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Post /m/ moms or women who could've been a great mother.
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She tried so hard
Most of the Zanscare ladies
Why is their daughter's hair blue
Because anime.
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Post homage characters, the more obscure, the better.
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How about this?
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IIRC, this game even has Akira Kamiya as not-Ryoma and Shuichi Ikeda as not-Char.

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>has two insta-win nuclear cannons
>uses hands instead just to send a message
Garrod is so underrated honestly
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Yeah, as much as I love Gundam X, i didn't like how it made everyone in the main cast survive the war.
>Honestly you could probably handwave the realism in a show by having it happen during a desperate situation and the pilot jury rigs some technobabble thing to rocket one of the MS's hands out.
that exact thing happened in a western mech show
>missing the point
He's the original NTD.
The Doven Wolf and Silver Bullet could do it.

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I know no one in this godforsaken place will believe me, but I have been really enjoying how Gotchard does whatever it wants with the episodic shows and the Legend arc. The main plot is ok but the individual stuff it does is really fun for me. An episodic and hilarious KR series would be a nice change of pace for all this serialized wanking.

Even as obvious as it is, really like Kaguya learning how to value and trust the people he cares about instead of pushing them away. Really enjoyed giving him some development. Can't wait to see how he plays into the movie with Daybreak.

I laughed at how he reacted with the Kachodoki flags, but that's a lame reaction as well, those were Kachidoki's best weapons.

Hotarou gonna give birth to Nijigon, bruh.
I agree, anon. The episodic stuff post-Platinum debut & some of the earlier episodes were a lot of fun. My enjoyment of Gotchard has increased pretty steadily overall.
Did they show the Dooms Clock getting destroyed?
Oh nvm it was blown up together with the villain during the rider kick. Must have missed it because we're seeing from the side for the first time.
Houtaro's actor at least has moments where you can see of improvement like in episode 33 where you get more reaction rather than just "brainlessly genki". there's no defending Rinne though, her actress ice an emotionless ice queen well past the time she was supposed to have thawed

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Who's your favorite Char clone?
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Jonathan is great.
Turns out Mineva isn't a Char clone persay.
The Shadow of Haman hangs heavily over Mineva's soul.
Banagher will forever bottom in bed. RIP sore demo.
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She's not even the only Haman clone

If many mechas are the equivalent of planes, what would be a mecha glider?
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technically i guess it'd be those strandbeest things
nothing useful since going downhill only is a lot less useful on the ground than in the air.
mecha low riders
>mechas you would like to see
More robots that operate underwater.
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The Dom and its descendants.
I will not elaborate.

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Why do Southeast Asians like Tokusatsu?
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you know what's even better? they sell toys here.
that last sentence really is the one that gets me. you enjoy toku peacefully then suddenly you got people who just came to the scene thinking they own everything
not just toku but mecha shows too
Imagine being white or jewish? God forbid american. Couldn't be me.
My question is why do they cause so many problems and act extremely cringe? I remember HJU had a lot of issues with cringy SEAs.
Yes Russia v Ukraine and the Gaza conflict are proxy wars setup by super important SEA nations.
>Americans think GUNZ is culture

What went wrong
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>None of the head writers for Nadesico worked on PoS
The director of the TV show was also credited for writing a few episodes and doing storyboards, and was the credited writer for the movie. I really wouldn't be surprised if this was a "we'll take turns putting our name as the credit" situation like so many writer's rooms are like.

Also food for thought since E7:AO was brought up: Sho Aikawa is credited as main writer for Nadesico TV series, wrote several episodes of E7, and was credited as main writer for E7:AO.

I get the impression this is a group of writers who just really like the "fuck you" version of sequels where everything goes to shit. It works sometimes, but if you don't pull it off everyone just hates you.
or maybe sho aikawa is just an awful writer. He wrote concrete revolutio and it was similarly retarded.
The guy's been around a while. I think he has some solid credits under his belt, probably most notably being credited a lot on the original FMA anime and of course Nadesico.

I'm not gonna write him off entirely but I will agree the majority of his work has been pretty forgettable. Though I think that goes for most writers if they've been in the industry long enough.
So he's the Lucas of Nadesico got it
I've never watched anything with him that doesn't have a stupid twist. FMA with the reverse isekai at the end is a good example.

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When does it get good?
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He should have won.
When you stop having shit taste.
Fuck off
at least its better than the lesbian of mercury
It's a 10/10 show until the same arc begins but the ending is sad af

Baldios walked so Ideon could run.
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>I'm guessing Zambot wasn't popular?
It was one of the best selling 70's anime on home video.
There is no need for a movie, I suppose they wanted to make different shows with different shit.
>It was one of the best selling 70's anime on home video.

Which probably isn't as impressive feat as it sounds given the time and the fact that TV shows were made primarily to sell add space. Not that it's NOTHING but it's like how CULT MOVIE basically means it bombed in theaters first.
>Which probably isn't as impressive feat as it sounds given the time
That's probably true, but any anime selling high enough numbers to rank next to or around future boy conan has to be some impressive feat. Tho, i've never the actual numbers, only that zambot 3 was among the top 5 best selling anime of that decade.
Kids didn't like it, Otaku adored it, and hence bought it when it came out on video. By that time Gundam was in full swing though - no way Sunrise would bother trying to reboot an old show from the same director when Gundam was such a huge hit. Sunrise stopped doing old school super robots after Daiouja in 81 anyways, anything not child oriented was going to be real robot from then on. So the window of possibility was likely very small.

