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Here today, gone tomorrow edition~

Previous thread >>10913960

May 17th-19th, 2024 Donald E. Stephens Convention Center & Hyatt Regency O’Hare, Rosemont, IL

How's your con experience so far?
Favorite cosplays you've seen?
Buy any good swag?
Play mahjong in the hyatt basement immediately.
How was the single meet up? Missed it cause I'm helping a homey with somethings.
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She did in fact ruin his life.
Con thot took his life.
RIP the kang.
nobody showed up kek
First for miku
NVM you took my spot. I don't know how to play.
I did t see anyone.
im still hangin in the gaming area, by the smash stage rn
Not feeling the vibes anymore ever since a buddy of mine an heroed at this con...
Dude same
i have a vulpix plushie and hair with black stripes. who are you
The Miku guy
Anyone wanna meet up ?
I’m chilling out by the blast city cabinet.
What you wearing ? We're going to you
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I've been walking around with a Yoshi on my head
My oni girl was fantastic, I love studio Colorido movies
That Lotus Juice concert was sick as was his life story panel yesterday
And for the first time in all my years of coming, I went to and even partook in karaoke and truly had such a blast
I managed to find and buy an art book with one of my most favorite artists on it and also met in the creator of, of all games, Septerra Core and got signed art from him
Great con so far
Can't find you
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puppets best part of ACEN so far
Pipkin Pippa? Is that you?
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no fuck off
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Should've used this as the OP pic instead https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GU4Hw-xbBNo
Post the full uncensored version, faggot
West coast gull going to acen for the first time here. Heard there was a meetup and party, what's the discord?
Discord a shit
Striped hair girl, wanna join us to eat?
im ordering culvers with my crew, ill hit u up later
Lee McKinnis
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I saw a girl cosplaying Haruka accidentally smack her head against the mic at the idolm@ster seiyuu panel yesterday.
One of the most unintentionally in-character things I've seen a cosplayer do.
Taylor, we know you lurk here. Unblock motherfuckers. Thank fuck you're coming to your senses. You're cool otherwise but you simply didn't know Sydney as long as others have. That's the point we've been trying to get across, but you went all agro and did what you do best, block people to force yourself to have the final word.
literally who
Lmao Tsu is stuck with amberlyn Reid
Dinner at bub city anyone?
Rejected by an Asian girl at the dance. Wtf man? Am I that repulsive? Do I just keep trying?
is there anyone whose room I could leave my bag in for the rave? my airbnbs like half an hour away and i don’t want to go there and back and pay twice
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Who brought fireworks to celebrate Reisen becoming an hero??
Wake up. Get up. Get out there.
Man the amount of ass and thighs is giving me the worst case of blue balls right now.
Find a glory hole
The mens room. idk
Debating on whether to get in the car and make the 45min drive to acen or not. Worth a few hours of being lost?
yeah, come blow this guy >>10915458 don't forget your maid dress and cat ears
But I’m not gay.
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Seeing couples cosplaying together always makes me depressed.
Me too bro.
That is not Lee.
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No fireworks, but one less shitstain in the anime community is always gonna be a net gain to me.

> Captcha: 0JK8
> mfw
Even the catchall agrees he's a joke.
What's the best ones you've all seen so far?
It's really sad that he felt like he had no other option and took his own life
@ drug fountain guy im around. phone almost dead though so hit me up soon
His other option was prison. The girl was only a teenager(a child), and he already got caught with one in the past so not first time. Easy way out for sure.
>rave line
Any other parties going on? Preferrably with weed?
I don't give a FUCK about your e-celeb drama.
What is taking this fucking dj taking so long god damn. Did the police put a halt to the rave?
This rave line sucks
I saw a bunny girl Miku with a dorky looking guy yesterday. Really it's the ones that are intimate with each other that get me, regardless of how attractive they are.
Is there an ordered set list for the rave? I only care about seeing kors k and ryu* and I don't wanna be there for 6 hours
Rave line is a mile long it’s so over
>dat rave line
Lol fuck that
tranny with striped hair roaming the rave. gimme a tap on the shoulder
Still? What the fuck
God, women in full bodysuits just hit me like nothing else does.
See you guys next year. I don't browse this board.
So...how about those room parties?
So if Reisen's dead, where are all the photos of his corpse? Surely someone would've snapped a photo of a dead troon jew.
How long have you been waiting? Still deciding when I'm gonna go get in line
Good question, I wonder what actually went down
Security checkpoints causing issues?
can someone fill me in on this cryptic schizoposting
It's rave night. Why would anyone be in rooms?
I'm in a room party bc no one will answer me as to how long the rave line is
if the felix cosplayer who was in the moshpit is somehow browsing this thread im sorry for accidentally grabbing your balls
>2hu cosplayer
>can't dodge bullets
owari da
I dedicate my next fap session to the Hyatt karaoke Cammy cosplayer. Her ass was perfect..
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I met two dudes and a girl who were cool as fuck, too bad none of them live in Illinois. Bruh. They made this con amazing for me. THEY WERE COOL AS FUCK!

