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I figured I'd make one. I only ever come back for cons I'm going to. Any of you men going?

Yeah I know it's expensive. And mostly drunk. But I enjoy the atmosphere and laying by the pool during the day.

I've been serious on the diet and exercise train. Should be looking good enough for my Krauser cosplay in a month.
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Hearing the people get scam is soo funny to me. Like of course I trust random person on internet with my money to save me a room.
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I went last year and it was the best con I've ever been to. Definitely you need to be staying on-site though, I was seeing like 15 people in one room like sardines on the regular.

The villa parties were great, having what is essentially a house party at an anime con is so much better than dealing with the limitations of even a larger hotel suite. People were friendly and had random badge flair to give out. Wish I could go again.

Shoutouts to Anon since you're probably in here.
Thanks bud! Hope to see you at this year's CWF!

How was Holmat? Anything interesting happen?

Anyone keeping an eye on the cosplayblackbook IG for the latest drama?

Any future plans?
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There we have it, folks. It's a week later and further than ever, but at least we're not stuck waiting until summer only to find it's cancelled. And most importantly, no atrium
NYS, retard.
You seem upset
Why are there 2 florida threads?
Also bro you were straight up BRAGGING about stealing parts of his cosplay in the main channel lmao. Ye that niggy moved to japan or whatever but lmao you're a pile of shit, also where's my 150 dollars? Don't tell me you "forgot" again

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Is it ACEN yet? edition

Previous thread >>10910795

May 17th-19th, 2024
Donald E. Stephens Convention Center & Hyatt Regency O’Hare, Rosemont, IL

Are you going for the whole weekend?
What are you cosplaying?
Is your cosplay done or are you con crunching?
Are you hosting a panel or working a booth?
Going to the rave?
Favorite part of the con?
Any other activities you’re looking forward to?
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im gonna be at the arcade sound voltex for a bit if you still wanna chat. give me something to identify you by
Sorry bro been following the gang all day. Am going to the formal dance in 15
it’s cool, im going to get dinner, no formal for me. probs going to the rave though
I implied Suzy Hansen has a face, which she does for now, and let the subjective opinion up to the reader

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You need to learn how to vibe and talk to people at conventions. If you're underage that's one thing. If you're old enough you should budget for a hotel room so you can party and party with strangers and make new friends. The best part about conventions is meeting people and subsequently running into them at other cons in other years and it's all so fucking beautiful. It's the only time you don't have to suppress your powerlevel because guess what? They know all the dumb memes you do and have a lot of overlap in interests and other things you enjoy. You can ask someone why they're green and actually learn something about Startrek because they fucking love star trek so much they painted themselves green! SO WHEN I ASK THEM THEY ARE MORE THAN WILLING TO GUSH ABOUT THE SHIT THEY LOVE! I FUCKING LOVE NERD CONVENTION SHIT HOLY FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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I'm ((OP) gargling cock btw no homo) almost 40 the fuck are you talking about?
>I'm finally going to cosplay for this upcoming one we're going to.
based. who you going as. You should work on your costume with your daughter so she can be autistic about making it look good and you can focus more on wearing it and looking like a sick fuark.
I'm an nearly 40 yo boomer the fuck are you talking about?
Oh so you're delusional. You make people uncomfortable when you speak to them and they're too nice or awkward to tell you to go away
imagine being 40 and needing alcohol to interact with people.

>69 days until Dream Con
>They went from 6k to 20k in 2023
Their day badges are dropping on May 31st and their 3 day passes are sold out. Anyone going? How we feeling about this year compared to last? Anyone going to the after party?

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There hasn't been one, which is good, but I want to ask who is going to the gooner con Waifu/Kimochii con and what thoughts you have on it and the loss of A-kon
I don't know those cons but is anyone familiar with anime Matsuri? I might go there
I'm looking to go to Dreamcon happening in Austin. Not sure if i wanna pay for just the friday or saturday badge. Might go for both

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ramona closet cosplay lolzz
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ive seen a few fat cosplayers say they hate norafawn because shes skinny and hot lol
dont think so

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FAQ & Beginners Guide:

Buyf/a/g Guide:
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Meant over 20 pieces, not 2.
Stalk reseller sites like mercari and rakuma after the lottery ends. The fun in a repeat bag is hunting down the merch, duping the design won't feel the same.
Nayrt, but Priroll merch is not a lottery system, you get to pick the badge you want as a bonus when you order a macaron set. I think that anon just meant she needs to win the (money) lottery to be able to afford a bunch of them because it's expensive and also the macarons would have to be discarded because they can't be shipped internationally (frozen perishable food item) which is a waste.
Oh I see, the roll in Priroll made my mind go to lottery kek
I understand their plight. I'm also working on a repeat bag and each can badge is typically listed for ¥2k+, but even with that pricetag I could never just print the design myself. It just feels a little disingenuous.
Yeah thats how I decided I feel about it. I might do the super minimalist rosette type thing. I'm pretty sure this badge has never ever been up for sale secondhand which makes it a bit harder, especially since I have to use a personal proxy because of the macaroons. I ordered one though and im really exited...

