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Now that the dust has settled... what do we think of Seon and the Anniversary? New expansions are always great since that means more toys to play with but I don't agree with them pushing a stronger emphasis on custom epics and bringing back hell mode to facilitate (lol) the process. The Anniversary did help give out two (2) guaranteed 4/4 pieces but if you didn't have enough 3/4s already the results won't be significant enough to warrant a switch from a fixed build. Maybe it's because I'm a lucklet and call it cope but I'll stick with Archon so I can turn my brain off and unga bunga through dungeons, thanks.

The other Anniversary rewards were helpful too and just as you expected from every year. Geared an alt with the free rare clone avatar and emblems, topped off with the fabled +13 weapon ticket which boosted their fame rather quickly. Now I can larp as a chink whale with that sweet sweet sweet pink glow.
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>I only have 35k.
you'll have to keep growing with fragments. are you doing your weekly ispins and total war? they drop a decent amount of boundary fragments as well plus materials to buy fusion epics that help increase your damage and fame a little. in the quest book under side stories there are some quests that reward a fusion epic box for 1/4 of the normal price, it's very helpful to start out with after a couple of clears
>Weekly ispins and total war
Yea I did, am I suppose to go full lighting fusion set if I using object set?
correct, for object build you want the following fusions
gold dragon
>total war/bakal raid
>hall of dimensions
>Using fragile boundary fragment doesn't seem worth it unless there a way to exchange to higher tier of boundary fragment?
That's like saying you want to convert pennies into quarters, which is utterly pointless. If you want higher tier frags, you need to run content where higher option level frags/equips drop. Mediator of Balance is the ideal spot if you got the entry mats and sufficient fame for it.
>when they catch me trying to snoop around for saucy fanarts

Bullshark has cum to Mechwarrior Online™ Legends: A BattleTech™ Game. Talk about it, arrange Living Legends games (lol), and discuss how much you hate your team.
Clam Invasion:

Armored Core:


Mechwarrior Living Legends:

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Tried to get into MW5. Am I missing something?
Seems like you just go from star to star doing the same repetitive missions over and over. Kill this dude, wait here until dudes show up and kill them, kill these dudes and also this building. No real twists or surprises, the novelty's worn off a dozen hours in and it feels like a chore to keep playing.

Does something happen or change up eventually? The only thing my reputation increasing has actually done is increase the quality of mechs I can buy and fight against, but they all seem to play fundamentally the same.

The base game's Career mode tends to be like this. The enjoyment is supposed to come from building a merc company from the ground up while customizing your mechs.

Highly recommend going modded with stuff like YAML (and the related YAxx mods), vonBiomes, etc. for true replayability. There will still be repetition but it's far more varied.

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Level down: >>1261488
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The gift that keeps on giving.
Oh, is Setsuko trans now? Congrats to he/him!
No, what was it and where did it happen?
Some dude having a meltdown on stream (no VOD) about a GM ticket. Simps showed up to defend GMs. It somehow went on for 4 hours.
Thelastsamurai was the streamer?
and what was the meltdown about?

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>steam url
>games you're looking to play
>games you don't want to play
no trannies
no furries
be a decent human being
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interesend in yo gi oh (dl,md) and retro vidya. Feel free to add fren
>3.4 hours past 2 weeks
I can't keep up with old games, the standard of play is too high and if I wanted to get shit on I'd just go play apex legends or some shit
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Anyone up for stationeers? Factorio? Any engineering games other than minecraft please.
none if us have played in like a decade.

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Get it here

Over 650 unlockable playable characters from series' entire lifespan, along with some Konami guests
Over 70 stages, totaling around 500 variants to play on
6 different Battle Mode rules - Survival Battle, Reversi Battle, Dodge Battle, Hyper Bomber, King Battle, Battle Royale
Plethora of different items, many of which you already know and love, some never seen before (if you're not into it though, worry not - you can turn them off)
Frantic gameplay up to 12 players

To enter the server go: Battle Mode > Online > Enter the one server that appears > Select room.

If you're bad/new, feel free to ask for a handicap.

