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who's going? what are you going as?

this'll be my first con since like 2007.
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I'm local and I paid $300ish for 3 tickets a single night at a hotel. (I'm going with my husband and brother) I'm hoping it's at least decent.

We're doing dumb ass dungion meshi costumes so it should go over well?
Anyone wanna meet up? Going both today and tomorrow
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>Anime Impulse
Just got back. Con was incredibly mid. I'll process my photos later, though I didn't take too many. Was ignored quite a few times when I was asking for pics.
of all cons why did you pick impulse lmao
you could have gone to sakura con or some shit

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The biggest one (Anime North) is hardly relevant and only has washed up VAs, random indie vtubers, or just straight up completely unknown people as their guests. The vendors are mostly just people reselling cheap stuff from taobao or stolen prints.

It feels so shittily put together that I think I'll just not buy a ticket and instead stroll around outside taking pictures of cool cosplays. Maybe I'm just pessimistic, but the grass always seems greener on the other side.

On a side note, if anybody's into Project Moon stuff, please hit me up, I... I wanna make friends.
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bro that was pre-truck so like 2017 or 16
Sick dude, will you be cosplaying anything? Let's meet up.
canadian cons are not competing against US cons at all. no one from the US comes to our shit cons we have nothing to offer. zero NA licenses for anime or games or anything, same pool of guests with more complications. japanese guests don't want to come US guests definitely hate coming and it's basically only locals attending. like everything else canada is only competing in with the US in it's own head.
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I just want to have fun and take pics of buffs and cutes and nice cosplays.
tfw bathroom con evolved into truck con, i ''member

new larp thread

Now with 87,45% more polearms and a little bit of hydrophobia

previous thread
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That looks retarded, and most games will make you remove the glass bottles.
Meant to tag >>10914472
Got some hits on that but they were all being sold in the US for some reason :(

My options seem to be between these
https://www.epicmilitaria.com/german-wachbataillon-jackboots.html ("made in UK", might be china tho)
https://www.militarysurplus.eu/product-eng-16429--German-High-Boots-Wachbataillon-Used.html (Mil-tec)
https://www.asmc.com/boots-leather-jackboots-black?number=23181 (Mil-tec)
https://www.militarysurplus.eu/product-eng-40149-GERMAN-SAFETY-BOOTS-WITH-STEEL-TOE-CAP-USED.html (surplus)

I need a solid weatherproof complement to my actual medieval/larp shoes, which ones should I choose?
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Ehhhh... I hate it personally, and >>10914481 is right about the bottles.

I'll be honest, I also hate them all. They look way too aggressively modern to my eye, but it's your call. I would suggest probably dubbing and polishing your medieval shoes, and wearing proper wool stockings with them. And not standing in water. In the end, it's your decision and money.

Pic Are my 15th century boots, freshly dubbed with hot beeswax, before being polished. Watertight, and keeps them in good condition. Another good option is clogs for pattens for your medieval shoes.
loving the finish on that wax bro
my 12th century boots are decently water resilient, its more that they are not so tight that mud and water starts to seep in, and they give little protection against debris and provide very little stability. my previous pair had similar issues, but anyways this has more to do with just how shitty the terrain and weather is during the spring/autumn campaigns. summer is fine.

idk this problem just never seems to go away from me, I go out in the woods determined to use all my articles, but I always end up using my modern hiking boots as soon as I get the others soggy :/

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Guys, how old is too old?

Like, I am an oldfag in his mid 40s. Used to be very involved in the con scene back in the 90s and early 00s. I am currently on a very nostalgic mood about those days of yore, and planning to visit a few of the big cons to see how's the fandom nowadays. Would I be, as you youngsters say, cringe? Worse, would other congoers immediately assume I am a creepy pedophile? I don't really want to ruin some kids con experience like that.

Two things, I would be attending alone because the few con buddies from back then that I still keep in contact, are too jaded and busy to give a shit. Also, I am considering if it is a good idea to go cosplaying as an old timer character.
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Ah great , I have 11 years left
Dude do what you want. I'm telling you because I'm insecure about my age, I'm about to turn 36 and I see the lines on my face growing and I'm full of regrets and a desire to go back and try again. But I still plan to go to cons, I realized now more than ever how short life is and how fast time goes by. Do what makes you happy so you have no regrets.
It truly doesn't matter, as long as you're having fun and enjoying yourself that's all that really matters. Don't stress about it too much!
Its kind of funny how our parents does their best to drill into our heads how short life is, and in a twist we will be doing the same to the younger generations now that we know how short life is indeed.