After reading the incel post on how an Asian girl rejected the dude, made me realize how cringe I sounded complaining about being rejected by the girl who was promising. Sorry for being cringe guys.

Ended the night shouting in the parking lot.
Why must the cutest gulls have the worst STDs
Name examples of said gulls
I'm not supposed to know so I can't say
Just watch out
that one chick who spent all day skating around the game room almost crashed into me like 10 times.
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Come to 2306 room party free booze no niggers please
There was a girl at the Hyatt wearing a latex micro bikini.
I saw her around, was she really doing that all day?

Next time intentionally crash into her and you'll start a meet cute story. Or give her brain damage. Whatever you hope for more.
Twas good shit,see you next time. shout out to Mr. Miku
Unable to make it to the rave tn, how is it though?
There were some passable trannies ngl
Hey THIRST MACHINE, Armor Faggot, Brandon Cruz, my room is in 2306 if you want to defend your UwU smol trans catboy.

Hell tell that faggot in the comment section in the screencap where I am at. Oh and tell VTJ who apparently doesn't have a fuckin room in this room.

Speaking of that, armor faggot remember that relationship you broke up because you claimed the female was 12 and your PUA trainer, Nero Drexel said it was just because you wanted to be with her? Yes I remember that. Also the shit Josh Denoe said about this.

This is on /cgl/ because you are too thin skinned of a bitch and block anyone who disagrees with the SJW bullshit you spew. Sure seems like an honorable guy who goes on about LARPing as a knight.

Fuck you nigger.

-Captain Lee ("Warsie") Mckinnis, ESS "KEKISTANI" room 2306, Hyatt Regency O'Hare Rosemont
I want to fuck a tranny
Fuck you nigger warsie get bent
How about I rape you faggot
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Thinking of going again tomorrow. Anyone wanna meet up?
Remind me not to put my feelings out on the Internet ever again. I'm cringing I was sad over a girl. Broooo.
Warsie likes little girls
holy shit...warsie and lick my anus are the same guy??? how the fuck did I miss this
Bro gets more discord dms than i ever do. Wish people would speak to me.
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>orgy got cancelled
>have a better time with friends instead
worked out okay
The 2hu orgy? Also, nice quads. Pun completely intended.
I want to have unprotected love making sex with a tranny, if you manage to catch what I'm trying to say.
This statement contradicts itself
you're a homo, we get it
Not clear enough? I would place my penis inside her anus, whilst her hrt penis leaks.
There's another party going on in 976 still if anyone is looking for something
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Stop horny/drama posting, tell me how the con has been.
Lotus Juice has made it an 11/10. His concert was one of the greatest things I've ever seen. Anyone else there saw how the entire crowd lost it's mind when the BABY BABY BABY BABY started?
is he at the rave
I was at the mosh pit pushing and dancing. It got so hot I took my shirt half off. This was the rave 8 years ago that got me into going to plenty of concerts and got into Chicago raves/night clubs for a while.
There be some fine ass girls I wan to hook up w. Should I ask for they number or snaps?
Which tranny?
Anonymous OMEGALUL reacted to this
Who in the fuck still uses snapchat in the year of our Lord 2024?
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Not that anon, but I'll answer this question.

