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For those for whom the toxic relationship thread is not toxic enough. Fucked up relationships only.

>describe yourself
>looking for
>not looking for
>contact info (discord, kik...)
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26M, Europe

After trying (and ultimately rejecting) various moral systems and religious illusions, I arrived to the conclusion that what was wrong was not this or that morality, but morality itself. Having accepted that, I gradually became more and more unhinged (which is a good thing).

>describe yourself
180 cm tall, thin, Rasputin beard. Extremely well mannered and cerebral, but free of any inhibitions. Machiavellian.

>looking for
A girl/woman of any age (18 and up) meeting one or more of these requirements:

Someone who is broken.
Someone who feels ugly.
Someone who feels useless.
Someone who is mentally ill.
Someone who self-harms.
Someone who is lonely.
Someone who desperately needs something or someone to live for.
Someone who is fucked up.
Someone who has kinks that are deemed extremely unacceptable by society.
Someone who is perverted.
Someone who has always felt like an outsider.
Someone who is a loser.
Someone who is desperate to escape their current reality.
Someone who needs a kind soul to talk to.

I'm open to absolutely everything and I will not judge you. Expect me to be extremely sweet from the get-go, and be prepared to be heavily lovebombed. I want you to tell me your entire life, your opinions, your feelings, your secrets... to make you feel like the most special girl in the world. You will be _my queen_ (except in bed). I have spent a lot of time with timewasters in real life and I am getting old, so expect to be impregnated the moment we meet :)

>not looking for
Someone who is not open to a relationship, healthy and balanced people, troons, timewasters

>contact info
Discord: homer_hesiod_and_sappho
DOS, C64, ZXS, PC-98, MSX, NES, SG-1000, AST, Amiga, SMS, PCE, SMD, SNES
>Looking For
Bit Music, Chiptune, Sequencer & Tracker, FM Synthesis, Midi, Doskpop
>Not Looking For
>Favorite sub-genre
>Favorite band(s)
Ghost, Depeche Mode, Ozzy Osbourne, etc
>Favorite show you’ve been to
Ghost, Deadmau5, Rob Zombie, Alice Cooper
>Favorite Movie
Ghostbusters, Back To The Future, Beetlejuice, Batman 1989, Christine

>Physical description
White, 5'11, dirty-blonde hair, some tattoos on my arm, glasses, blue eyes. I dress like a typical metal head in all black.
>Looking for
A biological woman to date in Oregon who (preferably goth) is loving/caring/compassionate/snuggly. I can be very clingy, so I need someone who is dependable and attentive. I do well with people who have a fucked up sense of humor (or at least tolerate off-color statements, (I make them all the time). I like nerds too and horror movie enthusiasts. I enjoy cosplay even though I can’t afford cons and don’t look good in cosplay or know how to make it. I’d like to go to thrift stores together n look for cool stuff.
>Not looking for
Men of any kind, full stop. I cannot stress this enough,this might sound hypocritical, but if you're MtF also, I won't be interested at all. People who smoke cigs/vape/weed. Dog owners, taller than me, outspoken leftoids, weird fetishists, Blacks and Mexicans/muslims, gun owners, woke people, delusional religionist’s, unshaven armpits (poor hygiene in general), fat chicks
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Male /m/


Looking for a bisexual, straight or even lesbian girl (biological female) who is into 2D loli, and wants a relationship/family with a man. Contact me at rel587@protonmail.com

I am wealthy, come from a good family and some attractive women have found me good looking. Not larping, I just want to find someone who is like me, but that has been almost impossible.

If you want to contact me anonymously, just make a protonmail. It won't ask you to use a phone number nor alternate email account

>describe yourself
I am a girl sick of having my heart broken and beating around the bush I just want to find some dominant guys into ageplay or petplay.

>looking for
Males older than 25, gentle daddy doms who type well and want to roleplay with me. Who want a dumb pet who *wags tail* and that cringe shit. Who will treat me like the good puppy I am and in return get all my obsessive love and affection. In terms of ageplay I like some abdl and cgl stuff, but I figure that's harder to find someone who likes that here.

>not looking for
Zoomers, people who can't portray any emotion through text.

