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I've only seen one thread on this in the past, but it's getting into the peak time of year soon so why not see if there's any interest.
>favorite designs/tailmakers (fin fun, mertailor, fin folk)
>fabric tails vs silicone
>the actual exercise component of swimming with a monofin
I know there are mers on here and I'm trying to actually take the plunge and get a tail this year.
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>it's summer again
Any plans?
Workout until i attain my ideal merman body
Trying to organize a big swim meetup for all the mermaids in my area at a pretty area, a very nice natural spring... but it's several hours away so not sure how many people will end up coming. Me and one other mermaid are committed but I have the feeling a lot of people saying "yes!" right now are going to bail closer to the date. But even if it's just us two we'll still enjoy it at least.

I'm also trying to make more jewelry for myself. Bracelets and such out of cultured pearl beads, so I can stop using plastic ones when I swim.
I've got a question: how do mermaids get around?
Do you get carted around in one of those little wheelboroughs? A special go-cart where the acceleration is driven by some kind of crank or lever, maybe? Do you get piggy-backs?

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Cultured jfashionistas at galleries, museums, art installations, etc.
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The biggest one (Anime North) is hardly relevant and only has washed up VAs, random indie vtubers, or just straight up completely unknown people as their guests. The vendors are mostly just people reselling cheap stuff from taobao or stolen prints.

It feels so shittily put together that I think I'll just not buy a ticket and instead stroll around outside taking pictures of cool cosplays. Maybe I'm just pessimistic, but the grass always seems greener on the other side.

On a side note, if anybody's into Project Moon stuff, please hit me up, I... I wanna make friends.
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This con fucking sucks, all of you are too old for this shit now
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Its time.
Lets go Kisame.
> What do people even talk to VAs about? I'm too awkward.
I didn’t talk to them (tfw EOP) but I love surprising the Japanese VAs by getting them to sign merch of the stuff they aren’t expecting. This year I got the Astro Boy VA really excited by bringing in my Takarajima BD.
Is TCAF the Toronto Comics Art Festival? I’m down in KW so I’m not familiar with stuff in the GTA.
Oh was she in that? Nice. I talked to her a bit in JP and that was super cool. So sad I missed the other JP VA (mittermeier my husbando...)

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Post cosplays you're working on, plan to work on, or want feeback on, and motivate each other. Let's get back to our roots and away from the softcore porn, or at the very least survive alongside it.
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That eye plate looks a little goofy
Eyes kinda too close IMO
I've just started building a set of phase 2 clone trooper armour (galactic armoury files, since they seemed decent) partly because I want to, and partly for a con in a few months time. (I also got a new 3d printer with a bigger build plate, so I wanted to test run it with a decent project)

I have to say, I'm 3d printing this stuff and I am honestly surprised at having to scale so much of this stuff up, I'm not a 'big guy' but I cannot see how anyone could fit into this at a smaller size. I suppose the files I have are designed to be scaled to your build, but I scaled up stuff like the calf plates, and man, some people must be twigs to fit in this without scaling.

It's interesting though, considering it's my first attempt as cosplay since my teens. I 'look forward' to all the sanding and finishing in my future.
tldr cosplay turned out shit. trying to decide on redoing everything from scratch versus doing a new, easier cosplay. have my best pic.
Next, need me a buddy to cosplay Barret

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Sewing Thread: post your sewing related questions here.

What threads do you guys use? I need recommendations for strong wholesale thread sites
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questions I cannot find answers to online pls help

>Sewing machine is either broken, or i'm retarded. Can either of these problems be fixed?
>Stabilizer has left filmy residue on fabric that refuses to be removed. Is this just how it goes, or did I fuck up?
>What do anons use to trace patterns to avoid cutting up the original pattern?
>Stabilizer has left filmy residue on fabric that refuses to be removed. Is this just how it goes, or did I fuck up?
I have never heard of that happening. Can you post a pic? Usually stabilizer just makes the fabric have more structure. If it does come off, it just leaves behind some of the stabilizer material usually in the little glue dots, but not enough to become a film or goo.

>What do anons use to trace patterns to avoid cutting up the original pattern?
There's a specific type of tracing paper that you can use. The pattern goes on top, then the tracing paper, and lastly the paper you want to transfer the markings to (or the fabric, but desu it's best to have a paper pattern). Then you use a tracing wheel (the one with the spokes on it) and the markings will transfer to your desired paper.
iunno, probably. describe the broken to us.
>stabilizer filmy residue
new one on me too. going out on a limb here: if you used wax tailor's chalk to mark your fabric the answer to your question is "yes"
get a roll of medical exam table paper. the full kit for me adds also an iron, a twin stack of pattern weights, 0.5mm pencil, small variety of rulers at hand for faster straight lines, rotary cutter, fabric shears, clay tailor's chalk, a threaded needle, and a few pins.
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Could anyone identify which machine this is based of off? The model is Sistra SM270, but it's some relabeled inhouse brand, and I lack the user manual to set it up properly. I must be doing something wrong with the bobbin threader as the spool's not tight and unevenly spread. When trying to sew the best results have very loopy bottom stitches, worst results are that the bottom thread gets messed up under the bottom plate and sometimes the needle hits the bottom plate.
googling "sewing machine sm270" yields results - Brother SM2700

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>mfw realizing cosplay is only worth it if you're attractive
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And yet I'll do it anyways.
Most hobbies don't do that actually
Literally just stop being fat
>show someone a basic crochet

>show someone some basic anime art'

>show someone cosplay
>heh. isnt that kinda embarassing?
>Wanna dress like the guys in magical girl manga and anime
>No sense of fashion

peter griffin or cosplay whoever you want dude xd
Tits out bitch! Let me see your bum hole!
Do you go by Ash Dizzy on social media by any chance?