Previous thread >>10803531 died from a lack of posts. Not all that surprising with how little there was to post about at the time. Personally I'm also somewhat done with /cgl/ and all the pointless con drama and have been focusing on other things. But now that we've got several conventions around the corner, have a new thread!

Question of the thread: What convention are you looking forward to the most this year and why?

Upcoming major events
>22-23 Sep: Elfia Haarzuilens, a large popular outdoor fantasy event in Haarzuilens.
>6-7 May: MIA NL, a popular commercial anime convention in Gorinchem.
>21-21 May: Comic Con Brussels, a large commercial geek convention in Brussels.
>9-11 June: Animecon, the oldest anime convention of the Netherlands, hosted in Rijswijk.
>24-25 June: Heroes DCC, the largest commercial geek convention with a focus on dealers.
>30 Jun-2 Jul: Dokomi DE, a large popular anime convention in Dusseldorf.
>8-9 July: Atsusacon, Belgium's largest anime convention... I think?
>3-6 August: Castlefest, a(nother) large popular outdoor fantasy event in Haarzuilens with tons of great food.
>11-13 August: Abunai!, the second oldest and probably now largest anime convention of the Netherlands, hosted in Veldhoven.
>12-13 August: Showmasters Comic Con Amsterdam, a geek convention in Amsterdam.

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>book hotel for anime con
>think of it I booked right by the event center
>check reservation from email
>hotel is inside chinatown
How badly did I screw this up? Will train be okay? I do not want to taxi.
Chinatown's street leads to Hollands Spoor on one side. If you take Tram 17 towards Wateringen from there and get out at the Volmerlaan stop, you're pretty much there already.

Be careful not to miss the last tram back though, I think the last one is around midnight or so.
And there is Uber
it's so over for you.
You mean to tell me that you aren't traveling by car or motorcycle?

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share images of your favourite maid cosplays, whether it be the cutest girls or the most fashionable and intricate designs.
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Jesus this breast plate doesn't even match her skintone. Why does Rem always attract the worst kind of retards? Horrible cosplay right here.
incredible. even the halo is well done
>alien face photoshop
this is incredibly fucking unnerving
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Old thread hit bump limit.

My comm president is having her 40th birthday tomorrow. Wtf, I would have guessed she was like 25, but she has 2 kids who both cosplay Sonic th Headgod chracter
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Got accepted to a PhD program on the other side of the country and invited to Los Alamos National Lab for a month to get up to speed with research. My lifts are up; my weight is back down. I'm also doing the cornball heritage trip to Ireland with family in at the end of the month.

I still got it. I'm still a colonial cavalier yeehaw punk rock n roll Irish nuclear cowboy '80s tough guy.
it's dangerous to go alone, take this:
"the celtic heroic age"
Trying to think of a character to cosplay sends my mind on strange and depressing tangents.
>why don't I finish shows anymore?
>why can't my favorite franchises stay good?
>have I really not played a single game made this year? or last year?
>what am I even doing with my free time these days?
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Received a 2006 Baby OP in the mail and I'm appalled by the quality. It wasn't one of their cheaper releases or a lucky pack dress. In fact, it's a relatively expensive OTT release, yet the construction, sewing job and some design choices are honestly on par with Taobao. I'm so disappointed, I never expected it from old/mid-school Baby. I was excited to put together a coord with it, but I know I'll never be able to wear a dress of this quality, so on LM it goes. What a bummer.
Hell yeah brother!

>why can't my favorite franchises stay good?
>have I really not played a single game made this year? or last year?
"You have to force behaviours".