>contact info (discord, kik...)
Please leave yours and an asl or things you like, being bombarded and having to sift through everyone on discord by saying hello and what do you like and etc takes so long.
30s M, east coast american.

into roleplaying as a father figure, i like obsessive people and being bombarded with attention. I am a big weeb too.

I don't wish to leave my discord here, do you have a throw away email?
How old are you? I'm 40 but I'm not doing ageplay with a 37 year old woman.
I'm in search of a girl who's ugly but not fat. Reason being, I'd like a temporary GF and an ugly girl is probably the only one who would put up with such an arrangement.

The ugly girl attribute is just the initial ask. After we start dating, we can avoid ever mentioning it again. Like I said, it's just an initial ask so I won't treat you with contempt or treat you badly in any way. I'll treat you nicely just like I would any other GF.

What's in it for you is that you could turn out to be super cool and become a permanent GF. I'm a pretty good catch and am most of the things a girl wants in a guy. If there are any details you'd like for me to elaborate on, feel free to ask.

I'd prefer if you were somewhere within driving distance near the Northern VA/MD region.

My Discord: compoundthrower
Late 20s.
>describe yourself
Tall introverted nerd, main interests gaming and music. Allegedly handsome, dadbod, facial hair varies.
Here because relationships usually start me off being nice, over time get more demanding
>looking for
Bio F for long-term relationship, long-distance OK, any age (18+) or body type
>not looking for
>contact info
Discord: atwahr
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I'm a man
>describe yourself
Sadistic, controlling, demanding. Sarcastic, witty, charming, calm, intelligent, passionate, ambitious, talkative, strong. I have lived an interesting, eventful life and have many hobbies.
>looking for
A slut, whore, whatever. Someone experienced or not that has an inkling of mental illness, or not, and a strong desire to be used by a more experienced man who knows what he wants. BPD women love me, but normal women are fine too. You can be the center of my attention or an afterthought depending on our chemistry.
This can be online or offline, but understand that text does not enthuse me as much as a person's presence. If you're uninteresting in verifying who you are promptly, do us both a favor and avoid me. I'm not going to waste any time weeding out undesirables. Don't take it personally, or do.
>not looking for
Underage, men, time wasters, boring people
M-25 Brisbane, true9253 on disc, Not older than 25 but figured I might as well say something anyway.

I'd like to chat, see where it goes.
> asl

> Describe yourself
1,74m 70kg. 10 years on t.

> Looking for
I really like being misgendered. I'm into misogyny, conversion therapy, patriarchy and mental games/control. I want to talk with real misogynistic, far right men, not people that see this as just a fantasy. I want the real thing. I want to be corrupted and micromanaged by an abusive asshole. Laugh at my expense, bully me and trick me. Make me send you nudes and spread them around. Make me cry and beg you to stop.

> Not looking for
Trans people. Women. Men younger than me. Men that only want a quick cum.

> Kik

20/closeted FtM/UK

>Mental Illness
schizoaffective, depression, social anxiety, occasionally suicidal, sometimes self harms, weed/alcohol addict, daddy issues (idk if that counts as a mental illness)

>About Yourself
im a loser degenerate /pol/tard who works a 9-5 wagecuck job that i hate. i’m also kinda chubby (146lbs, i’m trying to lose weight) with body hair, very autistic and racist. i’m not the cute trans twink you’re probably imagining. i’m closeted because my family is super transphobic. intp. i am not a good person.

Reading, painting, warhammer AoS, black metal, programming, mlp, age regression, gaming (fear & hunger, resident evil, dungeon defenders, darkest dungeon, tf2, dead by daylight, boomer shooters)

praise, diapers, pet play, age play, shota, grooming, brainwashing, humiliation, plushophilia, forcedmasc, autoandrophilia, joi, chastity, incest, age gaps, edging, watersports

>Looking for
a guy or girl (but preferably guy) to pretend to be my dad. say they’re proud of me, call me son and good boy, etc. it doesn’t even have to be in a sexual way, id just like someone who i can call dad and will treat me like i’m younger.

my dad wasn’t around much since i was about 14 and it makes me crave attention from older/fatherly men. i don’t care about age but i’d like someone older.

i’ve always struggled to talk to and maintain relationships with people my own age, we just don’t get along for some reason. i’ve always preferred the company of older men and found them much easier and more interesting to talk to.

