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Previous: >>7945667

Free sites to use:
Paid sites:

Mobile reader app for android: https://tachiyomi.org/

Useful links:
Sex scenes list:
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I rabu Sia
That hurts no?
what i notice about pornhwa is that they make almost every love interest look like they built for bbc
gooks are completely mindbroken from blacked porn that they make their characters specifically cater to nigger tastes
More likely that all the females have one body type these past seasons. If it weren't for their hair styles and colors, no one could tell them apart.
Is there any manwha with bbc yet
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The best
KEK what's this from
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The Escape
Is that the original dialogue or just edited?
Why don't you read it and find out?
Too much effort
Any news when Boarding Diary's artist is coming back?
Inb4 posting or asking for sauce and recs read:
>Keep It a secret from mom
>Pervets daily life
>Switch ON
>Outsider's way in
>Thats not how you do it
>Silent War
>Main character is the villain
>Dorm Room sisters
>Is there a empty room?
And a summary of Illict love for the memes
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I cried
>new manhwa
>For Sale: Fallen Lady, Never Used
>it has stats windows
For fucks sake.
What chapter?
With how quickly Frequency just did the threesome I think this series will be completed at 40 chapters.
Her hair is still getting longer <3
It looks good.
The author really fumbled her last scene
As long as it manages to squeeze in oyakodon I am fine with it.
Speaking of Oyakodon. I wish the hole shop would get on with its Oyakodon.
One of the best threesomes I've read.
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Her time tomorow pinkbros
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She turned into a sucubus now
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Outsiderbros we are back
TL? Or at least link to the tweet
Basicaly It says that she already finished the 3 first chapters of her new work and will release soon™
If It has a character exactly like Sia is enough for me
where is this from?
What do i do now
It is the same girl from the OP
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What's the best anal scene in pornhwa?
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The crazy lad is trying to go straight for a 6p.
unreal, if the author does it he gets redeemed for the absolute trash that secret class has become
I dont get circles
If the mother and daughter can get Lesbo with each other during this will make this top notch for me.
So is panty note coming to an end?
So fucking hot for a granny.
Aaa I can't hold on anymore
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Starting to think nothing will ever rival Aimi's scenes.
I need to rely on aifags for more content now.
I’m disappointed the author got the manager killed. I was hoping Aimi would have an affair with him
I'd rather have him to split the ladies off into groups and fuck them that way instead of having an outright orgy.
toonily loads like shit for me now, anybody else going through this?
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Thanks for everything Moon Ae-Ri you are the Queen and my Canon ending
I been out of the loop on pornwha, what are the hot new releases?
I only follow one series now
None, wait for Switch ON S2 and the new series from the outsider's artist
Yepp still rereading Aimi's scenes...
>wait for Switch ON S2
Perfect time for "Switch On" to return now that "What do I do now?" has finished.
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Secret War artist came back to make another pornhwa titled Moby Dick.
Maybe they were waiting for that
This is the first post with a jpeg from that series in the last 3-4 thread (over a month or so).
Not sure if the series is disappointing pure utter dogshit or its just lackluster.
It's always mentioned in every thread with picture attached, you most likely didn't notice any of the girls because you don't read it.
Yeah I was reading that
finally, the good art of secret war without the bullshit story

i left Switch on a long time ago, I should pick it back up
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Ajumma fans and momcest enthusiasts are eating good right now, a third of new releases cater to them.
Same. If the author was going to kill the manager, couldn’t he have done it after she had an affair with him?
Bunking bed has the worst coment session of all not even outsider's or Switch ON are like that
Not true there were a lot of posting of It on poder threads is just that here is kinda dead lately
The only good girl in Moby Dick is the blonde with those perfect sized tits.
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The milf was good
South koreans literally follow the same tastes than americans so they end up looking like that since those are the same body types that americans find attractive
new chapter just dropped boys
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if your thirsty
>start collecting subscriptions to translate
>website goes down
Ruh roh
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Really wish more hentai and manhwa would do this
>My Illustrator returned
Switch On and Honestly, I like it a lot soon
That's very unpleasant. Mantaining the position itself already hurts a lot, added with being crushed by people weighing at least 50kg multiple times.
Welcome to how women feel during a mating press.
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As the Queen the next dubs needs to share his waifu
I don't have such weakness as I like getting crushed by girls
Do it
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what a twist in queen bee
Yes, you're femdomcuck we know.
I want it NOW
Need you to explain that one. If he's getting fucked where his dick is still in the vagina, how is he the cuck?
If the pastor dies here, is there any reason for the protagonist to fuck up his life and go to jail?
I guess he could get into a conflict with Taesu.
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>Get horny
>Load up M...erm....I mean BeeHentai
>Find random trending manhwa
>Beat off
>Forget about manhwa or any "plot" for like a week

