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max replies reached in last thread >>33020532
post invite links to discord servers below

^ server for shutins, neets, & weirdos (preferably 25+ yrs old). also has a minecraft server and a forum for neets/neet resources.
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Retard server for memes and shitposts. Actual hardcore bareback schizoposting, none of the stupid 'im so trans and quirky schizoposting', im talkin the real thing. Edgy faggots enter at your own risk, we always make fun of those guys and they get mad as fuck and its funny. Other than that, super funny/friendly group of folks.


lucky stars in your eyes .
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We are an unofficial community for the Divination thread on /x/.

Our server is mainly dedicated to divination, the occult and discussing paranormal phenomena. Join if you enjoy divination or wanna learn more about it.

instabanned from the server was there for exactly 1 minute. Didnt even get a chance to type of say hello. Avoid
Same, idk why i was banned either. It seems like an echo chamber for camwhores who wants validation and ebeg

For virgins to post and for everyone to read
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27F, here. No teeth downthere as of yet, will keep you posted.
26M. Spent a decade bedrotting, since I was 16. Only recovered now, getting a job and in shape and my own apartment, but I'm completely alone.

I can't even remember having friends, much less speaking to a girl. I don't even know how.
wat would you do if you woke up one day and your vagongie was replaced with chain chomp
Let me fix you, my disc is woogiexp
That's rough bud maybe try getting out more or talking to people in VC on discord or something. Just work your way up at a pace you are comfortable and try to keep it up until you don't struggle so much.

Are you a lonely piece of shit like OP who needs genuine human contact and to connect with people and are told to constantly touch grass? Then this is the thread for losers like you!

You seek an online/irl friend? You can find it here (hopefully)

You want to date somebody? (Good luck…but hey u never know)

You want a gamer buddy to play online games with so u don’t play alone (or irl in person)? Put ur gamer tags

>Random bullshit that describes you (interests, physical description,etc)
>What you look for in a friend, companion, buddy, romantic partner
>Not looking for
>Discord Tag
>Gamer Tag(s)
>Any other socials if u have any
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Hi ohthatscool_ ! It's a shame you couldn't talk to me like an adult instead of angrily removing me and then resorting to insult me on here.
>Active and not adding me
Tfw ur flooded and it's over rip
Sorry, I did get overwhelmed with adds. If you have a normal account and still pending I'll get to you eventually. I'd rather have more quality chats with few people at a time.
Looking forward to it! Lol
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alwaysmelanc on disc
>looking for:
>not looking for:
>abt me
dork nerd who likes banter

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For Oregon, Washington, and maybe Idaho

>Physical description
>Looking for
>Not looking for

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Last threads almost dead, here we go again

>looking for
>not looking for
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We can chat about gardening if you're interested
Though I live in the subtropics
Gonna plant some squash and gourds for their leaves cause I like having them with potatoes and garlic
Picrel are my tomatoes
Nice tomatoes
We are an unofficial community for the Divination thread on /x/.

Our server is mainly dedicated to divination, the occult and discussing paranormal phenomena. Join if you enjoy divination or wanna learn more about it.

this one is completely useless when it comes to having conversations, but if you want to see naked pictures of her shell be happy to show you them.
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>about me
Chill, fun dude. Way too honest for my own good. I'm a nerd, but I won't pretend that I watch or play that much anime and games respectively. I can get a little overwhelmed at times and may not respond for a while so keep that in mind
>looking for
Acquaintanceship or hopefully friendship if I vibe with you. Maybe meeting irl if you're local, as I met someone from here recently and it was a good time.
>not looking for
Cringe. (aka: sex, incels, liars, ewhores, trad larpers/christians, typewriter tough guys, manipulators, groomers, rolling up to a metal show wearing a slipknot/korn/ limp biskit tee [do this and lose ur liver!!!!!!])

You want to date somebody? (Good luck…but hey u never know). Post your desperate plea for love below

>Random bullshit that describes you (interests, physical description,etc)
>What you look for in romantic partner
>Not looking for
>Discord Tag
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holy shit nobody wants your rotten axe wound, stop posting
if you didn't mutilate yourself your caches of finding a gf would have been much higher, but now they practically non existent, no woman wants a fucking eunuch
29M, Chicago
>describe yourself
I usually shitpost on dating apps until I get banned or I find someone compatible with my bullshit. Unemphatic and insensitive until I'm not, very affectionate, and have no idea how romantic relationships work because I've never been in one, I fuck really good though and I'm handsome. I'd rather betray the world than have the world betray me. Boxing, vidya,
>looking for
Females into bantz, guns, not afraid to physically fight me and talk shit, affection, rough sex with biting and ass slaps, letting me in cum in them. Self-aware based meme lords
>not looking for
Dudes, getting pegged, trannies, hearing your sob story before sex, kids, you being obese (I like meat on the bone)
>contact info
Discord: comboy112
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>Physical description
5’11, Dad Bodied but stocky broad shoulders, currently going to the gym (3months on going) so that can (pic rel, ideal build) change, curly hair, Kempt and practices good hygiene unlike alot of people on this board, trying to get primarily into goth fashion once money is gotten, I don’t have a southern accent or atleast a thick one

PC games, Talking to people, Gym/lifting, Listening to music, educational videos and podcasts, true crime, and sending memes (hopefully to each other) currently in college

>Looking for in romantic partner

Girls, sort of trying to date but wanna be friends first for a while before anything like that. Particularly of similar interests. Not against ldr, if not from the locale, someone to send memes to and get into each others hobbies with one another. If we don’t click dating wise we can still be friends. Want someone who knows internet culture yet not consumed by it. Someone who’ll call and watch me play games or watch things together. Or play with preferably.

