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>designs the gundam, the mobile suit that wins battles and eventually the war
>motivated to stop young people like his son being thrust into war
>final fate is going mad from hypoxia, abandoned by his son and dying from falling down the stairs
>his circuit from when he went mad is a joke item nearly every time it appears

Why did the they hate Tem Ray so much?
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I always thought the scene was a joke but that's his last chronological appearance ever, I think the implication is there
>his money
He didn't have enough money for the fruit basket he wanted. There's no way he could afford a plush retirement home.

Also didn't he die from the fall.
Removing Yas headcanon out of the equation, what was terrible about him?
It is a miracle it even works.
Even though he's under house arrest in Zeta, I assumed the Federation gave Amuro whatever he wanted just to shut him up
I could believe he probably asked for them to send money to his mom or something

>make a Build Vigna Ghina custombuild
>forget to include it in your metaverse build thing
>shove it into the new seed movie and say Okawara made it
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Bro if you read anything about the movie you'd know Fukuda said he ignored every other Gundam show since Destiny so he wouldn't be influenced by them. Orphee's mech suit is a parody of Lancelot Albion end of story.
Burning down Bandai HQ won't show that you own all of Gundam, Fukuda
I will soon enough
Gimme those funky alternate versions from the book. I want the Super-Armed Tank!
>Build Vagina China

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Name every single robot in pic related.
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any other thirdworlder that went to the Gurren Hen screening today?
Yo, me sorprendió la cantidad de mujeres pero la verdad no estaba muy lleno que digamos.
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Un capo de nabos en mi caso, con un par de mujeres que seguramente acompañaba a su novio. Un par de barbones en sus 40s por ahí, pero en su mayoria joven. No era sala llena pero si habia su gente.
En cualquier caso, a esperar la siguiente semana por Lagan Hen.
I see Combattler V in there too next to Mazinger.

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The Zeon apologism has been really bad since Unicorn.
They added more MS into a part of the timeline where its too early for them to pop up. The most notable being the EF having Ground GMs at Odessa.
Thunderbolt is in its own seperate timeline. It's not part of the main UC animated timeline.
That Kamille didn't actually come up with and design the Zeta
How many prescriptions are you on?

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The CGI is terribad but holy cow, this is one gem of a show.
>Takes place in the distant future, providing for interesting backgrounds and buildings
>It has a great futuristic soundtrack
>The main robot is a yellow and purple train and some of the other robots are freaking pirate ships, dual rotor helicopters, and steam airships
>The story is about being forced to fight/rescue your friends, so there's a lot of good drama -- it's basically if the crew of GGG got Zonderized rather than random civilians
>One of the evil kids wears a Char mask
>The episodes get into some interesting stuff like Goethian philosophy and have some good variation on the MOTW formula -- they also get pretty surreal at times
>The last half is schizo-tier and only a fraction of what it was initially going to be
I also feel like Divergence Eve, based on the one episode of it I saw, borrowed a lot from Webdiver. Is it worth watching or just technobabble-heavy ecchi garbage?
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Yeah, Webdiver has one of the most interesting kid mecha settings. In terms of story it's certainly meatier than some of the Yuushas/Eldrans -- it's probably on the same level as Fighbird in the first half with the character development of GaoGaiGar all throughout, and in the second half it goes full GaoGaiGar.
The only thing Webdiver has to fix is let ShoPro handle the CG. Yes, make it Shinkalion-tier CG for the remaster. It's all I ever ask because Radix is kaput for a long time now.
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It was GaoGaiGar done right.
Was it really?

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Do you think SEED characterization of OMNI and naturals as evil, envious, and racist is right /m/?

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We need more mecha medias that are not about war or fighting
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Stargazer my nonbinary binary waifu
Xenoblade X adaptation but they actually get the mechs before 20 hours in?
I still want an /m/ serious about freight delivery
Maybe something like The Fourth War--your bureaucrats have too much authority but feel underappreciated, get bored and turn a petty grievance into a small war?
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On the 36th anniversary of the Patlabor franchise, lets finish up the /m/ sings for the first opening of the television show. Currently we have 5 submissions, I want to see if it's possible to get 3-5 more.


Resource starter park: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/3/folders/1h3XzxjZDO7xE_3kwriYkmJB2QaG1XMOb

It contains
>the lyrics
>tv song
>full karaoke/instrumental

Use this to sing the TV opening and send your submissions to patlabormsings@proton.me and I'll send them over to the mixeranon who volunteered to mix.

Apologies for not posting/finishing this project up earlier. It's been eons since my last post.
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I'll send mine soon
Looking forward to it!
All of you guys would make us hit 10-11 submissions, hope you can get them in!
up you go

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>Gundam had a female MC
>new Geass has a female MC
Will Sunrise/Bamco's Macross also have a female MC?
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Studio Nue isn’t an animation studio. It’s Miyatake drawing shit.
>handle Delta if it gets referenced at all
The same way it handles references to other series.
>There was the incident with the Winderemereans that a strategic sound unit, Walkure, was deployed to deal with, one of the members of Walkure was a Winderemerean herself.
They never go into the details.
Next Macross will be a vtuber related Macross. Kawamori loves Vtubers, inb4 it's Macross x Hololive and we get some rap battle. We've already started to move to that direction with Zettai live with Ai beings. Macross always follows music trends.

Backing this up
MC is a pilot fighting threat X,
Love interest is nerdy girl working for seedy organisation to stop threat but uses a Vtuber persona to do the singing.
Rival Love interest is the goverment issued Idol
No matter what it is. There wont be any full sized Meltrandi. Pisses me off every time. Buncha cowards!

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Are we allowed to post real-life mecha here too?
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I actually know a guy who works as a truck driver and has several thousand hours on Euro Truck Simulator kek.
"Choose a job you love, and you will always have to work every day of your life, plus overtime"
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these are the controls
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Shirabe is so cute
Bunpink might be the first time where I'm more into the suited character than the face actress.
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I think she sees him as a child, actually.
>I think she sees him as a child, actually.
Good luck arguing with sex obsessed Anons

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Name a better written Tomino character
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Everyone in 0079 is a better written character than this cringe cuck retard
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Imagine the cellulite.

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Now that the dust has settled...
why did they fry the sky?
imagine not getting a single fucking bump for your cuckplate shit thread lmfao
>bumps thread
Also /m/ is the slowest board
For a succulent Chinese meal
>no fun allowed

How does he fare against your favorite /m character? Doesnt have to resort to fighting
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>ywn have a fat mecha pilot boyfriend who complains how tight his cockpit is while you make him a homecooked pasta dinner
Are you just incapable of making a thread that isn't template or needlessly comparative? This is why people tell you to FUCK OFF, /co/! Just make a normal thread if you want to talk about shit!
Any Getter-3 pilot winds up dying against him as tradition.
>/cotard raging in a thread again
Everyone know you're samefagging too, you practically replaced zetarager at this point
>keep making shit threads
>keep getting called out on them
Stop making shit threads.

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How did Char manage to say that it with a straight face?
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Anon, you're forgetting it's an almost 24-meter tall fuckhuge ball of metal covered in laser cannons
I rember fighting yje Zock in MS Saga it was the first boss to give me somthing resembling trouble
that dream sounds kinda cool, i wish i dreamed of mecha too. since you mentioned a yellow mono-eye i assume you were chased by a zaku sniper type, maybe its gun broke down.
I learned to fear the Zock when I played Journey to Jaburo on the PS2
it's the first real boss period

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