As girls go, I asked someone to add
herself on my discord, but I did it to increase my friend group. Would be a better idea to ask for their numbers instead I suppose. Seriously, don't get social media to speak to women, brother of Christ. I'm hungry.
me when I see u ass
Dam if only I was a hot tranny
Ye I would wife u
Have you tried fire?
did a lot of ketamine and danced around hard as fuck on the front row of the rave for kors k and ryu*. ryu* heart hands’d me back. im one happy tranny tonight.
Tranny bout to get dickd
nop im back at me airbnb
Rave still happening ?
i believe it ended at 4
Had to leave didn't want my car to be towed.
i left after ryu* on account of having had my fill of drugs, jumping, and overall satisfaction
how fucked r u rn
not too bad, just a decent amount of ketamine which has mostly worn off
hapi trani hapi life
yep. managed to forget my outside problems for at least a night
People were doing things out of a Ziploc on the corner behind a photographer wall
high-key she a baddie
lmao based. wish i had seen and got in on the action
ofc they'd just let you hit
im nice
The fact that no one is flaming this tranny....
if she thic cute and passable nah, we can all share her bro
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Uhhhh wtf you guys, anyways, anyone going Sunday?

Yo Thirst Machine! If ya gonna talk shit about me, at least gender me correctly. I'm a whole ass dude, motherfucker. Yeah, assigned MALE AT BIRTH. I bet my dick is bigger than yours. I am Lee's boyfriend, and he is NOT a pedophile. If he is, then you are too?? LMAO
Get my name out your mouth. I'm fucking famous, bitch! Meanwhile you're a loser male feminist desperate little bitch.
Hey this wasn't warsie and no I'm not tripfagging....

...you know what fuck it
Tbqh I would have fucked a number of trannies I saw this weekend
Nice man, glad you had a good time. I'm the reject, just spent the rest of the night with friends and everything was cool after that.
Reisen did a great kurt cobaine cosplay, wish he debuted it on day 1 though
>How has the con been?
Horny & full of drama.
Did anybody happen to get a photo of that Elka Frog cosplayer that was in a wheelchair? My piece of shit camera took the ugliest fucking photos imaginable and she's the only person I tried to photgraph whose photos I haven't seen anywhere else yet.
I wish warsie would shoot himself too!!! that would be AMAZING!!!!!! dude needs to die in a hole and get jizzed on by a fat black bitch
Man I haven’t seen a single hot tranny this weekend this shit sucks
Wish I was getting my back blown out by a qt dickgirl :c
>I haven't seen a hot tranny
I wonder why.....
hope so too, he is suck a fucking prick, the worst person to be around, all he does is talk about other people and suck the fun outta everything, lame ass motherfucker
>be me
>meet cute girl with rainbow hair
>talk/dance for hours
>leave the rave together
>tipsy, clinging onto me
>hella eye contact
>invite her back to my room
>sorry anon, i don't wanna do any of that stuff before marriage

i was so close, bros...
Motherfucker, you got more action in a night than I did all weekend.
Hey bros you can not enter my party then lol
Really wishing you'd off yourself next, dude. Your nonstop schizophrenic ramblings are annoying as fuck holy shit.

>constantly host parties so that people won’t cut you off
What a sad existence lol you exist just to be used
Same as Sydney
Kill yourself instead nigger
You know I explicitly list my rooms for a reason. You know the whole "identify yourself" shit.

Also "exist to just be used" hey you can again *identify yourself* and I can just....remove that problem
I’ve literally never met you before but your faggotry precedes you :)
Lol well you know to stay away from the guy in spaceship uniform then, problem solved :)
Dw I’ve seen your ugly ass before, not hard to want to avoid that!
Burger that you? Well some of your posts
I need a trans gf so bad
imagine not doing it in the middle of the con instead to really go out with a bang
I need a big peepee gf who wrecks my throat and walks me around the con on a leash
Did you guys see the tranny Rover hooked up with last night? LOL
how do I approach a tranny? some of them were cute!!
Did anyone see a white girl wearing a micro bikini at the Hyatt last night? lmao
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I'm not going today ripp Give me a reason to go






Wow, it's almost like the posts here fit an existing pattern in other media (like the discords)

Oh and when shit talking on discord, don't delete your shit quickly, why don't you stand up for it under your username

