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Previous Thread: >>2858458

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She looks more autistic than an average thread visitor.
Does anyone have an updated Hisapi Mega link with password on kemono?

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>recognize pre-made seams as anything other than mesh borders.
yeah that's probably the better term, but I want the UV to be continuous across the mesh borders

The top two screenshots show that it isn't; not only is there a discontinuity but both materials also have a wildly different UV scaling, even more evident when I apply a x5 bump map scale material.

The only way I managed to avoid this problem so far was to merge the materials in pmxe, unwrap in blender, and then split into the original material again in pxme, but obviously that's pretty annoying and tedious (and error prone).
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anyone have this model?
I admire your dedication
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Have you tried the proposed solutions? If yes and they solved nothing, I'd like that same view in the second image with wireframe display enabled and the material along with every file it references.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtSmAqwiuKY (motivational video)
is it just me or nobdoy can't access tstorage? it just keep loading until ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT pops out
I didn't try the proposed solutions, because manually fixing the UV map is way more hassle than my current workaround.

And sorry, when I enable wireframe my MMD screen just goes black. Never bothered trying to fix that since I never use wireframes in MMD anyway. Here it is in pmxe though if that helps.

The dress is here: https://tstorage.info/1dxa21jgsfva
The material is just standard ray material_cloth.fx
The fact that the vertice count is inconsistent is what's breaking your mesh. I assume the dress was just a mask layer of the model's torso? The best solution to this would be to manually put it in blender and retopo it. Make the skirt match the top when it comes to vertice count.
I didn't make this, and I think the skirt is this way because of the skirt physics.

And the unwrapping works the way I want in blender if I merge the materials, so vertex density is not the problem anyway.

But long story short, I guess the answer is really there's no way in blender to keep the UV map consistent across mesh/material boundaries. So I'll just keep doing my workaround.
When you merge them, do you have the torso as the parent object selected last? Because that will affect how the material is unwrapped. It needs to be remapped. And yes, vertice density WILL affect display property as sizing of details is determined via the uv map. Learn how to retopo shit and you'll be able to fix it where you won't need a workaround as your materials will display properly when you apply them. But that dress NEEDS to be retopo'ed if you want to keep them as separate meshes, but also match in sizing and direction..
Oh yeah, that model. Very funny how the guy says no NSFW but is making a model based on a porn game.... that's also using a Quappa-EL model as a base.
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>vertice density WILL affect display property as sizing of details is determined via the uv map
The latter is true, the former, no, I don't see how that could be true. Subdividing vertices does not change the visible bump map.

I just tried it for the skirt mesh, and the bump map just looks the same for both. I don't see how vertex density could even be relevant at all for UV maps, since subdividing vertices just places more of them into the same UV space.

Or are we talking about entirely different things somehow?

Anyway as you can see in the screenshot, for the merged materials the bump map is continuous regardless of the size of the vertices. It's the mesh boundaries that mess it up otherwise.
Does anyone please have drama by natsumisan, or batter up by nikisasan?
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If pic related is the result of manual UV mapping in Blender and >>2864565 shows how it originally looked, why even UV map it in Blender, what's the point? Pretty sure it does nothing to the UV map by itself, at least in my case, and if it does for you, you must have a wrong setting or script enabled or be using a broken version of Blender or mmd_tools (mine is 2.2.6, according to __init__.py). I'm using these import settings, with the scale set to 1 only because Blender does not return the exact same vertex positions at the default setting of 0.08, which can mess with overlay textures and other closely located meshes, like thighhighs. The export settings are mostly default, except the scale is also 1.

If UV remapping in Blender can't be avoided for some inconceivable reason, well, you can use your workaround or my proposals (counting out the material one), I don't think there's a third way.

>> I guess the answer is really there's no way in blender to keep the UV map consistent across mesh/material boundaries
I've already shown you that it DOES keep the UV map consistent (on my machine) if the UV map was continuous to begin with and makes no unrequested UV mapping alterations even for separated materials.

