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Please share
Really, you couldn't see that the last thread begging for this one didn't produce any results either? Asking for the same book over and over in multiple threads isn't going to get it any quicker.
This space is for everything that has to do with origami, sharing, explaining a lesson when someone doesn't understand, not to talk shit, if you have nothing to share Like, books, magazines, ORIGAMI diagrams, RATHER DON'T SAY ANYTHING or delete all these threads if no one is going to share anything about ORIGAMI
Touch grass
Please share
Rent free
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Anyone got tha mayfly or peasent here? Thks
Your welcome!
Then in the name of love, share this magazines.
There's no love lost here.
What's love got to do with this ?
Love is all around us.
No it isn't. Not by a long shot.
Could ya Up Origami Lover? Ty
No love here, only anonymous people from "Murica" with little penis wasting his time here... ;)
You been sneaking into little boys rooms again?
Dude get new material, this is a stale response
Tú opinión no cuenta si apareces como "anónimo".
¿Qué material nuevo quieres? Estoy seguro que lloras por tener alguno de estos... Estaba por subirlos, pero también los descargarías tú, así que mejor no....
Espera antes de subirlos, son nuevísimos! Si los quieren, que los compren
>Estaba por subirlos
Sure, we all believe you...
Llora y sigue llorando
I don't think that guy is crying at all.
He just knows that you had no intentions of uploading anything.
Tal vez sí, tal vez no... Ahora nunca lo sabrás. Con sus tontos comentarios, incluido el tuyo, menos ganas dan de compartir...
Thats not wt he meant by new material. He talk about your respomd
Nunca lo sabrás...
I know because I said it. I was talking about your intentions.
He's right. No offence, but you should work on your english. Translator won't help you much.
Como dije, si estás como "anónimo", tu opinión o lo que escribas no tiene la más mínima importancia...
What are you talking about? This forum is based on anonymity. Anyone can write the name he wants when posting, this doesn't prove your authenticity.
No offence, but you should work on your Spanish. Translator won't help you much.
Just because you choose to put your dumbass nick up doesn't make your comments any more important than someone posting as anon.
Más que tú, ¡sí!
Your shitty ass nick doesn't mean shit to me or anyone else in here, and neither do your bullshit comments. So blow it out your ass, you little tick turd. I hate people like you who think they are above everyone else (which you are not BTW).
You are the idiot if that's the way you think. That would suggest that you are better than everyone.
Yes they there
Sí, sí... Yo solo leí "estoy llorando"...
No, no. Maybe you need to get glasses then.
I say again: hello "Muricans" hehehehe. Stop shaking yours little penis, "origami lovers".
Solo piensas en penes, no todos tienen tus mismo gustos, es más, creo que estás en el foro equivocado...
Que pervertido, imagino que te gustan muchos los penes, o quizas solo los penes pequeños..
jajajaja, me has hecho reír ahora. Gracias!
File deleted.
Aqui les comparto un cp redibujado por mí del nuevo libro Origami tracendente
basado en el original espero lo difruten
PD: no tengo el libro
That's OK, it's in zhezhidaxue.
Was origami cats and dogs premium shared in zhezhidaxue? I don't know how accurate is google translate.
And many more new books. Today Korea 2021. Every day something new. Like it once was on 4chan.
How is a book published 2 years ago new?
Because not everyone had it.
Speak English stupid taco
Un saludo para los hablantes españoles y los pueblos con un legado histórico cultural incomparable ,desde Perú cuna la civilización de América.
Not OP but thank you very much.
Thank you my friend
Thank you!
Thank you very much indeed!
Anyone in the wasup? https://chat.whatsapp.com/I7KI066PQif7oPt5Yl1KZu
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So? Want to up em bro
Give me a reason.
Could you show us the index?
Cause ya sayin so tellin you where its at kiiid
You ain't tellin' me nothin', jack.
This crap doesn't belong in this thread. It belongs in /vg/.
Aint need to tell ya nuffin dawg. It not for ya
You have the book already?
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Wrong book dumbass.
I'm just posting a screenshot from Tanteidan C. 28. I didn't say anything about Korea 2023. Stop making suppositions
Are you willing to share this publicly?
For potential origami, maybe.
Tanteidan 27. Now shut up. https://files.catbox.moe/lad26w.pdf
Korea 22. Here you go my friend https://files.catbox.moe/33n7ek.pdf
Nice lil book
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one of them
It would be a madness if you share first from the list. Thanks for this one.
I've already got #6 and you still talking 7 ?
Wana share
i saw the crab and oscar and now i want it
you download #6 from zhezhidaxue, you mean ... as most of us 2 or 3 days ago. Why not share them with this person that requests them???????
I can puts the sekei 6 for you no problem. Do you think you could any of the others TN200, 28 et?
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>hand it over.
I think you could post on zhezhidaxue for a high amount of origami coins and maybe become a VIP there, or you could negotiate with someone to see if they have a book of your interest.
This is here. Tanteidan Convention 28. >>617406
This one is here. Korea 2023. >>617391
I know some people have downloaded them. But I think cross-linking these would make it easier to navigate the archives. For future hobbyists.
I only wish uploader didn't shrink its size so much. I think 15 mb would be great.
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I don't understand. Will this owl be in the book or in upcoming orifancy magazine?

