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>mfw realizing cosplay is only worth it if you're attractive
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Just cover your ugly ass
And yet I'll do it anyways.
Most hobbies don't do that actually
Literally just stop being fat
>show someone a basic crochet

>show someone some basic anime art'

>show someone cosplay
>heh. isnt that kinda embarassing?

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What would be the best material to make a suit of power armor? Small pieces of 3d print, foam? Should I design it in the early fallout slimmer style or the later fallout mech style?
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I can offer no advise, but please do post pictures of the work in progress and finished results.
Would this armor look weird on a 5’7 guy? Also how do I figure out sizing?
box stilts
As someone who has made 3D printed power armor (Not Fallout).
Don't do it, it's just too heavy. I don't know what the right answer is because I really like the sharpness and symmetry of prints. I really want to try a mix of foam and prints but I'm not there yet

The helmet will help, but the in-game model also has like 6" of stilts in them so it probably would look of not to tower over people

Check out some software called Armorsmith for sizing, basically punch in your measurements and you can snap pieces onto an avatar and tweak on sizes
3/4 wall chromoly steel

old thread reached img limit >>10787408
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Any luck?
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Have many anime cons outgrown their current convention centers / venues?

Anime Expo and Katsucon both seem at their limit
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How did Otakon do in DC? Haven't been since like 2016 or something.
I know that's why Anime Weekend Atlanta had to swap venues.

I'm gonna miss that convention center!
Nope, Anime Boston recently signed contracts keeping them in the Hynes currently up to 2028. It's also been said that the BCEC layout/configuration does not align to what Anime Boston wants to do/offer.
It shrank down to about 24,900 in 2017-first year in DC, climbed up to about 28,500 in 2018 & 2019. Coming back from COVID in 2021, it shrank down to 25,564 despite only having a masking requirement. It climbed to about 40,500 in 2022 (in part due to AnimeNEXT's issues in 2022) and to about 42,000 in 2023.

So I'm trying make the weapons in pic related and I was wondering what materials I should use.
Real metal. Go hard or go home.

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I've only seen one thread on this in the past, but it's getting into the peak time of year soon so why not see if there's any interest.
>favorite designs/tailmakers (fin fun, mertailor, fin folk)
>fabric tails vs silicone
>the actual exercise component of swimming with a monofin
I know there are mers on here and I'm trying to actually take the plunge and get a tail this year.
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Really wish I could have gotten one of the merbella ones. Sigh.
>it's summer again
Any plans?
Workout until i attain my ideal merman body
Trying to organize a big swim meetup for all the mermaids in my area at a pretty area, a very nice natural spring... but it's several hours away so not sure how many people will end up coming. Me and one other mermaid are committed but I have the feeling a lot of people saying "yes!" right now are going to bail closer to the date. But even if it's just us two we'll still enjoy it at least.

I'm also trying to make more jewelry for myself. Bracelets and such out of cultured pearl beads, so I can stop using plastic ones when I swim.

Heya /cgl/! I made the decision to give cosplaying a try. I cant describe how much i enjoyed it, especially because im a very extroverted person. What do you guys think of my first cosplay? :]
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>even when cosplaying a CRT they still dress like sluts
I'm going to do my first cosplay soon too.
Me too anon
Tomorrow in fact
what did y'alls cosplay as?
Denji from Chainsaw Man

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I just started new journey of cosplay! Please support me on this new journey.
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I use very good perfume!
i fear men on 4chan
Looks good.
slightly showing your panties, good whorish move
Looks rad!

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Films/tv shows that are based on cosplay/con culture or at least reference it in some way.

I felt that 2Kawaii4Comfort was (for better or worse) the most accurate description of going to a small con and having a bad time at it. It's a shame it ended on a cliffhanger.
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Honestly as someone in the competitive scene this show is like crack to me and my friends. Competitive cosplayers are just /like/ that, the show is spot on with the ridiculousness and how life or death serious people get stressed over it
I just finished the first episode and I agree. This is pretty accurate to how intense/emotional some of these people can get with this competition.