>Not Looking For
dick pics, people who only want nudes, someone who’s not actually interested in this kind of dynamic, coombrains, porn addicts, people who only respond with one word replies, people who only want to talk about nsfw, transphobes, “i forgot what your post said”.

kik: angelcupid66
disc: postaldude77
Hey there, I am a 29 year old male from Europe, I love spending my spare time in the nature and playing with my dog (he's a beautiful creature and I love him). I also like sometimes to watch some anime as a side hobby. I admit I'm new to this, but let's see how this turns out :) If you are interested my Discord is saier_io
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30 m usa est

>looking for
A submissive, masochistic obsessive sub girl who had a twisted and dark kink and fetish list. Give me all your time, and everything else you hid in yourself.

> me
Aspd,possessive,obsessive. Dom, kinky freak, romantic, loving, slightly paranoid, sadistic, open to pretty much all kink!

Looking for long term..


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Left wing woke 27 year old trans girl from the uk, into masc, far right guys who hate everything "woke", politically correct etc.

I'm looking for someone who wants a relationship. I want something serious and meaningful and I'm open to relocating for the right person:

Interested in men who like being controlling and want someone who is obsessive and will fall in love with them quickly.

Pic is me.

Discord: zarabp
Telegram: twb96

>Describe yourself
White, tall (183cm), and chubby

>Looking for
I've been down lately and I'm looking for genuinely kind people to hang out with. Normie-passing people who will hang out with me while we do our respective things. We don't have to talk much, I'm just lonely. Preferably around my age (30-40) if we do talk.

I have BPD-tendencies, needy, emotional, and can be mean but am mostly nice. I just crave someone real who I can connect with. Someone who is kind who will let me shower them in affection and who will shower me in affection in turn. I prefer pasty white dudes, mostly right-leaning, and I prefer VC over texting but if we click I'll text you a lot. I'm into DDLG and am specifically searching for a dom. Ideally someone European but I'm willing to relocate if need be.

>Not looking for
Severe mental illness, trannies

it’s hard to find people who want to go beyond the standard definition of love and indulge in something uncanny. it is also hard to find someone who you can connect with on all levels emotionally, physically, spiritually - it’s either good communication, but no sexual chemistry or vice versa. i long for something transcendental and mystical, merging and devouring one another, professing these feelings of something more than love or obsession in the most unconventional ways, but it’s almost impossible to come across, either because most are incapable of feeling so deeply or they’re scared of it.
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clown with a humiliation fetish.
While I'd be happy with a normal and happy relationship, having something so all-cosuming is ridiculously alluring. Would probably take a lot to actually make it happen properly though
the intense feelings of the individuals have to be mutual and consistent to make it happen, otherwise the one who feels more will experience unimaginable pain, terror and psychological damage that is incomprehensible to “normal” relationships, because this is no joking matter. unfortunately, i believe that in most dynamics like this that is the case, which is why it makes me melancholic and yearning for it, because it’s hard to attain.
I kinda wonder if a 'lite' version of something like this can be achieved within the bounds of a regular relationship.
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>describe yourself
30 m est. aspd dom sadistic. Maybe a misogynist,Obsessive, possessive.
>looking for
I'm looking for a real punching bag gf. I'm so tired of everything and I need somone to take it out on. Be into all the fucking abuse and control, hitting, cutting, choking, breath play, diets,outfits. Give up your life to me ill take care of it I promise. I doubt your real. Cis or good fems or trans welcome. Who cares anymore lol

