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Metal, Punk, Rock
Previous thread >>5543364
38 replies and 34 images omitted. Click here to view.
File: YGYLDevilElectric.webm (2.08 MB, 480x480)
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2.08 MB WEBM
As it's nearly aif 5

File: mfjs.webm (859 KB, 384x288)
859 KB
Things that are old memes
66 replies and 30 images omitted. Click here to view.
>not posting the correct version
Shii's voice sounds even better with CMPRSSN
Neck yourself.
File: YTMND.webm (5.94 MB, 360x360)
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File: WorldsSlowestOrgasm.webm (1.53 MB, 800x600)
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1.53 MB WEBM
newfag spotted

Eastern European women
28 replies and 5 images omitted. Click here to view.
they already said
>Women are too stupid to pick a male partner.
>dating ecelebs
File: Ukraine.webm (2.9 MB, 1280x720)
2.9 MB
>they actually fell for the BBC porn myth
Honestly, even as a black guy this would be insulting right? Unless you don't care and just want a hookup, but would you want a girl that wants you purely because you're the forbidden fruit? She just wants to make her father mad
You think I go for White women to marry them? This is why you lost.

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138 replies and 31 images omitted. Click here to view.
yeah right and his nose was itchy in the same moment
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180 KB GIF
USA went to war because in 1930 Germany was the weakest economy in Europe and by 1935 it was the strongest economy in the world. If they had let that continue then eventually the American goyims would have started to understand how badly they were being stolen from and by who. Same reason that Britain and France went to way, to protect the owners of their central banking systems.
One of the primary members of Ace of Base was in a NatSoc band before hitting it big. There have been rumors that "I Saw The Sign" refers to a certain taboo ancient symbol. And the music video for "All That She Wants", which is a song about a manipulative whore, opens up with the woman in question fondling a necklace of six pointed stars.

It's a stretch, perhaps, but fun to think about. In this context "Happy Nation" seems pretty clear, with lines like "A man can die, but not his ideas" while a copy of Origin of Species spins in the background.
Insufficiently cancer and low-effort to be /leftypol/
>germany for germans
The fucking nerve of those racists!

Kon Kon Edition

>Virtual Youtubers rankings


>Webm making guide

>Webm Software
XMedia Recode: https://www.xmedia-recode.de/en/
MPV Player & Scripts: https://mpv.io/

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
282 replies and 146 images omitted. Click here to view.
>compatible with Christian (catholic) faith
Holy retard, for once, read a book that isn’t the holy bible
she's telling french people to go to bed (les français au lit) and then follows with american only
Tickled me
No, this is Patrick.
She's so precious

File: SingMeToSleep.webm (5.8 MB, 1280x720)
5.8 MB
147 replies and 53 images omitted. Click here to view.
lmao just love your family and friends you dingus
fix the problem, kill your self
nigga doing the bare minimum and thinks his something.

having a child isn't a job. life isn't a job. you work a job, you live your life and you love your child.
bro i fucking cried.

i think people should focus on the good in people and not always in fear of evil. true evil is rare, but people are mostly good.

sorry for spazing out in the comments. just had to get it out of my system.

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Something that does not fit other threads.

Animals, animal interaction or human/animal interactions, behaivour.
74 replies and 21 images omitted. Click here to view.
Insects don't have a conscience, nobody cares what they do to each other. Also no, cases like Junko Furuta prove humans are able to inflict horror more than any animal can, because humans have conscience. Nobody cares what a mindless insect with no conscience does to another. What's next, bringing up what viruses do to cells?
we're talking about the creation itself, tard. humans doing horrible shit is pretty obvious, but the point is that nature is not a single bit behind on what it does regardless of the conscience meme that is not even that well defined in science (let's wait if in the future AI will actually challenge this topic). saying "don't think about it further, goy, it's only le bad when humans do it" is shallow
Parasitism isn't any more amoral than you eating hamburgers, its just more alien to you. You can't consume other living beings and give yourself a pass, while condemning other animals for the same thing. BTW, parasites are the reason why pork is unclean meat.
>pork unclean
maybe in some backwards desert shithole

File: angy.webm (3.93 MB, 426x240)
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this place is too polluted with politics and race shit, please come along if you wanna see cute things, and contribute if you want
109 replies and 74 images omitted. Click here to view.
I would absolutely let this cutie conquer me and defend me.
lol no it isn't, blacks just rule at sports
These little moments are definitely staged right? They are aware they are on camera at all times and its not so outrageous to believe they can just stay in character. It's exactly what you'd expect from one of these barely human, contract people.
>You don't believe it?

