hurt the pressure feels slightly good if anything lmao
It hurts my dick to do that
Germans literally threw so many fags into bogs that we still unearth them to this day- tacitus talks about it as well. The weird obsession with christianity in mentally ill cretins never ceases to astound, people murdered fags way before monotheism existed. Your enemy is human nature
>Ancient. 98 – Germanic tribes executing homosexuals and sinking them into swamps are reported by Tacitus. The remains of such corpses have been found in Denmark and Northern Germany. Some were strangled to death before being drowned, while others were drowned alive.

Don’t forget this one either

>Traditionalist Zoroastrians believe that the Vendidad, one of the books of the Avesta, is an inherent part of Zoroastrian oral tradition even though it was compiled far later than the other parts of the Avesta. This passage has been interpreted to mean that homosexuality is a form of demon worship, and thus sinful.

We also have evidence of criminal punishment for male on male sex in persia through zoroastarians too.
It was never a monolith anyway. For example in greece we have certain city states that outright prohibited it (Law, Sexuality, and Society: The Enforcement of Morals in Classical Athens. Cambridge University: Cambridge University Press. p. 6)

We also have Plato in the laws:
>During Plato's time there were people who were of the opinion that homosexual sex was shameful in any circumstances. Indeed, Plato himself eventually came to hold this view
>he says in his last, posthumously published work known as The Laws homosexual sex will be treated the same way as incest. It is something contrary to nature, he insists, calling it "utterly unholy, odious-to-the-gods and ugliest of ugly things”

So yes this stance certainly predates christianity. Typically if you see someone blaming everything on christians, you can write them off as an emotionally damaged amerimutt or other reddit tier sort of herd thinker- these types like to blame all the problems in the world on something they perceive as weak, so they can feel morally active by engaging in pointless bandwagoning against it. Literally 5 seconds of research prove that poster hilariously incorrect despite his multiple maxed out character count seethe tracts about it.

Note that i’m not shaming anyone for being attracted to men, or saying it’s the worst thing in the world, i’m just calling out low IQ reddit shit when I see it.
Making out with Cloud's pretty butthole
cloud once i'm done with him
same except his asshole would be gaping twice as wide
It shouldn't, don't beat it so hard when you goon.
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Idk being a schizo trapfag seems fun as hell and also really cool, imagine flying with jetpacks while bombing cars and houses!!!
t. non-schizo trap and bishonen fag
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who are you guys' favorite cloud artists?
heterosexual content isn't allowed here you retarded tourist, keep your filthy vaginas on /h/
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Its clear that trapfagging isnt on the straight end of the spectrum. Why deny what it really is
source? this is gorgeous
wdym that's the best part of the remake
That sounds cringe, I'm hitting the gym. I'll never be perfect but I can get into shape.
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>dressing up in women's clothing and jerking off for hours
God I miss doing that
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i love cloud so much, first male love & keep on loving him
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only fitting that a cute guy w/ chocobo-looking hair does a whole lot of riding
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i mean, visually he’s been portrayed like this since advent children, you just can’t rip a model from a movie to make sfm porn and who’s gonna be masturbating to the movie itself.
there is the difference in demeanor though, cloud (infamously) doesn’t really show his submissive side in ac while he definitely does in remake.
the perfect cosplay??!?!?!??

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