It's the proportionate density of the UV map that matters (or—how closely it represents the vertex density of the mesh). Picrel also shows just the naked body entirely mapped with material_cloth (exaggerated with normalMapScale = 5.0). Texture size differences also do (though I suspect that can be influenced with material settings), but not in anon's case.
>If pic related is the result of manual UV mapping in Blender and >>2864565 shows how it originally looked, why even UV map it in Blender, what's the point?
No, >>2864538 is the result of UV unwrapping in blender with the original separate materials (definitely a nani the fuck, and the reason I started this whole topic), and >>2864565 is what I get if I merge the materials and meshes before unwrapping in blender, then having to later re-separate them manually in pmxe. This looks nice but it is tedious.

Originally there was no UV map AT ALL for the dress, which is why I even have to do all this crap to get a bump map at all without raymmd dividing by zero.

The UV mapping in pmxe is useless of course unless the material is nearly flat, so I have to use blender for it.

> if the UV map was continuous
The problem is, the dress has no UV map before unwrapping in blender. So it's not about keeping it continuous, it's about CREATING a continuous UV map across discontinuous meshes. The only reason I even need blender is because pmxe is useless for creating UV maps.

>It's the proportionate density of the UV map that matters
Yes, exactly. Mesh density in the UV map needs to be proportional to density in the 3D mesh. But you can get it proportional for a fine or a coarse mesh all the same.

The problem is, for blender I can not get that same proportionality to apply to disjoint materials/meshes when I unwrap them. For each sub-mesh blender decides on a random proportionality, causing the mismatch in bump mapping. If I merge them beforehand, blender has no choice but to use the same proportionality and hence it looks good, but I have to re-separate them afterwards.
sorry, first link should've been >>2864617 not >>2864538
Did anybody grab Quappa's premium model?
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>It's the mesh boundaries

And what do you think makes UP the mesh boundary? Those vertices. Each of those vertices makes up a square or triangle is it's tris, that when you overlay a texture, will determine how much, and what part of the texture is used. SCALING the uv of the mesh will ALSO determine how the texture displays as it will either zoom, or shrink the image to FIT in the mesh boundaries MADE by the vertices.

That you are arguing over this while also displaying a severe lack of knowledge on what you are even doing, is idiotic. I am literally telling HOW to fix the fucking mesh so you can keep the same uniform scaling and appearance, while ALSO having your meshes separate. The texture scaling WILL IMPACT the bump map display if the portion of mesh is NOT MAPPED PROPERLY!

Learn what the hell vertices do and how they determine mesh boundaries FIRST, before arguing with someone WHO ACTUALLY USES BLENDER for modeling.

Pic related. Remapped the skirt, which changed the UV mapping and am using the white silk texture You are using. Meanwhile, the seam is visible and still displays a UNIFORM appearance.

Dress remapped: tstorage ocjudrciytq7
Should note this is in the shading port and is using cycles lighting in Blender itself.
Anyone familiar with Raycast? I'm having an issue where inside a stage my model is casting a transparent white shadow and for the life of me I can't figure out how to get rid of it. Looking up apparently it's caused by sunlight in the skybox but I don't know how to shut that off
Sorry for the late reply, I didn't bother browsing the /e/ thread since the last video it wasn't very /e/ related but I've re-uploaded everything to
obviously we have a severe miscommunication issue for some reason and we both wasting time and getting nowhere, so let's just drop it
maybe post a screenshot, but you can adjust sunlight intensity in the ray_controller.pmx morphs, or completely disable it (for all videos) in ray.conf by setting SUN_LIGHT_ENABLE to 0
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Anyone know the materials used on the Shirokane edit here?
What means "trip camera"? Fall over?
It's when you follow a girl around pointing a camera up her skirt then your friend sticks his foot out so she trips and her skirt flips over
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Is there any way to remove something from getting affected by a morph? This model has the teeth move when the mouth does and it looks really weird.
You can in blender
Well, you can create UV maps using orthographic projection from four directions and straight-angle alignment with only the vertices facing you selected, but your workaround is probably less painful than having to fix the map afterwards. Using a (viewing angle-dependent) sphere projection in Blender will get a continuous UV map (the third way, I guess), but it won't be super pretty and will suffer from the relative density problem.
But hey, for the silver lining, at least you only have to UV map once, right..?
Also, hm. Why do you need to split the mesh of the dress along THESE lines in the first place? If you only want to hide the materials, merging the vertices works just fine. If you want to be able to split the boundaries a bit to make cut-outs, okay, but it also makes more sense to me to do that with Blender seams and have a vertical split as well.