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Any gals here?
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sorry forgot that asking for a source on 4chan is literally as bad as being a commie or some shit, I'll always trust what you guys say forever :) love you nonnie, let's kiss and get banned from cons together for tanning, ok?
being a bitch doesn't help you blend in.
Stop derailing thread with BS.
Are gals still doing meet ups? The community doesn’t feel connected as it use to be?
Could say the same to you nonny :(

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Sharing a hotel room at a con:

Have you done it before? Where did you find people to split the room with? Were they strangers? What rules were usually in place for the convention weekend? Did any problems arise? Would you do it again?
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Last minute shared a room with a total stranger for a recent con, met them on the comm Discord. Mixed gender. Went amazingly well, we hit it off great and are friends now. She hung out with me and made the con way more enjoyable by explaining series and famous people I hadn't known, since our tastes were so different and she's about 10 years younger than me.
i work at a cheap motel. we charge stuff like $25 for a missing or ruined towel, $30 for late checkout. If you do real bad shit we either require a $200 cash deposit for all future bookings or ban you entirely. Can't imagine what a fancier hotel charges. Yeah there's a risk especially if your conmate decides to dye her hair in the hotel.
$30 is one hour late. 2 or 3 hours late checkout ends up as a charge for an extra full day.
>Have you done it before?
Several times
>Where did you find people to split the room with? Were they strangers?
Always been friends and/or friends of friends
>What rules were usually in place for the convention weekend?
Uhhh nothing beyond the unspoken "don't be a dickhead and don't break shit"
>Did any problems arise?
Not really, a couple of retarded arguments during CCE2023 but I wasn't there for all but one of them so w/e
>Would you do it again?
It's the only way to do a con, imo. Shit I'm doing it at least two more times this year, probably three.
Where to find roommate groups in Europe? I'm going to the Japan Expo in Paris and would like to find a roommate, but I have no idea where to look for groups or anything like that. Unless someone from 4chan is going as well...

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ive like never cosplayed b4 at all nd i LOVE stocking SO MUCH but i have no idea where to get the outfit and stuff… everywhere online is so expensive and/or just shitty material. would i be better off making it myself? im not sure how 2 go about it lol XD
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Lose weight.
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I want them to give me a double footjob

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/mkg/ - Mobile Kanojo/Kareshi General #14

Afterlife edition

Last Thread: >>10397387

>The most discussed apps/games are Moe Can Change!, Dream Girlfriend/Nijikano, Dream Boyfriend/Hoshikare, and Animal Boyfriend/Gijin Kareshi, but people are encouraged to introduce new games.
>We generally discuss dress-up/simulator games and smartphone/cellphone apps for waifus or husbandos.
>Occasionally discussed games include Fairy Doll, Potion Maker, Mandrake Girls, Soul Girls, etc.
>To our newfriends: please remove any /mkg/ tags and lurk more to ensure proper etiquette. We might be a dress-up game general, but we are already dead, Jim

>/mkg/ Tips, Etiquette and Linkdump (spreadsheet of names for MCC, DG, AB, GK and FD):
http://pastebin.com/iPbE3f4d (embed)

>English Wiki links:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I was more sso focused on posting than making the cordination look good
is it dead?

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Any good Latex / Vinil / Tight and shiny cosplays?
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this shit doesn't fit, dumbass. looks trash.
you look like you smell worse before you put the suit on
Uwowo has larger sizes, I wasnt a fan of the mesh sides/hands and the cheap sewed on details
>buy a size bigger because the tight fitting bodysuit is tight
yeah no shit Sherlock, it's supposed to be tight. There should be zero folds in your clothing, it's supposed to be skintight. Your suit is too big.

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Marin (and variations) and Yor were the obvious FOTM cosplays for last con season. What are your predictions for this year?

My predictions:
>Yor spillover from last year
>a fuckton of Kobeni and Makima
>Mitsuri from Demon Slayer (her arc comes out in spring)
>Vash Stampede for guys
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Many cons have introduced dress codes since the Kill la Kill cosplays and their wardrobe malfunctions. I don't think people would be able to get away with such risque outfits anymore.
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I wonder if monogatari coming back is going to pop some cosplayers
thought the only person that would do monogatari in 2024 are boomers and japaneses
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How am I only hearing about this now? I'm working on a panel and was wondering whether or not to include Monogatari. Looks like I've got my answer, so thanks for the heads up. Also, I saw both a Hachikuji and Shinobu cosplayer pretty recently too so there's that
> A lot of people just aren't going to want to do the bodypaint and beyond for Karlach and Lae'zel, and the armor adds more cost and complexity
As predicted, Astarion, Shadowheart, and Gale, with a little touch of Halsin for the fitness bros specifically in their camp outfits have been the most popular.
lewd furiosas

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To counteract all the moids here and the overwhelming spamming of slutty girls, here's a thread dedicated to the cuties who cosplay.

Emphasis on the "cute" part. Bodybuilders cosplaying just to show off their abs are just as bad as the girls who only do it for onlyfans.
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T. Balding 30+ moid
when her weight starts with a 2
Shhh quiet moid go pick up your hair from the floor is getting it dirty

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hey /cgl/ this me cosplaying as my cat rupert, who is on my shoulder for reference.

Does anyone else here cosplay as their pet, or have tips on how to cosplay more like a cat without looking like a furry?
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Just leave the thread and go to another you braindead retard.
This isn't the only thread on the board, you inbread vaginal belch.
Spamming is against the rules
You could do a tail, ears, and paw gloves.
I think drawing on a nose and whiskers works be good too.
I think that's probably the limit before you look like a furry.
If you do those giant paw shoes that's furry territory.
Post the costume with upgrades once they're completed
your posts would be deleted anyway
does he bite?

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