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No Medabots thread? Let's change that.
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Burns me up there is no legitimate way to play the gacha.... I just want to show there is still love for Medarot over here in the west.....
It's hard too choose between Erika, Sam and Ikki's mom
Pick all three.

G-Witch is so popular that it's flattened all of Tumblr.
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This man will never be a woman.
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Twitter is in its prime.
>There are people in this thread criticizing the free market
Bots and shits are literally non issue when you are a real person with real followers and not a fake influencer. I use twitter to follow artists and literally my newsfeed is full of artworks, so i have no idea where is this " artist being shadowbanned hard" even came from. Uninteresting content results weak reach, simple as that.
>but enough about 4chan
And twitter apparently
I have no idea how one can come to this conclusion. Paying to be "seen" means that you're paying artificially to be at the front of the line (since twitter now elevates bluecheck posts or replies to any given tweet) and to be more relevant when in reality your words may well mean nothing. This is now in fact more or less the case, where the replies to any large tweet will now be a wall of bluechecks fishing for likes and frequently posting irrelevant garbage. A website where those who pay get to be front and center is a website lacking in meritocracy as well as allowing literally anybody to say that they're "the real" version of X, Y, or Z. Verifying yourself arbitrarily is a worthless measure.
>just block 'em lol
I have been getting literally 2-3 bots following me a day. It should be immediately obvious why this is not tenable or acceptable for a website which is supposed to be professional
Site breaks more often and more idiots run uncontrolled
>why are you still here
I use twitter solely to follow artists. I otherwise despise twitter and see it as a cancer: the sooner it dies the better. If Elon drives it completely to destruction, I'd be happy, and it would be the only good thing to come from his tenure.
I don't give a shit about 4chan ad revenue and it has, so far as I know, literally never been profitable. It is also about the only website of its kind where I can discuss some things openly and just as I like.


Patlabor but good
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Hey hey boy
Wrong image, OP
This, we don't need normie template memes.
A few years ago I tried to contain jabbing for a few days but after 4 days I saw this exact image and I couldn't help it anymore
I love the colouring on that spider tank. We really ought to have a thread for mecha from ecchi/hentai because they can deliver some good designs from time to time (and it's super hard to find clean images of the designs).

Did I misunderstand something? Shouldn't she be in prison or dead by Uraki's hand?
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Dendrobium wasn't really designed for it, the GP units were all designed around specific roles as support units, they loosely seem based on the V Project units. GP01 is the most direct parallel to the original RX78 but faster with its additional boosters, the GP02 fills the role of the Guncannon with the added benefit if being able to deliver a nuclear payload (admittedly this is sort of a retcon with the addition of the missle pod MSV of the GP02), and the GP03 covers everything the Guntank and G Armor could do but on a wider colony/fleet sized scale. Point being the Dendrobium isn't really meant to go one to one with other comparable units, it was meant for general widespread destruction on enemy forces and being able to zip away far very fast. The Neue Ziel is a lot more agile, it has that turning speed you do want in 1v1 engagements.

The Dendrobium by all means can but just from its role as a payload delivery system it's not that suited for it.
Nina Purpleton and Nina Einstein: name a better duo of horrible /m/ bitches who ruined the world over their obsessions and got away with it.
kek he's spoken to women so few times he still considers it exceptional
Zeta is not meant to me taken seriously. It's Tomino anime. You're supposed to focus on the characters and not the terrible world building. You no shit have things like Kai showing up in suit and cracking a whip at 4 soldiers armed with machine guns and the next sceen is the soldiers all tied up and disarmed. It's not supposed to taken seriously.
Exceptionally awful experiences.

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>brings characters from other stories like Lost War Side Stories and Miller's Report
Now this is the definitive UC wankfest I'm all for

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According to the description:

>"This is a talk between Toshio Suzuki of Studio Ghibli and film director Mamoru Oshii on the film “Avatar” after Oshii's declaration of defeat.
Other participants are Mamoru Oshii fundamentalist and writer Mabai Noda, “Sky Crawlers” film producer Tomohiko Ishii, and “COMIC Ryu” editor-in-chief Shuichi Ohno.

Director Mamoru Oshii declared defeat against James Cameron's “Avatar”.

Toshio Suzuki and his colleagues are discussing what kind of film they would like Director Oshii to make in the future in order to win over Director Cameron."

There's sadly no automatic captions, but I'm curious why Oshii was so impressed by Avatar at this point in his career considering he directed Ghost in the Shell, Patlabor 1 and 2, Jin Roh, and other arguably better movies. Even the Japanese comments seem to agree Avatar was just a mediocre movie with good CG and superior funding from the US, so it all just seems out of character.
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imagine if these guys actually made something together
>person who makes incoherent films bashes hollywood shit movies
God I fucking wish
>incoherent films
Kek do americans really?
tragic that the US and Japan can't work together

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What's the first example of the "Two enemy pilots of opposite gender shot down that have to work together on a deserted island to stay alive" Cliche?
Is it really Gundam Seed?
Also what anime use this? It feels like a disproportionate amount to me.
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I think it is a good cliche.
It used to be called Sunrise Island back in the day.
Oh yeah. Max and Millia. The Zentraedi once fought the human race before they became joined at the hip come the later installments. Not too sure if this is the first example, but it's close.
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>The Forty-First is a story of a tragic romance between a female sniper of the Red Army and an officer of the White Army.
It's not any example. The question wasn't about enemies who fall in love. It was enemies who get stranded together.

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Dump your silly plamo images like pic rel. I need a more complete library. I'll start.
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I'm not sure if it was this or if it was worse, but this looks about right thank you

Oh shit it's Gundam Rack'n'Ruin!