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anyone has creased pattern of Escarbato
Yes, thanks for asking.
This looks like a beaver-platypus-penguin-Tux monstrosity. I love it.
Just googled it. Escarbato is Harry Potter's Niffler in brown people's language.
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Anyone has kindle unlimited? If so, then please share the amazing straw art book (in amazon)

I started getting into straw art but there is so little information about it
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Thanks a lot. I was just going to ask for this Imai Kota's model. What a coincidence.
I was a bit confused by the "personal collection" designation on giladorigami.
Got interested in animal heads, after finding the Saint Bernard's Head (Tanteidan Convention 12). But there are not a lot of models like these.
Does anyone have any of the Origami Symphony books by John Montroll other than 1 and 4 they could share with us?
Can you send origami symphony number 4? I don’t have it yet. Thanks
Just curious, but why not share the current ones you have? Looks like you guys at least have volume 1.
here is Symphony 1

I would, but these assholes won't let me upload in incognito mode anymore.
I hope no one will upload the rest of the books. And your collection will never be complete.
yo jus ups man
It'll be complete one way or another.
no undastands your boshit.
Thank you, man. I appreciate it.
Is it just a very good scan? It looks really good, but it doesn't seem they sell a digital copy.
They don't sell a digital version, correct
The person did a great job scanning it. I hope this is not a leak from the publishing company.
nah I scanned this a while back and traded it with some rando viet. Scanned it with a regular flatbed, post-processed deskewing with scantailor and to trim all pages to the right size, then passed through lightroom to white balance the pages and then acrobat for OCR. Took a few hours. I bought Montroll's whole series but don't really plan on sharing those any time soon publicly.
Are you up for trading them then? If so, what do you need for them?

email me: Origamidude@proton.me
Thank you for the work. You did a great job.
Probably the best looking origami pdf in my collection lol.
You must not have a large collection.
Guys, anyone has Multicolor Origami by Mi Wu? Thanks in advance.
you mean this?
if so, here it is:

Fuck you too.
You wish you could, but no.
Thanks. Does any one got Ori funcy 6
Could someone please share Marine origami?
>here it is:
You are so nice. Thank you,
you're welcome! enjoy!
I could have sworn someone posted this and other stuffs because someone asked for the Katsuta Kyohei's Fox Wedding. But I couldn't find the thread again. Should be pretty recent.
Here they are. In the pajarita thread for some reason.
Kyouhei Katsuta's Fox Wedding's Groom and Bride plus some other things.
32nd/2022 I found from google.
33rd/2023 is >>617946
The only people these will help are the origami-shop and publisher's employees that will DMCA these pdfs. Retard.
So wut kid just ups
No comprenday.
Can you publish more oriental origami books?
I don't know, maybe you should ask the orientals.
Anyone got the Hong Kong Origami Newsletters? Or know how to search for them?
I got the "Chinese (H.K.) Origami Convention" 1, 2, 3 from the incomplete torrent "origami large collection 1.1".
But they are 2 different things.
I'm looking for more of Jackie Chan and Kade Chan's diagrams. They have instruction videos on youtube for some of their models. But checking gilad and flickr, it looks like they got a lot more models to fold.
I tried googling 香港摺紙 (meaning HK Origami Society) and 香港摺紙通訊 (meaning Hong Kong Origami Newsletter) but didn't find what I'm looking for.
Perhaps it's available in public or (art) universities' libraries in Hong Kong? If anyone can check.
The organization itself, HK Origami Society, looks dead.
>Hong Kong Origami Newsletters
Perhaps contact HK Ori and purchase them.
I literally said that organization is dead.
LOOKIN' 4 TRADE. Does any1 have the "Between the folds magazines" #2, 3 & 5, or just the diagrams 4 the hand, bull & tank AND is willing 2 trade? IF U R, post proof that U have them & what U want 4 them & will talk.
In willing to trade for between folds 14 16 18
Tengo el diagrama del tanque. ¿Tú que ofreces para intercambiar? Mi correo es arellanoarturo636@gmail.com
Nada. Si alguien quiere poner, que ponga.
Pues pon algo tú, pon el remplo, mamón
Is there more info about these Between Folds? I assume a Chinese publication?
You can buy them on SAOC.cn they ship worldwide.
Thanks, anon. They are pretty cheap.
And I didn't know there are the Chinese translated version of Japanese books.
I get the printing and paper quality will be worse, but not an issue for me.
Looks suspicious. You can get jpg s of those pages online and then tweak them to look a little bit different. Can you post the last page of the bull diagram?
los quieres arriba, si puedes
Have "Advance Origami Rose". Anyone interested? Counteroffer?
I've got 1-5, 7,8, 10,11, 17,18, 26. Leave a contact if you still need them. All of those are on internet though.
Are there any Dutch members with the latest Orison magazines out there that would like to trade for other magazines or books?
I literally said, I couldn't find them on google and other search engine. >>618030 >>618028 >>618027
Fuck you, asshole.
Is it this one?
Yeah. Interested in trade for Between Folds models? Counteroffer?
Currently have problems with online addiction. Only 1/2hr of internet a day. May take a while 2 respond.
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I'm also looking for Between the Folds models.

