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File: 2015_02-06 120 007.jpg (1.67 MB, 1802x1820)
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Photos you took when you were just beginning on film photography but that still hold up decently today edition

/fgt/ daily reminder (courtesy by anon): one stop per decade is (generally) bullshit
>negative film ages better than positive
>black and white better than color
>slow films better than fast
>storage conditions (dry/cool) matter more than years
>Negative film is shot 1 or 2 stops overexposed and then PULLED in development so that you build more density in the exposure and develop less such that the fog is limited
>slide/positive film is shot at box speed or overexposed and pulled.
>if you home develop you can also use benzotriazole as a restrainer for the the first developer in E6 process

Useful links
>[massive dev chart] gives times for home film development
>[film dev] shows results of development regimes
>[news & community links]

Do you still use the first camera you had? What was/is it?
I LOVE you. Thanks for keeping your promise, bb. It was really tough waiting for the new fgt thread today.

My first film camera was a leica m3 I got for a really good deal. I use it occasionally, but not enough desu. Maybe I shoot a roll with it soon for old times sake.
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Just a landscape
I've only gotten into photography recently, and went straight to film. Shot about 3 rolls in 5 days while on a trip and I still think these two are amazing considering I have no experience

canon av-1
these are very top quality IQ images my dude. what's your workflow? like i get that its just "correct it until it's correct" but where do you start? is it mostly in NLP or are you exporting a tiff and doing most of it in positive color space?
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Yeah I still have my Hasselblad. I use it almost every weekend.

But I did very recently get a 6x7 lens. Now time to source a Pentax 6x7 MLU to use it on.

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>Do you still use the first camera you had? What was/is it?
no it's in a drawer with my other unused cameras, it's a Pentax K1000 my dad gave me

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Mostly on my phone desu, mostly Lr. When I'm sitting at my desktop or at work I do have access to more programs but I try to keep it basic. I focus on one thing that's bothering me, fix it and move on. Anyway before au ramble too much, it depends but recently it's been TIF then working with those positives.

And this is the lens I just got, mounted on a loaner 6x7.
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This one

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Or this one. Some days I miss spending my days wandering the streets of sf taking snapshits of strangers, but then I remember how much better every aspect of my life is now that I don't live there.

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First film camera? currently on loan to a friend, lil p30n
First one I bought? Yeah, my 6x7 haha. Love it

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practice makes perfect, kid
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I've been stuck in literal bum fuck nowhere taking care of a sick relative so I've been photographing literal garbage to adequately express the way I feel.

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Mostly just a sharpness test on some Soviet glass my granddad gave me.

Hopeless for color film but you can make it work with black and white.

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Just recently found a place locally that stocks foma films which seems uncommon here in central Canada. About to load it up and have a go. it was the cheapest roll they had, is that a bad sign? Never used it before only see the name mentioned here and there. I typically use kentmere lol so if it’s similar maybe time to switch and save 50 cents a roll.
Foma good?

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Image Created2024:05:19 08:38:44
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Foma is not a bad film, it's actually good for its price
But Kentmere is waaay better
If it's just 50¢ more expensive I'd stick with Kentmere
Yeah I have a middling first impression of it already, it seemed super curly and “stiff” just from handling the leader and loading it, if that makes sense. If the whole roll is like that I can imagine having fun loading it into a reel. We’ll see. For all I know this minox is out to lunch and I don’t get a usable roll anyway.
you'll see it's fine, but nothing more than this
$0,50 more is nothing for a much better film
>imagine not spending an extra $5 / year and get satisfied with your hobby
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I'll post a few from my first roll when I was walking around testing out my brand new to me T90 and crappy sigma 28mm f2.8 in September 2011 and met a guy practising his trials.

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Image Created2012:09:09 21:24:15
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Image Created2012:09:09 21:24:54
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Rando was on fb market put a bunch of expired Kodak max up for sale today, 5bucks a roll. But it’s nearly 20 years old and “stored at room temperature”. Would these just be a waste of money? He also has 200 from the same year kept the same way. Tempted but not sure how well these films hold up.

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Mmmm love me some film color shifted towards only one color cause the other layers are completely gonr
why not just buy a roll or two and try it? 50 cents is not worth changing over for but you might like it. kentmere is probably more reliable in terms of quality control but both are low tier films
Offer $10 for the batch citing the film as useless
Shoot and dev one roll
Sell the rest to dumb ebay users for $5 each
>”Hi, I’m a photographer by trade and looking to buy this film just to use as props in a portrait. I have extensive experience with developing old film and this stuff is definitely useless - its unlikely that even one color layer is left. I can pay $10 for the whole lot but no more. This is only good for use as props.”
Do it fgt
Currently working through that roll on my minox. May go back and grab a roll of 120 to try on my gx680 to see how it handles that. I suppose at the end of the day it’s cheap enough for “just buy it and try it faggot”
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So was this guy just really lucky then? https://petapixel.com/2020/11/18/shooting-with-35mm-film-that-expired-20-years-ago/
>picrel “20 year old Fuji”

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you could have 20 year expired film that was stored in a freezer and works like almost new. you could have 20 year expired film that comes out as a brown muddy mess no matter what you do. its basically gambling
Kentmere 400

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are you the same guy from that le reddit post, swear i seen the same lens on there

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Doesn't state how it was stored but even those aren't that great. I've gotten great results with 3 decade expired film and good results with 70 year old expired film but I've also gotten shit results from fresh film I forgot in the car for a month. How you store something means a lot for chemicals that denature.
Is trying to get a colour printing setup at home a fool’s errand? Looking into it an enlarger has gone up for sale locally, but it seems like paper and chems and everything else is expensive. Probably not worth but I’m tempted.
>taking photos of fentanyl addicted cross dressers
for what purpose
Ra4 printing requires complete darkness before and after exposure. Look into the processing to decide if you want to deal with it.

The other option is to get a print processor, but they are expensive and bulky.
Eggleston and countless other photographers have already answered this over half a century ago so I won’t bother giving you an answer, since it’s just a question of taste and aesthetics, and those types of conversations lead nowhere since they’re diametrically opposed.