Also I'm literally fucked up and can identify you oops. JFC get good at trolling.
To buy merch to give to your friends on their birthdays IE: what I'm doing
Put it in your mouth and squeeze it, Niggerwhopper
anyone going to the con today? i still wanna meet up with people
im a cute trans girl
If you go ill go
And this tranny will join us
im a mid trans girl at best
I'll put it in your ass and squeeze it instead
We really are so down bad we wanna fuck trannies.....? Lmao alr I'll join you guys.
I saw at least 5 chris chans, and a sneed last night.
[spoiler]also that guy in the gordon cosplay was cool[/spoiler]
Lmao, rent free and wrong. Hope VTJ fucks your mother you stupid nigger
Where was the sneed I missed that
Wrong bitch guess again!
all this reisen stuff is just memes right?

there's no actual proof of it
nta but sneed was walking around with a yellow body suit, overalls, and a john deere hat.
I guessed he was sneed but didn't know until he said, "Sneed life" when asking him for a picture.
has anyone actually gone to the fucking "watch hentai with us!" shit in the cons?
I cringe enough at the idea of watching porn with a bunch of fat sweaty mexicans and don't need it a reality.
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Nobody tell him

Would you rather a less fat Mexican who likes Miku join you?
I went yesterday and had fun, it was my first con ever.
Definitely should have cosplayed because I felt like a fish out of water not cosplaying and going alone, but just wandering around with a bunch of nerds and recognizing every cosplay was fun.

Is anime midwest any fun or is it a ghost town compared to this?
Hello fellow trannies
>Would you rather a less fat Mexican who likes Miku join you?
I mean, long as you can talk about shit and aren't gonna stalk me back to my car.
This is gay and lame
>Her thighs looked fine
>Thinnest sticks that are straight as hell
>Yes, no one uses multiple IPs and obfuscation software on imageboards trust me bro

Whatever happened affected a significant portion of people who evacuated to one of the rooms
damn it I missed it. What did they talk about?
I wasn’t at the rave LOL
He is really gone, very messed up those involved carried on afterwards like it was just another Reisen meltdown but it was his worst and his last.
he can’t resist my autistic seed inside of him. It makes the bubblegum pink blonde boys go mad
5/10 experience had some decent conversations. Would of been better at least got some numbers or got invited into a group.
Maru is the skin walker lurking in the woods confirmed.
I saw you outside the hotel under the canopy just as i was leaving. I didn't get past the bridge, but was curious.

Alright deal

We were looking for singles yesterday, why didn't you post?
mid tranny on my way to the last hour or two of the con, it ends at 4 right?
Anyone that believes reisen off'd themselves is a gullible idiot. There has been zero proof posted, not even a fucking news article
You going today? Gonna have to get your number.
Enough stupid fucking drama
What was the best cosplay you saw? This Guts and Caska pair were by far the best I've seen
my other favorite was today: Girl in a green zentai suit with a frog mask and a unicycle. Gotta love the older memes
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forgot the pic
Id fuck this tranny >>10915695 over this one #10915713
that’s okay with me
dress up as makima latex or something then I'll change my mind
That bussy belongs to Compass
Sharing is caring
Anon suicides rarely make the news in a place like Chicago. Hell most news places don't report suicides unless they are a public figure.

Why the fuck is an heroing a news worthy thing in a big city like Chicago
any unclaimed bussies here who are passable
when it's done in a public place
I cant I’m poor and I would have a big bulge
He didn't do suicide by cop or anything large in public. He did it in his hotel room in the early morning hours. Suicides really don't make the news if they don't involve fucking up ahit for others like jumping off a freeway bridge and shutting down the highway or suicide by cop.

The obituaries are what you should be checking
im not screwing a snipped tranny so as long as you wear that shit for me in the bedroom im fine
>The obituaries are what you should be checking
there aren't any
i don’t think I could pull makima off, not my face type
Hotels are one of the most common places for Jews to commit suicide. Hotels have their protocols and rules because suicide happen often. Especially those in business trips if at a higher end hotel like Hyatt. Also Why would it be in the news if there isn’t a story you retard. After the news comes out he was involved with yet another minor that threatened him, then maybe it’ll get on the news.
Is that why he did it? spill the beans already
>Enough stupid fucking drama

Nah we need more drama. Ok we don't but you know what I mean.
that's irrelevant anyway