> Discord

ironic you post no underage then post a pic of an underage girl lol
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>about me
(asl) 21/female/west eu
(appearance) 157 cm, avg weight, brown eyes (sorry), brown hair (sorry), light white skin (i'm white), face is mid, have big thighs. honestly, the only thing i have going for me is my fashion style. i either dress in black, pink or white or all three at once. i also don't wear pants, skirts and dresses only. i can send pics, i like to "play dress up".
(mind) hobbies are playing video games, falling into wikipedia rabbitholes, reading about pharmacology. my fav music genres are scenecore, hyperpop, everything EDM. i'm edgy and blunt as hell. i usually have high resilience. there are so so many things i wanna do so i often end up feeling overwhelmed and doing nothing + see "my issues"
sexually i think i'm a switch as i like being both the mommy and the victim but i'm a virgin because intimacy is a bit scary and i'm scared of regretting it, this would haunt me. i wanna have babies eventually, within 4 years if possible

>my issues
generalized anxiety, health anxiety, occasional panic attacks, depression, traumas, insecure, obsessive, limerence, mood swings, self destruction, lack of boundaries, am a fuck UP!!! i try to make efforts and shut down these, though!! my fav defense mechanisms are compartmentalization, rationalization, splitting

1/2 see second post
>about you
(asl) under 35/male/preferably in europe, so travelling will be cheap, i'm a poor student, have mercy
(appearance) ideally have a lean, skinny or somewhat muscular body type. otherwise, any is fine as long as you arent fat. height wise, id say be at least 170cm, but unsurprinsingly tall is most attractive. be white ; the palest, the better. its also better if you dont have a terrible fashion style (+ piercings and black hair are so hot), i rly like emo/alt boys, but not the end of the world. id appreciate it if you still had foreskin attached to your penis. no facial hair, i absolutely dont find it attractive
(mind) be straight, homophobic, transphobic and racist (all 4 are not negotiable), edgy, obsessive. being patient and understanding is prob important to keep my lack of stability in check. i dont mind mental illness, if anything we'll be able to relate more. rly like the "yandere" dynamic, possessiveness and jealousy are hot and comforting. i grew up on the internet so i'm attached to the culture and video games, it'd be nice if you were into that
ideally, be a switch and a virgin. i can tolerate up to 4-5 bodies depending on age, if we get along well...
i hope we live inside each others skin and become an extension of each other!! it's okay if we end up offing ourselves together, its probably the best way to go and is romantic

>not looking for
nonwhites, bisexual men, leftists, muslims, racemixers (includes asian chasers). if you support things i hate (lgbt, miscegenation, x), big NO. if you hate going outside, it's not gonna work either as i really wanna visit museums, aquariums and such, go stargazing, do urban exploration etc with you. staying home is nice too though!! a bit of both. additionally, i want an irl meet up within 2 months. i cba to do online dating, its frustrating and unfulfilling
ihatesandpeople on discord or lalalalamiauidfk@proton.me

i'm vry serious about this this is my last hope normie men give me the ick
28 male West Aus

M1495 is my disc, lets get to know each other and see what happens?

I can be a very gentle and caring dominant. And I love having a submissive to care for. Be as dumb of a pet/little as you want, be as cringe as you want. I'll probably love it, honestly.
I'm absolutely interested in being a parental figure, and the caregiver of a cgl dynamic. But I'd prefer to remain anonymous, and have everything be online.

Anime (various kinds, from slop to kino), vidya (action, fps/team shooters, puzzles), exploiting the submissive tendencies of subs to make them improve their well-being and life.

Men, Women, Troons

Racism, Sectarianism, General toxicity

Enough said come find your match in the Pongerian realm

>about me
A straight guy with heavy 90s vibes, few friends, and a handful of talent.
>looking for
Someone with enthusiasm for open ,active conversation, spontaneity, and creativity.
>not looking for
Disinterested/closed off people, gooning, or gaming..
21f, europe

>describe yourself
unable to build genuine connections irl so it came to this, i'm sad and lonely all the time. latina and 1,62cm. bookworm/nerdy

>looking for
guys, older than me and please have long hair. extra points if you're a metalhead! optional but maybe dont be too overly sexual

>not looking for
trans people, girls, overly sensitive types

>contact info
kik: discoveredalarmed
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Calling all!!
Occult freaks

The ordo Luxuria is a fellowship centered around sexual exploration and the liberation of the mind through the pleasures and pains of the body. The O.L. is a unique revile of ancient phallic and sexual cults of the ancient peoples reworked for our modern society. The association consists of 6 degrees each with sexully charged rituals designed by a skilled fellow brother, to enhance and bring forth deeper desires of lust and love within those who are participating at any level. We practice “Body Pride” . It is not size or shape or what you have of the body but the pride and love you have for the human body. More importantly the sacred parts of our body should always be viewed with love, and divine worship. If you are interested please reach out to brother X via discord for further information and questions.

