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Last thread (>>3032923) reached its limit. Lets enjoy the Faerun men.
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>Last thread (>>3032923(Cross-thread)) reached its limit.
? The last thread isn't at image or bump limit the actual fuck lol
I couldnt post any more images so I gather it was at the limit.
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The image limit is three fucking hundred.
anyone has more bottom astarion?
Too girly
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>no Minsc
>anorexic Halsin
>no buff Wyll

Thread full of women.
bg3 is for women, if you were male you'd have only played 1 and 2.

you annoying niggers only come to bg3 threads to complain, and for someone who bitches so much about females you sure act a fucking lot like some triggered cuntoids
my post wasn't complaining, learn to take banter you female-brained ape.
Nice melt downs.
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Are women racists for real???
Astarion, Astarion, Astarion... It's always the same shit: Slim, pale and very sharp features. Even Astarion they make him looks like 20 years old.
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really fucking hate patreon, all decent artists keep paywalling their porn and ruining fandom
i don't keep up with baldur's gate to know which artists are which but try checking https://kemono.su/ there's a good amount of yaoi artists' paid posts uploaded on it
Women have a rape victim kink. If Wyll got fucked by his dad or some shit they'd probably be all over him.
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all this talk about women and political correctness is killing my boner, why are these threads always so weird
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please do share the names of any of those artists who draw bg3, because kemono never has the ones i want (pic related)
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Faggots should ether learn how to draw or commission more porn instead of being a bunch of whiny useless entitled cunts.
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Learn to contribute.

Women like interesting men, powerful men, and dangerous men. Wyll is not interesting, not even a little, and doesn't even like what power he can get in game. He's just really fucking lame. Astarion has the most content in game, and the best writing and acting of the party, so of course he's most popular. Gale and Halsin are also popular. Blame whoever decided to dumb down Wyll's story in the rewrite and style him like he's a homeless man living in a dumpster.
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I'm convinced it's just one guy who really hates women and trannies and every time something doesn't go his way it's women and trannies fault. And then he has to clog up the image board with blog posts about it with no contribution to the thread, despite claiming he wishes there was more of x or y he does nothing to make that happen.
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Dont waste your time it cant read all that, thats too many hard words
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very nice
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It's legitimately just the one extremely spergy bara/trap schizo bleeding into the current popular fandom yaoi threads to troll when they don't get enough attention doing their usual derailment/shitposting shtick.
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