Also I don’t think they’re were a crossdresser, just malnourished and wearing a wig
You might just be as gay as the transsexual anon.
Yeah reading up more into it it sounds like more of a pita than I want to deal with for fun. Guess we’ll just keep mirrorless scanning and lie to ourselves that we’ll get some prints made some day soon lol
just print B&W, easier and looks stunning.
Or do some gum printing for color
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i shot some of this stock in 2021 and it had expired in 2006. some pics had decent colours but others were pretty much monochrome. grain was also super heavy. see picrel
should probably rescan these since theyre dirty and ice messed up but whatever
No wonder why these are shit
If your reference is Eggleston you're already aiming at a shit target
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Does anyone know what this tab is for? I can't see anything change on the lens. When I move it over it sorta tightens, but that's it...

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1.08 MB
1.08 MB JPG
And here is an old print that I framed. It was pretty fun using 4x5 camera in the snow.

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Are you fucking retarded?? I referenced Eggleston because his explanation/method for image capturing is probably the best out of everyone who does what he does: democratic view. He's an important photographer.
Countless other photographers use the same method but have drastically different styles/philosophies when applying it. Essentially, fuck your taste and gtfo your high horse.
But hey, if you hate experimental/snapshits then gtfo of this thread because snapshits make up about 80%-90% of the shit on here
>democratic view.
I am a commie and you to the gulag!
I figured it out. It gives you access to behind the front element. Maybe for filters or something, idk. Keeping it closed to avoid dust getting in it...
95% of all of /p/ is gearfag pictures and snapshits.
That is weird. What kind of lens is that?
It is a process lens. They're mainly used at 1:1 scale for art/document/map reproduction type work. Many people use them on normal LF and ULF cameras because they have massive image circles. I may toy around with turning a room into a camera with it one day.

I checked the datasheet for the lens and it appears that the slot is an optional accessory for filter holding.

1070mm is a 147mm equivalent on 8x10 format. It is crazy to think such a long lens is actually an equivalent wide angle if you shoot ULF.
Don’t mind the fuckhuge lens guys teehee. Lemme see that front element
> if you hate experimental/snapshits
Aha, there it is, I was waiting for the cope excuse for junk like >>4315511. Magnificently predictable. Was the experiment “how shit a photo can I take?”?
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The weight is more impressive than the size unless you only compare it to other LF lenses.

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not a cope.
I never said it wasn't shit. I take good photos, i take bad photos, I did the Bruce Gilden thing here and my zone focusing and the "defining moment" maybe didnt hit. oh well
We must suffer for our art if we truly want to achieve anything. If that means posting on here to get yelled at by nophotos then so be it!

You probably know this, but 35mm focal length or less is best for zone focusing. Memorize overlapping close, medium, and far focusing points with f16ish so you can switch between the 3 quickly and without looking at your camera.
That little finger tab, and the short focus throw rangefinder/leica lenses have is partly why they're so good for street imo.
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2.27 MB JPG
just some forest
trying to learn how to use silverfast

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On the weekend, I decided to entertain myself with macro photography in my yard. It's more complicated than I thought.
I'm sorry bros but I'm going to spam the board a little, I have nowhere to post my pics except here anyway.

I will print one of those 30x40. Not decided which one.


>Do you still use the first camera you had? What was/is it?
Olympus Trip 35. Sent it to a repair shop for service last summer. No repair shop, no camera anymore.

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It was the biggest pack I have ever posted so far.

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Eh, pretty basic stuff, but not bad. Macro is fun, but it can be challenging to find truly interesting subjects that make it anything more than a novelty or a fun exercise.

Idk if I have favorite. Maybe the chain one for some reason...

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1.33 MB JPG
Does anyone have any suggestions on how I should position these 3 images in this frame?

The bottom two can be horizontal or vertical, but the top one has to be vertical.

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try the trash can
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796 KB JPG
just got back scans of 2 rolls of Kodak vision 3 and they are mostly fucked
I gave them to 1 of the 2 places in my city that can develop ECN-2, well actually the photolab doesn't do it but they give to some guy and he develops it
something is fucked, and most of it looks like stains from tap water

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Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 13.2 (Windows)
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Image Created2024:05:21 20:02:19
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File: Image003.jpg (2.81 MB, 1984x1576)
2.81 MB
2.81 MB JPG
fluid mount scan

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Try giving a strip a little soak in photoflo+distilled water and let dry. It doesn't really look like leftover remjet, but it may be.

You can make a remjet removal solution fairly easily and use a kimwipe/optical tissue to remove it pretty easily if it is.

This is what badly removed remjet looks like when scanned. It's from my first ever roll of vision3 film.

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Here is remjet removal solution. You don't need the lye.

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I found out I can project a section of a glass 4x5 negative in my 35mm enlarger. As a test I enlarged the image as much as I could. Roughly a 13x enlargement, or a 52x65 print if I printed the entire 4x5 negative.

Seems like the lens is the limiting factor, and not grain size.

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>The bottom two can be horizontal or vertical
First decide if they're horizontal or vertical
Your decision on whether a photo is presented should be grounded on your photographic intent, and not on how it would fit whatever display you're thinking
Take your photos seriously ffs
File: 20240521_151143.jpg (1 MB, 1794x2240)
1 MB
My decisions are grounded in my intent for the final piece. I just started thinking about how I want to frame them, and it has been churning in my brain all day. I've already spent many hours on this project. Wetplate macro 4x5 is a slow and tedious process.

I found that a vertical presentation allows everything to fit better. This is where I'm at with it right now, but it feels like there may be a better way. I like and dislike all the empty space on top.

The image above is the "scene" or context, and the bottom pictures from left to right give you a closer look at the subject in "reading order". The two bottom images also mirror each other, which makes the more abstract image easier to contextualize.

I am also considering a 10x20 frame for the three and placing them from widest to closest shot. There's also the question of mat color, and even mounting options. I'm thinking black or dark gray may look better than white.

It can be fun to provide creative input, it can be a helpful discussion to read/engage in for anyone, and I know there are some people here who could provide good feedback. That's why I even brought it up in the first place.

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The whole discussion about framing and all is valid, but having the orientation chosen is on you.
The shot has already been taken. By you. You're the one who's to say how the images are to be oriented.
Anyway, why put them all in this one big frame?
It's not the only frame in the world
If it doesn't suit what you want, don't use it. You're shooting fucking 4x5 wet plates, you're not a hobo.
Go get it framed as it *should* instead of framing it however you *can* with what you have on you.
I think it should be one long frame (I'd like vertical better, but horizontal would work too) with all three of them being vertical, or maybe the middle one being horizontal
Least preferably but still doable would be first one vertical and the other two horizontal, but then the frame should be vertical. A horizontal frame would look like shit with that.
Thanks for your input. I didn't consider a long vertical frame. I was thinking about how someone would approach/view the 3 images and walking straight up to the three and looking up and down would be a better way to create a predictable order to the images than left to right, or my first 11x14 framing.