Gotta love how your remapping didn't fix shit at all. Your storaging effort is appreciable, but you could really use being less of an obstinate autist and having greater reading ability, as I learned from my own old argument with you.

PMXE > morph edit mode > select unwanted vertices > Morph Editor [Edit (E)] > Set Original Position (B). If you don't like the result, revert and deselect vertices you want to stay morphed then repeat.
I don't see a "Morph edit mode". Do you just mean the morph tab?
I quoted the wrong post damn it
anyone have this snowbreak mmd models?
>Also, hm. Why do you need to split the mesh of the dress along THESE lines in the first place?
Well that's how the model was originally. Probably because separating the material normally also duplicates the vertices.
>If you only want to hide the materials, merging the vertices works just fine.
Yeah, it's only for material hiding. I didn't realize that the same vertices could be used in multiple materials, but it makes sense since only the faces are actually part of the material.

Joined vertices should actually be a much easier way, thanks I'll try that.

I just find the vertex number range and delete them from the morph itself in these cases.
Does anyone have this model?
is using ray-cast harder than dark souls?
i can give u the materials can u r18 and share it? seems it uses this model ->>

here's the tex: //drive google
it's easy to use but hard to master, just way to many options... light sources... shaders... materials... like a million sliders...
Anyone has swimsuit and bunny model?
I'll put up an alternative link since iwara can't see the old video now.
Does anyone know the base of this miku face?
I know most of the body is edit obtained from devianart
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In PMXE, you go to morph tab, right click the morph -> Vertex/UV Morph Edit then you select the vertice that you want the morph to ignore then in the the morph editor window you clikc Edit -> Set Original Position
Then you saveupdate your morph
It's harder to make it look good than a simple shader + bunch of effects.
I don't recommend beginners to use it unless your project really requires specific use of lighting and shadow, or you really want that smoother realistic look.
A lot of people use it and have no clue what they're doing and what ends up happening is that their video looks much worse than if they just used base MMD shaders or excellentshadow.
Having used both ray and no ray extensively, I tend to prefer not using it even if I appreciate all the options it gives me.
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I'm not seeing that option at all. Am I using an old version of PMXE or something?
hello i took a break, is there any mmd motion sharing discord like there was in the past?
Could be, I don't remember where I got my version from or if it's a modified one but here it is:
I didn't bother removing all my plugins
Which other shaders have the kind of detailed material shading of ray-mmd, especially with the option to use completely custom PBR/RMT materials? That's really the main focus of ray-mmd, isn't it?
None really. All I'm saying is that ray isn't the be all and end all of MMD. Depending on the look you're going for and your experience with MMD you might prefer a simple shader and some effects over having to light up your whole scene from scratch, choosing the right materials, tweaking them and so on.

My favorite shader is shsShader
Yes that is definitely true, although if you make all your videos with basically the same models like I've done sofar, you only have to do that once.

As for my favorite simple shader, I think I still like the look of the ancient AdultShader best. Couldn't even say why. Maybe nostalgia.

That i figured out i just didn't the context of it all but i got though. Thanks!
Looking for motions with 2 people camera, preferrably low angle
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The morph edit mode is launched by right clicking on the morph list and either starting to work on a new vertex/UV morph or choosing to edit an existing morph, which is your case. Well, someone has already explained this. You might indeed be using an old version, this is what I'm using, which is not the most recent (, but it has the function: https://www.deviantart.com/inochi-pm/art/PmxEditor-vr-0254f-English-Version-v2-0-766313588

What about sdPBR?

