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Rate my babe. Also post your lowpoly babes!

You do model lowpoly babes, don't you anon?
No, I make high poly photorealism. Fuck off pixeltranny

is lowpoly pixelart associated with trannies now? when did that happen
Yes, it's a cheap, talentless form of art for Japanese wannabes and trannies to feel cute.

Make me an M416 rifle in Plasticity with textures down to every scratch and I will respect you as a real artist.

really? but that's just being a human xerox machine. that's just being a blender user, that's not art. you can teach a hundred monkeys blender, give them the reference files, the right plugins and within 6 months they will all create the exact same looking realistic M416. there will be absolutely no taste or individual artistic touch to any of them.

is that your idea of art?
> Sexy Low poly girls gives an unrealistic body standard to female presenting persons.

Photorealism is for troons that want to make women in videogames ugly so they can feel better that they don't pass in real life.
Go make your ugly realism elsewhere, you are not going to pass either way.

Nice low poly model man.
post butt topology i need it for research
and photorealism is for nerds, go outside if you want some photorealism faggot
All my babes are high poly DX
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Are you still crying about your realisms?
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Wear some pants you fucking whore
I'm seeing there's some chud spergout in this bigoted thread. Say it with me /3/. Trans rights are humans rights.
It's triggering your dysphoria?
What does this mean anon?
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Nope, I love being a man who's been allowed to bask in the glory of gay sex;-)
Trannies should all kill themselves.
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holy shit this is somehow more dead than i when i left for a bit.

pretty good. can we get a side view?
Cute slut, feels like she's come out of a cyberpunk setting
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Thanks guys. Will post texture wip tomorrow. in the meantime here's topo
Nice, now give her pant.
I'd model a slut but I'm too busy fixing some asshole's horrible model as an outlet already.
it looks fine, with this style texture work is what carries the most weight though
scrap the sharp edges on her ass, it looks bad. your texture is whats going to make the ass pop, not sharp edges
Thanks anon, you've inspired me to keep on working on my low poly babes
You should do A hentai with this Model
The asscheeks should be slightly bigger, they look odd. Heels should be also separated from the body with sharp edges, unless she's wearing some kind of sick catsuit with heels built in.
can you please post a WIP webm so we can learn OP? Especially the butt topo how do you make it that good.
All your credibility just went out the window.
What techniques did you use to make this? I love the artstyle!
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It's honestly crazy.
Every low poly artist on X is one. I feel like I'm tip toeing a fucking mine field interacting with anyone.
I don't know, I've noticed that a lot of them flocked to the style as of late, its not terribly hard to pull off the MegaMan Legends style, Its insane, and pisses me off since I like the style.
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I'm working on some at the moment.
I had this textured a while ago, but I went back to remodel her wings since I couldn't make them look nice in low poly. Hit up to 3k tris. Semi-low poly.
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Have another one going in the pipeline. Should have lower tris by the time I'm done.
Nice anon
Thanks man.
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wip texturing update. Thanks for the kind words. maybe we can make this lowpoly babe general thread?

this was good advice

Definitely keep working on low poly babes. very rewarding.

it's actually not good at all desu when texturing the faces become really obvious :( feel like I should increase the res of the butt in particular

that is awesome. is it Morrigan?
yeah its morrigan.

Those are some sick textures you got going. Nice.
It's ok if you think you're not good but I think you did a great job and would like to learn pls I have ADHD and I can't learn unless someone shows and tells lol
How did you create those textures?
pretty fucking good stuff
This is really nice texturing. Can you share any details of how you designed the character and what your texturing workflow was like?
Are the details based on an existing design, or random pieces of reference material, or your brain?
Painted in photoshop vs. substance painter vs blender?
Good shit nigga, looking forward to see how the face + head turn out, even as an ass man the face is always the most interesting part of a person
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Thanks guys, appreciate the good feedback. Learned a lot doing this one for sure.

It's all PS and Blender, very archaic workflow as I don't get to paint on the model itself, only uv's

Thanks! I have a strong 2d background so treating it almost like an illustration in how a stack layers tends to get me very far. Multiply for layers of shadows and overlay for highlights (always working in masks, nondestructively). It's an approximation of the 'proper' substance workflow but with only PS and a blender plugin that syncs files on every save. The design was just a mix of references
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There's some topology issues to fix still
The face is too high and looks odd, otherwise absolutely epical.
I just noticed,she has 6 fingers
Looks good anon, the 6 fingers look weird but in a good way

How did you get the lighting to look like that? I really like it. Gives off Gamecube vibes.
Face looks off. Is that why you dont show it directly?

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