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The Original
>Reddit thread

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How do i get into Getter Robo?
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>not him, but that's bullshit. you miss a good chunk of context if you watch armaggedon in isolation,

So? So you miss it? So what? Yeah you might get some references that add to the experience but none of it defines. It's not reliant on it. The story in the series itself is completely stand alone. This is is exactly part of the problem. So many of you retards are terrified of not understand EVERYTHING all at once that you end up understanding nothing or don't watch anything. You're completely incapable of figuring things out via context or having a blank that you freeze up like a dear in headlights. Here's a hot top. Not only do you NOT need to understand any of this crap, most of us went into Armageddon blind to start with because it was the only Getter robo ANYTHING we had for years unless you want to count those incomplete highly edited Force Five episodes. Just watch the show because the worst thing that happens is you get the references in reverse order.
>You're completely incapable of figuring things out via context
that's exactly what I'm talking about, there's no context.

>most of us went into Armageddon blind to start with because it was the only Getter robo ANYTHING we had for years unless you want to count those incomplete highly edited Force Five episodes
this is completely irrelevant to the point, no one is telling not to watch or enjoy armageddon as a standalone work, I'm only calling out the bullshit that is saying you can just jump into it with no context and understand everything, which some people will and do argue in favor of.
As someone who first watched Armageddon without reading the manga, I'd absolutely think you're missing out by not doing it, this thing gives no context of the mythos and throws you clearly assuming you get everything they talk about
>I'm only calling out the bullshit that is saying you can just jump into it with no context and understand everything, which some people will and do argue in favor of.
So you learn. You watch Armageddon and probably don't get everything, but you get most of it. Then you watch something else or read the manga and oh, now you get what that moment in Armageddon was about. You learn from your experiences like a fucking human being.
Read the manga Getter > G > Go > Shin > Arc
Watch the ovas in any order

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Do you think it's possible to make a successful modern Votoms AU show that heavily rehashes elements from the original?
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Pailsen's ideal Chirico is small and toasty.
Yeah Votoms should only be for men who want to torture Chirico. No women allowed.
Yes, no, and the twist they throw in is that Zaki's a woman in disguise
they just need to make a blue knight berserga anime using the novels as reference
I mean, have to seen the profits from that franchise? I would want it too.

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Which was better?
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Can some someone explain what the "We are GUNDAM" line actually means in context? It sounds like such a fucking stupid line that I cant imagine making it sense, from what Ive seen Im worried about watching OO and finding out its just some Robot Battle Anime.
Its not like Amuro talking about "The Gundams Power" or Usso shouting out "Climb to the Heavens, Gundam!" as a plea to their machine and symbol of hope to help them achieve Victory in a moment of desperation, "We are gUNDAM" sounds so fucking stupid, Gundam is just a name, it doesnt have any profound meaning on its own.
When Setsuna says "I am a Gundam" it's in reference to what the gundams represent in Anno Domini, which is to say an end to war, and once the revelation of what excessive GN particle expossure does to humans the phrase "I am a Gundam" transforms into "I am someone that can change the world/myself", so by saying "We are Gundam" Setsuna is declaring that "We have changed/are changing"

At least, that's a basic interpretation
Freedom’s last scenes Better.
Setsuna views Gundam not just as a machine, but an ideology/religion.
He is essentially a Gundam Jihadist fighting a holy war for Gundam.
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>I feel like the movie could've had another subplot with him and Setsuna both being Innovators but butting heads about how to deal with the ELS.
There's definitely a remnant of that idea in the movie, but it's a bit of a stretch to consider it so since Setsuna never actually meets Descartes and he doesn't have that switch to "muh understanding" mode until after he comes out of his coma.

Show me what you got
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>2 essential games in understanding nadesico story
>no translation for both
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The real understanding of Nadesico is to not bother with PoS and recognise the true ending is the Gekigangar OVA
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A bunch of manga that are probably not even that good but i still want to read.
>Majestic Prince Manga
>Battleground Workers
>seelen the hunting world
>Break Age
>The Last Frontline
>Giant Robo the day the earth burned and babel siege
>Zeorymer Omega
>Sakura Brigade
I learned japanese just to play Gihren's greed, but i would enjoy a remake.
God I'd love for Microman's stuff to be fully translated because the little I've read/watched of it already tells me this series is for me
There's a lot I'd like, but the ones I'd put at the top are the Tetsujin 28 manga, Five Star Stories manga, and the Outa versions of the Mazinger trilogy

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>What is Sunrise Robot Laboratory?

>The Sunrise Robot Laboratory is a research institute established to study and speculate on the imaginary robots and mecha that have appeared in Sunrise works, which have created numerous robot animation series since the first "Invincible Superhero Zambot 3" in 1977, from various perspectives, including past databases and new studies. The research institute was established to explore the imaginary robots and mecha that have appeared in Sunrise productions, which have created many robot animations.
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Kinda unrelated but I really hope this points to them doing a remaster for it, esp since kits are coming up for it on p-bandai.
They should since its 40th anniversary is this year.
Please fucking please, I want to see the auge in glorious 1080p.
I'm sure they're skipping Gundam given the entire point of this was to put focus on the less used IPs
They are skipping a lot more than just that, starting with Trider G7.
As >>22635841 said, it makes sense that they aren't choosing more popular ones, like Votoms.
Or maybe we are in for the Phase 2.

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The DX toy for this looks fucking terrible but the suit is absolutely awesome especially when it's action.
>With modern effects and technology
The economy is in the shitter though and everything is done at the lowest levels of cheap (read: not even CGI anymore)
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