I'd ask for any one single piece of proof that he's dead but there isn't any
You need to often request it put in and you need to look up the city he is a resident . You just need to keep an eye on those for the next week or two
pulling up soon, where is everyone/anyone congregated? im in a really (visually) loud sweater and i got striped hair
no one is meeting up with you, pls stop
Literally blacked by Compass from the cord

Can we all agree that this community would be so much better without Warsie, Pell, Burger, VTJ, nightcrawler and Tsu
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>Just get rid of the fun people

Lol vtj is based without him there would be a severe lack of seething from faggots like you
Burger you have aids stfu!!!! plus everyone has seen your hairy tits and hairy as fuck arms
bro what am i fucking you in then which cosplay you gon fulfill my fantasy
i ain’t got no cosplay!
Hey Tsu, how many folds do you have to lift to reach that cow's cunt?
Burger is the cutest gull, you sound jealous uwu
Yeah, that's like saying Sydney was the most tolerable Jew.
What was the main reason he an heros? I've heard it was anything from under age evidence coming to light, along with him scared of being 30, to his gf broke up with him
Why do you sound jealous?
I've also seen like 3 different ways he supposedly died

along with that his discord prof went from offline to away
come over my room well discuss and, before I make a 5 hour drive
The thing is if he didn't an heros he's dug himself into a hole of no coming back
bro bout to get action from tranny bussy
im in the con friend
are you looking fucable rn? how do i find you
We gettin Lou Malnati's & goin swimmin at the Crowne pool, sunday funday kids.
stripe hair roaming artist alley. i probs won’t fuck desu
Wanna hang with one of the worst people in this board?
>if at a higher end hotel like Hyatt
Hyatt is NOT a high end hotel. It's a business chain, the only people who keep hyatt in business are retards who work in weird sectors of business that do "conventions".

t. was a dental sculptor and boss paid me to go to a week long convention in chicago about dental implants
Dude I'm not even a gull. I was a nobody without political power until some of you faggots DOWed me.

That ain't gonna happen motherfuckers. Warsie will continue pwning all you losers.
Are there any other happenings in Illinois? I enjoyed talking to people here.
>We were looking for singles yesterday, why didn't you post?
nta but I completely forgot this board even existed before going.

No how about you instead you fucking bitch
Four of us manage to meet up from this board.
I meant higher as in not a motel, where business people go like mentioned for trips in cities. So these things happen a lot in these hotels too was the point and not an odd occurrence.
Rover the betamale cuck?
Theres anime midwest in july, which is slightly smaller than this.
They have quinton flynn as a guest VA this year.
What’s a DOW :3
Depends, who were you talking to/are you associated with?
I'll never touch cgl after this thread this
Not a gull but you’re on the seagull 4chan board posting. You can’t deny it.
You're still a creepy ass pedophile like VTJ
This striped hair tranny i keep reading about just mingles with random ppls lolz
Where's the hot one cosplaying as the white sailor blue skirt outfit tho
Hey based off your own image I got a good accuracy of who is who. Wow, I'm not 100% accurate but am close enough for my purposes?

Oh I forgot Sonny, wow you sure are mad that I did a basic fucking IFF for the fucking room I was running.

Imaging being butthurt that I do the equivalent of sending fighter craft to see whoever nigga is entering your airspace.
It's okay to be jealous, he does mog you without even trying.
No idea what this means
I like to mingle!
this tranny annoying let's gang bang her to shut her up dam
why are there like 5 schizos in this thread.
does chicago really attract that many mentally ill retards?
it's a convention, just fucking have fun and ignore the people you hate jesus fuck.
I'm warsie remember people are telling me to kill myself

Declaration of War

True. Very true. Yea "gull" seems to be more of a cultural marker than a unified clan or crew.

Based. Also VTJ is fucking someone legal and developed, ie not pedophilia. Soooooo

>socially acceptable cancer is still cancer

We're on 4chan so you know this concept
how many stds you got
0 that’s gross
>why are there like 5 schizos in this thread.

Anime convention is ending and clearly this is a chance to do some parting shot. While we're still at the con, fuck it.

>does chicago really attract that many mentally ill retards?

Anime conventions do, and I say this as one of those mentally ill retards in this thread.

>it's a convention, just fucking have fun and ignore the people you hate jesus fuck.

