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I need help with one photo
Can someone edit it please
I don't wanna waste your time, so I have to say I only need a really good edit

What to edit

Left hand, the one less shown needs editing. The two fingers there look like they need a little touch. Also the nails on those 2 fingers are really bad looking compared to the nails on the other hand. (the only nail that I like is the first nail on the right hand, next two are close to being good but I think they miss a little something, especially on the sides it looks like they have little missing parts, due to poor quality probably)
The knuckles on the left hand looks little bit deformed aswell

I mentioned what I need for the right hand tho it's not as important as left hand is. But if you understood what I want there would be nice too

Also I want different nail polish color, will add photo of it

Other little thing is the ending of the left eyebrow
It looks blurred and not same like the other one
Also on the other side there's no space between the eyebrow and the glasses and it doesn't look good and simetric aswell, need it fixed to look like the right one

For the color of the lips I'm not sure
I think they look good but if you think they can look better with a bit more reddish shade let me see

And one last thing that I'm also not sure of is to add oversized hoops (earrings)
I'm not sure if it will look better with them or not
Also I'm not sure if they should be gold or silver color
But thats least important and don't really focus on it but the other things

Thanks alot
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I used ChatGPT to translate this wall of text and it read "Dickhead".
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Please do not engage with the zoo animals.
Why do these degenerates fixate on requesting and bumping the same shit all the time?
Pretty sure this is one fag that has incredibly limited mental capacity.
what this

Nuclear grade Autism.
Probably the last time I reply to such comments, but don't you think that if you help me instead of writing such offensive comments (that I simply don't care about) you wouldn't have to see this thread that annoys you so much ever again.
Don't get me wrong, it's a free bump for me, but I guess we both want this to end already
About time you learned how to edit images yourself.

Just shut the fuck up and keep bumping, you stupid faggot. I don't understand how you haven't been banned yet, so I guess you belong here. Just know that no one will EVER help you. You will bump these threads until you fucking die.
>don't care about comments
>reply to said comments without fail

ok nigger just end it already no one loves you.
"if you help me ... you wouldn't have to see this thread"

A hollow promise.
If I get it perfect like I want it, I will have absolutely no reason to spam it again, but whatever you say
Please get into a fiery car crash
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You know what? I killed off (or at least kept it from being posted in a while) top middle so I'll give yours a shot. Why do you want this so much and why don't you just do it yourself? If you had spent a tenth of the time you spent begging others to do it on editing it yourself this would have been done months ago.
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took you long enough, but thanks!
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okay, im the OP and that comment wasnt from me.

as of this, i really wanna thank you whoever u are, cuz u obviously dont like me but still wasted time on trying to help me
i hope u wont be offended, that its not all like i want it
Somethings I like and somethings i dont but it doesnt matter, i appreciate it

okay i like the "top" edits mostly but not the hands at all, im really sorry, it looks like u edit them alot, just donesnt look realistic and good to me. Btw the right hand, the one holding the phone, i didnt ask for it to be edited, it was looking okay i think, maybe u didnt understand me correctly what i wanted
but lets leave the hands, maybe some1 else can take care of them
will show u what u probably can fix on top
1/ little blurry dark spot on the eyebrow
2/ u make something that appears like an ear maybe on the right side, no need of it, its supposed to be hidden under the hair
3/ the earring on the right side doesnt look like perfect circle in shape and also i think thats now how its supposed to look there, for example i put a cut from other edit just to give u some other perspective, im not saying its better.

(on the left side i really really like how u made the earring)
It's me again, I forgot to actually answer ur questions and I think u deserve that

Why do I want it so much? it's just a photo of me that I really really like and want to have it even better so I need it perfectly edited. It was already edited ALOT and I like it so much so far but little things left like those hands.
Why am I not doing it myself,
Well, I just can't, I'm not into editing and I'm not gonna lie, I'm really lazy to learn a new skill, also I don't belive that I can even learn it as good to make it perfect how I want it, so yeah it's gonna be a waste of time
And on the time I spent bumping, it's not like that, Im not really giving more than 5 mins combined per day here.
In the past I was bumping alot more frequently, on page 3/4 but now I just don't care to keep it on top at all times, most of ppl here seen it hate me anyways so I just bump it on like page 7/8 whenever I remember
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This is what I'm willing to give you. In regards to the hands, it's your photo and you have shown that you are willing to shout into the wind for eternity to get what you want from someone who can't read your mind but the way it was originally makes no sense. Although physically possible, the wrist is at like a 70 deg angle which would be pretty uncomfortable and unnatural to hold anything in. Also, with spending even 3 min a day bumping your vague yet specific request for months, you could have easily gotten you what you wanted in a far quicker time than if you spent a minimal amount of that time downloading some SD AI and using it to randomly generate images until you got what you wanted. People generally don't want to do your request because it's tedious and unrewarding. You've heard it many times before but I'll shout into the wind too. your chances of someone here giving you exactly what you want are negligible. Photo edits are not that hard to do and AI makes it even easier but nobody knows or cares about what you want as much as you do.
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That's really nice, you perfectly fixed those things I wanted, thank you very much again!
But why did you change the left side earring to be more like this other version I showed u
It was meant to show u how the right one looks, I told u that I like ur left earring very much and I think it makes more sense to be positioned that way
Can you please undo the changes u made on the left one
as for the hands, i can show u how they really look in the original photo with just some filters there

is this Ai editing program free to use and how is ti called
and do i need to learn how to edit with it or it makes all by itself
Thanks again, very very much!
Also, I forgot to say
Silver looks better
for the earrings
lmfao holy shit.
This is why no one wants to help you. Any time someone does anything to these pictures, you just ask for more and more. You were, at one point, satisfied with the picture you were requesting edits to last year, but then you just immediately started requesting this new picture.

When will it end? How many pictures could you possibly want edited? Why can't you just go away? You keep saying you will, when people give you what you ask for, but you never stop asking for more.

It will never be enough. You will never stop. You claim you spend very little time bumping these threads, but you've been doing it consistently for months.

People have dedicated a warning image to your threads, imploring others to completely avoid you and it doesn't deter you in the slightest. I can't imagine the kind of clinical personality issue one would have to have to repeatedly use a website where almost 100% of its users despise you and actively threaten your life.

Are any of these pictures seriously this important to you? Goddamn.
It is this one picture only and yes I already said it is important for me to get it perfect
In the past I posted others too, but I don't remember any other that I bumped as much as this one, but that doesn't matter
Are u the one helping me yesterday?
And if so why u say I want new things done
I only want the previous version of the left side earring
but it's okay if u r done editing
Im happy with what u did and I thank you for it
But don't expect me to leave the thread die now, I still want some1 who can fix the hands and I'm not even overdoing it
U see 3 bumps for a day +
That's legit bumping on page 8-9

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