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Years ago, when cosplay started getting popular, but also sexual, I remember being a big fan of a certain cosplayer. They turned out to be quite rude to their fans, and I was left being disappointed by it.

Later as the years went by, I came upon information that her cosplay hype died down, her twitch and vtuber arc couldn't lift off the ground, and she lost her twitter verification, and just isn't popular anymore.

Basically what I'm trying to say in this thread is; fuck that whore. But also how has the cosplay community/scene been? Has it gotten more slutty? Worse? Better? Are people chill, or rude? Tell me your experiences from before (5-10 years ago) v.s now.
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for discord, it doesn't help that all the big servers are run by power tripping mods who instantly kill any "off topic" discussion, the "no memes in #general" is the best example of this
For what it's worth, something about HolMat makes people more closed off. I'll recognize dozens of attendees but even the ones who like to party aren't as open to it as they are back home. Holiday Matsuri is also the only major Florida con that brings in a lot of people from out of state
I remember seeing cosplays in the late 2000s and wishing to join. It was much more organic then, and while I'm aware the pornographic stuff existed it wasn't visibly a huge industry like it is now.

I was a preteen then and wouldn't have fit in. I am cosplaying now but I don't get clout online and it makes me a bit bitter. I have no interest in managing social media or selling nudes. I feel like I was born too late.
I believe it because anime nerd spaces have always been full of normalfag adjacent loser types. ie drugs and sex parties.
>ban on lolicon
/c/ has consistent lolicon threads.
/a/ has them reach bump limit at least twice a week and thats not even counting the loli-anime discussion threads.
/b/ has a consistent loli, shota, and ai degen threads full of it.

lolicon isnt banned from 4chan. NSFW on SFW boards is. /l/ was removed in like 2006 because of cp spam by antis who wanted the board gone. They do the same now but with gore or shit.

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>107 days until Fanime
>No vaccines but still have mask mandate in place

Did you get the hotel you wanted?
What are your cosplay plans?
How are we feeling about this year?
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If you like weird history, I'd recommend getting a tour at the Winchester Mystery House if you're in the area.
they do require you have your own accessories, shoes, and petticoat
They said they'd provide them, I noted on my application that I don't have any lolita wardrobe/experience. Maybe fanime was strapped for models this year
2024 is my year for finally getting into speed dating I can feel it
where the cute asian twinks at?

— cute athletic 5’6” twink

drop a discord and ill hit you up :)

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Stolen from/ic/. Post your social media links.

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Been workin on this since mid jan im in school but the staff wanted me to bring it in for the art show and now i get to use the stuff in the art room so i dont gotta pay for anything only spent around $60 on this and i think its turnin out well

what do yall think?
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Excellent work.
like anon said, some details are amazing, but the overall finishes aren't, you got skill for sure, but you gotta improve the finishing look, materials or whatever it is, you got it already, just improve it, 3D printing or whatever you need
Bro fuck you English teacher ass
Looks great. Love the originality anon!
Looks great but I would add some teeth to the chain, it's what makes chainsaws cut

What was your first cosplay?
>did a closet cosplay from a hotline miami mod maybe 26 people played
>most work I did was dyeing a stupid hat
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l4d hunter in a 2010 zombie walk
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Ooh, boy had to do some digging to find pictures of it. The first cosplay I did was one of the masked mercenaries from Atlantis the lost empire. The mask was heavy, uncomfortable, and near impossible to see out of. I nicknamed it the boiler suit for how ridiculously hot it was.
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Cheers love just rubbed one out, got anymore?
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that's funny, when I look it up it doesn't really mention anything about materials workmanship or sourcing

Old >>10874898
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plastic jiggles too, anon. modern silicone implants are pretty good.
Still. If I didn't have context for Nigri to know those are fake, I'd think those were real. Kudos to her surgeon.
yeah, she often hides her face but she's good looking.
Sounds like you're an idiot. These still look like implants.

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