Does anyone else do this? I used to at least try to pay attention to the plot, especially if it has a lot of chapters but recently I haven't given a shit about any of them. It's going to the point where I treat these with the same regard I treat Japanese hentai. Something you read, nut to and then discard and forget about like a used cum sock. Are there any manhwas that actually have a plot worth giving a shit about? They don't even have to be Coom, I'm just curious to see if any are worth reading beyond if any are worth reading beyond getting a quick weekly nut session

And since I'm not a gatekeepingand since I'm not a gatekeeping fuck-ass, pic rel is.... uhhhh

>Check history

Outsider: The Invisible Man


See? I completely forgot the name. That's how little I care about the plot at this pointI completely forgot the name. That's how little I care about the plot despite bothering to take a screenshot earlier
Many layers of based in this one
What do we think about Love Choice?
Aimi is for rape only
Refreshing to see a girl not instantly lose to a cock and become a sub
And that's why she is the best, all the others are slaves to the MC while she can stand to him
>loser gets a magic sex app story #2137
Stylistically, I like the CEO bitch, too bad she's maledom bait.
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Her time tomorow
> Blonde
Did I miss something?
I like it so far. I just hope the MC does some proper BDSM or whatever with Jiah. Ass slaps and pulling hair just won't do.
Fat old balding men where?
>Daon ask the MC to slap her face
Yeah best girl by far
His hand? His cock?
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She is pregnant now
>Becoming a mother in mother's day
I dont understand how everyone likes this whore. Unrealistic body and bland personality.
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Well she is pretty hot and of all the girls she is the only one that beat the cock
Any other timelapse scene?
Also this is the same as bunny Sia timelapse
Sex stopwatch has been really shit ever since the second arc started and the bullied kid fucking around became the focus. I keep reading it hoping they drop him or he becomes a threat and MC steals his gf and leaves him powerless because it feels like it's going that way but they just double down on him. He's such a shit character too.
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Oyakodon is up first.
The others watch on.
There better be some yuri this time.
Is Panty Note worth reading?
Series looks really good despite the game world tropes. For example the Femc's eyes closing halfway when gagging is a nice touch. I don't really notice others doing that.
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>'cultivate' his thousand years old master
>impregnate her
>then 'cultivate' his master master

God why is this is a chink manwha instead of a gook manwha...
Is there any site with 'Oyakodon' tag?
These pornwha site need to step up in term of tags, they're light years behind any typical hentai site.
Marriage Agency Review just ended
> MC finds out that red hair wasn't the one who actually convinced his old ex-gf to dump MC to get married to another guy but the agency owner
> MC gets dirt on agency owner by secretly recording how the scam agency works
> MC gets back at ex-gf lied about the red hair being the one to break them up by having him and ex-gf get caught having sex by the ex-gf's husband, who then plans to file for divorce
> Brown hair teacher woman becomes a sex slave to co-teacher so that she doesn't get fired from her school after she wrote a resignation letter, written when she thought that she was gonna marry the doctor who was MC in disguise
> Yellow hair streamer becomes a sextuber after MC streams there sex
> Violet hair fitness instructor tries to get back with her former partner, but dumps her after he becomes rich and now has a new woman
> MC forgives red hair doesn't have a job anymore
> Time skip
> MC and red hair now have their own job matching singles for real, no scam
> MC, yellow hair and violet hair become sexfriends

and that's it
MC better not order the others to line up next to them next chapter and interrupt the oyakodon. Let them watch and get horny.
>MC, yellow hair and violet hair become sexfriends
I think it was an ok ending, except this. Should've just had a reconciliation sex scene with the red hair and then show them with their own agency, end.
This trope is so fucking hot.
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Anyone know who's the artist for this manhwa?
He made the last 20 chapters of wife change dogshit, so I instantly dropped Boobie Trap when he was reintroduced in it. Seeing that has made my day.
What's the manhwa called?
Does anyone know which manga was about this guy living next to childhood friends(3 sisters) and they start having sex?
Destiny Land complete.
Regressed Warrior's Female Dominance
Close as Neighbors?
I don't know bud, this is manhwa thread.
It's this one! This was my first of 18+ manwa. Thank you!
How do y'all read your manwhas? I've been viewing each page in a new tab and just resizing them to a reasonable size then scrolling down. Any better approach?
In the phones on tachyomi app luckyly i downloaded It before the purge so i can still access toonily and download any chapter from it
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I havent tried many because I am quickly put off by the art style, plus I always have to put up with the costant scrolling and the giant white spaces in-between.