On that note, the difference between the contestants who are treating the cosplay contest as a life or death situation vs the ones that are having fun with it is night and day. One of the contestant's perfectionism resulted in her completely skipping the competition.
Agree, will say it's also super interesting to rewatch the show through the 2024 lens of competitive cosplay, where we have so much more available technology that is the norm in contest cosplays now. Seeing a pre-3d printer competitive scene was great
電車男 (Densha Otoko). Although it's an exaggerated comedy and not directly related to cosplay, it's one of the few series I've seen that still pretty accurately portrayed anime nerds and 4chan-esque culture (there are a couple cosplayers/LARPers featured in it) in many respects. I recommend the TV series over the book.
So I'm 5 episodes deep into this show and here are some moments that stood out.

1) One contestant wearing wool that she is allergic to. Which made her so sick before a cosplay skit she ended up puking before going on stage, only to do a performance that no one understood or enjoyed.

2) Yaya Han having this weird beef with Jessica Nigri over her doing lewd cosplay. It turns out they're friends in real life and the show overdramatized it simply because Jessica didn't want to be on the show.

3) Monika Lee saying to another cosplay that "you'd be the last person I'd team up with" was just a dickhead way of going about that. It's fine to not want to collab with people, but she could have had more tact.

I did a jax cosplay and at least 3 women wanted me to fuck them what the fuck is wrong with people.
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league of legends character
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what a hottie!
(what r the odds they r both purple)
You see that video of the Michael Myers pretending to choke a woman? The look of pure bliss on her face was something.
You made them fear for their lives and they tried to preemptively appease you. It's a classic female survival tactic, which is why you see women flock to abusers and psychos.

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post pics of cosplayers interacting with some random breed of comic writer/artist/creator here

(it’s all about the contrast)
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this one's pretty recent:
I know I'm embarrassing myself here, but Hayter's a sweetheart, we ended up shooting the shit for like 15 minutes because I was the only one in line.
>be Asian
>draw boobs
>ignore crybaby virtue warriors
>crush mad puss
It's that simple
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He liked it so much he had his handler take a picture on his phone.

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Lolita aprons: practical, decorative, or costumey?
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post hideous dresses
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holy shit this is awful. i love it. i'd buy it if i came across it
Not ugly, but I swear every single person who's new to lolita owns this thing and I'm getting sick of seeing it in beginner's coords without a blouse, a petticoat, shit accessories (if they're even wearing any) and shit shoes.
the brand name itself is hideous
Queen Rose Princess Dress Set
If it didn't have the dark colors clashing it would be cute

How come they’re never as cute as JP idols?
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A few years ago she said she hated idols because they were fatphobic and racist, and now she's saying she "cringes" when people call her an idol because she thinks what she does makes her "better" than that. No one's forcing her to stay in the idol community, the sooner she's gone the better.
but how could she think what she does is "better" than the idol label? makes no sense lol
Its more strongly worded so i thought maybe smth happened lol
>open relationship
what's the tea on this? Has she actually said this in public? Isn't it financial suicide to be open about relationships as an idol?

Marmalade has openly talked about her relationship with jeremy, they did the world cosplay comp together and even had a podcast.

As for the open relationship. at the melopara grad concert, marmalade’s ex, i guess? Had his arm around another girl and started introducing the girl as his partner pre-performance. So not necessarily marmalade saying this but jeremy himself. No receipts for proof but anyone who went can confirm.

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I have this sintetic wig and i canot for the love of god fix the mes it become i whased it used wig conditioner and a comb for wigs any help or idea is velocome.
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hehe'h, now I understand why some people is evil in 4chins, you get keks out of it
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welcome, welcome! you are learning, but this is hardly evil, this is some light hearted jesting, a little trolling if you will, not the totally heartless shit that some anons do.
>not the totally heartless shit that some anons do.
I see, cheers
Where on earth i writed i have jizz on my wig?
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>i have jizz on my wig

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