Splitting materials in PMXView through Vertex/Masking (F3) > selecting a single material to display & split if there is more than one > vertex selection > right click on the material in the Vertex/Masking tab > split (S) or Edit (E) > Face (F) > Truncate (T) doesn't do that (though Blender will split the vertices then if you load the model into it), and it's the normal way to do it for me, followed by duplicating the material and deleting extra parts from the new one (for skin overlays, thighhighs, etc.)

>> I just find the vertex number range and delete them from the morph itself in these cases.
That is another way, but it tends to be much harder.

Google search query: MMD カメラ 2人用
+ ローアングル.
MMD doesn't seem to let me make image renders larger than 4K resolution, is that a known limitation or am I doing it wrong? Does MMM support higher res?

I wanted to make some higher res pics from my video.
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>> Does MMM support higher res?
Maybe if you have a beast of a GPU. On a 6-GB RTX 2060, trying to render a simple Ray-MMM scene like >>2860274 in 8k results in an out-of-memory exception, and there's little point in such a resolution if you don't have the level of detail to match it. If you still go through with it, I think it's better to disable edge display, they seem way too thick at full resolution.
Also worth noting is that MMM can suddenly crash when you're rendering a series of high-res screenshots in a complex scene, but it hasn't done that on me in a while.
no I mean, MMD trip camera download, what is it
Likely a camera that's adapted for 3 dancers, from "triple."
Anyone manage to download


before the servers made it unavailable to download?
just be patient, it'll be back in a few weeks
Based on my screenshots, it worked fine. So I don't know what your damn problem is. The remapping worked for me.
anyone have the perfect night motion by juli?
Probably not having access to the said screenshots, except the single >>2864742 one that: (a) was not taken in the target program; (b) only shows a single area of unclear size, where the differences weren't pronounced in the first place.
How do people make those cutouts with a penis entering a pussy like seeing through the girl's stomach, or egg getting fertilized, etc?
Cutouts are separately made graphics 100% of the time, often 2D, but sometimes special vagina models, like https://x.com/ShigatuSaru/status/1097151496498556934 , are used.
Can anyone upgrade this plugin? It's too old to export the face of FB01.
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what the hell? this is just pathetic, well fuck you too buddy
friends on a naked dancing forum are SERIOUS FUCKING BUSINESS, if you won't even learn their secret handshake you're clearly not friend material
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Yeah buddy
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Does anyone have this motion?
Are there exact specifications for what kind of AVI will MMD open as a background video? No matter what I try it shows the can not load error.
Is an old format
>download a separate program
>to run an outdated version of ffmpeg
Could you just tell me the ffmpeg arguments to use? (Also why does the MMD community keep reinventing the worst ways to do simple tasks...)
Japanese doesn't make sense
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Think about what the honeymoon will be like
You can also just use MikuMikuMoving instead.
And the effects, the effects bro
Which ones, specifically?
And was it really free will when she said "yes"??

nevermind, there's a github too, and a batch file version, nice, I retract my rant
newfagg here, what effects does he use? his videos look so simple yet so pretty...
Some toon shader, im10212009, WorkingFloor, possibly AutoLuminous. (What is this retarded idea of omitting credits for a single category of assets?)
kwaodgab (kek what an obviously denied gaijin application bitch)
Can anyone share Yoasobi - Idol - アイドル motion by Natsumisan please?
Wow, thanks anon!
Would you also happen to have drama by natsumisan?
I believe it's the only recent motion that hasn't been shared yet

any of yall know if this use ever released their models they use in their videos
anyone can help with this one?

can anyone pirate tda miku for me
No, he hasn't, if you mean the custom parts and not the publicly available base models.

