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Where's my stompy mecha thread?
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So idk much about battletech, or the clans, but I played mw5 and heard about the minnesota tribe and read about them and clan wolverine on the wiki. Was that something that was part of some plot arc that didn't go anywhere because of a change in direction for the story or something?
They're basically just flavor lore to justify players fielding their own Wolverine derived force. If there was a more grand plan to explore them it's probably as you said, lost in the endless shuffle of staff and writer changes.
I thought it was something like that, a "your dudes" enabler. I was just curious if there was some well known grand plan in the community that I didn't know enough to have heard of. I could imagine in editions before the clans were revealed that they would have been similar in terms of hints. I hope that if they ever do get fleshed out they are less lame than the clans, although I know better than to expect anything.
One of the best parts about BattleTech is that a lot of stuff was left vague to make it so players could make their own forces and dudes. Sadly CGL is shitting on FASA and Wizkids BT lore.

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>claims to be a mecha fan
>hates 0083
How does one explain this contradiction?
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I only watch Gundam series with newtype MCs.
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You are free to hold your opinion, but I disagree with you.

Yazan Gable was an earthnoid thoughever
The Marasai is the sexiest mobile suit ever created
before i watched 0083, i thought GP02 looked goofy
>invalidates Kou’s only onscreen kill
said onscreen kill was weakshit anyways, went and took a mobile armor to effectively FF and missing the point of the battle

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KG thread
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Rozé ended in the 8th place in the weekend box office despite being only shown in 60 theaters and with no hype.

It's a success both financially and critically. Geass is back.

Rozé is coming to Disney Plus in late June, perhaps they will drop all 12 eps at the same time.

Lost Stories special stream on 5/15 8PM JST. They will reveal all the anniversary stuff plus info on the future of the game.

Previous thread: >>22623874
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Really, really need mommy?
Really especially need mommy!
Yuri looks like a boy
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>"There is no opponent who can defeat Sapporo"

I dislike mistranslations like that. MTL really is the death of media

"Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers: Twice & Always" Edition

>Power Rangers Cosmic Fury:
Currently available on Netflix

>Official YouTube Channels:

>24/7 Streams:

>Boom Comics Recent Releases/Announcements:
- Ranger Academy
- MMPR: The Return

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In Gao at least they did the ritual that created Senki so they at least have some link to it. In WF it doesn't make much sense since they had defected from the orgs in the first place. I just rationalize it away as the org heart containing "data" on them as well as on the org generals that make up the rest of the motifs.
Don't think so, but it probably has to do with the fact that most of Zahab's footage includes Shelinda
Also, those insectoids stilk had counterparts to Sambash (With Hinelar's suit cause the Sambash suit wasn't available) and Budoh
Their connection to Ninjor?
Solicitations should be up next week
Do you think we'll get a new creative team/ongoing announced or are we skipping a month sans Ranger Academy?
What if Kane portrayed Black Alien ranger instead of Ninja Black?


Why did AGE fail again? Everything from the game looks pretty damn cool
They tried to speedrun 0079/Zeta/ZZ/CCA in a single 50 episode series. It wasn't nearly enough time to introduce, develop, and convince people to give a fuck about any of it's characters. It also ended on Kio, possibly the single worst offender for the power of UNDERSTANDING in the entire franchise.

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ITT Moments that made you shed /m/anly tears
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The song really added to this scene and ending so much. Easily my favorite Gundam insert song.
Which show?
Victory has some of the best fucking songs
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What's everyone watching or reading or building? Looking forward to anything this year?
Let's keep it /m/-related.
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"Great's leg upgrade episode is pretty good, the quality is great so far-"
>next ep: cat ninja robots steal Boss Borot and sit on Great's launch tube, rendering it impossible to deploy Great, Tetsuya must fend alone against his enemies with just the Brain Condor
What the fuck?
The kicks are pretty great, I remember enjoying them in Infinity and it's quite good here as well. You can definitely get away with a lot more gore if it's robots, even thinking about Mazingers reacting in pain or vomiting not-blood. Although I guess it's cheaper to dole out generic CGI explosions instead...
We did not give up on Ultraseven, instead we've been busy, or watched a bit of Macross, or got into some really insane non-/m/ show it's Revolutionary Girl Utena. I will never drop shows (in magma), there wasn't anything wrong with Ultraseven, Ultra's something I still view fondly.
Glad you’re enjoying Great and not listening to that annoying dude who keeps shitting on it every thread.
I wasn't aware there was one, granted that there was what felt like a slight slump (crow-related), but it could have just been me having a bad day
There’s one guy who even keeps repeating borderline lies like it had low ratings (it did better than Z on average) and Tetsuya was so disliked they brought back Koji to “save it”. When that’s only in the endgame arc and planned from the beginning. The Koji episodes did got some of the highest ratings but that was to be expected because team ups are generally hype as fuck and of course everyone would like to see him reunite with his dad.
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>shinto has a concept of objects becoming alive after being loved or abused, and apparently culturally this is somewhat accepted concept
>know a SRW (DD?) hinted this with Great protecting Tetsuya while he was getting on Emperor G
>did not expect to see Borot, unmanned, just casually get scolded by Boss and weep together
I sometimes seat or have toys/models lie down because I worry they'll get tired, hopefully my Mazingers will come alive some day.
I was honestly a bit worried about that, largely ignored it because I like Great Mazinger (the robot) and chose to like Great Mazinger (the show), but I'm really really glad to hear that was basically bunk. I keep expecting Koji to show up soon and he keeps not showing up, because I keep assuming he's here for the last third of the show.

