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More than a year after a Travis County jury convicted Daniel Perry of murdering a protester in Austin, Gov. Greg Abbott pardoned the former U.S. Army sergeant on Thursday shortly after the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles recommended a full pardon.

A Texas state district court judge sentenced Perry in May 2023 to 25 years in prison for shooting and killing U.S. Air Force veteran Garrett Foster during a 2020 demonstration protesting police brutality against people of color.

One day after a jury convicted Perry, Abbott directed the parole board to review the former U.S. Army sergeant’s case.

“Among the voluminous files reviewed by the Board, they considered information provided by the Travis County District Attorney, the full investigative report on Daniel Perry, plus a review of all the testimony provided at trial,” Abbott said in a statement announcing the proclamation that absolved Perry. “Texas has one of the strongest ‘Stand Your Ground’ laws of self-defense that cannot be nullified by a jury or a progressive District Attorney.”

Abbott approved the board’s recommendation, which included restoration of Perry’s firearm rights.

“The members of the Board of Pardons and Paroles delved into the intricacies of Perry’s case. The investigative efforts encompassed a meticulous review of pertinent documents, from police reports to court records, witness statements, and interviews with individuals linked to the case,” the pardon board wrote in a Thursday statement.

Perry was driving for Uber at the time he encountered protesters a few blocks from the Capitol in downtown Austin. He stopped his car and honked at protesters as they walked through the street. Seconds later, he drove his car into the crowd, Austin police said.
Foster was openly carrying an AK-47 rifle at the time and during the trial, each side presented conflicting accounts as to whether the protester raised the gun to Perry who was also legally armed. Perry shot Foster and then fled the area, police said. He then called police and reported what happened, claiming he shot in self-defense after Foster aimed his weapon at him.

The case caught the attention of influential conservative voices like former Fox News host Tucker Carlson and Texas GOP Chair Matt Rinaldi, who both pressured Abbott to pardon Perry saying he acted self-defense in the face of dangerous protests.

Abbott rarely issues pardons, which the board must recommend before the governor can act. Abbott granted three pardons in 2023, two pardons in 2022 and eight in 2021 — most for lower-level offenses.

Shortly after Perry’s conviction, unsealed court documents revealed he had made a slew of racist, threatening comments about protesters in text messages and social media posts. Days after George Floyd’s murder by a Minneapolis police officer prompted nationwide protests, Perry sent a text message saying, “I might go to Dallas to shoot looters.” Both Perry and Foster are white.
I'm sure the commies in your head are very upset
Apparently the commies are now people who follow the rule of law.
>Gov. Greg Abbott

Dude doesn't have a leg to stand on.
You, a commie, are upset.

The rule of law is that Daniel Perry did nothing wrong and even got his gun back, and that Garrett Foster deserved to die. After all, the duly elected governor just pardoned him.
Seems like he just rolled over the left with his wheels though.
Hotwheels has been stomping the Democrats into the dirt left and right lately.
>Rule of law
Found Foster guilty of murder, Republicans abused the law because they are inherently corrupt.
Nothing he ever did while in office was for any other reason but pandering to his far right base if that's what you mean.
Texas is a shithole.
A Soros-backed judge found him guilty of murder because Soros-backed political appointees openly do not care about the law except as a means to push an agenda, the Paroles & Pardons Board made up of real Texans all agreed that he had done nothing wrong and he was lawfully freed in accordance with the proper procedures. You have brain worms.
So he's a patriot who serves his constituents? Based.

Stay in your thirdie country then, brownoid.
What the hell is a Soros backed judge?
Die off, boomer
A jury found him guilty. You’re not American.
>1 minute, 1 second later
>1 minute, 19 seconds later

Commie seething. Sorry, but Daniel Perry is a free man and Garrett Foster is dead, and you can't do anything about it.
>You're not-ACK!
You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection. All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors. Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.
You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight. Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male. This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.
Thanks, I’m quite happy with my big dick.
>Anti semetic buzzword right off the bat
Into the trash your post goes
Why cant rightwingers go 5 minutes without being antisemitic?
You already know why.
Why can't jews go 5 minutes without killing Palestinian children?
But those are Israelis, the Republicans of the Jews.
I'm a left wing antisemite though. This is our common ground. If Americans knew how much the jews are controlling everything, we'd all unite against them(temporarily).
Looks like horseshoe theory is real. Go far left enough and you're indistinguishable from a Nazi.
It's not murder, and if you say it is that's defamation. Self defense is legal. ;)
Where's the buzzword? Soros did donate to that particular judge's campaign. Being a Jew does not mean you are immune to criticism, especially a Nazi collaborator who profited off the Holocaust and would have been put in front of a firing squad like most of the others who did the same were if he hadn't been a teenager at the time and blamed his relative.

