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Criticism of a member's "fake eyelashes" and another's intelligence. A question about discussing a member's "bleach blond, bad-built butch body."

A House Oversight Committee meeting Thursday night devolved into chaos amid personal attacks and partisan bickering in a rare evening session that was supposed to center on a resolution recommending Attorney General Merrick Garland be held in contempt of Congress.

The already tense hearing was derailed when Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., responded to a question from Rep. Jasmine Crockett, D-Texas, by saying, “I think your fake eyelashes are messing up what you’re reading.”

Democrats, led by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, immediately moved to strike Greene's words from the record and make her apologize to Crockett.

"That is absolutely unacceptable," Ocasio-Cortez said over cross talk. "How dare you attack the physical appearance of another person?"

Greene taunted Ocasio-Cortez, asking, "Are your feelings hurt?"

"Oh, girl? Baby girl," Ocasio-Cortez shot back. "Don't even play."

Greene attacked a second member just minutes after she criticized Crockett, asserting that Ocasio-Cortez did not have "enough intelligence" for a debate.

Greene had asked Ocasio-Cortez, "Why don't you debate me?"

Ocasio-Cortez responded that she thought "it's pretty self-evident."

"You don't have enough intelligence," Greene said as members of Congress audibly groaned at her attack.

Greene agreed to strike her comments toward Crockett but vehemently refused to apologize for the evening's attacks, declaring, “You will never get an apology out of me.”
Amid repeated demands from Democrats to strike Greene’s words from the record and force her to apologize, Comer eventually ruled that Greene’s insult of Crockett did not violate House rules against engaging in “personalities” during debate. When Democratic ranking member Jamie Raskin of Maryland sought to appeal the ruling, Republicans offered a motion to table, or kill, his appeal.

After the vote, Crockett asked Comer for clarification to understand his ruling about personal attacks on members of Congress.

"I'm just curious, just to better understand your ruling," Crockett said. "If someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody's bleach blond, bad-built butch body, that would not be engaging in personalities, correct?"

Chaos erupted again, with a member instructing Crockett to "calm down."

"I have two hearing aids. I'm very deaf," the committee’s chairman, Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., said after cross talk took over. "I'm not understanding — everybody's yelling. I'm doing the best I can."

After Comer agreed to strike Greene’s insult of Ocasio-Cortez, Democrats sought to enforce committee rules that would have prevented Greene from speaking for the rest of the hearing. Republicans voted to allow her to speak.

Comer ultimately called for a short recess amid debate over questions about a rule for members who have had comments struck from the record but wished to speak. Upon return, he reminded members to observe "the House's standard of decorum."

Greene was ultimately recognized to speak for more than four minutes, during which she reiterated that she would not apologize.

"I will not apologize for my words, and I will not change them," she said.

Nearly an hour after the hearing was derailed, the committee got back to debating whether Garland should be held in contempt of Congress for refusing to hand over audio recordings of President Joe Biden’s interview with special counsel Robert Hur over his handling of classified documents.
Tensions were already running high after a long day, with Republicans peppering Raskin's opening remarks with interruptions.

The meeting had originally been scheduled for 11 a.m., but it was moved to 8 p.m. after several committee members traveled to New York to attend the trial of former President Donald Trump.

The committee voted 24-20 along party lines to recommend holding Garland in contempt following the contentious meeting. House Speaker Mike Johnson’s office has not yet said when it would put the contempt resolution before the full House.
If you live in any of their states, please ask yourself if they are the best you have to offer.
The same is true of presidential elections - are these guys really all we have? It's depressing and embarrassing.
Its not a state thing... Its a women thing...
It's pretty slick how Republicans are spinning the fact that Comer let Oog get away with blatantly breaking House rules as a silly cat fight
I live in MTG's state. Her district is literally that retarded. It's exactly the redneck shit hole you think of when people say "hickville". She keeps getting elected because opponents get harassed and threatened by the hicks until they drop out.
To be fair the people who elect her have no idea what she's actually doing in Congress. As far as they think she's "fighting the libs" they will keep voting for her. This story will be spun as "MTG beat the shit out of a liberal" by the time they hear it.
>they think she's "fighting the libs"
Well, you are seething and your samefag friend >>1295768 is coping so she probably is.
Swing and a miss

Her "Fighting the libs" is analogous to driving your car into a brick wall because you dislike the passengers.

