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>Lose and be ordered to pay 100k
>Lose appeal and be ordered to pay 376k for wasting everyone's time
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Vic Mignogna he's a voice actor and he was the victim of false accusations
Musicians and mainstream actors were known for hooking up with underage groupies all the time, it wouldn't be shocking if he did the same thing too back in the day.
He's gonna represent himself and the two women in the case and proceed to dig the hole deeper
Kiwis le owned
>"victim of false accusations"
gtfo newfag
that's what he gets for being hetero and a white man in the 2000s. What did he expect would happen?

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I was wondering if I ever make a cosplay, I firstly understand what makes it bad. Even if I dress properly, make up, good wig, I feel like it would look bad anyway. I was wondering if it is something else, like face structure or just being ugly. Also not talking about cosplays that don't match body build or those that want to look bad ironically.
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It flies in the non-cosplay makeup circles, so dunno why it wouldn't work with cosplay. It's just an alternative or addition to certain types of eye makeup. For example if you want 〜anime eyes desu〜 including Brock eyes or huge shoujo eyes, refolding your eyelid can help create the appearance of a bigger or smaller eye, as well as change how deep your eyebrow ridge seems. I think most people don't talk about it because it's mainly done by Asian women and half-racial people.
whats her OF
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God damnit! That face and make up is so perfect to cosplay this chad with a few more touch up!
Not sure if this is the correct thread, but how do you fight perfectionism? For instance, I want to do my very first cosplay of a character I like very much, but I know nothing of sewing, makeup and wigmaking, which only leaves me with an option to buy some polyester crap from ezcosplay and be happy with that.
I would really love to wear a “good” cosplay instead of plastic bullshit, but that will require me to learn sewing (or spend a fortune to commision/hire a tailor), learn how to style a wig properly, and learn how to do a makeup (I’m a guy so never used it)

Do I just go with ezcosplay for starters and improve it later down the road?
Find yourself a good baseline and go from there. Once you start going into handmade stuff, remember to take a step back if you find yourself starting to get sucked into a single detail and look at the whole thing and how it looks. As for stuff like wig making and makeup, it just takes time, practice, and a good bit of study.

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Does anyone have any examples of gyarus/gals from thsg time? I know that gyaru as people know it now didn't start until the 90s-00s but I've heard that the term started around in the 80s. So I was wondering if anyone had any examples of these 80s gals. Really anything works.
the term gyaru was introduced into japanese in the 70s, not the style. this is a conflation by westerners. gyaru wasn't a name originally used by girls who wore the style, but rather labeled as such by the media. even in your image it says that the term gyaru was used to refer to any trendy girl in their 20s, giving the example "ikeikegyaru" which translates to vibrant energetic gal.
Has anyone done any of that fashion at conventions? Would love to see someone of that aesthetic.

Last thread went sage >>10849072


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Has anyone ordered from Sosic recently? I ordered two pairs of tea parties on 18th May and the ETA on the listing is 15 days, which has obviously come and gone. My SS is now saying they’ll cancel and refund unless I ask them not to in the next 72 hours.

Wat do
It happened to me too, I ordered from them but since they didn't deliver in time my SS cancelled.
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why do they hate us so fucking much
it didn't used to be like this
Weird question, what browser do you use? It was bombarding me with popups and I have issues with buttons on Chrome, but Firefox it doesn't do it.. yet? Not sure if its actually related to the browser at all.
>it didn't used to be like this
Yes it did are you dumb? We used to not even be able to use accounts in the US at all.

I think this cosplay looks good
The thigh highs are hot.
where is the truck

>no-shows your shitty con

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I'm too old to understand this subculture please enlighten me
like how do you feel when you larp as an anime character makes you feel like
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if you're a soulless normie whose only hobby is masturbating to porn everything is a sexual kink I guess
Around Halloween a couple years ago, I reflected that I didn't do a single thing for the holiday anymore, not since I was a kid. I got this strong urge to get a costume, a good one. It all sort of spiraled from there.
im a boy
>soulless normie whose only hobby is masturbating to porn
what in the world has happened to 4chan nomenclature??
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Because there's something special about watching Kim Possible and a black Sora rocking out at a rave while a Ruby Rose and Wendy from FT engage in serious discussion in the corner.

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Stolen from/ic/. Post your social media links.
Follow my everywhere, I'm rxsuperstar, world famous cosplay photographer. I'll be a featured guest at Brooklyn Comic Con and Anime NYC this year, stay tuned as I got shit ton of content coming out every month! You seen the rest, but I'm called one of the best!
datamining thread

Fanime Live

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Any of you guys going to this?

