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Henry John Patch, "the Last Fighting Tommy" (1898 - 2009) edition
This one's a good one.

I invite you to become one of Jehovah's Witnesses
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i still don't understand what I get out of the deal
Hi Lara. Is it the official policy of the Jehovah's Witnesses as an organization to blame victims of child abuse for their victimization and subsequently accuse them of making up allegations for money?
Per your previous posts:
>The victim's lawyer required the organization to provide documents concerning all cases of abuse they knew about, an obvious attempt to obtain more possible customers. The brothers provided the documents but with all victim names redacted. The court considered they were not cooperating and established a fine of $4,000 for every day they failed to produce those documents. This was advertized in many media making it seem the organization was trying to hide information. But finally, a higher court confirmed that the requirement of producing those documents was unreasonable and actually illegal, and overturned the fine.
>As you can see, even an ambulance-chaser who is an expert in fleecing churches has only obtained some very limited amounts of money, mostly in off-court settlements because the brothers wanted to avoid further negative publicity.
And in response to the JW being held accountable for placing children under the care of a known pedophile:
>It is such a shame that the perpetrator is not brought to justice but rather the organisation that is facing the guantlet. What a joke as usual!
You didn't answer last time.
Hi Lara, why do Jehovah's witnesses believe only 144,000 people will go to heaven?

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bump limit reached, new thread
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why did you do that to his nose

Tutorial island
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You never suffer and get to live a great life
>capital city built on an active volcano field
>in addition to many other volcanoes
>land criscrossed in fault lines, high risk of earthquakes
>high risk of tsunamis
You die in a mosque shooting?
it so far away from everything, fuck that place

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>every single one of our neighbors wants to remove us
>It must be their fault! We dindu nuffin!

is this thought process common in ur cunt?
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so are you a kurd or like a bulgarian rapebaby? I can't keep up with all these /int/ identities anymore
Ankara today if k*rds and ar*bs didn't exist
somehow less gay than actual ankara
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>Turkic brother ho ackkkkkkkk

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hungarians and frens general

NOTE: Any foreigners are welcome, but SPAM of pictures/videos from different cultures are not welcome for the sake of the integrity of the only real hungarian general. A few are always pleasure to see tho.

Due to the constant spam of asian women in the former hungarian general "kurva anyátok" (the one with fruits), many of us decided to emigrate from that loophole of spammer schizos, because moderators didn't really care about us. Only that hungarian general was around for many years and it was being flooded constantly with asian women's instagram pictures, hitting over 50% of the posted media in average, every single day. Same person or people went even beyond that, labeling, larping and threatening with "pizza spam", then spamming screenshots of his larps as evidence, framing the ones who are against his acts and behaviour. Long story short we had enough. It's a deep rabbit hole, we hope that we can finally have fun and pleasant conversations here and we finally got rid of that toxic madness.

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Innen lopta a monitorokat?
innen anyád szüzességét lopta
mehetsz is vissza telexre
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Ánon ugye mozgósítja a családtagjait?
azt csinálnak amit akarnak

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Albanians are delusional about many of the loanwords in our language, saying there isn't a possibility for so much to have entered, even though we were under empires for most of history.
Yet the SAME people, at the time we ARE independent, use words like "atakoj" for attack instead of "sulmoj", "transformoj" instead of "shndërroj", "luk"(look) instead of "pamje" etc.

Do ypu bave retards like this in your country, self proclaimed nationalists that bastardize the language?
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She’s tanned nigga
in my cunt people unironically think we invented the concept of language or something
And Poland doesnt have German toponyms?
You actually have done a good job coining native words
Jelly desu
we don't claim we were first in Europe

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Aurimas you need to go to yurovision with these bangers.


Ateities pavojai

2 Tim 3
1 Žinok, kad paskutinėmis dienomis užeis sunkūs laikai, 2 nes žmonės bus savimylos, godūs pinigų, pasipūtę, išdidūs, piktžodžiautojai, neklusnūs gimdytojams, nedėkingi, nedorėliai, 3 nemeilūs, nesutaikomi, šmeižikai, nesusivaldantys, šiurkštūs, storžieviai, nekenčiantys to, kas gera, 4 išdavikai, pramuštgalviai, pasipūtėliai, labiau linkę į malonumus negu į Dievą, 5 dedąsi maldingi, bet atsižadėję maldingumo jėgos. Tu saugokis tokių žmonių![i1]

6 Iš jų yra tie, kurie įsiskverbia į namus ir prisivilioja moterėles, pilnas nuodėmių ir blaškomas visokių įgeidžių, 7 nuolat besimokančias ir vis nesugebančias pažinti tiesos. 8 Kaip Janas ir Jambras[i2] priešinosi Mozei, taip ir jie prieštarauja tiesai. Tai žmonės sugedusio proto, neturintys užgrūdinto tikėjimo. 9 Bet jie toli nenužengs, nes jų paikumas kaip ir anų bus visiems regimas.

umm both of those characters from hetalia are male...
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Apie Viešpaties atėjimą

1 Tes 5
1 Dėl laiko ir valandos, broliai, nėra reikalo jums rašyti. 2 Jūs patys gerai žinote, kad Viešpaties diena užklups lyg vagis naktį. 3 Kai žmonės kalbės: „Gyvename ramiai ir saugiai“, juos ir ištiks netikėtas žlugimas, tartum gimdymo skausmai nėščią moterį, ir jie niekur nepabėgs.

4 Bet jūs, broliai, neskendite tamsoje, kad toji diena jus užkluptų lyg vagis. 5 Juk jūs visi esate šviesos vaikai, dienos vaikai. Mes nepriklausome nakčiai nei tamsai. 6 Todėl nemiegokime kaip kiti, bet budėkime ir būkime blaivūs! 7 Mat kas miega, miega naktį, ir kas pasigeria, pasigeria naktį. 8 O mes, priklausydami dienai, būkime blaivūs ir dėvėkime tikėjimo bei meilės šarvus ir išganymo vilties šalmą. 9 Juk Dievas paskyrė mus ne tam, kad užsitrauktume rūstybę, bet kad įgytume išganymą per mūsų Viešpatį Jėzų Kristų, 10 kuris numirė už mus, kad mes ir budėdami, ir miegodami gyventume su juo. 11 Todėl guoskite ir stiprinkite vieni kitus, ką jūs ir darote.



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have you considered an lithuanianing and not being a drain on society and using MY tax money, you pos?

Please respect the janitor and keep it to one thread, thanks.
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I do not respect the janitor
is this the thread?
I'm a good boy!
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bby grl

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Do you have family crests in your country?
Do they use colors to differentiate asahina, kii, kobayakawa, gamô, etc.
Only samurai and nobles had family crests, commoner Japs didn't have them
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Have you ever met a Jordanian irl in your country?
Pic is unrelated i just think monkey is funny
who doesn't know tf

jezza edition
The fuck's up with /brit/, I've seen three opening posts this past hour and none of them got replies

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>police in green
>driving around in Porsches
>fearlessly hunt down commies
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>>police in green
>>driving around in Porsches
>>fearlessly hunt down commies

fuck the police
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moggs you automotively, in your path
Cops in thirdiemobiles like that are honestly terrifying
lol, because their rule of law is basically whatever mood that cop is in that day
not any different from countries with "rule of law"
if police feel like fucking you, they will and they will get away with it in 99% of cases.

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Great board
Is this a pol thread?

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cold palmer edition

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