Whose more autistic?
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>Also, the one who walked up to his comrade and about killing said comrade's best friend.

That was really the most confusing thing. Yes Talia and Rey were correct that they had legal reason to take Kira down and Athrun had to accept that, but Shinn knew he and Freedom's pilot were pals and knew Athrun didn't approve of them trying to take him out, so going up to an obviously upset Athrun and going "I just killed your buddy, praise me!" is autistic blindness of the highest caliber. What did he expect would happen? At absolute best Athrun would just keep his mouth shut and begrudgingly accept Kira as a sacrifice for world peace but he'd never outright be happy they killed him
Yeah, that particular one would like to brag about trolling up /m/ and /a/ and her style was pretty idiosyncratic. Sometimes she would almost hold a conversation when not shitting on others' interests to be some low-effort troll.
But if she's one of Zetarager's clones, it's all the lamer.
>Sometimes she would almost hold a conversation when not shitting on others' interests to be some low-effort troll.
>But if she's one of Zetarager's clones, it's all the lamer.
Ok, i know who you're referring to, now. I didn't know she was named "Akumatsu T". Yeah, she goes around this site shitting or being weirdly hyper critical on other people's taste. Saying dumb shit like "only a X or Y would like that garbage" or something to that effect. Like you said a bit, she's also really terrible or incapable of holding up a discussion or coming up with an intelligible counter argument without making an ass out of herself.
It's real pathetic, don't get why people like that like to brag about "TROLLING 4CHAN" especially when some /m/ type spaces are so limited and you can recognize their style and opinions right away. At least be a tripfag if you're going to be that attentionseeking.
>don't get why people like that like to brag about "TROLLING 4CHAN"
No life losers with very limited social interaction in real life. For once, THEY themselves get to be the bully. They get a kick out of it because they're boring, quiet unsociable losers in the real world. Online, they can be someone they are not or wish they were. Cowards, is what these individuals are.

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What were they thinking releasing this crap?
The only pleasant thing is the credits music
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Yeah. Crimson Group also bankrolled the Successors because that detail was needed but making PoD actually good wasn't.
What's Hikaru's ending?
iirc its basically the exact same thing but with some unique hikaru banter before she gets cucked
It's still one of the most beautiful animated films I've ever seen.
Too bad it's animating >>>/trash/

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Front Mission 2 Remake is not fun.
It feels like a job.
Worst part is that I can't grind skills in the arena and then just blast through the game like 1.
Enemies' shields are a fucking bitch.
And sometimes they just skill-chain me to death in one attack, while my dudes rarely chain even 2 skills with feint.
Am I supposed to save scum this game?
Am I missing some broken strategy, like arena skill grinding in FM1 or Ryogo soloing in FM3?
Also what the fuck SKILL stat on computer means?
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If you're looking for another turn based strategy mech game, there's this releasing in 4 more days.

It's made by the studio who did POWER DoLLS series.
Did your good PC short-circuit from blood when you dropped it on your testicles?
Why does it look like Animal Crossing?
This is not how I remember Power Dolls.
I will never forgive them for getting rid of the swoop in to battles that happen on the same stage.
How is that not EASIER to do nowadays?
>Is this supposed to be Roid?
Iirc, yeah.
>Why would he become a fucking terrorist?
It feels like complete shit but if you think about it, it really is the only option Royd has. I mean, he was already an independent guerilla fighter (read: domestic terrorist) by the end of 1.

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Opinion on the Seed Freedom english cast?

Amalee? Isn't she a youtuber or something?
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Don't feed that idiot. He brought up Debra Wilson and I still don't know why.
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Stop misgendering a person whose look and identity are unknown, u oldtype bigot. Is ur mind weighed down by Earth's gravity, bigot?
It reminds of the dub for Godzilla vs. Biollante saying AHSUEKA
Was that the one done in hong kong or one of those early NYC dubs?
mike stirlinkaas?

>Let's try another Kira
>Oops, all gay !
Considering Kira himself is a failure ,it makes his existence even more sad, Imagine being a failure of a failure.
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It is a pity that even though the site is still up but all the animations had been taken down a few months ago

He at least writes his own scripts and aimbots unlike you who have to do falseflag operations to acquire and reverse engineer them
And you're just Rey in a fur coat
Given that politicians like to use nutty extremists as muscles to enforce their will (like the SA to the Nazi Party), it could be the case that Durandal lied to Aura to make her and her children into useful pawns -- at the very least they could weaken the Eurasia Federation. Had the Destiny Plan succeeded, Durandal would've had able to contain nutcases like Aura, but it didn't and he died.
Who's this, Gayra Yamato?
So he is Jesus.

Literally, Jesus, the Jews also wanted a warlord but God gave them a holy man whose highest form of violence was whipping them for ripping people off in their temples with bullshit and wanting to guide people to essentially an ascetic but peaceful lifestyle.

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