File: Coomer.webm (2.95 MB, 854x480)
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Post some very funny wbms from ur computer's hd or somewhere else
115 replies and 41 images omitted. Click here to view.
that spot was fucking crazy
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3.99 MB WEBM

Traditional, digital, and stop-motion animation and other /co/-related content. Previous thread hit file limit: >>5521194
[French edition]
67 replies and 61 images omitted. Click here to view.
ongezellig cato-by-cato by Dominick van der Hoff
thanks anon
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1.17 MB WEBM
Post food you wanna eat now, not playdough street food junk.
159 replies and 82 images omitted. Click here to view.
File: Bad recipe.webm (3.39 MB, 270x480)
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Just buy a phone case that lets you prop it up so you can eat, what the fuck
Oi guvnah, 'ad a few too many pints did we now?
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Compare and contrast
Has the video of the guy "recycling" the chewing gum been posted here yet?

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Post clips about Christianity and your favorite Bible verses.

Previous thread: >>5497955
196 replies and 117 images omitted. Click here to view.
They're awake but in the transcendent sense no not at all
Ask a dog the meaning of life it will bark at you
well at least you dont think dogs go to heaven or something.
We arent told either way so idk
Not really something that should matter
>you honestly believe that there's life after death?
Trees drop seeds, and the seeds grow. The tree dies, but the sapling lives. So we have at least found this one form of life after death together. Stay a while, and let's see if we can think of any other forms of life after death.
What's the meaning of life?

The Skibidi War is going FOR PLUNGER
Post skibidi. Anything skibidi.

Previous Thread: >>5514305
171 replies and 37 images omitted. Click here to view.
LFG! Kinda worried about the scale of the battles going up though. We're at 2 weeks per episode as it is already.
They were still under indoctrination to become proper skibidis. Just this episode we saw two mutant skibidis lock hands and they were excatic to see the other survive the battle. Skibidi toilets are confirmed to have feelings. Meanwhile elite tv man outright dismissed them as having brain rot and ordered them to be executed. You tell me who is more just in this war. The humans were forced to become skibidis, but Gman had no choice because he needs them to kill the astros which arw the true enemy. Gman is like Leto II Atreides. He appears to be a villain, but in time we will see he was correct.
How long does it take to create assets in SFM? If he planned this in advance, maybe this past month primarily consisted of writing, set, and character construction?
Wonder if it will permanently lose the right eye.
>Gman was a former astrotoilet commander that crash landed on earth

That does not make sense given that he was transformed into a skibidi in episode 4

File: comfy winter cabin.webm (2.56 MB, 800x450)
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webms and gifs welcome
76 replies and 59 images omitted. Click here to view.
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Wild OG Exit Music Moment Kek
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1.88 MB WEBM

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5.86 MB WEBM
post your kino
>no gore
270 replies and 81 images omitted. Click here to view.
Would be great for /drugfeel/ if only they had sound
Just when you thought war couldn't get any faker or gayer.
not trying to brag but sonic could beat all of them
theyre "falling" in the sense by that point its unpowered flight. MIRVs are not boosted directly to the target. They are boosted into orbit and then into descent. Their speed is different due to the fact different ICBMs have different ranges and also different ballistic trajectories, and thus need different orbital speeds to make sure these work. Minute man for example is launched from the US, and can re-enter at a lower angle since its target is going to be on the other side of the world, and it needs to first travel accross the planet and then hit. The Trident on the other hand has to support a wider range of angles, because its target could be on the other side of the globe or right next to where ever the sub launches it.
Different re-entry speeds and different aerodynamics. Same reason a dart and a feather have different terminal velocity.
It would make more sense than the speed of sound as defined at sea level at room temperature.

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