> discord
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22 F kik pinskirtnotshirt

Seeking a long term and dynamic sex partner..
I am a very horny young girl in need of being degraded and put in my place. I love being a total object for your every desire, I loved to be used for your pleasure.
>describe yourself
suicidal loser with no friends. i am insanely obsessive and will dedicate my entire life you to within a day if we click. i'm a submissive masochist (nonsexual) and i cut myself
>looking for
dominant weirdos (nonsexual), stalker types, mental illness, cluster b, possessive, talkative, clingy, suicidal
>not looking for
>contact info (discord, kik...)
smigglescore on discord
>i cut myself
>cluster b
jesus christ
>describe yourself
kinda fit although some feminine traits i suppose, im a huge sadomasochist :3
>looking for
a cute skinny boy that i can enjoy abusing whenever i want :3 (i can also give you affection afterwards if you want hehehe)
>not looking for
fat, masculine boys...
>contact info (discord, kik...)
discord: phaliia
You could have stopped at ftm the rest is a given
If you are still talking to her know that "she" is underage. I hope you are happy.
This kind of "mutual intense obsession, deep almost unconditional love, becoming one" relationship is a dream come true for me. I don't believe a relationship like this is possible in a full form because the odds of connecting with someone on so many levels alongside desiring such an intense relationship has to statistically be incredibly low.
A lite version in a regular relationship can be achieved if both parties want it to be. You won't connect in every area, and the emotions won't be as intense, but it will come close enough where it will feel sufficient.
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30/m/us, gay
>describe yourself
5'11", white, fat. Not rich, but definitely financially secure. Sex isn't very important to me, but I usually top.
>looking for
A lazy slob neet boy to fatten to death. Like, no joke 800 lbs, immobile, heart attack by 35 fat. I want to feed you until you can't fit out the door and then keep going.
>not looking for
Women. I prefer younger (22-30) guys with little or no body hair, but as long as you have a penis you're in the running.
>contact info (discord, kik...)
kik: calichubster
all i want is someone who will yet at me until i cry

why is that so hard to find?
Your kik is turning up nothing.
Anti-semite looking for a jew gf.
I need that forbidden romance experience in my life.

Bonus for being one of the pale dark haired blue eyed ones like Michelle Trachtenberg and such
>looking for
black female interested in 26 y/o, /fit/, slavic man
>not looking for
outside of US, fat, not black

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Puppy girl looking for owner. I’m shy and need to be pushed and trained.
Kik: xemoorex
I want to be turned into a whore. I love being degraded. I love being humilated. I would love for you guys to send me PMs telling me how big of a WHORE I am. Looking for cocks to spread my asshole,I want you balls deep in my tight little asshole, to push down my throat. I love being called how big of a CUMDUMPSTER that I am, I love being called ANALWHORE. Tell me what you would do to a big SLUT that I am. Destroy a little inexperienced WHORE like me... Describe to me how you are going to ruin my tight little WHORE asshole. I'm just a big fucking cocksucking WHORE. Tell me how you will turn me into the biggest whore you have ever seen. Kik prettyss77
I'm a white guy who is into the standard video games, some tabletop but I also enjoy hiking and have a few more outside hobbies.