Pass is: read the filename
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Lobby is up
Lobby up
Lobby up

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Am I too late?
Its taking me around 20 minutes to find a match late at night in NA.
Am I learning a dying game? Any advice for a new player?
I figured I'd try each hero at least once before deciding on a main
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I miss 6.81.
Yes. My group of friends quit because Deadlock is on the horizon. The game will displace Dota since shooters are more popular, just add the Dota mechanics and not many people will keep playing it.
Deadlock will be kino
My impression it's alive among eastern europe/russian players but dead everywhere else. These players have an effect of chasing anyone else away pretty much because they are FAS drunks and toxic communicating only in their primitive languages.
Picking heroes is way more important in DOTA, so it's really over at the draft because most of the heroes do not have significant skill elements. Probably a majority of players still playing use the "dota plus" paid interface addon which shows you detailed stats for each pick, and even shitbrained people have very deliberate picks and get real mad at you before the game has even begun.
Arguably the game has been pretty terminally mismanaged, most dota players just say you are bad(at a 1 unit RTS game) and your opinion doesn't matter but really the high skill players don't really like it either.
I had enough of trashtalking Russians; is there a joyful equivalent of Tianmen square copypasta I can send them?

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NEOTOKYO° is a multi-player first person shooter that provides a visceral & realistic combat experience in a rich futuristic setting.

The game is a standalone Source mod, so you don't have to own HL2 or Source SDK to play.


There is always a game every Friday evening, around 18:00 UTC, and there's always a possibility that a game is going on during weeknights and the weekend.
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Had a full 25 player server last Friday. Looking forward to today's game.
how are the physics in this game?
where is the server located
It's a source game with source physics.
I think the two most played ones are in Europe.
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Game on.

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Have cheaters essentially ruined FPS games for anyone else as well? Years back I enjoyed playing PUBG, but then it got ruined by an influx of an unholy number of cheaters. I used to like playing Siege too, but cheaters at higher ranks and ubisoft's retarded decisions rendered the game basically unplayable for me. Same situation with Hunt and higher ranks too, it's all either cheaters or rats, or both. Got into Tarkov a couple years back, but it turned out the EU region in that game is one giant farm for Chinese RMT cheaters, there also isn't any matchmaking in Tarkov, meaning cheaters play in the same lobbies as shitters and aren't put in high containment ranks. Bf1 used to be great as well, but so many servers specifically in the EU region seem to be filled with either cheaters or high level sweats who have all meta guns unlocked these days.

Don't even get me started on games like CSGO/2 and Warzone.

The only shooters that I found have very few/almost no cheaters are HLL, Squad and Insurgency, but these games are really boring and heavily promote camping due to their low TTK. There are also no meaningful progression/goals in these shooters, essentially you just camp around, rack up kills and don't really get anything for it, besides some xp/points that let you unlock cosmetics.

Basically at this point I'm pretty much completely out of fun games to play.
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Getting nass reported causes a vac ban. They don't need to detect a cheat to ban you for cheating, three people only need to say you are cheating.
Never read a bigger pile of horseshit in my life. I constantly get accused of cheating by salty faggots (who I'm 100% sure also mass report me) and I've never, I repeat never, once, been banned in my life for cheating. And you know why? Because I've never used a cheat in a multiplayer game in my life. If you were banned you were banned because you were cheating, that's it, there's nothing else to it. Wrongful bans do happen because of software updates, but those are lifted in 100% of cases.
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my experience with fps cheaters as of recent has been in rainbow six siege. Currently my stack is all low emerald and we average a cheater every 1 in 5 games.
About every 1 in 10 games is a rage cheater stack boosting someone (running and shooting extremely obvious just absolutely shameless cheating.)
something that no one wants to accept is that someone they beat and is obviously worse than them is cheating but that is more often the case than you think.
siege is the most disgusting example I've seen of this. there are people who cheat in siege for a fucking 1 k/d and to only peak plat.
the worse part is the denial from actually legit players. just because you beat a someone who you think was hacking doesn't mean that has to void your suspicions.
legit cheaters in comp fps are the biggest portion of cheaters and 99% of legit players cope because they can't stand the idea that the anti cheat fucking blows and there is a serious incentive to keep cheaters in a game to keep game sales up (the only example of a dev admitting this to my knowledge is nikkita of battle state games).
>I generally think consoles plebs are just too lazy to even cheat

They literally buy Cronus for aimbot and macros
Or they just use m+kb lmao.

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Everything related to VR multiplayer games is welcome.
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have at it.
Im so sorry, i used it and then when logging in to use it the website offered me 30% off. I apologize
not a problem. More players the better
So... any thoughts on the state of play?
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Behemoth gameplay looked okay, solid swordplay but nothing particularly exciting beyond that, looked mostly like small arenas with a few enemies. In my opinion the giant monsters took too much of a backseat in the gameplay shown, as if they're not going to be much more than background decoration and environmental hazards for most of the game, that would disappoint a lot of people.
Alien Rogue Incursion could be good. It's from the VR studio that made Creed and Sprint Vector, both of those are decent but then again they also made the other Walking Dead VR game which nobody ever talks about because it's just boring. Horror and VR is a natural pairing, it should be hard for them to fuck it up.
Notice that the trailers for both of these games have shitty framerates. If I'm charitable I'll assume it's a combination of in-dev builds and disabling foveated rendering to record flat footage, otherwise it raises concerns for performance on other platforms (both games are on Quest and PCVR too).