Usually when I need to figure something out with so many possibilities I'll just do something to start off with, and see how it looks. Actually seeing the arrangement throughout the process helps me a lot because there are so many possibilities. Choice paralysis and all that.

I can cut mats quite well, so I'll be doing everything aside from making the frame. Unless I choose to make the frame also.
these are pictures of mush...
File: Image 1 (3).jpg (1.28 MB, 2722x2173)
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Go look at a wetplate in person, or better yet start making your own. Unfortunately my phone camera cannot do them justice.

I scanned one of my wetplates to see if I can properly share the fine quality of them, but it just doesn't really work on a screen. I know some of this image is out of focus. Look at the center that is in focus and you can sort of see. They're probably finer grained or comparable to most modern films.

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best readily available film for autumn colours?
>He's an important photographer.
Who told you to have this opinion?
I actually really like the are-bure-boke style, but you just have particularly shit taste. Which yea, is reflected by your blind echoing of Eggleston praise, which clearly you've learned from reading somewhere is the "right" opinion to have. Eggleston is shit.
Read less photographic criticism. Stop blindly aping stupid shit you've read that some critic or art historian write. Critics are all creatively bankrupt. You live too much in the head.
50D or 250D could be a real banger. Up for debate if you want to call it readily available.
Are-hairy-bark pics is what I've been going for with my dog pics I just didn't know what it was called yet! Thank you.
this is also a picture of mush... wet mush...
You should work on your listening/reading skills, or does that big ego not allow you to do that? You think I would spend countless hours on the process if the images were not amazing looking in person?

Wetplates are physical media best viewed in person. Let me kindly remind you that it is a 4x5 piece of metal with an image on it. I am deeply and sincerely sorry, but your pixel peeping does absolutely no good in this situation. I know it's tough, but you've gotta trust me, buddy.
now that's taking control over your work
good job, anon
thank you, i appreciate the advice.

ok nophoto like i said i have good photos and i have bad. I don't particularly care what someone retarded thinks. The only photography criticism book I've ever read is one about Andres Serrano. There's no real reason to talk when someone misconstrues one Eggleston reference as blind praise. I'll repeat myself- Egglestone perfectly describes his reasoning for why he captures what he captures.

I tend to be an independent thinker, but in this case i consulted your mom.

quiet nigger.

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Image Created2020:02:06 08:11:09
Zach, you don't use a film camera, or post any film content here. You are a being whining nophoto. Please keep it to your containment thread.
>i said i have good photos
>posts the most angry teenager edgy tier shit
Zach, idk who you're talking about exactly, but ragebait on here is impossible to resist half the time. I apologize for any outburst that bothered you. We're just normal men, we're just innocent men.

File: heavensgate.jpg (2.44 MB, 1473x2222)
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2.44 MB JPG
Ah, we are as but children before God. Very wise Zachy boy, now buy a film camera or gtfo.

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>all you take is snapshits
>stop immitating eggleston
>read less photographic criticism (which i dont lmao)
>you have shit tast
>you live in your head
then I responds accordingly and ppl still get mad hahahahaha lesson learned i wont post snapshits then reference eggleston LMAO
Technically, no one lashed out at anyone, Zachy boy is just being a nophoto bitch.
Is there a film stock popular in the 90s still widely available today?
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1.85 MB JPG
The Reinhart wolf book I ordered was delivered today. Incredible 8x10 architectural pictures of New York. Highly recommend if you like architectural photography. The book is massive and the prints are of superb quality.

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Thanks mate. Yeah, it appeared harder than I was able to imagine.
Anyway, I moved to the village for this summer and taking photos of wife and daughter is almost everything I can afford. So, I'm looking for some new angles of things I already have around. Wanted to do some birdwatching staff but 300mm is everything I have and it is not enough.
I like Ektar, renders pretty nice colors. Pic rel
Gold 200

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1.74 MB
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Here is a section where Andy Warhol interviewed him. Pretty good reading, basically your average LF user.

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Portra 400 if you want dynamic range and can scan/edit it an appropriate amount
Velvia 50 for nicely lit even scenes, trust
But these and Ektar are "pro" films so not as common as Gold/Fuji200 which would also do a pretty good job.

Checked & true

Many b/w like ilford/ferrania/kodak-XX

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>like i said i have good photos
Yea sure buddy
Both of you should post a single photo, and then the rest of us will vote on whose is better.
I meant color films, but thanks anyway

>gold 200
just GTFO really
you don't even shoot film, and please don't btw
no one wants you being a bitch in here
ok nophoto
It's /p/ dummy. Why are you shitting up the film general? You haven't posted a single film picture, and you have admitted you don't even shoot film at all.

If you must be here at least think up something interesting to discuss that's film related.
nigga I've been browsing 4chins since before you could name 3 faggots you like
people have been like this since always
if you don't like the dynamic then don't partake in it, but it works for the people in it
there's literally the whole rest of the internet for you to get your dick sucked for mediocre snapshits
politely leave our thread, you're truly inconvenient
Yours truly,
>Many b/w like ilford/ferrania/kodak-XX
B&W films weren't "popular" in the 90s. B&W were pretty much niche, while color film stocks (12exp, 24, 36 rolls of kodacolor gold, fujicolor, agfa color) were sold on any corner.
>buy P&S
>shoot 2 rolls on it
>find out the autofocus doesn't work
welp, at least I bought a second P&S surely this one's AF works
are you happy?
that's why you shoot ONE roll to test it out

maybeeee listen for the sound of autofocus motors this time
Lab was taking a while to develop it so I got a bit hasty and put another on it u.u

I shall
Sounds lile you got a POS instead of a p&s. Model?
Nikon LiteTouch 120ED. It's kinda weird, in the pics where it LOOKS like it got the subject in focus it still looks fuzzy, but on most of then it just focused on absolutely nothing.
Second and yet-to-be-tested P&S is the Nikon AF3
Did you know that you can make a tlr from 2 4x5 cameras? This was an accessory that multiple companies offered for their view cameras. Kinda cool and goofy.

The af3 looks cute. Much cuter than the silver thing. I hope it works for you.

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Why...why would you want to make a TLR out of 2 4x5s?