Yea that doesn't work too well, and I've gone to cons since 2008
phone’s gonna die so I’m tapping out. say hi if you see me
||clairdotcom on x|| also they only do black guys
Has anyone seen any good pikmin merch or art I can’t find any :c
Why you gotta kill my lust to fuck her?
I sang Bismarck at karaoke then found couple of fellow Sabaton fans. Fucking awesome last day so far
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>one hour left
She probably wouldn’t even talk to you anyways I wouldn’t worry about it!
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Update for the 0 people who care
(I don't even care but I have to make a final post here)

I saw the girl who rejected me twice on Saturday, she looked at me as if I didn't know I existed. At least she could have told me she wasn't interested instead of ghosting me. Sorry for being cringe.

Con was fun, rave was amazing. Most fun I've had in all my nightclub, rave, and concert life. See you cgl next year, off to pol now.
You know how these kind of women are?
They're the kind to be terminally online, have 400 online friends and a circle of friends irl on top of that, and they say they have no friends at all to hang at the con with. So you decide hey she's cute and alone, lets link up. No..
I care about you miku anon.
women suck, this is why we need to go back to the ancient greeks thinking that fucking a man was the manliest thing you can do.

They were right.
How many men did your girlfriend fuck this weekend?
You're dating a fat slut you cucklord, also you have beyond fucked up teeth and slav monobrow, plus you're a midget, please reisen yourself.
avoid him and his gross bitch
fuck pell shes a fat dirty whore
yes chicago and conventions attract every single mentally ill retard possible at all times, its frankly incredible
you want me to fuck her again? fuck that shes all used up
lmfao, no u
And help me find pikmin merch thanks :))
I kissed a cute femboy :3
I likey da chubby girls
I’m going to smoker spot to chill rn
there's no pikmin merch here nigga, this aint a fucking gaming convention this is WEEB SHIT
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Stripped hair tranny kinda baddie ngl. I'd run my hands from her cheeks to her thighs.
Where do trannies chill at? I doubt I'll see as many as I saw this weekend, but want me more.
Just me unfortunately for you. I learned my lesson about leaving any girl blackout drunk in the presence of incels. I'd like you to remember that what you did reflects only on yourself, rather both of you. I gave you most of your friends. I took you to the gym. I tried to support you when you were feeling down. I tried to be a good friend to you, to all of you.

But I failed to consider that you were opportunists. You have to vilify me to live with yourselves, that's fine I understand the need to cope. But I would advise you to look carefully at Sydney's life. You're on the same path without realizing it.

Say what you want on here, but continue to keep your distance at conventions. Shouldn't be too difficult given the distinct lack of spine prevalent among gulls. On an aside I'd like to thank Nahri for affording me the opportunity to remind him of that last night. It was the cherry on top of an already wonderful night.
crying is that just an image you googled of striped hair
Oh :c my reaction to this information
Sit on my lap and don't get up if you feel something poking you
i saw a girl with a cute pikmin embroidered pikmin sweater but I don’t think it was from the con
i think it’s too late for that
I hate Tsu like the next guy but aren't you still dating nightcrawler?
Omg I think I saw her too it was adorable
>sign up for karaoke
>don't show up at all
we do a little bit of tom foolery here fella's
saw the biggest fattest blackest chick cosplaying as squidward
and made me try not to laugh cause all I could think was "thiccward"
Go eat a white pikmim!
tfw no stripped hair tranny gf or sailor race mixing tranny gf
Cons suck when you don’t have a group you like
I miss that
I never enjoy cons anymore but I like cosplay
Oh well
tsutsisters… how will we recover from this….
we could be a group you like...
and maybe hold hands...
and kiss...
and jerk eachother off in the hotel...
Is this Tsu nigga the new raisin?
trannies are ugly
I like almost none of you at this point
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Noooo, don't Sydney yourselves!
>Unfortunately for you, I learned my lesson about leaving any girl blackout drunk in the presence of incels. I illuminate their blackouts with my radiant protectorship, a White Knight, if you will.

>I'd like you to remember that what you did reflects not only on you, but the rest of the /cgl board as well. It's no wonder this board is dying when people like you exist.

>I gave you companionship, fine drink, and respect. I tried to elevate you to a person of my caliber. Your sorrows were my sorrows. Your failures were my failures.