>Not looking for

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They're literally non-existant and contradict one another lmao. You don't want annoying leftists even though they're the only ones who would go for you poterntially but you also don't want right wing religious types with standards, you don't want "the opposite sex" or even someone in your own situation, you don't want a girl who is taller than you, you don't want the half the population who owns guns, you don't want many races and ethnic groups, you judge people for havign a small bit of body hair, you judge them for being fat, etc.
You want a unicorn essentially but you seemingly bring nothing of value to the table yourself outside of being incredibly judgemental with no self awareness of your own faults, mentally ill, liking old movies and having tattoos. Those people in the diaper threads have more of a personality and they shit themselves all day, get a grip dude.

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Let's go Colorado. What's going on in this state?
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The natives aren't that bad, they just hate you. And they're right to. You're hardly even a person, just a thing that only cares what it can consume. Like a locust, but worse because at least a locust can be fed to a chicken.
Rest assured, the residents of any nice place you move to will find you insufferable and hate you. This includes California now too, btw since you left and all. Have fun never having a place to rest your head.
Could one in theory do this with a Nintendo64?
Anyone wanna trade Colorado sluts ?? I got some I’d love to expose


Kik bass696969
Im always down to chat with someone new and make a friend


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ITT: Got a question for the opposite gender? Ask away!

Previous thread: >>33062894
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>but most men don't know what it's like to go through life questioning the intentions of most men they meet
Maybe not in the sense that you mean; I definitely don't have much anxiety over whether or not random men want to sexually assault me, but I tend to question the motives and intention of *everyone* I meet, and I think anyone who doesn't is a fool. I don't assume the worst in everyone, but I do consider the worst.
^This has been standard operating procedure for me for over a decade now; I've been hurt by a lot of people, I've been betrayed by a lot of people. I'm less of a fool these days.

To more directly contrast and complement your point though, consider that most men absolutely question the intentions of women. There is *a lot* of anxiety over things like false accusations, divorce rape, etc. I think in both cases there's valid justification for the fears, but I also think society and the media actively feed, cultivate, and exacerbate these fears; there's a lot of direct and indirect profit in this adversarial dynamic between the sexes, and a divided populace is easier to control.
>the majority of a woman's value to men is also in their appearance
If the interest is purely casual/sexual then sure, if we're vetting the woman for something more long term then... I mean, still sure, we care about beauty/genes, but also that you're undamaged/without baggage and come from a good family. I've ended more relationships over toxic/intrusive families than anything the women did themselves. Why am I currently single? Because nothing kills a boner like an overbearing matriarch.
>Something most of us put absurd amounts of time and effort into
I'm well aware that women spend hours getting ready. What I think is lost on most women, and I'm assuming you're a baddie here, is that if you're even giving a man the time of day he has spent hundreds, perhaps thousands of hours in the gym, and/or years getting educated and established, just so he won't be invisible to you.
>then don't understand when we say that we care far more about personality than looks
We don't understand because all evidence points to the contrary.
>95% of us would take a man we can trust over good looks
How do you reconcile this idea with the reality of the male loneliness epidemic?
>we mean it as a compliment when we say that
The real compliment would be choosing the men you're saying this to. This might be intended as a compliment, but it's actually the ultimate black pill; understand, when you say something like "you're such an amazing guy, you're going to make someone so happy!" what we hear after that is "...just not me!"

I wonder how many villain origin stories begin with "you're like a brother to me."

>I know women do this too, but trivializing our trauma, pain, and experiences

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Any insight of my OLD profile?
How hard is it to fuck a Muslim or an Arab girl as a white guy?
Is it a sign at all if a girl starts sending you more pics of herself after you send her a selfie? Or is that more of a sign that you're not attracted to them and just now see as a normal friend?