(now on Crunchyroll)
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Yeah megaton 2 is ass, honestly. I really don't like how limited loot is by the end either, I hope they update the game to have more options in that regard at least, it feels like shit when a game all about customizing throws out most of your options at end game.
I'm getting disconnected in multiplayer constantly. Anyone else?
are they gonna add Gundam to the game or just the litterally who super robots?
Is it worth grinding out the Conquest Mode when I unlock it? The adapters seem like ass, I keep getting absurdly niche set skills on mine.
It's weird how there are so few megaton 2 missions. You also need to unlock them by raising your megaton rank. After megaton rank 18 they expect you to go all the way up to 25 with no new missions which is an absurd grind.

Did I misunderstand something? Shouldn't she be in prison or dead by Uraki's hand?
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Exceptionally awful experiences.
Is Rebellion any better? Keep in mind Kou never really cared about Nina, and only they knew the whole truth to trust each other as much as possible. Their bond is only professional, and he would have killed her on the spot if she intentionally gave the GP02 to Gato in the first place just to create a lead-up to Zeta the way the OVA was created.
Just read everything else, no, it just added a nuke to a burning dumpster. Rebellion made it worse to where it would break off to turn Advance of Zeta into its own universe like Thunderbolt.
Rebellion manga ramps up the Nina craziness to new levels of drama between Nina and Gato and Kou, but it does end hilariously with Kou NOT meeting Nina again after everything ends when he gets reassigned to a posting at an EFF base. Kou even hallucinates about her on the jeep next to Mora for a moment but she's not there at all, she already fucked off into space to find something else to do.
I'd rather she fuck off desu

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The DX toy for this looks fucking terrible but the suit is absolutely awesome especially when it's action.
>With modern effects and technology
The economy is in the shitter though and everything is done at the lowest levels of cheap (read: not even CGI anymore)
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Can't forget Johnny Sokko's Flying Robot!

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Official Sites:

>YouTube OFFICIAL Channel:

>Official Ultraman Connection Discord

>Ultra Pastebin:

>Ultraman Blazar finished airing

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How are the Japanese reaction to Ultraman Rising?
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At least on the YouTube comments for the Japanese trailer, they seem to be generally positive.
Great translation!
And this episode is a bit unique, Ultraman vs human evil organizations.
They built a life-size, the same level durable statue of Ultraman. Wow
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Thank you anon, you rock!

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early preview of Ep1 later for a limited time
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You know it's a girl's Shinkalion because it has a mono-bra for its monoboob.
I fucking hate the light ramp.
pretty sure Ryouta's has a mono-bra as well
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What makes Nozomi the cool kid's shinkansen?

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Rayearth OVA is truly a criminally underrated and forgotten mecha OVA, all because it deviated from the source material (magical girl) and became a full fledged mecha OVA that’s hyper violent and hyper sexualized. If you give it a fair chance, it’s actually pretty amazing.
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Part of Eagle's deception is that Emeraude is tricked to believe Zagato's mummified corpse is still his live self who is deep in slumber. Iirc there's a throw-away line or two in there which imply that she still attempts to ... console him.
Chicks dig rigor mortis, I guess?
That quite literally doesn't answer the question. Why was it the business model?
Good answer.
>>That quite literally doesn't answer the question. Why was it the business model?
Because it worked.
Every time
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It would have been better if it was a canon true ending to the TV series and not some AU fanfic that has nothing to do with the source material.

>hyper sexualized
lol, they're just naked when piloting the mecha, that's common even in mecha series on TV. They don't even show nipples when they could've gotten away with it since it's an OVA. Also it's a reference to their magical girl transformation in the series where they're naked.

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New AoZ thread. MS Girls good luck charm worked well last time so it continues
--useful links--
>official Reboot illustration list, missing first few entries
>scans of some of the earlier entires
>samples of the ongoing manga
>weibo page of Watership 4.5, a fan circle that makes 3d models of many AoZ designs. Good insight into how they function.
>another page with their stuff
>internet archive has scans of The Flag of Titans compiled in 6 volumes, this is the first one
>last thread

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What are those weird triple thingies?
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I feel like they still have some features, but ultimately this style only takes some traits from the original MS usually. These Cardass illustrations have been going on since the late 80s, they're a classic line. Where Musha Gundam is oriented around SD kits, this is where Knight Gundam thrives.
I do agree these designs could be better though. Have a cool Barzam knight to make up for that.
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Assuming you mean the second model, these are funnels. TR-6 can store a large funnel in the weapon container and control it if it's equipped with Psycommu. Notably it looks like a downscaled triple winch cannon, using an open barrel design not unlike Nu's fin funnels later on.
Oh, inever realized those where made of three sections, thought they were like Nu's closed fin funnels.
>Downscaled triple winch cannon
Does that mean there's a full size version out there? Speaking of winch cannons, are there multiple variants? Sometimes they look slightly different
I mean, I guess you could make a larger variant that's the size of a proper winch cannon but that kinda misses the point of a funnel, these are already rather large. Unless you go all-in and make basically a remote controlled hyper mega launcher like Nu FF. But there are no depictions if that, no. Composite Shield Booster can be refitted into a wireless psycommu weapon though.
And yes, there are two winch cannon types - the "normal" equipped for example on Hazel Owsla and the much longer enhanced winch cannon which is used by Gallant TR-5 and most TR-6 firms with a winch cannon. The latter at least can also mount some extra equipment, IIRC one illustration had it with a small missile pod attached.

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