Lmao no, leftist boys are little Chihuahuas with bad facial hair and whiny voices, a right wing man can fuck your "wife" (you provide her money, we provide her dick) in front of you and you'll sit there and not say shit. What's Skylar gonna do?
>Doubling down on his anti semitism
Where is it and why is antisemitism bad?
More like criminals love Capitalism more than God.
Sorry kiddo, reality just has a capitalist bias
On one hand, he shot a dude who was armed after his vehicle was surrounded by belligerent people.
On the other, he probably put himself in that situation on purpose and was hoping to shoot someone.
Overall, meh. It definitely doesn't make murder legal and both perpetrator and victim were playing stupid games.
That is some good news. Anybody who is part of the BLM terrorist group deserves to be executed with a bullet in the head.
All commies are vermin, you piece of shit.
Because they suck zionist cock you dumb bitch, that is why they want to exterminate all the Palestinian people.
>Why is bigotry used to justify genocide bad?
You tell me.
Your second reply is no different than a black dude bragging about cucking white dudes with his BBC. Your above "muh dick" rhetoric, aren't you?
>Drive truck
>Stopped by crowd
>Man in crowd aims AR-15 at you
>Fire in self defense and escape in reverse
>Get wrongfully sentenced to 25 years by prosecutor and judge who hid and misrepresented evidence
>Get pardoned from the injustice
I've summarized the incident completely.
It is legal to drive on streets that are open to traffic. He stopped his truck safely and was waiting for the crowd in front of him to cross the road.
>Get wrongfully sentenced to 25 years by prosecutor and judge who hid and misrepresented evidence
What evidence did they hide or misrepresent?

True, but he made some social media posts that harmed his defense.
Scroll up, OP pasted the article.
But my feelings are still hurt by my own biases.
How can you fix that?
Why cant jews go 5 minutes without calling something antisemetic?
You don't have to be a jew to call someone antisemetic.
So, why not join them? They seem to hold the upper hand in everything.
>Say you want to murder protestors online
>Drive 30 minutes out of your way to a protest
>Run a red light to drive into the protestors
>One approaches with their rifle in ready up
>Murder him in cold blood
>Drive off
>It's so obvious you're guilty that you're convicted in Texas
>Republicans betray the rule of law to bail you out
>But you're still labeled a murderer
>make up lies
>get mad when reality rejects your bullshit
>REEEE on 4chan after losing, again
I've summarized this post completely.
What was the lie?

By the way, setting aside the fact that he was convicted, accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt.
>What was the lie?
Whether or not he was convicted means relatively little to whether he was actually guilty.
The state is prejudicial against defendants in self-defense trials precisely because the state hates it when individuals use their constitutional rights to defend themselves from clear and present existential threats.
Also, to be perfectly frank, most people hate BLM protestors.
>woman-beating degenerate dies from a drug overdose because he swallowed his stash (and has done this multiple times before in previous arrests)
>commies decide to burn down shops, steal from stores, break into homes, kill people etc
The sole reason why these retards were allowed to riot is because every system of authority they have enjoyed for their entire existence has punished anyone who would stand up for themselves. They have been lulled into a false sense of security when it comes to human nature, and they decided to take their bad behavior out into the world.
Eventually these kinds of people run into a guy like Perry and they get themselves killed. But the justice system hates guys like Perry, so they try to throw them in jail as fast as possible.
>Also, to be perfectly frank, most people hate BLM protestors.
Where do you people get this shit from?
He shot him, idiot.
What mental deficit led you to equate one chud shooting a protester with "most people hate BLM protestors"?
To reiterate:
>>woman-beating degenerate dies from a drug overdose because he swallowed his stash (and has done this multiple times before in previous arrests)
>>commies decide to burn down shops, steal from stores, break into homes, kill people etc
Do you know why lynchings occurred in the Old West?
It was because some people were so obnoxious and antagonistic that hanging them was not only a civil duty, but a form of entertainment to the public.
Most people do hate BLM protestors.
Why do you think they only visited Ferguson the once?
You mean the Boogaloo Riots?
He was found guilty by his peers. You're now damage controlling by saying it doesn't count because you didn't get the ruling you wanted.
>He's still butthurt that the cop who murdered an innocent black man was convicted of the murder he committed.
Also, the lesson you and the corrupt system that protects murderers like Perry is saying is that the moment you even look like a slight threat, the response should be to mag dump you since there's always the risk I'll get murdered by you and even if you get convicted of that murder, a corrupt politician will still let them off the hook anyway.
>On the other, he probably put himself in that situation on purpose and was hoping to shoot someone.
There are message of him outright saying he deliberately did so.
To be fair, most BLM protestors, especially the street blocking protestors should've been shot by the US government.
Why am I even paying taxes?
please stop paying your taxes so you'll end up in jail with Wesley Snipes
>The state should execute people for blocking streets during a protest
The amount of cock-riding authoritarians like you who hate the constitution living in the U.S. is actually pretty spooky. You actually want the U.S. to be North Korea.
>the lesson you and the corrupt system that protects murderers like Perry is saying is that the moment you even look like a slight threat, the response should be to mag dump you since there's always the risk I'll get murdered
He pointed a gun in Perry's face before being shot, retard.
That's not what was said though, why is it antisemitism and why is antisemitism bad? If George Soros is jewish (and he's not even religious IIRC) so what? If you criticize someone, are you criticizing their entire race? Obviously not, you have no argument.
Never heard of those, we're talking about the BLM riots over dead niggers.
Your definition of murder seems to entirely focus on whether you like the person who was killed or not
It's not authoritarian to tell you to stop fucking burning down buildings retard
Are you people talking about the Boogaloo Riots?
Never heard of those. We're talking about when BLM niggers burned down all those leftist cities and got run off and shot at when they tried to leave their containment zones.
>Your above
My what above?
Trannies label themselves women, doesn't mean they are.
None of this happened.

This is exactly what happened
You should stop living your life behind a keyboard.
based. BLM is a terrorist organization
A good day for Texas. o7
More dead invaders and terrorist BLM rioters, please.

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