Send me an email at binchickenwrangler@proton.me
most people don't want to legitimately hurt their partner. it takes genuine sadism to achieve that. you're looking for a small fraction of the population, without considering any other traits you might also filter for.

it's like me searching for an anorexic girl. the anorexic female body type turns me on so much, but they are rare out in the wild. it's far more likely to encounter healthy weight or overweight girls (gross)
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Bump bump bump bump!!!
Put more details down. Like an asl
Fat ugly faggot looking for someone to fill the void.
Kik: anchoriteparenthesis
I don't know why I replied to the puppy girl post, this has nothing to do with puppy girls. Puppy girl, please ignore me.
Are you the guy named Ryan who I briefly edated in 2022 before I got ACKed by the police? My name starts with N
I make good money, have an education and career, but I want yours. You spoil me. I use your money to travel, fuck more attractive men, funnel it into my looks/beauty costs, and maintain a cushy lifestyle. Currently saving up for some plastic surgery (bigger boobs, maybe some lipo), cause let’s be real the hotter I am, the more men fork over. I don’t sell content, but will happily reward sweet and generous boys. If you’re good to me, I’m good to you. It’s that simple. We might connect on a deeper level (would be nice) but you’d have to be something special.
kek, what a bargain
>describe yourself
Tall introverted nerd, main interests gaming and music. Allegedly handsome, dadbod, facial hair varies.
Here because relationships usually start me off being nice, over time I get more demanding
>looking for
Bio F for long-term relationship, long-distance OK, any age (18+) or body type
>not looking for
>contact info
Discord: atwahr
>bigger boobs
I really wish women would stop this. You're literally ruining yourselves.
Unless you’re paying my bills, your opinion doesn’t matter.

I can tell by what this guy has written that he is a certain soc psycho and troll who keeps creating multiple accounts at a time to harass fems on here. He's been at it for years. Creepy as hell. Other discord tags he's currently using are:

If you're weird, can't handle the banter or you're lacking in swag, I'll just remove ya. Not sorry!
m, east asian..

>looking for
a bio white girl who is into AMWF (raceplay), lewd, reliable, and will spam me with her unfiltered thoughts every day.

>not looking for
unresponsive, inconsistent sillies.

>discord (introduce yourself briefly)
28/m Looking for an f or ftm to keep me company and hang out virtually as I travel across south America for three weeks. I can be your pick-me-up, or your sweet release, or a shoulder to cry on. Whatever you want right now, let me know and lets see if it works out.
KIK: splamjammer

Disc: pvrsi

About me: former practicing pleasure dom from SF, following SSICK/RACK kink principles. Very into pet play and age play. Used to have a 2 day a week cgl relationship pre-covid and I miss that dynamic a lot.

Other stuff: i fix motorcycles as a hobby, like racing games, and have been a professional chef for almost 15 years now.
18 year old fat and ugly ftm from Brazil
>about me
Depressed autistic red chud who likes to talk a lot about things I care about (mostly related to politics and humanities in general). I like reading Western literature (and comics). I hate math and the orient. I'm also vaguely mentally ill and extremely possesive.
>looking for
M, FTM or MTF who will let me dump everything (emotional slop, rants, and the such) onto them. An obsessive person who will love me unconditionally as long as I give them attention. Preferably under 5'8" and skinny. The younger the better.
>not looking for
Cis women and indians need not apply.

consequencesofobesity on Discord
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30 m us est
>describe yourself
Sadistic,aspd, dom, obsessive, possessive.
>looking for
Cutter, and masochistic gf or passing trans. Somone into pain and giving that pain to me.
>not looking for
Role players and larps
>contact info (discord)
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my ideal obsessed weirdo; picrel
got a lil busy and dropped off for a bit
*important: must be willing to visit, sooner than later, prob this summer! i wanna have funnn

when you add me, please save image and highlight which things fit you, frame it in the context of like... "this is how i would act if enamored with someone" so i can read over and see if you're a good fit. thank you :)
*do not apply if you don't want to make out with my feet
discord is nekrosister
Bump! I know you are out there
>describe yourself
White/Slim hourglass body/5,5/ long brown hair/ blue eyes
>looking for
Somebody local (around east coast) to abuse me and turn me into their slave/pet. Somebody who is mentally insane and has sick abnormal desires. A possessive and obsessive person.
>not looking for
Non cis men, roleplayers, Non white/latino
>contact info
Discord: Cybercorrupted
I like talking to inexperienced girls who like to explore their lewd side. Ideally in between lewd talks I can be a source of comfort,advice, and just generally give them attention.