>I hope it works for you
thanks babe, I will perhaps post some of the pics
because he is a gearfag that cums from wasting money and taking mediocre snapshits.
So he can spend even more money taking photos of his stinky boyfriend
Sorry about the angry nophoto trolls. They are so embarrassing.

I wouldn't really want one, but they were mainly used for portraiture when the photographer wanted the absolute fastest and most accurate shooting possible.
It would be kinda nice for taking pics of my dog and friends, but I can manage that without an even bulkier camera than a monorail already is.
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thx I will try that when I get the negatives back
some of the photos have this weir discoloration, doesn't look like the same issue.

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Bought two lenses that are proven working and we’re cheap (both together we’re under 100 dollars) but I think they’re fucked with fungus/dust.
The first one is pic related and will show the second after. What’s your opinion guys? Are they worth keeping and using or willl I send them back?

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Second lens

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Determine how much soul they have first. If they arent soulful enough send them back.
I was thinking of doing that but because I love rurally I have to send my film rolls to a lab and they post it back. That costs about 30 dollars itself and I don’t really want to waste shots that could be complete shit. I also only have a thirty day return on both of them which is plenty of time but I don’t want to rush through a roll to get it developed to see should I keep some lenses
I'd sacrifice a couple shots in my roll to know if they're fine
Shoot roughly the same thing with all three different lenses to have your current one as a basis and compare the other two
4 different shots with 3 lenses each are 12 shots already
I don't like rushing through film, but it's a single roll to determine if two lenses are good or not, so there's that
You can't have it all sometimes
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Some stuff from my last roll. Shitty minolta point and shoot I got for 5 dollars at the thrift store.
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2.41 MB
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1.81 MB
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Nothing beats slide film for red/orange/yellows.

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I probably like this best.
I'd like this more if it was all sharp, ie stopped down more, and edited to be contrastier.
This would be the best if it was sharp.

Hot tips are watch your backgrounds, and don't even bother if the wind is blowing. And get rid of the big chunk of dust on your A7 sensor, near the long edge of the frame in every shot.
Nice effort though.

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Where do you post from?

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wow what a shithole
Taking some e6 6x7 asshole and creampie pics tonight with some cucks wife. Once developed where can I post them so the jannytranny won't ban me (again)
Looks good to me
But then again I live in Mexico...
You know it's bad in Mexico when they dream of living in Brazil.
what color are the leaves naturally and how'd they come out that dark grey?
Guys, I just wanted to let you all know that cutting large pieces of glass into 4x5 pieces of glass is really easy to do with a decent glass cutter and a T-square.

If you really want the absolute cheapest 4x5 film wetplate on glass is it. Think it's around 75 cents per shot.

Now I have all this stupid glass to clean...
I've been shooting medium format and 35mm for years but I know basically nothing about LF and wetplates and shit
How difficult is it to do the whole process? Can you kinda sum it up, please?
Looks fun as fuck, but also time consuming and I don't have that kind of free time today ):
I really like this photo.
The process has a steep learning curve, but is fairly "simple" once you've got it down.
The sensitized plate is most sensitive to UV, so you have to relearn exposure by eye. It is roughly equivalent to 1 ISO film. Usual midday exposures around f22 are in the 6-12 second range depending. The best looking wetplates are found within about 1/3rd of a stop precision.

My macro shots took me about 2-3 hours each where I made around 5-6 plates. Landscapes are easier to get right because you don't have to deal with razor thin DoF.

Anyways, The process:
Pour colloidion on plate and let dry until it loses its tackiness
Place in silver nitrate bath for roughly 3 minutes
In a darkroom with a redlight on
Dab off the excess nitrate from the bottom corners
Place in plate holder
Take picture.
Go back into darkroom
Pour your dose of developer onto the plate until the midtones start to come through. Roughly 20 seconds for a good exposure.
Rinse with water to stop dev
Leave darkroom
Clean and apply lacquer to protect surface.

After you remove the plate from the nitrate bath you must expose and develop your picture before the plate dries. You have 5-15 minutes depending on weather.

It's extremely fun and satisfying, the images are truly stunning, and you get an image nearly instantly, which can become addicting quickly.
I also find pouring the colloidion to be extremely satisfying.

looks satisfying indeed
Thanks for the explanation
>After you remove the plate from the nitrate bath you must expose and develop your picture before the plate dries. You have 5-15 minutes depending on weather.
Is the dryplate process that different? Is dryplate doable at home as well? Does it last longer or do you also have to shoot it within that 5-15min window?
Thanks again!
I worked in labs in the 90s and B+W was restricted to to pros pretty much, same with slide. XP2 was a little popular for the average folk who wanted to play around with B+W but wanted easily 1 hr c41 development. All the local art students just used the university darkrooms so we didn't get much of that work except the lazy ones who didn't want to dev themselves and just wanted to print.
I haven't looked into it too much aside from watching one video. The person heated up their bottle of dry plate solution to make the gelatine based emulsion liquify then they pour it onto a plate similar to colloidion. You have to make sure you don't let too much drain off or your negative will be too thin. Then in a light tight box to dry overnight or for a few hours.

One day I may try it, but I really enjoy the workflow of wetplate. If you're doing metal plates you can sorta start whenever and finish up whenever as long as you have chemistry and plates. The metal 4x5 plates are cheap, and they come with plastic you peel off on one side so they're clean and ready to use. I bought 70 more from bostick and sullivan for around 60 dollars. They have lots of alternative process chemicals and kits if you're interested.

Glass plates take time to prepare. Sand edges, scrub with calcium carbonate, rinse, dry before you sensitize them.
That's a raspberry bush, the leaves are green. The photo was taken in very low light, so the exposure was strongly biased towards the flower itself.
File: Image004.jpg (3.32 MB, 2369x1884)
3.32 MB
3.32 MB JPG
has someone asked for more woods?

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eh… I will need to find a way how to carry this around. some large backpack

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I have a question for you /fgt/s: how much fuckery went on while processing film stock in lightrooms? One of the only things I really associate with film is its higher dynamic range, so how much bandwidth were the guys in the lightroom able to control? and did the people developing in camera-houses decades ago all have their own development preferences which is what we refer to today as the ‘film look’?
I gave my black and white film to a lab and they returned it a little bit yellow.
any reason for that?
the scans have a yellow tinge to them or the negatives are yellow?
you what
>people developing in camera-houses decades ago all have their own development preferences
Well yes, that is still true today. I develop everything in Rodinal 1:50 and some people will call me retard because of that but I like the look.
But its not only about development, you have to remember that negatives are supposed to capture as much information so you can control more when you are doing your prints.