Two I am following are "Moby Dick" and "trapped in an hentai academy" (pic related).
I like it more than I would have thought.......art style looks japanese even if all characters seems to have the same kind of tits (shape & size). The way they fall for him is justified by the context, the guy doesn't seem to abuse his position (maybe with the exception of the contract later on), doesn't hold back but still cares about what the girls want, high amount of sex for sure.

What would you recommend and why? I am not looking for something that is just fappable.
>I am not looking for something that is just fappable
Then why are you reading moby dick? The story is fucking trash, and none of the characters are likeable.
Sauce please
Anything similar to Milf Hunting in Another World? It's the only pornwha that's managed to retain my interest.
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>He doesn't know
He was teasing you because you didn't know Tachiyomi wasn't actually dead. They just changed their name to Mihon.
silent war
My soon to be Mother in Law is my sugar mommy
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On PC? I'm using Yomikiru to read it offline.
secret class
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It's Panty Note nigga
Taesu saved us 3 years of watching Pyo getting his revenge on the Pastor hope he kills glasses before he bites the bullet
Why would you want that? Glasses is based.
He was no match for the protagonist in trap, and even the cuck got the last laugh against him.
Glasses is feeling himself too much like he did years ago when he grobbed Dali.
He is gonna try to pull something and Pyo will bash his face in
Wtf is going on with golden sun. The cuck is getting way too much screen time and mc is letting him get away with way too much bullshit. He is starting to get full of himself because of it as well.
What the fuck are you talking about, MC has fucked all the women close to him and the best thing he got is licking a pussy.
In the latest chapter he literally tried to make a move on one of the japanese sisters
Yeah, but he got slapped for it.
Taesubros our status?
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I'm considering actually sitting down and reading Queen Bee? Is the story any good?
I Wonder what will happen in this chapter
Now that the pastor is death, Teasu is the only possible threat for Pyo, but does he even stand a chance in a straight up fight?
Pyo and him were pretty much fighting equally while Pyo was already fucked up form getting hits without defending himself, and that was back then when Pyo had basically no fighting experience.
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Wow he is literaly me
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Is love chouce any good?
dead, for real.
>Now that the pastor is death, Teasu is the only possible threat for Pyo
he dead bro
It's not bad.
Well there is only 30 chapters will give It a try
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damn taesu looked like THAT?
Any series that has pubes?
that's illegal in korea
Yeah just read that. Those two took care of each other nicely. How is that retard Pyo gonna fuck up such a convenient situation for himself?
rabu choice
thanks buddy~
Any good femdom pornhwas?
From Mulcucks Instagram.
When I'm working on a new work, I'm always excited and excited about the new story, but why am I so depressed this time?
I'm still enjoying it, but even after drawing everything, I still see so much that needs to be changed, so I'm stressed!!
After all, health is the best, but
because my body is tired, everything seems to be slowing down;
I need to throw away frivolous thoughts and do my best.
The new work is story follows "only with consent"
it will amplify the atmosphere and genre
So if you don't like it, please consider it in advance..
The title is not "only with consent Season 2", and it is planned in the form of a spin-off and half-omnibus
Other than that, everything is a secret at this point, so I won't answer any more questions about story
I'm working hard, so please wait a little while.
The best place for So-Eun is porn.
Honestly, if I was a henchman and my boss got killed, I'd shrug and go "welp, that's that." No point in killing the guy that killed him.
>it is planned in the form of a spin-off and half-omnibus
wonder if "half-omnibus" in korean is supposed to be "anthology" in english. if it is, the story might be like Corruption: Obscene Tales where it's multiple short stories.
That's why no one wants you as their henchmen anon
Finished my Sia collage now waiting for todays chapter to do one for Daon
God I miss her.
Forever in our hearts
Yandere Daon incoming
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Miss me?
Feels like there’s nothing new that’s good. All of them look the same.
I am enjoying stepmother's past but that's probably just the after effects that illicit love had on me.
I would give my left nut for staying with Ajumma to move towards oyakodon.
i havent read this one, whats the name?
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I know this series has over 200 chapters, and I just started reading it. But can someone spoil me on how they deal with this whole car accident ordeal in the end? There is no way you can just keep having blackmailed sex over 200 chapters after killing someone. They gotta address it at some point, right?
I think the author is still figuring that out too, the guy didn't die but he is in a coma until now, and the true behind it is still a secret.
And the blackmail turns into sex for pleasure at some point.
I do. Now when are you coming back?
she started to like the guy, and he helped her save her daughter or whatever, now they are allied to take over the company
We adding supernatural stuff now this now?
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6P is on.
The absolute madman.
Has the series ever mentioned neighbor milf having kids?
How do you fuck 5 girls at the same time?
Holy fuck. Please don't end soon.
Since they gave us like 7 chapters for the threesome I want at least 30 chapters for the orgy on the island.
holy shit, impressi-
>panty note
never mind
Still hoping for some yuri between Mother and Daughter.
yeah I really need to get back reading this I think I'm 16 chapters behind and now I see this HOLY SHIT, MAN
Any good manwha with harem romcom where the mc isn't :
- harem seeking horny 24/7 jumping everything female
- a complete pervert
- super shy all the time

