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These days I have tried to make more difficult figures but sometimes I can't find a tutorial or books and they only give me a diagram like the one in the image, how can I use that to get to the final design?
Can't help you with this specific one but there are some other complicated dragons in youtube.
Easier way is to print out multiple copies of the c.p .then cut a diagram into portions . Say you cut one diagonally in triangles another in 4 squares . You should be able to work out which is valley line mountain line and what side up your paper coloured or white .
The following crease pattern you can cut out of A4 and fold normally.
Once you've achieved the collapsed base (this may take a few tries) then you can use another copy to lay out your precrease .
One you finish aggregation you can rest then tackle the shaping .
Search the authors name you may find h has social media accounts with extra hints and photos
how do i fold
I was wondering where all the bile and bitterness had gone, things have been pretty quiet lately, I guess it's 'cause there's no new books out, well popular books anyway. Just old stuff nobody wants to share. Guess we'll gonna have to wait 'til something new comes out from KOA, Origami house or Nicolas Terry or repost old stuff from zhezhixueyuan. Also, has anybody else seen that "Origami Dinosaurs Premium" post in zhezhixueyuan? Total fake IMHO.
I doubt it is fake. Saw Origami Dinosaurs Premium on amazon.

Some books wasn't shared yet, like Marine origami or Origami Middle Earth 2.

Btw, I noticed sharing completely stopped on zhezhixueyuan. Nothing for at least 3-4 months. I wonder what happened there. Was there a fight like here on 4chan and exvagos, or what?
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U saw this book in Amazon? I think U never saw the original post in zhezhi xueyuan & confused the titles, Im tellin U man its a total fake. BTW the guys in zhezhi probably realised that their stuff was gettin reposted 4 "free" & clamed up
You first
>Also, has anybody else seen that "Origami Dinosaurs Premium" post in zhezhixueyuan?
You're full of shit.
>Also, has anybody else seen that "Origami Dinosaurs Premium" post in zhezhixueyuan?
This book isn't going to be released until April 17.
Where did get that idea. The original zhezhixuyuan post didn't have any info and a Makoto Yamaguchi book would be on origamihouse but theres nothing there.
>Where did get that idea.
Right here.
If you knew how to search, you would have known that, too.
First wut? I aint got none kid. U want korea 23 or vog
I stand corrected dear sir.
Dude I'm not 100% sure, but I think the diagram for this model is in the "Chinese New Yeay Origami 2024" book by SAOC.
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Bump, yo kid if u could put any new one here or on tha zhed (ty for Tanty 202) so just others. Hurry. Thanks bro
Cmon bro, u know u know how to ups
Cause sharings caring
So, just out of curiosity, when are you going to start?
I did many times already and you?
Books that you did personally buy and scan or shit you found on the internet? Be honest
I can answer that for you. Shit he found on the internet. Most of it came directly from Zhezhixueyuan. He's never shared anything new that everyone didn't already have.
>I did many times
Yeah, and you shit and fell back in it, too.

So go ahead fallin dawg, up somethin we waitin
I guess yu be waitin a long time, then.
ok kid
Anything u willing to trade for dinosaurs premium (or chinese new year 2024)? or where to find it
That dude ain't got nothing to trade. He just comes in here to talk shit.
Nah, aint got that kid. Tha chinese one is up

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