Turning congress into a circus isn't fighting, it's being an obstruction. She has childish outbursts like a moody teenager, doesn't debate in good faith, and contributes nothing(kind of like her district)
>Her "Fighting the libs" is analogous to driving your car into a brick wall because you dislike the passengers.
Only libs would think like this.
>She has childish outbursts like a moody teenager, doesn't debate in good faith, and contributes nothing
You must be new to watching politicians politic. It's usually pretty sad and gay.
Traitors like you are going to get the rope for following Putin's marching orders.
Xi Jinping is proud of you, sir.
Stupid faggot, Xi and Putin are on the same team. Get off your propaganda sites you fat retard.
Makes sense. Commies band together.
Fine Putin's proud of you too then, comrade.
When and with what guns are you 80lb gender-confused, depressed, suicidal gender studies students gonna do that, huh? You won't do shit.
>When and with what guns are you 80lb gender-confused, depressed, suicidal gender studies students gonna do that, huh?
You've been reading too much rage bait on Twitter. These people don't exist in real life.
Your traitor friends from Jan6 are locked up, you'll be next if you want to try destroying democracy again.
>Ignore your lying eyes and listen to a commie
A few corrections. Most of them are out already and they were martyrs for freedom. We don't have Democracy, we have a Republic. Fighting election rigging is defending the nation. If it was a coup, they would have left their phones and brought their guns. Patriots aren't traitors and Jan 6 was based. Next time, we WILL bring guns and decorate lampposts with strung-up commies. Also I know people who were there and never got arrested because they drove to DC instead of taking a plane lmao. Rest in piss commie.
>1 minute 1 second apart
Gottem. You won't do shit commie.
>Thinks what his eyes see on Twitter is real life
>Thinks there's actual communists in American politics
The internet has turned your brain to mush.
I take pleasure in knowing that the schizo traitors here are too pussy to actually vote or do anything political. Just cry into their echo chambers while punching themselves.
Yes, commies legitimately are pathetic little twigs and bitches so fat they look like Violet Beauregard after she got blueberried. Yes they exist. Do YOU even expect your retarded gaslighting to work? Here's a tip, that "we have always been at war with Eurasia" shit doesn't work unless you have a gun pointed at whoever you're saying it to and they don't have a gun to point back. Now, right wing Americans own almost half the world's total firearms, and left wingers cry over the recoil from a .22lr rifle, so it seems to me that the situation is in fact the opposite of the one where your current tactic would work. I suggest you rethink both it and your life, but if you were smart enough to do that you wouldn't be a leftist in the first place.
Coward and a retard
Yeah the only thing leftists can do is not vote (but only in a primary because they're too cowed to not vote in a general election as ordered) in protest while Biden hands more money to Israel to bulldoze goatfucker homes, hahaha. Maybe they'll realize someday that the establishment DNC sees them as expendable riot meat, but I doubt it.
You need psychiatric help
Present an argument any time and I'll smack it down the way we smacked you down during the riots, lmao.


He's kind of a leftist retard and doesn't understand cool downs
You are more out of touch than a geriatric.
It's learned to use it's phone and a computer at the same time to evade the timer but has to make short, asshurt posts to do so lmao.
>Psychiatric help
Sluggish Schizophrenia again? The left still hasn't come up with a new cope since the USSR.
>Present an argument any time
You never made an argument. You hallucinated a leftist in your head and started arguing with someone who isn't in the room. You need anti-psychotic medication, not a debate.
Stop bullying the retard
Out of touch with what? You keep repeating English phrases without understanding that they require context to have any kind of weight or sting. Considering the next generation is more conservative than the boomers were, you're the one out of touch.

Your illiteracy is not my problem. Nor is the fact that you're backpedaling so hard you're denying being a leftist.
Holy shit lmao
You think your little gun collection will do anything against the military....you just can't stop making yourself out as an imbecile.
No, but I'm an American, so the military cannot be legally used against me unless I succeed and become a foreign country.
Throw an NTA on that post, my dude.
The overwhelmingly right wing military that can't be deployed on US soil, or my overwhelmingly right wing red state's natty guard? All of that aside, are you familiar with the word "insurgency" or any of the reasons why a military can't go scorched earth on the tax base of the country it comes from? It's astounding how little you know about anything, and as I've said before it would legitimately be less embarrassing for you to admit you're a thirdie and stop pretending to be a US citizen with how ignorant you are of our system, laws, and culture.
Tldr, but I bet you said some dumb shit like the military is right wing or whatever
So you did read it and are malding.
I stopped at
>right wing military
My brain refused to accept anymore nonsense
Most of them are too young to vote.
You're coping, because it's true. The left spent generations shrieking about babykillers and muh poor mudslimes and as a result the right "long marched" through that particular "institution." You made this bed, get raped in it. Who else are you going to call? The police you wanted abolished?
Luckily people grow out of communism, leaving only the most retarded to become commie hags like AOC.
Horses probably find her very attractive and given lefty women would rather fuck animals than lefty men she's doing ok.
i didn't know mtg samefagged here
Young people all over the world are rejecting the propaganda their parents grew up with and refusing to have children. They're going much further left than before and staying there
NEETs who don't go outside have no idea how widely hated commies are, and how much kids hate the left, because as today's leftists enter their thirties without ever growing up they still think of themselves as "the youth" and haven't heard white teenagers drop the nigger word like punctuation.
Gen Z and millenials aren't going to support a system that priced them out of homeownership and being able to start a family.
Who cares what the Ohio rizz skibidi toilet generation thinks?
You must be at least 80 years old to be this out of touch with reality.
He makes a good point
But you didn't make a point at all. You just regurgitating more retarded propaganda that no sane person gives credence to.
>I'm a twinky little queer without muh guns
Tell us more
>But you didn't make a point at all
Your right I didn't. I said "he makes a good point"
It's like you lack basic reading comprehension
Cumming GA voted in the most irresponsible, emotionally stunted retard in that district. Of course she attacked someone's appearance, that's all that bitch has. She was all over the immigration stunt of poor Laken Riley until she forrest gumped herself saying Laken Riley should have been deported.

Georgian politicians cringes when she opens her stupid mouth.
Jesus Christ please get women out of positions of power shit is so embarrassing h4xat8
still not even close to as embarrassing as me accidentally typing the captcha in the text box
>Who cares what they think?
They'll vote too, moron. And the system that priced them out of home ownership was made that way by Democrats, and they're aware of it.
Where's your counterargument faggot?

>No u
Struck a nerve, I see. You can't do shit, you won't do shit, and you never will be able to do shit.
Trying to destroy American democracy, yes.

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