U w0t, m8? Trolling or just retarded?
Go and get what you want yourself, no one is stopping you.
anyone have aespa - girls by nikisa-san? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nK3QEzHtKQ
tstorage only has the ladiealien version
Anyone has this?

here's drama by NatsumiSan

Side note, has anyone else had bad upload/download speeds from tstorage? My speeds have been absolute ass for the past few weeks now.
My speeds have always varied from shit to below average (bytes per second to ~2 Mbps at best), often going down with each subsequent download in a relatively short amount of time, and I have 100 Mbps internet. I've downloaded your file at around 1.4 Mbps.
I see, that sucks. My speeds used to be consistently fine, but now have the same speeds you're getting. I have a 100 Mbps connection too.
Well, this sucks.

"Fantia is the latest ero-institution to suspend the use of overseas credit card companies Visa and Mastercard..."
Krag ?
Thank you so much anon, you're a real one :)
does mmm support mp4 rendering?
No, just avi
even MMM? damn, talk about using the worst tools possible for the job
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He says only over 18
"Gulp ! "
i want to get into naked girl dancing animation and from my research so far
mmd = old piece of shit but very easy to use
blender = cutting edge but super hard to use

so which one should i go for? mmd?
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Why not MAYA
It's racism?
When I try mirroring a motion the IKs get all fucked up, is there a way to avoid this?
Go with Blender. Has more tutorials in english, more addons, has updates etc.
Mastering it is difficult, but better investment on the longer run.
Lack of addons for mmd probably
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IDK, anon, you must be doing something wrong. Provide the motion & pmx you're experiencing trouble with or at least a screen recording of your actions with mouse pointer capture enabled (via OBS, for example).
If you're using MMM, "Reverse Bone" is only meant for mirroring the model's selected bone angles and positions for the current frame. Because they are calculated from the default state that is determined by their parents, you can try temporarily parenting leg IKs to the lower torso and arm IKs to the upper body or shoulder P bones instead of the root bone.
On the other hand, selecting all motion keyframes, cutting them out, and using "Reveral Paste" should provide you with a ready-to-use motion. (Beware that the more keys there are, the longer will the processing take. If you try to mirror a baked motion with too many keys, it might freeze perpetually. You can also reverse display tabs one by one.)

I would not call MMD "very easy to use" with its interface. MikuMikuMoving is far easier and better for animation. Blender is a better investment in the long run, sure, but if you're just starting, you should first see if you actually have the determination to be a 3D modeler rather than a whim or desire to make naked girls dance.

How many MAYA-created videos using VMD animations do you know?
MAYA don't need horrible animations,
It can make beautiful animations, it has all the tools.
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Lmfao, yeah, good luck getting a newbie who wants to get into naked girl dancing to spend months learning a "(((proprietary)))" tool and creating dancing animations from scratch when there are tens of thousands of premade motions of any quality (missing only the squash/stretch gimmicks), ready to be used with genuinely free software.
How good is Blender at reusing animations for different models?
>3D modeler rather than a whim or desire to make naked girls dance.
You can make iwara slop without ever touching modeling. You can use one of the billion existing models and just animate. You don't actually have to animate at all, you simply download models, download motions and then put them together in one of the editors like MMD. You can make dancing naked girls with minimum effort.
If they are using exactly the same armature then super easy. If not you have to use retargeting, which can be anything from easy to a nightmare based on the rigs the models use.
No shit, Sherlock, that's also what I meant. Blender and professional software if you know for a fact that you wanna get serious, produce autistically polished photorealistic/3D animoo content, and potentially become a paid 3D designer/animator, or stick with easy-to-learn MMD/MMM/PMXE if you just wanna make naked girls dance or even if you wanna have them fucked by seven men at once while being licked by several other girls who manage to squeeze through the male bodies.
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The real question you should ask yourself is not how can I make this? Even a retarded monkey can crowbar together models with motions both in mmd and blender, but rather WHY do you want to do this?
Do you actually enjoy animation and creation? Because it is an extremely time consuming hobby which for most will never give them anything back except a good feeling from a job well done.
If you spend a month of grueling work on an animation and your only payment is 2000 views and 3 comments, it will feel like it was not worth the effort at all.
>but you can make money down the line
No. 98% of people here who make dancing naked girls will never be able to get to a point where they make anything more than perhaps few dollars now and then.
So think very deep and very long about why you wanna do this and if the answer is anything else than "Because i love the craft, i love animation, i love the ride, the destinations is only a bonus" then don't even bother, and I just saved you a ton of time and effort wasted. You are welcum.
One of the creators i'm following on iwara has posted a new video but it's private, is it because he is trying to bait people into sending friend requests?
You should ask this question on >>>/x/ , the chance of finding a remote mind reader there must be higher.
I am just trying to figure out why would someone post a video which followers can see in their feeds, but almost nobody can watch.
Ask him directly then. Might not reply, especially if you fail to word it politely enough, but it's a better bet than asking unrelated strangers, who can only assume the motivations of someone they don't know at all, with even lower accuracy than yourself, because you have more information. Why would you need someone to explain this to you? Only wasting the post limit away with this, which is bad, because it lowers the average amount of useful information included in a thread.
If you're wondering what other reason there could be, it might be a topic he considers sensitive, or he doesn't consider the quality worth a wide release, or vice versa (not necessarily falling under your assumption), or who the fuck knows what.
I don't like you very much.
Does anyone has 000mmd's [Oppa, Do you trust me?] motion?
He might just not think it good enough for a wider audience.
Someone can share this motion?

