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To stop all the source threads deleting good content, a general source thread is required. /r/ doesn't do gay shit and mods ban/delete individual source threads.

How to obtain your source:
1) Post your picture or description
2) Post what you want (name, company, etc)
3) Post any information you have (where/when the picture is from, etc)
4) Wait for a mars/hm/allow to help you and then say thanks.

Together we can stop the 404ing of good porn.

Please use Yandex (highly recommended) or Google image search (fuck google image search though) before posting in this thread.

There is also a gay porn encyclopedia which can be found here:
It has a huge library of many different actors, studios, films and other information which you may find helpful.

Finally, please do not reply to users who ask for a source by creating their own thread. This removes porn from /hm/ and they should not be rewarded for their actions.

Previous Sauce Thread: >>2617305
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Who is the top please?

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who dis?
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Trying to find an upload of this scene from smokinghunks. It's between Tauro (left guy), and Drew Sumrok (bearded guy on right).

Used to have am upload of it that I could find with relative ease but it looks like it's been removed/deleted.
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who is the top?
Anyone know who this is?
Looking for the studio/scene name, or a link to the full scene online, please!

90's (?) scene, lean latino, speaks some spanglish with tank top dominates and fucks white guy with hat in a warehouse or other plain industrial llike room.

See screengrab from short clip below
Massive shot in the dark.

There was a twitter account or 2 several years ago, definitely pre-Covid. Main account was a sorta ottery guy with an average build who had a boyfriend. 2nd account was this big beefy guy who apparently just started getting into the gay scene, and would occasionally stay with them during certain festivities.

One video that I remember clearly was the main guy filming the beefy guy fucking his boyfriend on a couch under their back patio/verandah.

I have no idea what any of their account names would be. I didn't keep track of accounts that far back.
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anything about this guy, ignore the buildings
tnx in advance
Please, I need the name of this guy
jeff stryker of course
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sexpecsnlatex on twitter
anyone know who this is?
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and this?
Cory Burns
Top is Dylan James if that helps.
ID? Feel like I saw him recently in a different video/angle but I'm not sure
whats his name?
Anyone know who this is?
Scott Reeves and Ennio Guardie (rimming)
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please help me ID this one
This is a long shot, but years ago there was an amateur video with a great soundtrack planning in the background. One of the first songs was D.A.N.C.E. by Justice. The two guys were in their bedroom and one had a red baseball cap and a scruffy beard and dark hair. I think the other guy was blond. They flip fucked and it was amazing.

I think about that video once a month. Any clues?

lol it literally was the first result on google videos when i searched D.A.N.C.E. by Justice gay porn
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photo from deleted xhamster gallery - who is this? it's been on my mind for a while now :/
ID on this guy?

I've seen people say it's Joel Someone, but never elaborate on where it came from or where Joel posted it when I probed them. Because he had an old twitter so maybe it could be from there, but I literally cannot find a shred of a source or any potential leads.
your filename says original anon
anyone know the guy? thx
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Anybody know what is name was? His account got locked/privated
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this guy from a video with a wooden toy car
any info on him please
OF rollthedice_
so? I found it from yandex. when you reverse search this pic you get the link to the gallery, but it's been deleted unfortunately

maybe it's wishful thinking, but perhaps someone could somehow get the username of the creator of the gallery? maybe it was his lol
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names pleaseee?
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Need sauce
OF berk_can34
Fernando Madeira
who are they?
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Anyone know who this is?
Anyone know the source video for this gif? There are several different gifs taken of the same top and bottom. And I recall watching it back on xtube. There's more gifs here in the third post from the top:
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He’s in the seancody ad
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damn he is hot with clothes on, but ewwwww when gets that leaking hole wtaf

Does anyone know who these two are?

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I need to know his name
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Anyone know their names?
Addison Graham and Dante Martin in "Head To Head".

Derek Jones and Collin Simpson at GayHoopla

This can't be his real tit it's shopped right??
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any idea who this is?
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I've been looking for this guy for a while
Looked at the ID'd guys IG (>>2623534
Fernando Madeira) and I don't think his tits look as big as they are in this photo unless it's some weird angle issue or it's an older photo of him. Or it could also be morphed - kinda hard to make out any warping in the photo to suggest it.
Jens de Fries aka. Ardillagenocida
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Looking for a clip from this guy's OF. He went by DiShow but he's deleted all of his platforms. The clip is him standing in front of a row of cream/white lockers. Just shows from his junk down, but hand is covering crotch. He's flexing his legs. Pretty short clip, saw it in a compilation of guys flexing on mymusclevideo but I'm struggling to find it even through my history despite knowing what day I watched the video on.
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Anyone know who this is?.
Tried using Yandex and stuff already with no results.
Thanks in advance.
The guy being sucked looks like killer Elliot
this was so good I actually did the searching for you
looking for dad fucking boy in room standing up and makes boy cum hands free, boy is very verbal too
Joel someone doesn't have a butt this muscular and nice.
Yeah that's what I've always been thinking since people were saying it's him - he's not that muscular.
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I found what I'm pretty sure is the clip I'm talking about based on this thumbnail. This is the video (it's privated)
Anyone able to identify any of these 3 people? Especially the twink bottom?

