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Tear up some trashy titties
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It's hot as fuck when they whine because this healed too quickly.

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No official Blacked photoshoots, only real girls wearing Vixen brand blacked clothing
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Based coomer
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my wife owns these same panties, it's so hot when I find out she's been wearing them all day while we were out...

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Bondage with gags. No strap-slack, loose bullshit. The stricter the better.
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Please post pre tit shrinkage Siri
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It's not so much the reduction as all the other work and the shitty tattoos. She was movie star beautiful and her boobs were next-level. Now she just looks like any generic e-girl.
Not so much the reduction? Bruh, really? Her reduction looks awful - the scarring looks like shit, and her boobs like somewhat weird too.
Man, she was incredibly gorgeous. Really sad that what she has become >>2454151 is the result of self-inflicted 'betterment' which has made her so much worse.
“You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension.”
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She was perfect, as was Siri.
Thanks feminism.

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I think we need to see more!!
Please share some more
Anymore pics or vids?

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Sorry if this thread is not relevant here. But kinda needing an advice and answers as I am very new here.

> Married for a year now and struggling to have sex with my wife. I am learning to be more dominant with mywife New to all this and this is not my style.

I am more of vanilla guy, but a family guy.

Her ex used to treat her as trash, sex slave and whoring her out with his friends.
Beat her, abuse her, force her to alcohol and used her holes. She somehow managed to end this toxic relation ship.

And I welcome any advice how can I be like him?

> She wants me to be dominant like her ex, she opened up to me once last month and that changed everything. Her ex has scarred her brain with a 4 year abusive relationship or slavery if i can say. She basically had to service himself and his mates in a very extreme sadistic relationship.

At the same time i only do sex twice a month, in addition to low sperms and small size.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I know i will sound like i am gay, but i cant roughen her up. I don’t let her suck me off and i cant spank her despite herself asking for it.

As mentioned i am doomed with low testosterone and azospermia

> Kik/ sorry about the wrong username
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She was in that abusive relationship for 5 years.
She was a virgin and a foreign student in a European university.

Weight was 40 after they roughed her and forced feed her and did all of unspeakable acts changed to 30 then 58 lately. We been married for a year.

Breast size 32DD.

as i mentioned i do sex only twice a momth due to my circumstances which i explained
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Will u share woth no name your testorene results? Whybthe hell is she with you? Probably she thinks of you as an omega man. She deserves a horny alpha man. I fucked my wife 3 hours yesterday and today I slipped my cock insode her again. She was wet as a heavy rain. Do something at leastbfor her, wimpy kid.
If this is real, she told you that because she already has fucked other guys since you’ve married. IMO, considering we can basically attribute this to biological nature since she has already been whored out, I honestly wouldn’t even call it cheating, just fucking other people. But she has. At least she’s nice enough to try to communicate something to you about the clear issues that are forming.

You can snap right now into an angry fucker pretty much after you read this post, or, for the rest of your life until she divorces you for half of your assets, she will continue to fuck other men.

You may still have to end up letting her get banged by others occasionally with how screwed up she might be, but then if that happens at least you can basically fuck whores with no remorse since you married one. Not saying you want to fuck whores, I don’t, but you literally married a former prostitute and either have to be upset enough to dominate her or accept that she will just follow biological protocol, it’s truly not her fault.

There’s no other option. You read this and snap into someone kind of mad they were basically deceived and use that energy for y’all’s benefit, or she fucks other men. There is no other way this plays out. Snap or she’s basically not yours after you finish reading this post!

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ITT : Obscure pornstar only you like
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Came here to see if anybody was going to post her. She's top tier.
Hell yeah brother. Imagine coming home to that every day…
her tits look utterly delectable in this photo >>2453704
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Clara Morgane

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This is a thread for posting the beautiful expressions
On the faces of snowbunnies
As the Big Black Dragon raids their hot spots

The main ingredient is the expression on the face of the snowbunny
Optional is the bcc penetration side by side which can be omitted if you want
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Jia Lissa
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I can't be the only one that finds this hot. Post them pictures everyone!
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she looks like my mom
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we need more women like her in porn
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So true
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Then you have one fucking ugly mom holy shit
>2 [Update] [Auto]
I'm lying for purposes

post some good looking indian and pakistani sluts
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whats her name ?
who is she?
She's Indian, I have a video of her :)
post it nigga

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Dark skinned girls taking big white cocks. Ebony, dark skinned asians, indians/middle easterners. Breed white!
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It's biology. People aren't attracted to different races. You are confused because you grew up with cultural marxism & anti-whiteism. Also you have tons of microplastics and atrazine and ssri's and birth control in your blood making you gaytarded. Nothing is more onions than getting your panties in a wad over trying to police anons sex lives.
$0y is censored on 4chan now? The 40 year old troons with absolutely no fucking life really have taken over the internet lmfao. Sad!
In school this colombian bitch was sat behind me and she kept coughing on the back of my neck without covering her mouth or turning her head at all. I asked her politely if she would stop doing that and she instantly started screaming and then got really mad when I called her Mexican. When she said she was colombian I remarked "eww that's worse no wonder you have no manners." She kept screaming until I flipped her desk over. The Mexican teacher thought it was funny. And then we did the Mexican hat dance.
American brained
Jewish internal cohesion and African American, shall we say, unpopularity are extreme outliers, but you are basing your views on them
Interracial sex is not a rare, illicit, faux pas that can be swept under the rug
Interracial sex between cohabitating groups is normal, common and has very real, permanent consequences
Americans did dislike Italian immigrants, but nature took it's course and the two groups merged genetically and culturally
Ethnogenesis between American men and Latinas is inevitable, same with British men and Indian women, and French men and Nafri women.
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Some videos are over 20 years old but still is the best in their categories when it comes to creativity, bondage, different style of girls etc
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PD gets absolutely mogged by this giga chad. Hope he's doing well
Its just three bitches tied up, running in the woods, jabbering like turkeys while dude shoots a paintball gun at them. This is the funniest fucking thing I've ever seen. Not even sexy, just fucking hilarious.
There is something goofy about it, but there's also a dearth of 'women treated as actual animals' porn that I like. Especially back when it was made. It scratches a very specific autistic horny itch.
Yes, PD taught at Carnegie Mellon as an art instructor. It wasn't the porn that they "had creative differences" with, but his live installations where he did live bondage installations. The money all came from him being the only game in town in the late 90's to the early 00's for BDSM "mainstream" porn. When you can charge $30/month (back then) and thousands will pay it, it adds up quickly.
My fucking kingdom for more content in their style of girls being transported in cages and then cooked for dinner.

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Post your best pictures of modified female genitals

Modified/Mutilated male genitals are out of topic.

Continued from >>2298554
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Fucking retard.
Just post them from your phone.
Unnecessary extra steps.
I agree : you should get your labias removed and your clit as well.

What do you think about the overall look of this one : >>2369833
i dont use 4chan on my phone, lmao. I type on a keyboard like an actual adult because texting takes too long and i value my time

ty. I dont like how dark it is, but bleaching is unhealthy and risky and high maintenance and i dont even have a bf lol

i get it from the fetish point kind of, everyone likes a bright pink pussy. looks kinda infantile though which i dont like
Sure, a bright pink pussy is something nice to look at, but if you were born brownish there, there is nothing you can do to "pinkize" your holes.

On the other hand, a proper removal of your labias and clit will expose all the pink you have hidden there, and it might be just a little bleach job to have the remaining brownish part of your labia to have a nice looking pussy.
Consider it.

Which ethnicity do you belong to ?
im white mutt, about half dutch, with a little bit of metis and italian in there to darken things a bit

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