There's this SAOC book that I found floating on the internet, I can post that
It's a free book. Anyone can get it for free.
I've compiled the diagram of the Yamato Battleship 2.0
Sorry, not interested. Would trade Advanced Origami Rose 4 JOAS 34 or Tanteidan magazine 204. Any takers?
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You mean this one?
Great upload, thank you!
>File: NKAOR.pdf
I'm not the one who asked but thank you very much.
Have Marine Origami. Would trade 4 JOAS 34 or Tanteidan Magazine 204. Any1?
Not gonna happen this time.
Yes, I need that Marine Origami book. Do you want to receive Tanteidan Conference 26, Origami Korea Conference 2023 or Origami Master Bug?
If you don't offer something in exchange that is not easily located...

Not the one who asked, but thanks for that!
(Master Bugs has some problems with the text? Not that it prevents from folding the models anyway.)
But it's there. How do you think I've got it? Leran how to use internet, imbecile.
Okay, do you want to receive my own guide to making Ryujin 3.1-Shatoshi Kamiya?
I need that too. Do you want the book "Works of Gen Hariwara"?
You mean this one?

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Can you send a picture of it? Here's what I have and can share with you:
Look dude, I just gave everyone "Works of Gen Hariwara", and you just generously provided the pic for it. If you thought it might be Marine Origami, then you are sadly mistaken. You should really check out the links before you jump to conclusions.
Wait, I need that guide. I want to create a Ryujin 3.1 dragon Can we trade?
Of course. I need that book too. Can we text privately?
I'm the one who left the three links.
I'm not really interested in exchanging anything. What's more, I intended to leave links to two (unofficial) diagrams for Ryujin 3.1, and several video tutorials, but since the idiot from Spellbinding takes the links for his Discord group, I won't put anything else here either.
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These are also here in better quality:


No one likely, can just share here or on the zhed
Counteroffer. Marine Origami 4 Origami Mono. That 1 hasnt been shared yet.
Is this the tutorial you are talking about?
That's a PHOTO DIAGRAM of how to fold each part separately (there are tons of those out there)
As soon as you understand what I wrote, you will see that I was talking about DIAGRAMS to fold the complete model
Origami mono has been shared. The book you want so badly, marine origami, hasn't. Look, I'd give you marine origami for Chinese New Year Origami 2024 (see picture).