For example, something like the mc from "gotoubon"/"The Quintessential Quintuplets" if anyone ever read that manga.
thanks bwo
Never mentioned.
Too many to mention, most pornhwa that don't have cheat skills or revenge theme have mc like that. Also
>mc from "gotoubon"
that one is bland mc who keeps straight face most of the time. If that's what you're looking for then you can try After Work Love Affairs or Bride To Be
what the fuck is happening on toonily
What happened?
>bland mc
He's more like nerdy and focused on his studies.
I like his interactions with the girls.
I mainly want to avoid super thirsty/horny or super shy mc.

Thanks for the recommendations, I'll take a look.
That's Not How You Do It, the MC acts gentlemanly somewhat by not accepting women's advance the first time.
This Shithole Company is Mine Now
>not accepting women's advance the first time
that's fag act not a gentleman
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She's trying to blackmail MC.
OK, hope they're good.
Any recommendations where fmc or other girls seduce MC who’s in a relationship? Like Drug Candy, Double Date, Housekeeper, and some other office pornhwa I forgot. Something like Salamander and SStudy where MC is an asshole and cheats without batting an eye is fine too
Illicit Love
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She was so good
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Dunno what happened the last scene
It would need a fucking miracle.
Just do the 4P and end.
it would need the artist not getting cancer every fucking week
Well, that's so true.
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Am I the only one enjoying this so far? I am actually invested in the story and the artwork although not as beautiful as a lot of others just really clicks with me
I'm hoping MC will fuck his own birth mother.
This is the most generic pornhwa of all time, not a shard of originality in this
And that's a good thing. God forbid they make translesbian black mc for the sake of being original.
I actually prefer the story over the sex scenes atm. Will come back to this like a year later
Anyone know the one about a track kid being trained by (I think) his brothers ex. Part of the training was not masturbating in order to increase testosterone and get better times.
That's not a manhwa.

Now that the dust has settled, was Hari from My Landlady Noona autistic?
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Fuck you
Fuck me, you're right. I have no idea why I thought so. My bad and thanks
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I like how the daughter has already caught the MC and her Mother by chap 10. Sadly the daughter runs off. And now at the end of Chap 17 she is about to confront her about it. Now please author don't let her pussy out or give some other bullshit excuse to wave it off like all the other million pornhwa's do.
Best girl
If anyone find the easter egg i will give you a turron
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>best girl of current manhwa is stuck in a series with the shittiest plank of wood MC