Just read Ansel Adams
Dang. The p2 is such a nice looking monorail camera. If I can get a good deal on a P or P2 I'm definitely going to upgrade. Maybe even just a front standard. I think the geared movements would be super nice for macro work.

They're so awkward to pack in a backpack. I would try my best to not bring a monorail hiking.
>I would try my best to not bring a monorail hiking.
Weak scrawny manlet hands pecked out this post
Imagine speaking before every trying to safely pack a monorail camera for hiking. If you knew ANYTHING you would know it is not about weight, Monorail-let.
field cameras were invented for a reason you dumb fuck
Manlet hands furiously working overtime
ye, it's not that heavy how much is bulky
plus bulky tripod
I will get some large military-like backpack
this will solve carring problem I think
My standard 4x5 field pack is around to 30lbs, bud. You simply have no idea what you're talking about. That giant ego of yours will never let you see that, huh?
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>out taking photos
>forgot that diffraction is a thing

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oh well will try again this weekend

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best pic i've seen on /p/ probably since that fireworks shot framed by a leg
You can't mention such craftsmanship and not post it
File: 20240523_144140.jpg (1 MB, 1800x2495)
1 MB
Bathroom light set up outside to bounce the sun inside for a macro wetplate shots. It's perpetually windy where I live, so this helps tremendously.

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doesn't look like film but here you go
File: doublexx-1-2.jpg (1.41 MB, 1697x2121)
1.41 MB
1.41 MB JPG
>Do you still use the first camera you had? What was/is it?

Yes, it's the Canon Rebel G. Technically I gave away my original to a friend. I bought the same model again because I wanted an autofocus SLR I didn't want to think about while using.

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Looks like he's pissing with two dicks
File: k.jpg (1.05 MB, 1505x1024)
1.05 MB
1.05 MB JPG
My first platinum/palladium print of my brother smoking a joint done about 35 years ago when I was just beginning. Still holds up alright I think.

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That joint was probably shit after all these years
for real tho, that's a cool photo
it's nice that you've been doing this for this long btw
File: 20240523_185414.jpg (1.43 MB, 2848x1800)
1.43 MB
1.43 MB JPG
My 2 good plates came out so well today. They look incredible! Feels good to improve. Two tripods has been very helpful for stability when doing long exposures.

Might be a stupid question, but can you tone silver gelatine prints with platinum/palladium? I know there's an entire process involving them where you sensitize paper. I haven't been able to find a straight answer about using them for toning like selenium or gold...

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Not sure if you can tone silver with Pt/Pd. I know you can tone Kallitypes with them so I'm sure it might possible.
File: w2 - Copy.jpg (4.55 MB, 2372x2964)
4.55 MB
4.55 MB JPG
Here is another early one from when I first started doing fashion work.

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File: GP3 100 Kowa Six (3).jpg (2.55 MB, 3841x3841)
2.55 MB
2.55 MB JPG
My jammed Kowa Six suddenly works perfectly fine without needing cla after sitting in the drawer for months.

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File: GP3 100 Kowa Six (1).jpg (2.56 MB, 3851x3851)
2.56 MB
2.56 MB JPG
Tried to get as much dof without going bellow 1/60th, but I think the softness works well with this low contrast film.

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File: GP3 100 Kowa Six (2).jpg (2.81 MB, 3845x3845)
2.81 MB
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Not sure if this counts but just finished prepping 5 sheets of cyanotype and loaded them into 4x5 holders. Gonna be shooting them tomorrow, research tells me that at f3.5 and bright sun, it will take 17-18mins, and since my camera is f5.6, that means I should be shooting for 50ish per shot? I think? Should be fun, first time using a large format camera.
File: IMG_5641.jpg (532 KB, 1000x1500)
532 KB
532 KB JPG
I got some nice lens from Yahoo auction Japan.
Can’t wait to make some shots

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File: R5-24-5-24-319l - Copy.jpg (4.07 MB, 4096x3072)
4.07 MB
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Just got my first medium format camera bois, a mamiya 645 pro. Here's a snapshit of my cat.

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kot for kot

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nigga that's hand shake
Do it! It would be great to see them! Your EV difference is going to be 1.33 of a stop.

I heard you can maybe shoot ultrawide 4x10 with that lens. Do you have plans to use the additional coverage provided by such a big lens?
It's noticeable .

and it's just trix. I know what it usually looks like.
Got an Italian girl to model nude for me.
I made it bros! Thats why i got into this hobby.
Just be happy for me.

classy i like it.
woah it truly looks like shit
composition is awful, the editing is way overdone
It looks like a poorly done low budget independent movie with no plot
Nah, I don’t think I will go beyond 4x5
it’s too much additional investment
File: 0ahdzghzjzgh.jpg (3.26 MB, 7098x5694)
3.26 MB
3.26 MB JPG
Got a roll back from the lab, I liked almost all of the photos
Is it because 4 out of 10 are of my sister's new puppy?

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autumn skies

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nothing special but I like how the fungus looks like a toad

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I know what you mean. 8x10 backs are like 1k minimum. Ugh.

The super angulon xl allows much greater movements than the non xl version. Are you going to be doing architectural photography or anything that will benefit from the ability to use bigger movements?
>E6 is developed at the lab's discretion when they have enough rolls
>Can take 6 weeks to get the scans back
>This time it took one day

I was planning this summer to shoot some old castle ruins in Istria
File: Film_04.jpg (2.8 MB, 2375x1900)
2.8 MB
2.8 MB JPG
Car with his fucking door smashed in
That's kinda cool right guys?

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what are we shooting this weekend lads?

for me, it's a Saturday afternoon pub crawl on Gold 200
File: CNV000023.jpg (3.93 MB, 3038x4425)
3.93 MB
3.93 MB JPG
got 2 rolls of double X ready, idk maybe an old fort nearby or some lousy street shit
Last week I shoot some abandoned military warehouses

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File: CNV000026.jpg (4.04 MB, 4425x3038)
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funny thing, it was not a good idea to use a 49mm diameter filter on a 55mm diameter 28-70mm lens

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few comfy locations

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also I came to the conclusion that Rollei RPX 400 is not a great film it's very cheap where I live, but Kentmere 400 is even cheaper and the grain is maybe a little finer

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Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 13.2 (Windows)
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Image Created2024:05:24 20:48:19
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Could have been
If it wasn't from afar and in such a depictive way
You could at least have panned it
I get it, the car was passing by and you shot what you could
This explains why it's not a good photo, but doesn't turn it into one
Damn, cool. I may go on the roof of a parking lot in my town and do some 4x5 with my longer lenses. I think it could be fun if I don't get kicked out too quickly.