But you sound like someone who is unwilling to spend any money, even considerably less than 50 USD, and time (to scan, take pictures in .png)
Diagrams was made by Satoshi Kamiya?
>That 1 hasnt been shared yet
Yes it has. It's on zhezhixueyuan twice.
He does not know how to read?
In my message it is indicated very clearly that the diagrams were UNOFFICIAL.
One was drawn by a user of a private forum that no longer exists today, and the other was drawn and shared via Instagram in installments, until Kamiya reproached him, at which point he removed that diagram from his Instagram, but some of us could access the complete diagram privately.
Origami mono hasnt been shared here, and if he doesnt have it or know how 2 get it the offer still stands. Btw I think we all need to start using usser names, some guys r gettin confused.
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>Origami mono hasnt been shared here,
Now it has.
Thanx. Just curious... was this a "rage share" I guees U could call it. Thatd B new.
I wonder what happened with the upload of Marine origami. Yesterday someone uploaded this book on 4chan but soon after that post was deleted.
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new offer then. marine origami with the extra diagrams you get with proof of purchase 4 this. i know it s not popular, but it hasnt been shared
If you say so why don't you post it? Just put the link of that Instgram page?
If you say that this is an UNOFFICIAL diagram and some people can still access it
Can someone share Tanteidan Magaznies No. 201? I know that it already exists on zhezhixueyuan but I don't have an account and currently can't create an account to go there
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No, just giving you what you're asking for, since you don't have any of the ones you keep offering up for trade.
Here today, gone tomorrow. Should have been a little quicker with the download.
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The most generous people in the Origami 4chan community:
Not the OP, but nonetheless, thank you anon.
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Very generous yo. Now just Orifuncy 6 & Jos 24. Thanks bro
Thank you my friend
thank you very much.
Sorry, but these are not gonna happen.
Can any1 who downloaded Marine Origami B4 it was deleted repost it please. Thanx.
Will kid
You sound like we owe your these books.
You up when u wanna dawg
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Can someone help me find a reference point for this model? I really don't understand the math in the instructions
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It will become very simple if you know how to use reference point finding software
I remember someone once solved this CP on Scribd:
How about the day after never?
Did you delete another Marine origami post today? Just to let you know, some of us managed to download it. So if you did, nice try, bitch.
Good, then you can re-post it for everyone else, asshole. I was just checking to see how many of you freeloaders were actually paying attention in here.
Just up it to tha zhed kid
Uploader and deleter, the same person, interesting. Test our attention with OTM 204. I would like to fold that mosquito 10000 times more then any model from MO.
>Test our attention with OTM 204.
Sorry, don't have it. Not a member of JOAS. Someone will eventually post it, though.
I can't wait. Finally the complex mosquito diagram. It looks so sick.
my guess is that this guy (and he is a guy) gets off trollig about posting and deleting marine origami and he ll keep it up til some1 who managed 2 download it shares it. my 2nd guess is that no1 will do that.
Nope, it won't get posted again.
If the sharing didn't stop on zhezhixueyuan, neither you or me (the guy who was just paying attention) would bother in the first place. So the question is: why the sharing there stopped? My guess is that the same "I won't share mine if you wouldn't share yours" logic has begun to spread there like it spread on 4chan 2 years ago. Too bad because great new books like Chinese New Year 2024 or Origami Dinosaurus are coming out soon, but given the circumstances probably won't be shared for a long time. Until then all we have are this occasional and slightly overcompressed drops of bread (including recent MO blitz upload, little overrated imho). But since anything is better than nothing, we should, i guess, all be thankful.

Btw, does anyone have the instructions for Robert Lang's Mary Anne's Butterfly?
Just up dat kid, or throw it on tha zhed. Dont b a deleta
Either grow up or shut up, and mind your own business. Why don't you try uploading something every now and then, instead of assuming you can tell everyone else to upload everything.
Chiquillo. Sólo sube. He compartido cosas antes, así que ahora es tu turno.
>Robert Lang's Mary Anne's Butterfly

I couldn't find any instructions for Robert Lang's butterfly on the internet

He has a similar one in the Origami Insects Vol II book though

There's also a similar butterfly in JOAS 2017, that looks cool as well
Na dawg, why u b deletin in tha first place. U up it kid
I can say na, too.
I know these models, thank you. Already folded a few Komatsu's butterflies. It looks nice but I like much more Mary Anne's butterfly from Lang. Mostly because of their long and thin antennae and really nice wings.

Model was taught in classrooms by Robert Lang at conventions in 2018:

Some of these books are getting just as hard to come by as several of the magazines that a lot of people are looking for. It's just a waiting game I guess.
Dat kid and zhed aint wana up nuffin, dis why. Id put if had em
I wouldn't suggest putting. Zhed is a nigger.
So then up zhed
You must be the most retarded bastard on the internet, because I have never seen anyone else write like you do. Seriously, what is your problem?
Nah yo
Agreed. It's always easy to tell it's them.