This is a complete injustice. Dahee deserves better.
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She is cute but i prefer the boss
Whitesophie stepping up
The smug bitch is better because she's actually fun. Not a doormat or someone who will always scold you.
True hate those "pet" waifus
Is there any with similar artwork or coloring from redice studio?
idk what the fuck is that
secret class maybe
now she's his obedient doggy
she pegged him tho
silver sophie > purple anna > blue lina
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Oyakodon is happening.
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time flies......................................
Is it out yet? No? Ok bye, see you next week when I check again.
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Contrats anon here your reward
Will do one for Sophie next
>samefagging because no one replied to his post
Which one is this?
Why are you gae?
A sacrifice I'm willing to make
Fellas, is it gay to do sexual activities with a woman?
Any sexual activity involving anus is homosexual
Fellas, is it gay to have anal sex with a woman?
Depends on who is receving
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Hey, you can't give a girl you just had a sex scene with and are seemingly chapters away from putting her on a bus a new, extremely sex get-up, the fuck is wrong with you?
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Dude WTF, I can’t freaking believe this man! I literally been waiting patiently for a sex scene with the red head all this time, since the first chapter came out, and the freaking author ends the series. Are you fucking kidding me!
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>Fucked the world tree ended
Lol get fucked
As expected, the pacing is too slow.
>toonily finally updated secret class
Seriously, what took them so long? The eng ver is everywhere except their site
What the flying fuck?
Not even the redhead got fucked, why should I got that privilege?
>invest time reading a series before it's complete
not him but, what's wrong with that?
So he never got to smash the mega titty blonde god dammit.
so the girl on the cover since chapter 1 did not get fucked? That's a kinda sucky way to bait readers. It's akin to Bought by the Demon King.
Tard Rumble is a mess with modded Vehicles and Nitro Fists
I love it
I read two ongoings and was so thoroughly disappointed by how they ended that I stopped wasting my time. I just check the finished ones people recommend and save myself 7 years of investment for shitty endings.
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>it ended
I can't believe it.
A short series in 2024 that isn't axed nor milked
Saw that coming, I was intrigued by the premise of a girl being corrupted by strangers on chatroom, when that plot failed to materialize because >NTR there's no longer any reason to keep the story going.
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Series that have been consistently great as of late:
>Boss! Give Me Your Daughter!
>What’s wrong with this Family?
>This Good Thing is Mine Now
>The Four Of Us Can’t Live Together
>Family with Benefits
>More Than Each Other
The carry is probably the biggest one out there and pretty good too
The 4 of us is alright
Boss os great
The other havent read will check put later
Titty Monster>Loli
It did kinda get axed by the author itself since she apparently has some stuff happening irl
Did anyone mtl the latest chapters of stepmother's past?
holy shit taste
The man who devours’ first chapter looks really good. Apparently the “devil” is a character from a different series?
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My new wife
The art is very similar to Where's my Hammer.
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Ducked the tree manga got axed
Wake me up when Siheon fucks Baekdo in the WN
that getup is pure sexo
Best ongoing series now
>The carry
>Love choice
>Moby dick
Sadly it was shit since it's in the last chapter. Series just needed a couple of more chapters in the end.
>Best ongoing series
>Moby dick
Can you recommend ones with good art like Madam, Milf hunting, Wonderful new world? Preferably with some ntr
try classic like sweet guy
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Taesu had quite the ass on him.
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I have a bunch of Manga and we goons saved on my phone (mostly in the standard name-->chapter-->image_number format). What's a good reader for a laptop/desktop computer. I switch between macos and windows often so a reader that works on one, the other, or both is fine. I mainly wanna be able to send the folders straight to my computer and continue reading just like that as if I transfered it to a different phone. On my phone I mostly use the-app-that-shall-not-be-named

>we goons

Fitting typo, but meant to say webtoons
I use Yomikiru reader, but it's for PC only.

I haven't tried this one but Manga x Manga seems to support long strip format.
Where is she from?
something something family
Bros, the last stepmother's past chapter has me worried...
because of what, four of them being assigned in the same group?
His mom was basically blushing the whole chapter. If his dad didn't fuck her yet, he is very close to if mc doesn't intervene.
And her seducing him at the end feels like a bit of a set up by dad to ruin mc's relationship with the step mom.
Why would he cockblock his dad? He wouldn't be born otherwise.
>His mom was basically blushing the whole chapter
The only time she blushed in that chapter is when asked if she's in a relationship with dad
>If his dad didn't fuck her yet, he is very close to if mc doesn't intervene
I doubt it, mom acted too stiff when they first met at uni and dad even said they hadn't seen each other for a long time
>And her seducing him at the end feels like a bit of a set up by dad to ruin mc's relationship with the step mom.
I think it's her own initiative since she seems to hate the idea of stepmom dating mc
from the way the dynamic between the mom, step-mom and dad played out in the past, it looks like the mom became sad because she realized that the dad only became close to her in order to be close to the step-mom. the mom being pregnant with the MC is basically why the dad married the mom.
the blushing could mean that the mom has a crush on the MC, whom she doesn't know is her son from the future.
but since korea doesn't really do actual-blood-related incest, that's probably just reader bait.
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peak is back on the menu

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