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Why should I not spam for over 10 years in celeb threads if you all don't do what I want?
Why should I be a reasonable person if I'm not getting all the things I want??
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I believe he's one of the few autists regular spammers of the /cel/ threads
I don't know if he posts scat spam or thumbs of faggots or whatever, or if he's the one who keeps saying he's "gooning his nooddle" and always "comming close" and "leaking", he should see a doctor
these threads are utter cringe
But that's a police mugshot. What did he get arrested for?
selfie, not mugshot
autist, remember?

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That ass

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/waifu/ thread

song: https://youtu.be/vcw5THyM7Jo?si=hr-0SYL6cA2CSA-8

>claim waifu
>post waifu
>dont steal waifu unless trips (you wont and she wont love you)
>no erp
>no overly lewd content

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Lyrica my wife:
Her IRL face: https://files.catbox.moe/qsexy8.jpg
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killing this thread, with no survivors.

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Break you off some, /b/
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Rolling obviously, but can someone please explain?

Is this an actual picture? Where's the rest of the body?
what lol
where is her head?
can she even roll?

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merc ai needs to shove his gens up his ass
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Lol what an interesting place these threads are. Lately been feeling like clocking out, but my hope still persists!
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I've been practicing talking 1on1 with people online. I have no idea why it's so hard for me. Public forums, group chats, posts, easy. But private or 1on1 chats get me. Also, been chain-smoking like crazy, so that hasn't been well for my health.

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How many Ukrainians need to die before you support Zelensky?
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all of them
All of them? Surely you can spare one or two no?

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Thoughts on Fantano?
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What can I say? I was heavily invested in literal-who hipster albums back in the day.
He shits on Bladee so I hate him
Tastemakers don't deserve attention. However I'm kind of jealous that he could afford to buy a girlfriend off of Onlyfans and keep her on payroll for so long. Goes to show that we're all human after all.

Counterpoint: What would Bladee's career look like if he had to pander to Fantano's audience? We would have never gotten Cold Visions.

Does she look like a slut, or wife material? What's your impression?
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Both. A wife to share.
Lucky you! Hope you had the chance to watch her being used by a group of real men.

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Does it actually feel that good? Is it overrated or actually heavenly?
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>used to dazzle girls until i turned 28
>unable to turn heads anymore
>too old now to get good pussy
>women my age are jaded, cope relationships are out of the equation

how do i double cope? i'ts like trying to build a house with cheap shitty bricks while they keep removing themselves out of place to look smug at you and going all "nu-uh dis brick too good for you"
Literally Escorts, it won't be cheap but it'll still be less expensive than a relationship both financially and time-wise, and you get to choose what you want.
>34, still at it, get to choose between loving motherly milf who's 42 but looks 30's, or this sweet 'innocent' Asian med-student who's 28.
Only 'problems' are the med-student is going to move to Texas soon, and milf lady is having hip pain occasionally, so once these options are out I'll have to go on the hunt again, these were established before everything got price-gouged so now it'll be even more expensive, so we'll see.
I wouldnt know either...
ive only had one chance at fucking, was 35 yo with my 38 yr old step sister, but couldnt get my dick hard (performance anxiety maybe?)
she sucked on my limp cock though and i gotta admit that felt nice, if its anything like that then i guess ive been missing out all these years... le sigh.

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Where's all the good "hairy chick" porn being hidden???
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It's all hiding under a bush.
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Real hard mode: finding straight hairy anal with glorious hairy assholes.

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kill niggers
Fuck off logfag.
Quit stinking up the board with your spam.
Complain to the mods about it
Oh wait they don't give a fuck

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This game looks interesting but I've heard it's leftist twatshit. Should I buy it?
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I found it to be a rather dull game, ideologies aside. But I never felt like it was pushing one ideology over another. People just complain for the sake of complaining.
If you like talkies with good dialogue and a more 3D isometric map to explore in a detective who dunnit with RPG dice mechanics where your choices do matter then yes.
By that I mean you can absolutely fuck up a conversation but that's fine and is the point and fun of the game

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morning anon
hope you have a great day.
happy sunday.
every roll is a win with this one

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When in life have you gotten gay with your friends or even a group of of your buds?
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What did you and him try?
>>Were the 3somes worth it?
>I sure as shit don't regret having them.
nta but for me, very worth it. I have a big cum kink and need to be covered in it so the more the merrier. I met an older guy a few years ago and he takes me up to his place up north with a couple buddies of his and they use me all weekend, a couple times a year. Easily my favorite weekends of the year.
Tons of sucking

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Imagine her getting out of the pool in front of you next to you gf or wife , what do?
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let it die.
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wtf is this shit??

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