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BIG Goddess!
Bigger! As in I want to be held easily in her hand!
Final bosses of both their games respectively that released 2 years apart (2019, 2021) are from the 17th and 18th games in the series and this can go on and on...
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What a beatiful body. Too bad her expression and posture seem to indicate she is stuck in some sordid hentai doujin...
Yeah, but beyond that, a sculptor goddess and a goddess of the markets seems like a good pair.

They also contrast in fun ways. Long hair vs short hair. RGB vs CMY based color schemes. Traditional outfit vs modern outfit. Sandals vs boots. Very straightforwards and epic theme song vs very experimental theme song. And so on.
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ChimaKei? KeiChima?

Parsee-chan is jealous that Anon keeps bumping other girls' threads but not hers. He even let it get archived...
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I'd rather fuck her normally and take the gouges on my back as a point of pride myself, but you do you.
Parsee is about to get her ass kicked by Raymoo, are you jealous anon?
...I'd want MY ass to be kicked by Parsee....
God I fucking hate people so goddamn much. Actual disgusting fucking filth.

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This thread is for the discussion of Nogizaka46, Hinatazaka46, BokuAo (Nogizaka46's official rivals) and Yoshimotozaka46 (on hiatus) and topics relating to them and their members.

(4/11-5/31, Nov. dates TBA) Nakamura Reno stars in the musical "Endless SHOCK/ Eternal"
(05/16-07/15) Okuda Iroha stars in the musical "Romeo & Juliet"
(05/28) Matsuda Konoka 1st Photobook
(06/18) Takamoto Ayaka 1st Photobook
(06/25) Sakaguchi Tamami 1st Photobook
(07/03.04) Hiragana Hinatazaka46 live at Pacifico Yokohama
(07/04) Takamoto Ayaka's graduation ceremony
(07/11) BokuAo's first stage play "Summer Haze"
(7/20) Osaka Gigantic Music Festival 2024 (Hinatazaka46)
(07/23) Yumiki Nao 1st Photobook
(08/07) BokuAo 3rd single (title TBA, Yagi Toa center)

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Can't stop fantasizing about the shape of her chikubis...
Tereputa and BokuAo in OP another troll thread
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As usual

You get to go to Gensokyo, and you'll even have the chance to meet with your favorite Touhou and who knows with her. However, you will inevitably be crippled in some manner. It cannot be cured. What would happen to you? Would it be worth it?
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I crippled my knee playing sports and climbed a small mountain later that day in a permanent crouch position to reinforce it. I'd probably just end up working around it like that or using magic/other powers to fix it.
What if I already have a disability?
I would be meeting Kaguya and although you said it could not be cured, somehow I figure that Eirin if she was around would still be able to find a way to cure it but it mostly depends on if I'm just with Kaguya or not
You didn't specify it had to be a crippling physical ailment or what severity it had to be, so in that case just having autism or a cough seems like a pretty good deal as I already have both.

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Monster Girl Wiki: https://monstergirlencyclopedia.miraheze.org/wiki/Monster_Girl_Encyclopedia
Monster Girl Archive: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/
Content Aggregator: https://anubis.moe/
Writers list: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/writerlist.html
Fanart Galleries: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/fanartgalleries.html
Nextcloud Archive: https://st44244.ispot.cc/nextcloud/index.php/s/HYyFwJMp588a4tE

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Best I can do is:
>Jumbo jar of peanut butter
>Grill full of burgers and brats
Well, yeah, but this is pretty common as a trope in incest literature. It's even somewhat baked into the setting as devilbugs actually do this sometimes.
[laughs in tsuchinoko]
She's cultivating mass, bro. Any minute she's gonna get like 10 feet longer. You'll see!
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Will ZUN ever introduce a character more powerful than Hecatia in Touhou?
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impregnate, impregnate, impregnate
The Hakurei god of extermination (Formerly Chuck's)
Moon Hecatia is the most formal and proper of the three (relative to the others), is an excellent administrator, is chiefly responsible for keeping all the hells running, and uses old-timey lingo that means something completely different now.
Otherworlds Hecatia is super casual and laid back, uses slightly older slang (think mid nineties), and uses her charm and ability to get along with everyone to keep the various factions in hell from tearing each other apart or forming a serious threat to the surface.
Earth Hecatia talks in the most incomprehensible zoomerspeech imaginable, is super affectionate, and is always looking for new ideas and extremely dedicated towards improving Hell.

The three work in perfect harmony to cover each other's weaknesses and become more than the sum of their parts, making her the most powerful and capable character, and turning her ostensibly simple power into one of the strongest of them all.
Hecatia wants to "improve" Hell (make it more torturous)?
Hecatia is evil, the Lunarians are right, we must become pure to escape mortality and avoid going to such a place!
"Are those people thinking for themselves instead of mindlessly following their betters?"
"And is that a bunch of fairies being lively and having fun?"
"AIIIEEEEEE! Save me from this nightmare, Tsukuyomi-samaaaaaaa!"