Check out reinhart wolf if you want some inspiration. He has a book where he used 8x10 to photograph Spanish castles. Really excellent LF photographer.
I hear ya, I was on aperture priority and the shutter speed the camera picked was too fast ig, need to keep that shit on manual
Out here, it's a bit dimmer than I expected but I'm gonna try two shots each at 50mins, and using high contrast scenes to see if I can get some difference
Second spot now, it's about a stop and a half brighter than the first one, though I think I'm still under by about 2/3
Second shot before wash
I think the iso base I found online is correct, and I was under a full stop here. So checks out
Especially looking at how dark the first shot still is
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Forgot my pic like an idiot
Delta 3200 and Delta 400 as I wait for my huge package of double x to arrive. Mostly street and some spots near a old style building in my city for a specific project
Based. I've been messaging a bunch for TFP (they posted asking for TFP shoots first) and not a single one has responded. I'm just gonna go straight to paid
Are cyanotypes always pretty grainy, or is that a result of under exposure? I looked at the process and it seems like an excellent way to get into alternative processes.

Eventually you could possibly make wetplate negatives on glass and then use those to make cyanotypes. When I start doing 8x10 I'm going to try that with salt prints and possibly albumin prints as well.
Gloomy rainy weekend ahead and I’ve never been one to make the overly gray light and look everything gets on these days work. But while I’m on the subject, if I shot a roll of bw on a gray overcast day, should I just meter as normal, or over/under expose, or something else? To bring a little more life back into the images
Where do you find postings for models like this? Back in my uni days model mayhem was pretty much the place to go, but it seems like it’s pretty dead and just full of weirdo photographers these days and no models
I cut a 20x30 mirror into 4 equal squares and will be playing around with them to take macro shots. Should be pretty cringe, but I'm having fun so it's actually based.
meter for the shadows as normal. overcast days give you even light across your subject so your highlights aren't blown out when metering for shadows.

unless you're shooting Ferrania P30 then darks are dark and lights are light lol
You could try pushing your film to increase contrast.
TFP and modeling groups on Facebook. Also find photographers on Instagram (the ones that shoot with a lot of models) they usually tag the model they shot with, it's a good way to find a bunch. The ones that usually respond on the Facebook groups are either just mid-hot non model girls that think they can model, or girls that are actually trying to become a model
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Does anyone here own a EOS 5 / A2e? I'm trying to use my godox flash trigger but it wont actually fire the flashes. I tried a canon flash that does seem to work, the godox trigger/flashes seems to work on everything, and on the A2e all of the TTL shit is working like setting the zoom on the flash to the lens focal length if I mount it directly. The camera seems to know it's there since it wont pop up the built in flash but just wont trigger it...
have you tried in full manual mode on the trigger? If it supports it. The eos 5 has version 1 of canon ttl not the later eTTL that godoxes use. If nothing else it should still work full manual through the Center pin. I’m not at home but if I remember later I can throw one of my x1s on my eos5 and see.
what software do you use for scanning film?
I just use one of my digital cameras and invert them using Rawtherapee
Silverfast to scan then invert with NLP
Ok, got a chance to throw my x1tc on my eos 5 and managed to get it triggering my ad600 in manual. May be different if you have a different trigger, but the solution is actually really stupid. It’s because of based chinesium reverse engineering I imagine, but the x1t does not actually line up with the pins 100% if you push it in flush all the way. But it’s fine on my eos R, so I’m not sure if canon adjusted the layout ever so slightly over the years or what, but anyway try this:
Push the trigger in all the way flush, then little by little, I mean fractions of a millimeter at a time, pull it back out. And try a shot. Mine actually produces a fairly audible click when the unit is pulled back far enough and the pin engages the contact. Once it place the camera is firing my flash no problem in manual. Fuckin Mickey Mouse hacky bullshit but there you have it kek.
Oh and also the camera has to be in X mode, also. Won’t fire in pasm I believe
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Whatever you are doing to scan these is failing.
Like, what the actual fuck is going on here?
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fucking genius, it works. I have the x2t so they line up perfectly, but it looks like if it detects ETTL it stops working. I had to slide it all the way back so the rear two pins are sitting over the edge so it thinks nothing is attached.

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Ah, in that case try taping over the small pins to just eliminate their contact altogether. If the main pin is aligned, it should work as any other manual flash. Just a guess though, I don’t have the version 2, but that’s an old trick to use different brand flashes. Before all the ttl and proprietary fuckery, they all pretty much used the same centre pin standard and even modern cameras can do it as a fallback.
Nice picture. How'd you get such a flat white background like that? Strobes?
Also, if you’re feeling adventurous, I’ve done testing on a second eos5 that has some kind of electrical issue, but it works enough to see that it will operate down to 4v even though it takes a 6v battery. That means if you’re feeling adventurous you could power it over usb or with a single fully charged 18650 or a number of other alternate methods aside from the fagtarded 2cr5 batteries (I hate them niggas). I’ve ghetto rigged mine with unobtrusive and mostly nondestructive contact pads to bolt on any sort of power that meets the requirement. You could even do your own belt battery pack like the official canon one if you felt like lol. Hella Fun little camera.

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yeah that's the plan I think, also aren't you the anon that exploded his eos 5 by fucking with the capacitor? I really don't understand your eternal hatred for 2cr5's, they're a dim a dozen where I live and last for 2-3 years at the rate I actually use this camera.
kek, by using object selection in photoshop and not taking either image myself
lol yeah that was me, accidentally bridged a flash cap. Bought a second eos5 listed as “broken” but just has the typical busted control dial, simple fix. As for the 2cr5, I could buy them on Amazon or whatever, hell, I have like 3 good ones, but conceptually i just don’t like these weirdo batteries, and want my things to work with more common standard shit. 20 years ago maybe every grocery store had these but these days they’re a rare specialty battery. Modded my gx680 to work with alternate batteries as well (currently a canon lpe6) since the Fuji aa holder costs like 300 bucks or something crazy like that. Maybe it’s autism I dunno lol
Does anyone have any experience with high end scanners vs high megapixel digital cameras for scanning? I can't find a good video about this, but it seems like from the videos I can find. Using a digital camera and a macro lens usually produces better results than dedicated film scanners, which makes no sense to me.
>conceptually i just don’t like these weirdo batteries
I feel you, friend.
It's the same thing for me, but with power tools.
nta but the grain you see there goes away when washing
in general the limiting factor is the paper, if you use a smooth surface e.g. fixed out photo paper it can be as sharp as a regular silver gelatin print

