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Pungent aromas edition

Delisted thread:
245 replies and 106 images omitted. Click here to view.
anything where men spit on the face of female?
Sweetest peach. I can't wait for the next Momokino. But why isn't it in 4k?
IPZZ-196 was great Momokino. Goro fkn enjoyed her. She blew him and ate his ass while he ate KFC.
many such cases

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"Sorry to Keep You Waiting" edition

Please read this before posting: http://www.buyfags.moe/Full_guide

Fumo Information Website from a helpful anon - https://fumo.website/

Places to buy fumos and other plushes:

For General Fumo information, custom fumo lists, official fumo lists, AND fumo price guides (a bit dated)- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qNz36ZJm_P83ke4pzbi4MiinhmGDuES-PEgLEjyIsy8/edit?usp=sharing

Picture guide for acquiring fumos-

Touhou: https://www.gift-gift.jp/nui/toho.html

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The lilies were a bit of a bad idea since that dark red pollen REALLY likes to stain her white dress. She needed a bath after today
Where all do you go with your fumo? New pictures, by the way.
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Third ending be like

Dinner was great.
I ordered a fumo back in November with a release date of June 2024, more or less when can I expect during the month to be informed that I should pay up?
/s4s/ is talking about fumos

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You are forbidden to sit next to Reimu unless she personally allows you to sit
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I need more sittin' 'gasa
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Is this on purpose?
Oh. my. God. Is that a hecking BLACK person working in my glorious Nippon?!!?! AAAHHHH I'M GOING INSANE!!!!!

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Remember to take it easy.

Previous: >>46817588
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alright bros, tomorrow is the day I get up and try
I just fapped to another inseki ntr mango, may the good lord forgive me....
>57 hours without fapping
I did it reddit!!!!!!!!
I'll probably relapse in a few days tho
>year 29 without schedule I drugs
yeah, I think im gonna make it
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I think I'm being sexually harassed by a ghost girl. I'm dead serious. Oh and I fully believe in ghosts now

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The fuwafuwaest thread on /jp/!
He never ended up making a new thread for it, so he probably didn't get it.
Fluffy Ellen, she'll never find the one!
red marisa
He said he got the CD, but takes time to scan and rip it for the best quality. Maybe we'll see him around in this thread.

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>Music Channels

Sakura Gakuin: (dead)



Latest @onefive live


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No because I'm not an actual sperg like you and know to keep my mouth shut about stuff like that outside of shitholes like this
>These girls don't even write any of the music or lyrics, let alone actually play any instruments
Holy shit your posts really do sound like those metal elitist youtube comments that babymetal used to get all the time like 10 years ago.
no YOU stfu PAUL.
I bet your name is Paul and you use that dumb garbage to forcibly keep your nobody name relevant.
Holy shit your posts only sound like the pervert autists who throw a fit endlessly for not getting what they want.
Pretty weak response considering there was literally nothing perverted in my post. Try again

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BanG Dream!

Revue Starlight

Dig Delight Direct Drive!

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You know you're right. No point in limiting my gooning material. Thanks.

Didn't know this was (finally) uploaded online until I saw a repost to bilibili, but here's the short film Teru was in back in 2017: Akagire.
menhera arc?
Aw I want to ruffle her hair.

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Discussion concerning Higurashi, Ciconia, Rose Guns Days, Higanbana, TRianThology, and all other 07th Expansion works.

07th Expansion archive:
Password: 07

Old archive backup at:

07th Links:
Umineko colored truths script:

Previous thread: >>46966501
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Satoko fucks old men for money. Let that sink in.
This post is enough to trigger the herd into destroying the general
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Poor Rika
Right, Shannon-chan, go fuck this guy
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Was Rosa seriously only ~32? How old was Kinzo's wife when she had Krauss and Eva? 16?

If you have a question about a specific product, please LINK it so people know what you're talking about.

Guide to onaholes, dolls, supplements, and so on: https://controlc.com/e322ed43 [Warning, still under construction]

OtonaJP a shit. Order from them at your own risk.
OtonaJP has rebranded as Naughty-nippon in the EU and should also be avoided. Don't say we didn't warn you.

- - - Notice for Aussies: Only J-list doesn't ship to Australia anymore (it's their own fault for not discretely packaging onas). All the other retailers still do ship to Australia - - -

>Please read the guide, use the warosu archive, don't shitpost. Follow global and local rules. Don't reply, report and ignore instead.

>Don't post infant dolls you dumb fag.

>Length, girth, budget and geographical location are extremely important in determining your next best course of action!

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>Sakura Doll
Do you know if they take custom orders?
I'm in love with the concept and size, but I want something a bit different.
>heavy loads
As in double penetration or from opposite sides?
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thoughts? the $10 option is obviously going to be trash but the 1.4kg $46 one looks interesting
what should i expect to pay for a good torso doll? i have no idea about anything related to this but i know i want one
Look up the Puni Ana Miracle DX(10Kg), Puni Ana Miracle Bakunyu DX(14Kg) or the Puni Ana Miracle SPDX(12Kg) for a realistic price of an actual torso doll.

What you are asking about are considered as mini torsos.

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Diva edition

Links and resources: https://pastebin.com/jDHxU1Jw
Album recommendations and YouTube playlist: https://pastebin.com/dMX8CJhk

Previous Thread: >>46935231
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It's just certain sects in case you're unsure. No mention of it in the book.
On an unrelated note, arabian-themed song
Teto, really nice tuning, just gotta look for it
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>Mellowcle feat Rin and Len
Oh my god this song is too fucking cute. Rin and Len works super well, too.
And now I'm in a need of cute and wholesome Kagamine twin songs... like these ones Mellowcle just retweeted on their Twitter

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Yes, yes she did!
Throw piss at her!!!
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Info, news, blog

>Latest MV Releases or Videos
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If each 4chan board could be represented by a Touhou character what would they be?
I remembered all those old pictures of "4chan boards represented by" and usually it was /co/ shows, but I never saw one for Touhou characters.
I'll post some of my ideas shortly
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Remilia is out? Put her on /pw/. She's a huge larper, her powers may as well be kayfabe, and gets mogged and KWABBED by Flan.
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You dumbasses
/ck/ is obviously Mystia
/cgl/ is obviously Alice
Nah Mamizou on /cgl/ is genius. Her tanuki power is literally to disguise herself as anyone she wants
meh, i prefer >>46960199 much better

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Monster Girl Wiki: https://monstergirlencyclopedia.miraheze.org/wiki/Monster_Girl_Encyclopedia
Monster Girl Archive: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/
Content Aggregator: https://anubis.moe/
Writers list: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/writerlist.html
Fanart Galleries: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/fanartgalleries.html
Nextcloud Archive: https://st44244.ispot.cc/nextcloud/index.php/s/HYyFwJMp588a4tE
>everyone sits around for fifteen minutes waiting for a new thread
>then everyone makes five at the same time
Every time

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