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Discussion concerning Higurashi, Umineko, Ciconia, Rose Guns Days, Higanbana, TRianThology, and all other 07th Expansion works.

07th Expansion archive:
Password: 07

Old archive backup at:

07th Links:
https://pastebin.com/7VNuaAx5 (embed)
Umineko colored truths script:

Previous thread: >>46952990
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Gonna mention you're not even here next time? Or that you don't spam the rat meme?
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I also post the rat meme because it's funny and makes the other annoying schizo spammer mad, but I'm also not Sperg.
you're not fooling anyone, retarded newcancer from shitcord
Don't filthy Rena with your association, she's a good girl who has done nothing wrong.
You're so fucking obvious sperg

>Let me introduce you to my sister
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Satori is pretty weak, it's possible that she would not be able to take your dick in the first place, so this is the next best thing. She pretty much instantly knows who WOULD have sex with you better than you do, as well.
She's THE girl if you want to have a harem. Except for Flandre on a technicality, nobody compares.
After all, no matter who you fuck, Satori will know every single juicy detail. How many times she came, how loud she screamed, how her pussy felt to you, and just how exactly do you feel about her. She will probably desire to see into the mind of the girl just to experience how she felt herself, too. Or just watch you go at it and freely enjoy the lust and happiness flowing between you two.
Koishi has a big chest and rear.
Satori has a flat chest but big rear.
You will never touch either of them.
>Except for Flandre on a technicality
Flandre's not a harem, she just creates vampiric illusions. They do that sort of thing.
Hecatia is the haremhu.
I generally do not have a thing for short women but rather for women my size but these drawings are doing it for me.
What does it mean if I would the koish but am apathetic towards her sister?

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Can we have an honest to god discussion about Koishifags and their inability to reconcile that Koishi is a true sociopath that can’t form any sort of relationships whatsoever? She can’t sympathize nor empathize with anyone, and she can’t even deal with normal emotions properly due to her not being able to feel them like other people can. Why do Koishifags always deny this part of her characteristics? It’s plain to see she’s not “normal”.
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Then you're braver than me.
I love her because she's just like me.
How is she like you?
Thicc 'tist
Best 'tist
I love her so much.

So so much...

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the blessed faceless trio
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You can save only one. Which one will it be?
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I rescue the big tengu!
She stops being racist!
But now I can't leave her room?!
This image does not represent their literal falling into quicksand, but rather their moral deterioration and descent into petty greed as they propped up the farce that was the market in UM. In order to save them, you'd have to convince them to accept the natural flows of wealth through Gensokyo and stop profiting from the ability cards. But that is impossible; their souls are already corrupt and they're sure to fall into the lower hells.
Lament, all of those that hear of the Rainbow Cave!
Not Tsukasa, thats for sure.
Why don't they just fly out, are they stupid?
momoyo doesn't care about any of that shit though, she just wants to dig
and chimata probably doesn't care much about the profit, since she's more interested in the faith from the transactions
hell even tsukasa probably doesn't care much about the profit since she's more interested in just chronic shit-stirring and eating someone out of house and home
only megumu cared about making money and she still ditched the scheme as soon as the exterminators showed up

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Today (may 26th) is Kokoro day, let's have a thread for my cute adorable daughter
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I love Kokoro
Goodnight little mask autist...

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UFO is my favorite mainline game.
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Having tea.
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you have weird taste, BUT

for me it's got to be IN. got me into touhou, has the most memorable of the soundtracks i can think of (raigon50's lunatic princess remix is the best thing ever) and the gameplay is just really goddamn fun. it introduced some really interesting lore too

also mokou is totally my favourite touhou character. i have a thing for angsty immortals, they're super fun to read about and you can do just about anything to the trope with her. there's a couple really good mokou fics on ao3 too so yup, it's gotta be IN for me. UFO's mechanic was immensely ftustrating and a complete slog to go through so i'm never doing it again
I like Subterranean Animism. I think it was the 2nd or 3rd 2hu game I played after EoSD and I mainly tried it because of Satori!
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Good game, but I never gave it enough playtime. I suppose I'll redownload.
>UFO's mechanic was immensely frustrating
How so? It's pretty simple.

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I cannot stop thinking about this eternal pure princess. Constantly lingering in the back of my mind while I work on pharmaceutical things...
How I'd love to be one of the Inaba so that she could embrace me...
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Because no one in the Netherworld has T50s, right?
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Well anon? Are you interested?
The hime might be eternal but her thread is not
But does she have baby birthing hips?

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