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let's talk about fumos!!!
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i think we should make a bury nice fumo, she would look bury cute in this format
ya i know but that doesnt rly feel right idk
most of the time the fumo face doesn't even suit the character
dubs check!

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
thanks for checking my dubs

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kill yourself
no. but msi was cool back in my edgy days.
panty shot is such a good song
duude thats my favorite song by msi

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bicentennial crystal

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
WAH, brother, all I've been seeing is bune raven with carrot power-ups and bunny ear tops.
gay luigi

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Does s4s have W or L rizz
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Long Walk

Your fortune: Outlook good

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What's that Pinejak is currently backing that ass up for Applejak Oh my, I must bear witness to this!
HOLY MOLY! This 'jak's a real looker, ain't he He's got that bitchy bottom energy written all over him, I can hear his voice just through that look his making. Will a big strong man PLEASE come over and pleasure me Yes yes, that's what's going through his mind! Slutjak came here prepared. Prepared to be ravaged by his fellow fruitjaks. He is the prize of the Battle of the Ridge, and quite the prize he is.
Are you single, babe Do you want to get your pineapple juiced I can please you, slutjak.
Zoo wee mama, now that's a grade-A sluterino! Do you think he sucked some dick before coming to the ridge What am I talking about, that slutjak can't help himself when presented with an all you can suck buffet of man meat! Jinkies! His allure is just too powerful!
Hm... inspects him with a magnifying glass Yes yes, this is a slutjak alright. grips his ass cheeks really hard Tight, firm butt cheeks. Spreads them A shaved butt holly pulls off his thong A shaved, uncut cock. rubs legs Shaved legs... Glorious! This slutjak is flawless!
What a ripe pineapple slutjak, he's in need of a few butt spanks.
Pinejak looks like he'd be a brat in bed, instructing you how to please him and not being too kind about it! Yes, he will call you bad names while you're on top of him! You must spank him, you gotta spank the slutjak!
Dearest me, is this fruitjak overdue for a creampie. His face is overflowing with lust! That open mouth and fuck me eyes, the imaginary cocks plugging all of his holes aren't going to be satisfying him for long! No-sir-ree!
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Look at this slutty, cum guzzling, dick-loving whorejak. His bussy is in need of a good fucking!
My my, look at this soijak. He definitely keeps "down there" shaved alright. Pinejak's a sissy slut. Slutty sissyjak. A Sissy Slutjak. He knows it. He owns it. and he loves putting a variety of dildos up his shaved butthole.
I want to make this 'jak my cum slave
Read that look in his eyes. "BDSM" they scream! Naughty naughty, Pinejak. Very Naughty indeed!
Yes yes, you all know the news by now. Pinejak is a slutjak, and he's proud of it. Loud and proud he is indeed! Screaming from the ridge tops for cock, letting any old fruitjak ravage his plentiful and tight bussy. How he manages to keep that thing with its "gorilla grip" is a mystery to me. Goodness gracious! He's eyeing me??? Could I be his next "hookup"? Zoinks, I'm excited!
Hold the phone.
I'm not a religious man, but I can tell this 'jak's got lust, and a lot of it. He's moaning under his breath, yes, yes, yes. I hear it . "Dick... Dick..." Bing bang boom! He's a slutjak alright, and his lust is turning him into a cock-craving zombie! Look at him, crawling on the ridge in that thong, but up in the air, ready to be pillaged by any approaching fruitjak. Oh dear, I see one now. GOOD LORD! He took the whole nine inches with no problem! Pack it up boys, this slutjak's going to be cumming buckets tonight!
There's nothing Pinejak wants more than a strong, hard cock in his ass. He's always thinking about it, his gorilla grip bussy clenching DOWN on a big strong cock from a bigger and stronger fruitjak. Captain O' my captain! This 'jak's moans scare away any opposing forces away with the ridge. His raw sexual appetite is so strong that a foolish onlooker would think that he's a hungry coyote! Mayday, mayday! Pinejak is about to have an "Orgasm"! He is "making his O face"! Time to skedaddle!
no arrow therefore you look like a troonjak getting repeatedly shot in the head
i guess god started blowing the 7 trumpets of the apocalypse around 10 years ago. except, they came in funny ways, like a president trump, a song called trumpsta. i'm insanely impressed with what hes doing. i dont have a clue if any of you are even real anymore.

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Your fortune: Godly Luck

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post ur fridges anon's
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fake and gay

Your fortune: Bad Luck
Those eggs went off anon, you should throw them away
Refrigerating eggs is a meme
about what i expected

The good, the bad, and the Chima
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chima and his cousin
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he is famous
We need more nations chimas
chima is erotic!

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how do noun inflect in skovmoj? i've been trying to learn skovmoj for a while and have seen nouns end in "-en," "-sen," "nen" "-cken," even "-en-en" (skovENmojEN). what cases/genders do these correspond to?
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I hate your forced cringe nigger terms so much it is unreal.
I hate yosho more than skovmoj tbh
Sergei Skovmoj was a Soviet politician and military commander during the Soviet-Afghan War of 1980-1988. He was born on August 25, 1958 in the village of Verkhny Chulym, Novosibirsk Region, Russian SFSR, USSR. Skovmoj received his education at the Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School and subsequently at the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR. He served as a commander in the Soviet military and was appointed to lead Soviet military forces in Afghanistan in July 1988, following the death of the previous commander, General Viktor Aninov. Skovmoj was responsible for the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, a process he oversaw until December 1989. He was subsequently awarded the title of Hero of the USSR in recognition of his leadership during the conflict.

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The forehe.ad girl
I highly doubt he's black

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what a wonderful load of cotton ...soft smooth silkish wite
better BEAR it myself

Your fortune: Bad Luck

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Time to discuss soyjaks, esfores. What soyjak variant is your favorite? I like the Swede/Impjak.
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>Byproduct of today's teens not having any real subculture and it bled in to their way of thinking by only being able to crudly and ugly parody things already existing
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I like the troonjak
>>11545511 (dubs!)

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cob on the 'log
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cob gang
mods can we call this flooding please

Anonymous1: lyrics:
Niggers coaly tho, cobson got the gemmy tho
Got the 'jakky, tho janny is a tranny, tho
(Cob Gang!)

Quote these chuddys like a script-y nigga, you a soy-y nigga
On the 'rty with them Norway niggas, and them SwedeWIN niggas
You run up and they raiding niggas, we ain't jannies nigga
No soot, you a loser nigga, up that rangeban nigga

On the four, trannies posting coal, I'm raiding them some more
He wanna be a woman -ACK!, rope caught him just before the floor
Man it's sad, I caught a perma, the jannies know the score
They be spending 15 years on the tranime incel board

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
The gem that made Faglord dilate

It's time for my hug
make me happy
I knew I was the gentle type of soy

Your fortune: Good Luck
*hugs you*

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