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/cm/ - Cute/Male

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>...But he's a guy.
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go back to twitter you insufferable troon, kys while you're at it, no one will miss you
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too normal/wide frame. femboys like him have ethereally narrow frames. okabe even comments on his narrowness, at least in the annime

Post the best Dangan to ever Ronpa
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Wasn’t Chihiro’s entire story about wanting to become a more masculine guy?
yea, that anon is a shitty troll that spams up all the femboy and bara threads here and on /y/ don't pay her any mind
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unbridled envy edition

A thread for posting (non-shota) traps. It's cool if there's a regular guy in the frame, so long as the trap is the focus.

Can also be a general "crossdressing" thread.

prev: >>3861067
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I wanna go back to the comfy times where boys in skirts weren't associated with mental illness.
It’s your fault for saying femboys are trannies and associating them with mental illness.
It’s just one self hating twitter/lolcow woman spamming that here, nobody else cares.
You're probably replying to her.
How much of /cm/ is just /v/ tourists? this sucks.

Goodnight sweet prince.
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Pucker up!
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Image limit nearly hit :( hope to see a followup thread.
I gotchu senpai.

Oh my God. Adachi is forty.
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...out of ten!

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post the cute guys from the Scott Pilgrim series. Can be ship art or solo.
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*necessary correction
you xirls are making me extremely horny.
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I am glad gay SP content has such high quality, we are truly blessed.
Because of my bullying fetish any instance of Scott being given a noogie is so fucking hot
Based bully enjoyer

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I just love them... Special Forces Marines hold a special place in my heart.
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reminds me of oscar wilde when he was young
or any chinese character after a time skip(or not) that started out young and needs to be indicated to be an older maturer version of themselves
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not anime (historical art)don't know if this can be considered cute
Northern and Southern Dynasties Armour as depicted art

imperial china 4th to 6th century AD (after the three kingdoms period and the Han dynasty before the Sui and Tang Dynasties)

possibly Northern Wei Dynasty

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Dragon’s Dogma 2 just released their character creator. Have you made any cute male characters yet? Feel free to post created characters others have made or ones from other games as well.

Here’s my cute grumpy catboy arisen and his chad human pawn who always embarrasses him with hugs and kisses which make him purr uncontrollably.
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Not that anon; I am entirely ambivalent to DD2, I never finished the first one. I just thought your characters were ugly, and I would throw rocks and stones at them.
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Here's my fo3 character. my old NV and 4 characters looked better, but apparently I never thought to get a half decent screenshot of them when the saves still worked.
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What?? How dare you.
My shos are beautiful
I wanna hug him ToT

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no posting girls anywhere ITT
any trans and trans-adjacent (e.g. boy tits, gyno, castration, fixing dogs, force feminization) posts are off-topic.
report and hide boy boob spam.
make your own continuation thread if you want to talk about the aforementioned.
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New thread >>3890072
Actual continuation: >>3890093
They can have their own threads, dunno why this schizo bitch is trying to control everyone.
Cute and basically female
Genshin “”””boys””””
Why did ‘hoyo make all their “”””boys”””” such girly twinks?
Because Genshinbois were designed, illustrated, and 3d sculpted, to serve black men. The only REAL men.

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'mouche on the 'log

Previous thread: >>3829193
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I wanna fuck his ass while I lick his feet and grab his penis

also new thread for image limit >>3888947
why did she make scara without a weenie

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no posting girls anywhere ITT
any trans and trans-adjacent (e.g. boy tits, gyno, castration, fixing dogs, force feminization) posts are off-topic.
report and hide boy boob spam.
make your own continuation thread if you want to talk about the aforementioned.

prev: >>3889428
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I don't even blame her anymore, I blame the troon /cm/ and /y/ jannies for being in on the raids and not ever properly moderating like every straight porn board janny does.
I don't get it why spend all this effort to troll and raid a board that gets like 5 posts a day. Just seems stupid.
Who knows. It's exponentially easier to troll/ruin a dead board than it is to troll/ruin an active one, though. Just wait to make new threads for a bit.
It's not trolling in the normal sense of the word, they're visibly a psychotic demented level of misandrist, the kind to steal their son from their father and force him to undergo surgery

Hopefully she gets banned properly, but either way we can take solace in the fact that whatever horrible thing happened to her that turn her into this monster, she completely deserved it.
>Hopefully she gets banned properly
You'll only get warned for reporting any shitposts here. They're in on it.
She gets bothered by posts about genshin boys fucking her btw.

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Shumishu Edition
Prev >>3883467
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But if the lifeforce power of Braverning made his hair grow out, surely it could defy logic and make other areas of hair grow out? He just needs to come together with Smith as one again to put hair on his chest.
To the full song for the ED they added Smith/Isami scenes but also the bonfire scene lol
weird bravern/isami shippers found in a ditch since the song is about isami and smith and putting the bonfire only confirm it was always about them
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more screenshot for the sumiisa mv kek

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Sports shotas edition

Previous: >>3887020
Trap shota: >>3878372
Kemoshota: >>3860331
Shota manga: >>3844997
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Yeah have to appease the lying normies
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western art makes me projectile vomit
On it
New thread: >>3891826

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Previous thread: >>3626294
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Yeah he's canonically ftm.
>>3877236 (me)
I was reminded of the existence of privatter and now I'm back to thinking of the NSFW works that has been lost to time. Apparently IA is now back to no longer cataloguing Twitter links so that's a major bummer.
Here's another pretty good animation that I can't turn into a webm: https://youtu.be/T4pzH8EblOE?feature=shared
>penisless robot
Yeah right, Alphys would never forget something important like that.

Last thread
lets maybe not wait a year and a month before hitting the image limit this time
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