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Hii everyone. Here's my Ganyu cosplay, what do you all think of it? Thinking of wearing this to a con.
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Guessing Colossal Prime
I'd eat your ass so hard that you would lactate my brown watered saliva.
change top to plastic
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"That's not you..."

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Lolita aprons: practical, decorative, or costumey?
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Naka-Kon is this weekend so I figure I'd make a post.

What are you cosplaying?
What panels are you planning to attend?
Is there a non-formal dance/rave this year?

Posting mah slab or iron since I'll be Guts on Saturday.
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I think the Kon itself just isn’t very notable these days. I haven’t seen it advertised anywhere, and all the other local-ish cons seem to overshadow it with all the big names they bring in. I don’t recognize any of the guests for Naka-Kon at all. I don’t know anyone who still goes and when I told some people that are into anime and stuff about it, they had no idea there was a convention going on this weekend.
Misako is there.
I know it was on the downturn before but it doesn't help covid nearly killed it. I think they are still trying to build it back up and will eventually get the larger names to visit again. But I guess only time will tell.
I really don't see much of a reason to go out there these days, especially given the current economic times. I consider myself one of the old school veterans of the con and I've had to accept the fact that myself and whatever group I associated myself with has gone their separate ways. It's a not a bad thing but that's just how life is.
Well, I still had a lot of fun at the con today regardless. Bought some cool stuff, saw some neat cosplays, and hung out with some cool people at the game areas.

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Is it normal for people to ask for pictures and immediately leave after?
Or is this another Switzerland specialty where everybody hates socializing?
OR is it because I'm male?
How do you even make friends at a con?

I went to a convention as Chainsaw Man last October and while over 20 people asked me for a pic, nobody actually stuck around or even made an attempt at small talk. I was hoping to meet people.

There's another convention coming up next month and I'm not sure if I wanna go get photographed and go back home all alone with no new contacts or friends again.
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you aren't going to get big conversations with everyone. if you don't click with a few questions and it naturally fizzles quickly, its okay to move on
My friends and I walk around with a water bottle filled with vodka.
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That's why I also mentioned seating areas. "Hey, can I sit next to you?" is an easy way to start a chat with someone because if they say no you never had a chance of talking to them anyway.

Two things to remember:
>You will get out what you put into a conversation
>Most people love talking about themselves

Ask questions that can't be answered with yes/no. If they're giving short responses anyway, offer your own input on their answer before leading into a probing question for more detail. If you ask how long their cosplay took and they say six months, you could say
>Wow, that's a long time. What part of it took the longest to do?
Rinse and repeat. If they answer a question with something you disagree with e.g. liking Naruto, you bite your tongue on the judgement, acknolwedge the validity of their view, and mention your own as a preference rather than a superior position.

After a bit of this you'll have some confidence with your rapport. Especially if they're asking you things too. Here's where you ask for socials - ideally for the purpose of scheduling a meetup the next day of the con - but that might not always be possible. Point is to at least make it clear you'd like to hang out with them at some point which is why you're asking for their info. If it's gone particuraly well you could ask to tag along with them then and there too

Ganbare your best anon!
what if I hate all popular anime?
I am....

>the year is 2017
>everyone at the con is checking their streetpasses every 30 minutes
we'll never get this back, and it hurts so much
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Is it still possible to do local? Example, acnl locally? Thanks
Pre-2009 was peak conventions.

Basically just people interested in anime, games and Jrock.
That was before they started milking Marvel/DC movies, so you didn't have to deal with people cosplaying cringe Super Heroes™ at cons.

No cancel culture around that time either (People didn't see "Boothbabes" as a problem that can LITERALLY DESTROY THE SOCIETY), we didn't have organizers dedicating panels to discuss "diversity" or "how we must do X in order to fight against Y in the gaming industry".
I went to a small local con this December and I only met 4 people with my 3DS, it was so sad. I plan on going to Japan in June and will go to some big event, I'll bring my 3DS with me and see how it goes but I have low expectation and will mostly take my 3DS to play in the plane anyway.
i went to a 100 gecs concert last year and people were doing this in line
Anyone get to finish Puzzle Swap yet (at least for their region)? I was able to get across the finish line on that (North American region) last month thanks to a couple of reliable friends with 3DS'. I will admit that cons did help immensely tho these past 12 or so years. Now onto the StreetPass games I will never complete/finish...

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