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Well hello, Florida Seagulls. It's been a slower year here, but I know you're out there and you know I'm out there. Our local scene keeps on with one location change after the other doesn't it? HolMat where MegaCon is, OtakuFest where "Super"con is (impending lols there), Mizucon where OtakuFest was, Anime Iwai at the far end of Palm Beach County
>Alternate Title: Musical Venues Edition

>Anime in the Park - April 20 - Groveland
>Sarasota Anime-Fest - April 27 - Sarasota
>KirbiiCon - May 4 - Fort Lauderdale
>OtakuFest - May 17-19 - Miami Beach
>Mizucon - May 24-26 - Miami
>Collect-A-Con Orlando - May 25-26 - Orlando
>Finn-Con@MDC June 15 - Miami
>Anime Festival Orlando - June 28-30 - Orlando
>Metrocon - July 5-7 - Tampa
>Florida Supercon - July 12-14 - Miami Beach
>SWFL Anime-Fest - August 11 - Fort Myers
>FT-Lauderdale Anime-Fest - September 15 - Fort Lauderdale

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What’s the parking situation going to be for Otakufest?
In a word? Shit. Also don't go anywhere near Lincoln Place
We in a dog's mouth right now.
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damn, is it really like this?
Well I'm havin a good time I know that much

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Thread for the discussion of cosplayer Keekihime
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I'd do anything to fuck her up her beautiful huge ass.
>white men genuinely think that flat little pancake ass is "huge"

Less than a month away, time for a general
Anyone going? Got any plans? Any parties planned?
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I get that, that was pretty much most cons for the past few years.
I typically went to Fanime for the longest time but that cons been actively going to shit, so I opted to go with a friend to this instead, I might do Anime North or Momocon later on down the line, I just wanted to see each one first.
I'm glad there's even any guests at all for that matter.
I go to AZ because I live 30 minutes from Raleigh and I know a few people who also go every year
never been to another con
That was me with Fanime partially, I live near San Jose and I used to know a ton of people who went, now because of the previous reasons mentioned it's not really worth it for me anymore.
Plus I just wanna see something different, going to the same thing always is a bit tiresome.
This will be my first AZ alone. I will still have other friends there and I tend to venture on my own anyway, but I'm going without my friend group.

Hotel by myself and I don't know what to do with myself.
You can always explore!

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Old thread is nearing its limit >>10790295

This thread is for ouji and aristocrat (aka "boystyle") discussion. "Boystyle" is shorthand for "boystyle lolita" and refers to the masculine counterparts of Japanese lolita and, often, aristocrat fashions. There is a lot of overlap between these styles, and different people use different terms to describe them. We usually just use "ouji" here.

>Shopping spreadsheet
This is broken, now. Can it be fixed?

>Buttcape-sensei's shopping guide (mentions which brands/shops have men's or custom sizes):

>Blogs for info

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if your hat doesn't have a hat, your coord ain't worth shit
Where is a good place to find more masculine patterns to sew? Found some very neat items but they seem complex to sew, so drafting my own pattern feels like it would be rough. Mainly looking to do some basic shirts first for the core of the closet.

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and its the reddit zoomer

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Anyone going to this?
I might go to the one in Toronto on May 17.
Sorry if this is the wrong board. I saw Anime Convention threads so I thought it might be okay.
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damn bro fr missed the lip pillow in the upper deckie…
The what....?!
Is it normal for miku to not even be on the screen btw? I was totally expecting her to be dancing on the screen... Big sad.
it’s a dj event, these people don’t care
she’s on screen for Miku expo
miku EXPO, got it. i'll keep the difference in mind...

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Do you guys ever like to go through YouTube and watch con and cosplay fandom videos from before the 2010's?
It's a hobby of mine. It makes me sad.

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growing up sucks. day in day out it’s just work work work fake smile hold in the autistic tendencies be normie. I wish I was actually autistic so I could neet off your mom chat
based fujos

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Any gals here?
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Do you need to read that back to yourself, dingdong? Why would you ask and then say some shit as if they aren’t publishing again? Pls kys
hmm i wonder if that has to do with why the OP asked if it was still being published or something. you're probably too young to even know they stopped. zoomers are always so angwy!
Anyone notice himegyaru gets so butchered by zoomers? It's worse with hime than the other styles. Just wear lolita if you don't actually understand hime.
they don't understand lolita, that's why they're wearing hime. they think it's just hime lolita with less rules.

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