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I waited for so long for this franchise to get to part 6
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Don't matter if it's a waltz or tango, offical or fan art, if it involves two girls hand holding, arms on the back or waist and them dancing the night away, post it!!
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Gay Shipping
Previous: >>3815577
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I've been commissioning a bunch of yuri lately and I tend to keep to classic scissoring. But I'm open to some variety and wanted to know what positions /u/ likes.
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Nice. Love that pairing btw, a long time ago I even wrote a fanfic about them.
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This is another one I commissioned. There's only one more but I'll have to post that in the incest thread.

At the risk of getting banned, I do generally prefer het stuff so I have a lot more comms in that vein. But I am diversifying.
>It’s just a lot of effort and gymnastics for a very precise movement with little payoff.
there are no excuses for lesbians who are not flexible.
What about girls in wheelchairs, like Erika from Flowers?
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The rare dovefuck.

It's been a while since we've had a thread about the superpowered mahjong-playing lesbians with no panties.
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Kugimiya is already voicing Tacos in Saki. Maybe give her someone newer, like Suzushiro Sayumi or Ichinose Kana
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Should I start with live action or anime?
It's better to start with the anime and then the live action, which helps complement the anime in some ways, like not having Kyotaro and making AkoShizu seem really relevant.
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What a wonderful starting act: >>3807974
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That's a pretty funny mental image. There's probably a sense that it's something they just sort of fell into as well, or rather, something that was an inevitability on Terbium's part. They spend enough time hanging out together and one day, after enough romantic gestures, bam, Gado realizes they're dating.
Definitely sounds like it. Realistically I think Mithril might've helped confirm any suspicions she had if Gado somehow wasn't sure. I don't doubt Terbi hasn't had to be at least a little territorial in her house, so she probably knows when to turn it on for things.
If there was ever someone who knew about taking what they wanted, it'd be Mithril. Luckily for Gadolinium, Terbium doesn't doesn't exactly scream "subtle" either. She can look at her big sisters for inspiration: Yttrium shrugging and saying "I guess I just asked Rhenium out" and Erbium for "I could totally land a college girl".
Would Po have been alive during the height of Jazzercising? I think she's just old enough where Radon might've been able to tease her about it.
She should have been if only for the possibility of Thallium inadvertently stumbling across an old photo of her in full workout gear. Oh, Polonium thought she'd managed to destroy every last copy, but Radon would have held on to one secretly.

They’re such a cute pairing, especially since Visha is one of the few things capable of humanising Tanya
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If there's one thing that's relatively unique to YS, it's being able to extend the whole multiple lives/reincarnation thing and mix it with an established relationship and get some absolutely delicious pinning as a result of the girls not knowing they're sharing a world again and missing each other greatly. Which is what this fic does pretty neatly.


The crossover material is pretty good in provoking some of the better character traits of Tanya to come out, but does come with a het beta pairing that very much is the beta pairing at best thus far as the fic barely has them in remote contact let alone having any positive feelings for one another whilst Viktan were married in their first lives together and are pinning hard for one another.
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Tanya being better about giving affection than receiving it is fitting. Girl is absolutely touch starved but also got weird ideas in her head about how to present herself.

Nothing particularly interesting in writing stuff from what I've seen recently outside of some gen fics that are nice. There's a tokyo ghoul crossover fic on SB that got some killer art that's pretty unpostable here I'm pretty sure due to gore and it being solo stuff but it's fantastic due to all the eldritch angel imagery Tanya has going for her.

So since I can't post that, I guess I'll post more delinquency record art. Not really a fan of it but beggars and all that.

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Girls' Frontline is a gritty girls with guns mobile Tactical SLG for Android, iOS and emulator where the player takes the role of a newly recruited commander in a Private Military Company named Griffin&Kryuger, commanding a force of highly advanced android girls known as Tactical Dolls. You, the commander, are represented by a customisable male or female sprite that can interact with the girls in their dorms.

Self-insert/waifu elements aside, the all girls cast inevitably lends to a range of /u/ elements from cute interactions to unhealthy obsessions. It also has a manga featuring a female commander protagonist and a series of anime shorts, primarily Chinese dubbed with Japanese broadcast following.

Project Neural Cloud Welcome here too.

Beginner FAQ: https://pastebin.com/BMrzudfQ
Resources: https://pastebin.com/SHn3ztTt

Manga: https://mangadex.org/title/32154/girls-frontline
Materials (het-free version, courtesy of Anon): https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1qmrJA3ILKDUD_MjMEya_EEVgZf3nV8bp

List of /u/sers: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1syw8ZtQG5r6vw4z-CJL9aLODxxu-S7q9HMBGheuqqHE/edit#gid=1211261030
Add your UID here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdCGLBh2gL4WY-uVXPE1FigOiLusCKiYaolwCQJ35TU_6L-Hg/viewform

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>6 year anniversary
time sure flies. There doesn't seem to be much yet again except one free skin but at least we get a true core mask.