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Trying to track down a video/user I found late last year.

Video is of a white guy (late 20s - early 30s possibly based on looks, also bald) fisting a tan skinned guy on a bed (I believe bottom was latino? He certainly looked like it, never saw much of facial features).

Bottom is standing on a bed, wearing a jockstrap. Top is crouched behind the bed with his arm going up between the bottoms legs and fisting him. Bottom is sort of leaning on the tops head/upper torso. Very light fisting, deepest they get is the wrist by the looks of it. Ends with the top pulling out and the bottom kneeling down and kissing him.

Bottom had tats iirc. Was a twunk, not really thug looking. There was another video of the two, bottom is lying on a bed getting fisted? He's wearing a cap but again you don't see much of his face.

Tried every related search query I can think of on every site that it could have been on - either thisvid, pornhub, xvideos, or xhamster. Could have been another like gaybingo or gayfuror but it was definitely on one of those sites, and the top had a presence/profile.
Morgan Black and Tyler Alexander, The Cabin

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Who's the guy in the middle?
im guessing AI since it couldn't produce letters (gloves)
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who is he?
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does anyone know the top?
there are more videos of him but no ID
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Who is this bear ginger god from Furiosa? Can't find him on the IMDb cast list and I need more
Anyone know who this is? Yes, video is godawful. Idk what happened when they uploaded it. It plays, but it's pretty much stills/minuscule movement every 20 seconds or so. Best view of his face is right at the beginning or a few minutes in when he squats and tugs his dick.

Give us link to the vid anon, hard to tell from screenshot like that.
Some Iranian guy, goes back to the now defunct XTube, you can find his video with face in some streaming site, here is one (see also the related vids)

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name? moar?
Found this in a lpsg thread, poster alleged he is Austin Wolf's boyfriend as he appeared in the background of one of his videos. Anyone know who he is? Socials?
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Anyone know who these guys are?
If Austin Wolf is gay then I must be straight
What in the everloving fuck has hinted you that the man moaning like a bitch in fifty nanoseconds from being fucked in the ass by another man and cumming handsfree from it on several occassions is anything but gay?
Beyond your personal retardation, I mean.
Its called acting, you might want to google that before spitting out more nonsense.
And yet you have not answered the question. Back up your claims with something if you are going to curse the world with reading your aforementioned retardation.
Braden, Kaden and Caden
Austin Wolf has a small dick for someone of his stature. Why do small dick guys always want to be the top and big dick guys want to be the bottom? It's not natural.

Kuper Ryan and Mateo Vice

Trailer: https://www.mansurfer.com/video/162121/kuper-ryan-mateo-vice
Pretty sure that's AI
because dick size has zero correlation with position preference

>It's not natural.

there are people that say the same about gay sex in general
ID'd him. His name is Steven Gant. He's Austins boyfriend, they've been together for a few years now it appears. He gets it on in a few of Austin's payed videos. Shame, because he's fucking hot (has a bit of an odd face but it's fine)
these threads are gonna be filled with people posting AI slop soon aren't they?
Trying to track down an image. It was of a naked white guy (not sure if american, british, or slav, his face didn't show much.) who's wearing nothing but an ushanka on his head, he's pictured laying down on his back, lighting a cigarette, positioned in a way in which his whole front body could be seen. I remember the image looking a bit grainy but that must be my memory, it's nothing studio-made, didn't look like it at least. I found it here once and saved it but lost it... can't remember in which thread.
Do they have onlyfans?
I think they are fucking with you
>Steven Gant
Based anon
Does anyone knows who he is? He was on chaturbate iirc
> no kneecaps
ty anon i love you
>less attractive when it speaks
Who is this?

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i know this is a long shot, but i found this thumbnail on archiveofsins and the full image won't load. any guess who this is?
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Goes by Ephebee everywhere I believe. Plenty more skit videos advertising for his paid stuff.
It's JJ Forte. Former escort, I think he currently posts under bigleafjames on twitter - if not, the guy looks incredibly similar.

Plenty of images of JJ floating around, probably find some on tumblr, there's definitely a lpsg thread on him
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Source please?
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guy with blue shirt please, the other ones I know already
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Anyone got the full video?
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need this one bad
reverse image just gives some random twitter
who is the one in the white shirt?
Sorry, bigleafjames on instagram, not twitter

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