if you want larger prints you can also put a strong (100w cob led) uv source in an enlarger. This needs a good lens though since you'll use it wide open and still want it to be sharp and have no vignetting
No, but I saw a comparison video by that pushing film yt dude the other day. Can't find it anymore but basically the actual color gamut is identical between the two you just gain additional dynamic range in the shadows and highlights because the scanners sensor is like 2 stops while a modern camera is 10-13 stops, BUT the densities as seen by the camera through the negative is effectively less, more like 6-8 stops because the absolute darkest part of the negative (image of the sun) will still pass through some light and you need to expose low enough that the film backing is dark enough to use for white balance. The scanner makes the most use of the limited dynamic range because there's really fuck all in the image, it just looks like there's a lot because it's being stretched out into sRGB gamma range. A DSLR is marginally better, mostly down to the CMOS sensor, but you aren't getting portra's 12 stops of range no matter how you scan it, you wont see clipping but you wont have a full stop of fidelity between each stop as captured by the film, it's effectively compressed and interpolated mathematically.
Isn't that a jpeg compression? I mainly adjust blacks and yes these scans are fucked, they are scanned on a shitty flatbed scanner in a photolab, I don't have a better way for now
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>fomapan 100 and 200 haven't been restocked at my go-to store for weeks

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Obligatory closed down gas station shot on Portra

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fuck fuck fuck
Mamiya 645 1000s for 450 bucks should I buy it?
Perhaps it is a sign that you should switch to a good film stock now. Or use kentmere kek
>t. Exclusively kentmere shooting poorfag
You know you've made up your decision already, you're just looking for validation
Go, son
Buy the fucking camera
You'll be happy with it
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If you want to do these kind of cringe mirror shoots you need to use something called "front surface" mirrors or else You get very distracting diffraction when viewing them at steep angles. Still a fun little test. It was pretty interesting how I could use one beam of light to illuminate all sides of an object.

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r8 my setup /p/
Can I soak developed ECN-2 film in pre-bath again? There are some dark spots I can't wipe off
Yeah just wash it well afterwards. If you're scared try it with a test strip.
Do they still make flashbulbs or are those all old stock? Always wanted to mess around with some
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First roll of fomapan 100, I am not sure if I like it or not.

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>not the guy you quoted but
Those are not made anymore, but you can still find them for sale and sometimes at very reasonable prices
There was a guy I knew selling a shitload of flashcubes a while ago
It was so cheap I bought all he had and a flashcube adapter (with a hotshoe and a PC cable) just to mess around
It's fun and bright as fuck
Not always reliable, though
And you'll need some stupid battery that doesn't even exist anymore like 15v, but you can just stack regular batteries until you achieve the right voltage (like five 3v batteries, as I did)
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looking for a "cheap" stock that I can just shoot regularly, it was difficult to load on the dev tank since it was so curly but it dried fine.

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bought also some 120 rolls of the same stuff, I also still have to try kentmere 100.

So far my favorite "cheap" ISO film has been Ilford Pan

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeMinolta
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Camera Softwaredarktable 4.4.2
Image-Specific Properties:
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Kentmere is probably the best of the “cheap” stocks imo unless you get into bulk loading your own from cinema rolls or something like that. Foma is ok but as you’ve pointed out is more of a pain to deal with due to its curliness, which if I’m paying the same/similar price, I’ll take the one that’s easier to handle in a changing bag every time.
Portra 160?
>nikon f3 doesn't have a hotshot
>spend $60+ to buy the nikon f3 hotshoe adapter
>instead you set up this ridiculous rig

all in all it's not the worst flash rig, maybe you can wear a fedora with the little press paper i dunno

sorry for the hate but i literally just sold my nikon f3 last month and i feel so fucking good getting rid of that camera. i really don't see the appeal. probably one of the worst cameras i ever owned.
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Anybody got a QRD on bulk loading and developing film at home? I’ve been thinking about it just because I’ve been shooting a lot and I’m still buying packs and sending it out for dev and scan, but the price makes me want to limit the number of pictures I take. I’ve been running numbers and reading about it but I wanted to hear some first hand accounts. Do you do color or just B&W? Did you do it to save money or was it just another project to have fun with? Did you gain in ways you didn’t expect, like creative control, access to different stocks, etc? Would you do it again, or do things differently? What kind of investment am I truly looking at and how worth it would it be?

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For color your only option is cinema film, meaning Kodak Vision. I don't have first hand experience with developing color or cinema film but I know that there is some extra steps, but I know that it could be also developed in normal C41 chemicals. I don't develop color film also because chemicals go bad quickly and I don't shoot enough color film anyway.

I shoot mostly BW, I do save money because I also make my own developer (pararodinal) I just buy the fixer and that is, its way cheaper of course and I get more control of it, and even so developing your own BW is not harder than making coffee.

Honestly the needed chemicals/tools for just developing BW would be probably less than 50 dollars if you look hard enough. What probably would cost more would be scanning it, if you have a digital camera already look into how to scan using that. I am lazy so I got a Minolta film scanners from the trash, cleaned it and that is what I use.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Camera Softwaredarktable 4.4.2
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Image Created2024:05:23 14:48:54
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Yes, I think it might be my favorite film.
>Nikon F3
>probably one of the worst cameras i ever owned.
I've never had an F3 but all I hear are good things about it
Yeah, mine used a 22.5 V battery. I.
Think I read they still use those in hospital, pagers or something. It's about the same size as a 9 V battery.But it was harder because it was missing the capacitor so I used one I took out of AVC R.
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kentamere was also out of stock...
i found another store that was a bit more expensive but i didnt have to buy packs of 5. i got a roll of kentamere too see how it is
i buy bulk rolled 5222 from a portuguese mf
its about €7 a roll, not super cheap but close enough
gotta ask him to ship outside of portugal though
who/where do you hear these things from? YOUTUBE?