Cosplayers being hella gay.

Been a while since the last one: >>3937233
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Sorry, I thought you were human.
Don't you know how difficult it is to go to BSD by trains or bus?
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Last Thread: >>3318873
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How will the new games work with Vota dying and Switch bring a Frankenstein console?
What's Vota?
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it's a typo for vita
Simple, there won't be any.

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LIly LYric cyCLE


thread died
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Here is your hat.
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Does anyone have vol.7 of the CDs that came included with the limited edition of the game? That's the only one I'm struggling to track down for a reasonable cost, out of things that aren't store specials.
Its Japanese title is りりくるVol.7『輝く!? スターの条件!』
It's available as part of the game on booth, but I already have the digital game elsewhere (MG version is just plain superior even for playing in JP), and spending 6k yen for basically just the mp3 release is a bit more than I'd like. Used game boxes float around here and there, however it's always in a "tokutens probably missing lmao" state, so there's a big risk that it's a waste of money.
I would be really grateful if you could reupload these, the folders now show up as empty (probably because of some copyright strike).
May thread

Girls licking each other's pussies at the same time.
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Previous thread: >>4067383
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Game, Light Novel, and Drama CD translations:

Ryukyu Sword Wind Record light novel written by Aoi Akashiro (the same author who wrote NoWaYu):
>On a certain day, in August 2017, Asahina Hokuto, third year middle school student of the Heijou Institute, and Inami Suu, first year middle school student of Renpu Girls' School, land at Naha Airport. They are here to participate in an operational test of the newly developed Storm Armor, produced through the collaborative efforts of both the Sword Administration Bureau and United States military. On that same day, another toji arrives in Okinawa: Tsubakuro Yume, sixth year elementary school student of Ayanokouji Martial Arts School. The girls have no knowledge of and share no connection with each other. For now. This story, is Toji no Miko's first novelization!

Nagori Kachou:
>Half a year has passed since the 'Great Year-End Disaster'. One day, in early summer, Hiyori and Kanami are tasked with a special mission. Without being briefed on its details, they find waiting at their destination the former elite guard, currently the special defense team, Shidou Maki and Konohana Suzuka.

Kotei Rakuen:
>While she is conducting a solo investigation into an aradama, contact is lost with Ellen. Upon hearing the news from the General Countermeasures Director, Sana, Kaoru immediately moves to go on the search, but--

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Merch survey! What do you want?
Fake, Kaoru wouldn't be able to see the sky at all.

Whao they still make merch to sell?
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Kaoru should stop staring at her girlfriend's breasts and go back to work.
Secret IPS Netherworld technique.
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I assume that's how their moms got pregnant, too.

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Anybody read this? 3 volumes out so far, 4 coming in July. Story is about childhood best friends. One of them overhears the other getting asked out by a guy. She turns him down but the other friend gets mad jealous and realizes she loves her. Hijinks ensue.

Starts off good, but gets better and better, volume 3 was extremely cute. Check it out if you haven't and you like cute romcoms.
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Is that not the whole point of a slow board though? That you can make threads about obscure topics and they'll be up for a month to maximize the number of people who can see it? I think you have everything flipped, generals are useful for fast boards where obscure topics get buried and die instantly.
> it can't afford having a thread for every little thing
But it can afford to have a thread for every little fetish topic that could easily go on /h/ and a general for every single popular series that has been discussed to death? What kind logic leads you to dislike discussion about small series?
And to add to this, I don't read every damn general like a novel, that's a waste of time. I'll read through them if I feel like it. I would personally be thrilled if more people made threads about obscure manga that they love as it would expose me to more series in the catalog. If the idea of people talking about yuri series on the yuri board outside of the "designated general" triggers you that much, you probably don't even care that much about yuri and just enjoy larping as a yurifan and being autistic about rules like a little cuck.
Most people simply don't care for threads about small series, they get quickly forgotten and buried. Your questions have in fact a much bigger chance of being answered in the general because tons of people visit it every day, it's the most visible thread on the board.
And if you don't get any replies then you probably wouldn't have gotten any from a dedicated thread either. The total userbase of this board is small so a few months are not gonna make any difference.

>But it can afford to have a thread for every little fetish topic that could easily go on /h/ and a general for every single popular series that has been discussed to death?
Those are guaranteed to have content and to eventually reach bump limit, so they're more than justified.

>What kind logic leads you to dislike discussion about small series?
Hyperfragmentation is bad. In fact, you could just make a thread about less-popular series in general and it would be a lot more useful than a thread about each individual series.
>killed /a/
What a good news. But if you are here to find a new board after /a/ died you are in the wrong place.

>I don't read every damn general
It shows, otherwise retarded questions like
>Anybody read this?
would be avoided since the series is already discussed when something happens in the general, in the raws thread and in the RR thread where every translated chapter gets regularly posted.
Is this a manga for ants?

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