Like, try upping some new vocab, kid.
I have 13 carrots and I want to share. I've been meaning to tell you something about god.
Ill take a carrot kid
>I've been meaning to tell you something about god.
Fuck off.
Haha, why dontcha up somethin steada tellin em to
LOOKIN 4 JOSEPH WU S ORIGAMI SKULL TUTORIAL.i know theres no diagram 4 it but he had a class on foldfest 2022 about it so there might b a video.or not.so if some1 could direct me 2 it id appreciate it.but if u r that kind o dude i could trade u the fenrir diagram from between folds 4 it if u r game.thats the only thing i got 2 trade.
No thanks.
tr yt/gl.its 3.
What's that supposed to be?
Ask >>620318 he loves to use short form.
Ook kid
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Has anyone gotten their hands on Chinese New Year 2024 yet?
Que tienes para cambiar? Yo lo tengo
Not a damn thing.
and this one.
and this one.
and this one.
and this one.
Do you offer that?
Those books are shared for free by their author FrancoPavarin

I know. Now they're here, too.
I'm not offering anything for that Chinese New Year book.
Qué pena, entonces sigue en tu inútil búsqueda

CNY 2024 and Dinosaurs Premium??

Dunno what I have to trade, I'll see if I can find something
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Let's see. I have a library of links to help fold Satoshi Kamiya's Alduin

I also have some photodiagrams for some of Chen Xiao's models:
- Dragon Knight
- Hydralisk
For CNY 2024 and/or Dinosaurs Premium, if ur interested
None of that stuff is worth either of those two books.
I'm not searching for either of them. I already own the physical books.
It's all subjective

I'm searching for those two, so it'd be nice if someone posted them
I also might be able to post the entirety of the Kyohei Katsuta fox wedding model set, if that's enticing enough
Is it stuff you found on the internet for free? Sounds like things that you can find on zhezhixueyuan
It's already here in /po/, because I'm the one who posted the set.
It's stuff he found here actually.
As a matter of fact, they are in this archived thread.
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The Groom.
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2.47 MB PDF
The Bride.
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The Wedding Party.
Ah well, good for you.
I don't have much else to offer I guess
I guess not, especially if all you have is what's already on line, and easily accessible.
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i got an actual copy of KOA 2014
and this other one
im desperate lmao
It appears that some fucking dumbass made the new Korean book trading thread go away again.
I think the janitor doesn't want people discussing that book in a thread dedicated to it
Makes a lot of sense, doesn't it? LMAO
Maybe janitor doesn't like trading. Try public sharing for a change.
You try it
File: Chinese 2024 .pdf (7.43 MB, PDF)
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7.43 MB PDF
Wow thanks yo
Please fold anything you manage to fold from it!
Thank you very much.
Didn't see that one coming. Nevertheless, thank you kindly.
Wow, I wasn't expecting that. Thank you!
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Dude, did you get trolled?
Unfortunately missing pages for last two complex dragons. And very blurry.
Missing pages everywhere, not only the last two dragons.
Oh, OK. I was looking only last two model, for me the most interesting ones.
>king only last two model, for me the most interesting
Can't fold anything from it. At least a couple of pages are missing for every model. Really sorry.
That's not true? I folded ear mouse from it without issue. I think you are spreading lies
Could u up the rest
Somebody went through a lot of trouble to intentionally fuck this book up.
did some1 screwed u over on a trade? whoever did this is clearly a petty bitter bitter man. the hand diagram is the only complete 1 so thanx anyway.
The book is complete, what are you yapping about?
yeah he definitely got screwd on a trade. u wouldnt notice it til u checked the pages 1 by 1. well. thats always a risk.
Maybe we were the targets. Usually when someone get screwed, that person then reveal faker's email.
Stop tradin start sharin
Portrait of a generous person
I'm wondering what's so valuable about Origami Marine that no one shares it when there's someone willing to share it in Chinese 2024?
Yeah right, generosity. Did you open this book? Its full of missing pages and way too blurry.
Hoarders only hoard books, they don't open it nor do they fold anything.
Maybe it will be okay. Mien is full of the last 2 dragons because I'm so bored with solving the CP of these 2 dragons
Thank you Anon

Idk if this is worth anything but here's the book i promised
Ah well. It is missing diagrams. Here's a free book i guess
What pages are missing? No problem.
Let's wait and see what the people in "Origami Library" will do with the missing equipment and CP to create a complete dragon.
Simple to jus up the last 2
Through the impressive performance of the people in Origami Library, can someone share a Marine Origami book with missing pages? I look forward to another performance from them
Nah, I'll send the shark. But I made it harder this time. Good luck!
You really like to torture people.
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He looks like he's helpless
On behalf of Loser, can you share the CP of this model? Then we will see
I'm My name is LOSER (Just a Happy troll). I also really thank you for sharing (you also know the model I like).
If it don't have CP, can you share the Precreasing steps?
That's not it. It's just a challenge and the person who accepts the challenge :))))
there are pages missing/repeating in Chinese 2024 book in syn loong a page between step 84 and 97 is missing

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