I'm not saying it's a bad camera, but my experience with it wasn't good. Especially when i wanted to start shooting with flash. The nikon f3 doesn't have a hotshoe, you have to pay $60+ for the adapter. That was the final straw for me personally, and it killed the vibe. It's a normal camera, i just think it's over hyped. also, a waist level viewfinder is a completely dumb idea when it's as small as it is with the nikon f3. i get wasit level view finders when shooting 120 because of how large the view is, but the view finder on the nikon f3 is soooo fucking small you can't focus correctly.
WLF makes zero sense on 2:3
Just get an L bracket with a PC cable for 10 dollars. Also you sound like a total reddit fag
What film for my Agfa shitbox? The aperture is f/11 and f/16 while I'm a little unsure about the shutterspeed. Most definitely b&w film.
its the synchrobox? its like 1/60.

I just shoot iso 100 with it on a sunny day
Delta 3200 pushed to 6400 is the only answer, clearly
ok so you're just a faggot
not having a hotshoe is not a camera problem, it's a "I didn't get to know the camera before buying it" problem
the WLV criticism would be almost reasonable, but that's also on you. It has a regular viewfinder as well if your prefer
Modularity is a plus, if you're not retarded
>who/where do you hear these things from? YOUTUBE?
sure, buddy, everyone is wrong but you
dang nigga relax on the anger huh?
go have your wife suck on a bbc while you watch and relax cuck
>discussion about camera
>immediate response is to think about being cucked and bbc
brainrotten beyond salvation
I'm sorry for you, plebbit boy
It's the 50 model. I'll try Ilford Ortho 80 and Pan 100.
Can't risk losing shadow detail, so this must be it.
I agree. Hard to separate the subject from the surroundings. Generally speaking it's so hard to find got angles as there's so much infrastructure peppered about.
i did it because i wanted to push bw film and save money. now ive become lazy and just keep shooting and not developing. ill get back into it soon
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Somebody PLEASE deter me from shooting slide film because holy shit I am about to spend my life savings on E100 and I've never even shot this shit before.

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You can get identically results by cranking the vibrance and contrast siders to the moon in lightroom
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Vuescan gotta be one of the most annoying pieces of software i've ever used but it's the only one that will work with the older plustek models with ease

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I shot it all the time back in the day.
If only my lab could give me scans as good as those. Not necessarily because that image is super sharp, but I never get good results with the color tones and dynamic range. Everything is 0,3 too dark, even if the positives are beautiful. Half the time it looks like they took a piss in the fixer.
its also the only one that works out of the box in Linux
i've tried setting up Nikon Scan in Wine, but always fail with the twain data source
tried setting up both sanewtain and sanewinds, but alas my tiny brain cannot understand how they actually work, or what twain even is...
oh well, vuescan does the job
Gold 200
Ilford Ortho 80

Which combination of 2 should I use tonight for another photoshoot with a cuck and his gf? Last one was e100 only
What the fuck am I reading
he photographs the cuck sitting in the corning while railing his gf. what's so difficult here?
for your use stick with E100, it's a stronger power play over all despite the likely motion blur and poor color rendition under tungsten light
So wait, I don't understand. Are there four people? You, the cuck, the bull and the woman? Or are you the bull and if so what are you taking photos of? Post some shots.
Retard its a SLR why the fuck are you using it with a WLF besides novelty ahahahahahahhahaa get serious, a F3 is a pro camera for non-tards. Get an FM2n with 1/250 flash sync if you just want easy flash control.
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Bought a minox 35 GL as "broken" on ebay for cheap, finally developed the test strip i took and it seems to be metering well. this is still hanging to dry and i got too lazy to properly capture it lol, freehanded my macro against the wall at high iso just to see if it turned out.
Never used foma100 before, and developed in old used ddx so not sure what the film is "supposed" to look like, but i like it so far. fuckin curly like a bitch though, fun getting it onto the reel. other photos on the strip look better, this was a selfie in a dim toilet kek, but i noticed the text in the background which seems pretty readable, so i'm happy with this little camera.

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I purchased a couple 8x10 glass plate negatives from the 20s-ish. Here is the contact print. The old lens isnt the greatest, but it still looks incredible.

I got 2 in a bundle for like 20 bucks on ebay. I like the subject matter, and was curious about 8x10 contact prints. Very excited to get my 8x10 back when I feel ready.

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imagine the smell
File: 20240528_203914.jpg (1.02 MB, 1797x2156)
1.02 MB
1.02 MB JPG
Here's no.2. I will need to spend a bit more time getting the recipe down, but this is good enough for now.
I like the first one more, but this one is also pretty cool.

Kinda cool to print some dead dude's photos from 100 years ago.

Not as nice as modern machine shops. That's for sure.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment Makesamsung
Camera ModelSM-G998U1
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Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.8
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)24 mm
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Compression SchemeJPEG Compression (Thumbnail)
Image Height1800
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File: nu F1.jpg (141 KB, 1024x683)
141 KB
141 KB JPG

I never got an F3 because I didn't have the lens system bought out for it. Looks like a fun piece if you're not a massive retard.

I wanna hate it but it probably takes funny pictures

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Image-Specific Properties:
File: me.jpg (190 KB, 1342x710)
190 KB
190 KB JPG
>I wanna hate it but it probably takes funny pictures
You're absolutely correct, snapped this one last week
File: CNV000009.jpg (2.85 MB, 2929x4266)
2.85 MB
2.85 MB JPG

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 13.2 (Windows)
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution240 dpi
Vertical Resolution240 dpi
Image Created2024:05:24 16:38:56
Color Space InformationsRGB
what's the point of film point and shoots? There are so many more compact bodies ILC bodies with higher quality lenses and you'd be able to swap them out for different focal lengths, so what gives?
Today? Meme status, hipsters using them because they’re old. Back in the day they were cheaper and simpler for mom/grandma/etc and had their place.
I use my T3 when I'm out getting wasted with friends. The lens is really excellent, built in flash, and it fits in my pocket.

If someone else wants to take pictures I don't have to sit them down for an 18 minute tutorial on how to properly use the camera as well.
Bump limit reached
When someone makes a new thread, can we keep the theme non-gearfaggotry-related as in the last couple threads?
No camera model, filmstock, brand or lens themes plox
A mini film challenge photo idea/theme could be a fun addition to the OP as well. :D

Something simple and fun that anyone could do.
I haven't taken any with the flashbulbs yet and I'm waiting on my first rolls through the camera to come back from the lab. I got the camera & lens as a gift from my old man when I got his old point and shoot out and was taking snapshits at the beach lol. Thanks pops

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