>But one failure alone is mine. I failed to consider that you were nothing but filthy opportunists. Unable to live with the tapestry of lies you've weaved, you painted me into a villain.

>That's fine. It isn't the first time I have been a victim of such adultery. I understand the need to cope. But I would advise you to look carefully at Scrimblos's life. Your treading the same path of darkness without realizing it.

>Your meager cries of wolf fail to elicit any meaningful sympathy or even reaction from me. Do continue to keep your distance at conventions. Shouldn't be too difficult given the distinct lack spine amongst gulls.

>On an aside I'd like to thank Bimblo for affording me the opportunity to remind him of that night. The seething redness of his face when I confronted him was the cherry on top of an already wonderful night.
Not reading all that shit, neck yourself.
All trannies are beautiful and need to be protected
annoying stripe hair tranny should kill himself at least
king shit
Someone said people met up on here
I’ve met dozens of people from here, I like maybe 5 of them and tolerate another handful but almost everyone is a poorly socialized loser
what does this fucking stripe hair tranny look like, yall keep thirsting for xer, post pics already or fuck off niqqa!!
Me and another guy spent like 2 hours last night with binoculars on the parking garage spying into people's rooms.

Saw a hot chick changing near her window.
do you guys tend to explore the cities you go too or does it depend on proximity?
Cause like, rosemont is still at least 35-40 minutes from the city proper without traffic.
i looked busted as hell in the only pic that got taken of me (that i'm aware of)
What's Midwest con like? Or whatever it's called
leave my wife alone
Ryan Kopf is a child rapist.
So are Warsie and VTJ yet you still hang out with them at ACEN
smaller, but usually somehow has better guests
Be honest. What cosplay pic you bustin to tonight
I started Friday bro.
But there was this bitch at the Hyatt half naked in a micro bikini
It's over.
not really. zero is equal to zero

i didn't come to acen wanting a qt3.14 weeb gf but it really would be nice to date someone that enjoys my hobbies i think
I'm the new Reisen. Someone has to be the scapegoat
Warsie isn't a pedo wtf
Warsie is in fact a pedophile
He's literally not you don't even know the real definition of that word.
*ahem* ephebophile
You know what we're getting at, you stupid horse faced bitch. He likes to fuck people who aren't legal. Kill yourselves
>The new reisen
Newfags repeat this shit without knowing the reason he was talked bad about in the threads in the first place, which was that he sexually assaulted a 14 year old, then got it expunged and learned nothing from it, and just kept running to a new group of newfags whenever he got outed as a sexpest to keep the partying going. Anons were in a perpetual cycle of explaining why everyone was pissed at him when newfags thought he was chill after partying with him for about 2 hours total. The newfags learned whenever he'd chimp.out or get gropey and then the cycle repeated with more newfags brought in.