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AZ thread. I haven't seen this in a while so I thought I might make it. Post your discord/steam etc

also apparently there is a /soc/ AZ discord server, but I sadly don't have the invite link to it
This place is a fucking desert, both environmentally as well as socially. Of all the states I have seen have threads on /soc/, Arizona is the most abysmal of all of them. Even fucking Mississippi seemed to have more success the one time I saw it. What the hell is up with this place being so barren when it comes to /soc/ meets? Incels and femcels alike gotta grow the balls to post.
Cursed state
Fuck it make a new server, just got catfished again and I'm past the bullshit point. No more LDR's, no more "haha I'm shy no don't see my face", no more "Oh I wish but y'know we're on opposite sides of the world". New server, made today, for the lonely anons and anonettes out here in the desert.
So I know this is probably the worst place to do this but fuck it. This weekend is my birthday and i just wonna go and hang out I.E. go eat, play video games, do stuff with people in general. Made a burner kik so shoot me a message or a discord if interested

Kik user bob20175

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Same rules as the classic kik nude game, send nudes to the 3 above your post.

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26, Latin, Bi

I really enjoy sharing my gf pictures, she really like when I share her beautiful teen body

Dom for some fun
M 20 Australia

8inches uncut

Kik jonjon790
Snap tom.jones720

Up for almost anything.
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Hello good evening how are you doing hope you are fine I have promotion, snap : gimenadelac2024

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> asl
20 m australia

> bio
6'6, brunette, curly hair, slim but athletic, abs, v cut, big hands, veiny, im sure you can guess the rest ;)
i also have hyperspermia...


> looking for
f, flirty, fun, sexting

> not looking for
m, trans

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27m bi europe
add me for fun :)
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English 29yo M doing cock tribs to whoever you fancy sharing, pic as example
30/m/Eu Bi
>Looking for
Love watching dicks cumming and if we can time it together even better. F welcome too.
24M Cuckold Slave obsessed with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Looking for right-wing to far-right/Nazi Bulls or Dominant Males to goon with; open to becoming your submissive slave as well. Open to long-term, blackmail, and more.

Snap - perilousreturn
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Hi guys I have very good promotions can you write to my Snapchat: gimenadelac2024

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Newer better Southeastern thread

Discord: https://discord.gg/N7FYq6bMCf

>Physical description
>Looking for
>Not looking for

AL - Alabama
GA - Georgia
TN - Tennessee
MS - Mississippi

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Hi neyet.
21/M/Gulf Coast United States
>Open to long distance (y/n)?
Yes but would like to meet sooner than later
>About me
I'm 6'2 have light brown hair and blue eyes, kinda of a reserved person
Geography, Exploration, Hiking, Adventure, Stories, Lore, Researching, Fiction
>Songs you like
I usually listen to generic pop music or rock
>Movies and tv you like
I like watching anthology type shows but also enjoy real world documentary type stuff, anything I find interesting
>Religious beliefs

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Official southeastern server with a very active 4chan userbase: https://discord.com/invite/QsxVw9fr
29/M/Midtown Atlanta, GA

>Physical description
White, 5'11, normal build, pretty nice brown hair

The usual. I'm an engineer but not a full-on nerd. I like competitive video games, sports, debating, etc.

>Looking for
An Asian girl to hang out with. I'm in a super male-dominated industry so I don't meet a lot of girls through work, etc and I don't really like turbo-normie girls anyway. I live in Midtown but don't really have someone to do stuff with.

>Not looking for

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New girls welcome and encouraged to post booty and moar.

Read the board and site rules: >>17318579

>Self posts only.
>Cis-females only.
>Timestamp if new.
>No contactfagging, soliciting, or advertising.
>No bullying, stalking, spamming, or harassing.
>Report posts that break the above rules.

Want to post vids?
For short clips, use https://www.redgifs.com/
For longer videos, use https://www.erome.com/ (account takes 24 hours to activate)

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will post more soooon plz make requests
Put spoons on your bum
Open your little flower
>plz make requests
laying on your playing with your pussy with your feet in frame~
on your BACK*

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374 replies and 225 images omitted. Click here to view.
M 20 Australia

8inches uncut

Kik jonjon790
Snap tom.jones720

Up for almost anything
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Kik: summerhoot

Guess ill do some rates
Any of you hung guys have experience in public showers like from public pool? I`m a guy myself and I used to peek a bit when I notice someone hung... is it noticeable that u get glimpses at places like that?

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For those for whom the toxic relationship thread is not toxic enough. Fucked up relationships only.

>describe yourself
>looking for
>not looking for
>contact info (discord, kik...)
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26M, Europe

After trying (and ultimately rejecting) various moral systems and religious illusions, I arrived to the conclusion that what was wrong was not this or that morality, but morality itself. Having accepted that, I gradually became more and more unhinged (which is a good thing).

>describe yourself
180 cm tall, thin, Rasputin beard. Extremely well mannered and cerebral, but free of any inhibitions. Machiavellian.

>looking for
A girl/woman of any age (18 and up) meeting one or more of these requirements:

Someone who is broken.
Someone who feels ugly.
Someone who feels useless.
Someone who is mentally ill.

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DOS, C64, ZXS, PC-98, MSX, NES, SG-1000, AST, Amiga, SMS, PCE, SMD, SNES
>Looking For
Bit Music, Chiptune, Sequencer & Tracker, FM Synthesis, Midi, Doskpop
>Not Looking For

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