>Wants local
>40mim away isn't local
>Fastest block in the west
20 f southern us
>describe yourself
highly neurotic fake blonde tradlarper
>looking for
violent mutual obsession that leads to marriage and a family
>not looking for
anachans. i just got out of ed treatment
>contact info (discord, kik...)
Ion know who tf u are but i would of blocked you cause your a fucking specimen sorry.
Ok well just so you know local means in your ass apparently
funny as an even more "abominable fucked up fetish" threads ends up with us trad wives and right wings larpers.

really, most of you US ppl are so... dumb. It seems you can't even read or understand your own language.
join my dating server. weirdos, neets and coomers welcome

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M25, Yurop.

I'm looking for a completely miserable girl. Someone who has not experienced a drop of actual affection in her life but is craving for it. Ideally someone who has nobody and truly needs a friend and a life partner.

I'd wife you up and make you happy, shower you with affection everyday and make you feel special and loved, in a sincere and genuine way: it's something I'd truly enjoy doing and a relationship dynamic I'd enjoy.

You must be willing to go all-in if we end up liking each other and possibly relocate (although I'd be willing to relocate for the right person, too).

If you are interested, send me a friend request and tell me something about yourself. Let's get to know each other.

Discord: fusteldecoulanges
sometimes i wish i was attractive enough that i could make men hate me but still want to have sex with me.

happy middleground? i hope you find your ana girl anon
I want a girl who will let me cum on her fresh self harm wounds

Would also be kinda hot to see my blood on your lips at some point too
ONLY looking for overly obsessive girlfriend
>Moid, 26, EU

Narcissist. Physically, and verbally abusive. Likes hard drugs, and domestic violence. Hates dogs. Likes cats. 6’1”, athletic, short brown hair, green eyes, pale, two small tattoos. I have good hygiene, am self aware, and am attentive. A nice car. A steady career. A nice place. For these reasons, moving is basically impossible for me. I like reading, writing, and cooking. I enjoy horror and action movies. My favorite bands are Pantera and Kreator, though I enjoy Lebanon Hanover too. By default I dress in black. As far as red flags go, I’ve cheated before, and for the duration of this year am busy as hell with work, so buyer beware. I view relationships as agreements. If you hold up your end of the bargain you’ll have nothing to worry about as far as fidelity goes. Shockingly, I have some soft side for some people sometimes. If you want to know something more intimate, just ask. I’m not shy.

Biological woman for a long term relationship. LDR is fine, but not forever. ASPD, NPD, and schizophrenia are good. MacDonald Triad. Criminality. Abuse of substances or other people. If you’re a victim of abuse that’ll interest me. If you’ve sold yourself, that’ll interest me. If you start shit for fun and get into fights, that’ll definitely get my attention. Self harm. Ideally black hair, and skin that’s so pale that it looks pink. If you also enjoy dressing in black, that’s good. Tattoos and piercings are good. Self awareness is a must. I like people who are attentive to details. I want someone who I can really treat like a peer and count on. Someone who knows what they want. Body type is largely irrelevant.

People with low self esteem (some wiggle room here). Bad texters. Generally BPD (some wiggle room here). People who lack self awareness. Incompetent people. Grossly overweight people. Darkies and Asians. Anorexic people. Shy people. Open relationship people. Moms. Indecisive people. Losers. Dirty people.

>Disc: alimonyactual
all i want is a girl who will let me make her feel as bad as i do, i want to spread whatever is wrong with me into her mind through verbal abuse and neglect. I wish i had a gf with an eating disorder i could make worse by telling every little detail about her body that i don't like. I wish i could make her cry and want to commit suicide then hold her against my chest while she cuts herself. i want to do depraved things to her while she wont stop me and i will remind her that no matter how much i hate her, she'll always hate herself more. But obviously im probably not gonna do that to a girl cuz its kinda fucked ngl
Fucking bottom feeding scum.
M23 usa

White, 5'9" Fresh out of long term relationship and looking for a mean bitch to put me down. Bully me and tell me all about guys who are better than me. Otherwise, looking for guys who enjoy the humiliation too.

Not looking to talk about said relationship, I want someone who cares about me for the wrong reasons to dominate me.

Disc: skakris.
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>looking for slavic man
>not looking for non-black

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