There is no new reisen. That would imply there's some rampant sexpest going around finding young and new groups to infiltrate to run from a growing negative sentiment in the con scene about them.
What's going on in here is 3 splinter discord servers shit posting the admins and mods of each other's servers. That's not even interesting. It's just gay ass drama posting
This is retard cope
If you’re attracted to minors I hope you follow Sydney’s example :)
>That would imply there's some rampant sexpest going around finding young and new groups to infiltrate to run from a growing negative sentiment in the con scene about them.
Ooohhhh boy do I have news for you, may I introduce you to >>10915432 aka >>10915543 and >>10915552
Fuck you TJ/his lackey(s)
Reminder that all you faggots only go after young girls because they’re dumb and inexperienced and easy to take advantage of especially when alcohol is involved. Women your own age want nothing to do with your ugly loser asses and you’ll probably end up alone forever or with a fat chick. There are like two gulls total who may be considered decent bf material, the rest of you are borderline hopeless. If you’re under 25 you may still have a chance to turn your life around if you get out now.
No I have a gf my age who doesn't even watch anime, I just use cons as a retreat to drink with friends and make cosplay.
The ones who do his are the tards who never grew up from frat parties
Ok stop ruining my point for the rest of these generic mistakes
How about I rape you instead. Hey are you 14?
Age of consent should be 13.
Because nobody with a developed brain could ever want you?
Hey aren't you like 19 and VTJ just got you because you were an unstable bitch?
It's hard to infiltrate a new group if you blatantly display yourself
All my partners have been a year or two OLDER than me so... TRY AGAIN FAILFAG
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Lol they're dating someone older than them. Self own there
Oh so you’re 11, got it
Only in bed
Cunny is a hell of a drug lol
That's a bold-face lie lmao
Midwest most popular con scene CONFIRMED
California SEETHING
How can I tell the difference between who is a tranny vs a real woman on the discord?
Chicago cons really are cursed
>West coasters come to shitpost because "flyover con lol"
>East coasters come to shitpost because "flyover con lol"
>Schizos from all parts of the US Midwest come to ACEN as their main con and make Chicago look weird by comparison
Build a wall and make Indiana pay for it
Lmao my partners have been older than me.
By weight
i love being a sugar baby
chicago cons are cursed because theres only 3 cool people here, and the rest are schizos
t. a schizo in the thresd
There’s 3 cool people at Chicago cons and I’m all of them
Please take me off the cool list
Yea aren't you a tiny AFAB
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do you guys think stripped tranny has smooth thighs and gives great blow jobs
all the afabs here seem rather rotund
Amabs do it better.
I want to rail a 9/10 cosplay thottie at least once in my life but I’m a socially inept femboy, can I just buy this experience
Be the thot yourself and let one of us actual men rail you
I'm a socially inept femboy as well, but I can be your cosplay thottie and let you rail me What cosplay would you wat me to wear?
No, Burger not opp cat
Let a straight homie rail you two wtf, one wears makima the other a bunny
I want a trans wife. Taken or not. Which one should I choose?
Why so many retards come with babies and young kids to cons? If they can afford to spend hundreds on merch they can afford a babysitter.
Daily friendly events
*Family friendly events
Yer a cuck, harry.

You can't even take responsibility for a glowstick, no wonder you can't take responsibility for a whore gf. Your spine bends like a glowstick. Wonder that's why you incorporate rgb into your cosplay.

You're a weak man dating a weak woman. No respectable women would deflect responsibility and blame others for their own actions. You really should use this opportunity to reflect on yourself and see if you want to be a mentally weak, low value man for the rest of your life.
Gull femboy/trans tierlist?
Moonway in his Rei cosplay would be S tier. So would Reisen in his Shimakaze cosplay.
Top 3
all of them
And you apparently aren't functional enough to run a social group you took over via deceipt given you got overthrown after anime magic. #rekt
I saw a Maribel and Renko couple about 5 years back. I think they were married.
The CC and Lelouch couple pair was really really good
Then which gull is it?
gulluminati is running fine with lavish $1200 dinner. Dunno which social group you're referring to.
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Anime North last year. Kinda sucks how the Prinz Eugen cosplayer took off her hair clips right before the photo. They looked absolutely kino together
Someone with ugly hands.
It's kind of whitepilling how there were so few actual Chads at the con. I saw tons of guys with various attractive features but nobody, except for some tall prototypical fuckboy cutout who showed up on Saturday night, actually had the whole package. Remember anons, your competition isn't actually as fierce as you think.
How cute, you think every gull who doesn't want to deal with your sociopathy is TJ
I hear you still treat your girlfriend like something to be controlled, not an actual person who has her own thoughts, feelings, and ambitions
Wouldn't have been Petra would it?
oh yeah, the shirtless dude with the headband? i was hoping someone would deck him

did security end up giving him the boot? noticed he was gone before kors k
No idea who this is
Nah he was sitting near the exit at the end. All of us on the mosh pit pretty much left
While true, you still have the downside of this exchange: most girls are hamplanets
>In b4
Not in all parts of the country, they aren't
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we like cow cunt
i was one of the first people in the moshpit and honestly he kind of ruined it, because his whole act was contingent on people not dancing next to him while he lifted people. honestly wish someone decked the guy.

why are people even going to synergy if they're going to leave during torienna/kors k lmao
Kek, that's fair. Honestly I saw a lot more attractive girls than guys, but maybe that's because I would fuck almost anything with a vagina.
I don't think I'm bad looking, but I always struggle trying to talk to girls. I even had some come up to me and I started dropping spaghetti.
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All girls not with boyfriends are lesbians, there's zero reason to try
>lot more attractive girls than guys
Yes because there are so many "influencers" at cons now and almost all of them are women

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