PSVR2 guys are understandably seething about Astrobot dumping VR.

Pretty grim for flatties too if you ask me. Remakes, derivative soulslikes and a few PvP hero shooters that nobody even wants anymore. At least there will be a new Monster Hunter game.

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We Are Back Edition

Dev stream #10
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kIecKDGIiI [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

>Latest News
https://blueprotocol.swiki.jp (with active codes)

>Interactive Map (with named-enemy spawn location/requirements)

>Adventure Board

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1st anniversary update teaser site dropped
>took 7 hours to beat ex sp solo with aegis
>literally 2 seconds left on the clock
Holy shit I never want to do this garbage again
the method in OP still works
Reminder to check the shop for the daily goody box, it doesn't automatically get sent to your mailbox.
I'm still hype for western release. The network test played just like the jp betas

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Please play our game edition

>Graphics Settings Analysis
>Jan 2024 Dev Letter
>Old bin
>Old thread

I can't think of anything else to add.
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With the way sundy loadouts are right now you can run both cloak and deployment shield/blockade
It's kinda funny, nice QOL and i've fucked over so many cheeky LAs thinking they were getting a free C4 kill on a cloaked bus.
Haven't played this game in over a year, is it actually dead now?
Still clinging on about the same as it was a year ago, just with more doomposting despite a much needed sundie buff on the way.
I just want to run around captured territory defending it from very easy to kill non-humanoid AI enemies.
So you want to play on Vanu and fight on the TR front all day?

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anyone else playing the update

i haven't played in years and trading coins for recipes is a lot better than the fucking paper rng grind was
but I must be missing something because the tiering is kinda fucked
I have to beat a 53 guy at 47 to get thick leather recipe
unless i'm missing somewhere I can farm it

also why the fuck do crafting stations not take things from chests
like 90% of the time spent in base is sorting items and moving items from place to place

i also wish the skill gems were more impactful, like getting a skill jewel should make me want to use a skill I normally don't use because it makes it that much better
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Overall it's a solid game. Pretty much all the changes/additions from Beta are good. Brutal boss mechanics are pretty much all extremely well balanced and fun to fight.
I almost wish it was a single player game or something. I think the major draw for most people is the Vampire aesthetic. The worldbuilding and design of everything are top tier, but ruined by the fact it's a shitty survival game. Meaning you have to deal with a ton of other annoying cunts constantly who couldn't hack it in Rust.

>>1295050 is still accurate, which is unfortunate because most of the people I've played with in various PvP and PvE servers are cool and chill but there's always like one or two clans who act like fags and ruin it for everyone else.
The game still suffers from the fact that there's no endgame. Besides grinding Rifts hoping for a 2% drop chance Legendary which gets boring as shit after like two days. Once you hit max gear and spend a few days building out your big ol' castle, there's pretty much nothing to do.

Also here's my story
>join RP server
>two literal trannies are the only admins
>act exactly how you would expect, just begging for attention
>spamming gchat with the orange Server Alert text so everyone has to read their takes
>Never actually doing their jobs, just following people around invisibly like weird ass stalkers
>Constantly getting into arguments with the players
I left after beating Drac. Didn't even get to Solarus or Adam lol.
I was playing it in single player, only have a couple bosses left but just can't work up the motivation to continue.
>was having fun with a solo brutal run
>reach 80+
>bosses are more frustrating than fun now
Oh well.
>Once you hit max gear and spend a few days building out your big ol' castle, there's pretty much nothing to do.
Allegedly - you're supposed to join a clan and strangle the server you're on.
It's just another one of those soulless bronze pickaxe to farm gold -> gold pickaxe to farm diamond waste of time cookie clicker progression systems

Also it has shit tier boss mechanics where you have to use the spinning axe and run around the whole time poking with spells because getting near the boss is death



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Yeah, just search for tastosis on YouTube.
I usually just check out tournaments on SC2Casts
Anyone know if there are any more sc1 vs sc2 showmatches scheduled?
I don't but let me know if you find any 'cus that one was great; as an ASL/GSL user I very much enjoyed it
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More like FARTosis

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Another LFG thread, this time with an emphasis on engineering games. Post steam name or server IP or whatever.

Anyone interested in learning Stationeers with me? I just bought it and want to learn how to play with other newbies. It's on sale but will start a vanilla crack friendly server if there's any interest
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Stationeers? Factorio?

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