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>and potentially become a paid 3D designer/animator
how many people out here in this thread alone are trying to be jews like this
Horrible animations that have more views than most freelance professional jobs :P
Is there a limit to the amount of morphs a single model can have? Or does it depend on what your pc can handle?
For me, models above 250 morphs will crash MMD
I was trying to have a system similar to izumi's fully animated pussy but I see now this is not the way to go lmao
mmd just has a hard limit on how many morphs a model has, not sure about MMM. i have a vmd player that will still load models that exceed that number. even if mmd could load modes with excessive morphs, navigating to them would be a pain because mmd is so archaic.
does someone have this model?
MMD is limited to 255, to be exact. MMM could very well have no limit, but timeline box selection and particularly Ctrl+A become noticeably laggy when you have about a thousand registered morphs (in different display tabs), with a couple hundred registered bones to boot. Well, the same thing happens with regular models if you have too many keyframes.

Welcome to 4chan, anonymous! Enjoy your stay.
Is there an easy way to tell how many frames I'd need to use to properly animate thrusting to the beat of a song? In 30 fps too please
I'm very autistic
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Ignore the plugin itself, as it sucks ass and destroys your morph keys, IIRC.
He shows the math and describes what else you need (googling "BPM finder"), but in practice you might want to double the result, as was the case with 侵蝕.
>Welcome to 4chan, anonymous! Enjoy your stay.
you forgot the rest of the line
Does anyone have the motion Antifragile by Nikisa san, or could anyone help me crack the code on this one: https://arca.live/b/breaking/64655536

Either this dude is retarded or I am, I could solve for the passwords for any other post but his little puzzles are so damn confusing that even some of the Koreans couldn't get them
You only need to know that "soup rule" is <tiananmen>, assuming it hasn't been modified. Perhaps you will also need corrections based on the difference in time between you and Korea, if the website shows time based on your clock.
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anyone have this model?

Nevermind, didn't test before posting. The "soup rule" for this one is the name of the parent channel (realvam), which doesn't seem to be mentioned anywhere now. The current one is also not "tiananmen" and is mentioned at the link given in one of the comments.
I didn't realize it had been posted here before and I regret it.
i need password for it https://bowlroll.net/file/318291
and tip in https://sp.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm43764810
I don't like vroid models, sorry
someone help on the middle part of the password? https://bowlroll.net/file/318889
動画番号(sm除く) + 修正必須 + 「まあ」の後の12文字 を続けて

in the nico video there's some text are highlighted red
but I tried several combination like
腕・足の準標準 and other combination but I can't get it right
Thanks bro
I need the password for these two
Anons. I just upgraded to Win 11.
Is there still a need to change the locale settings to japanese if I want to use MMD and PMXEditor or it can handle it just fine?
Does anyone know anything about the body used in this model?
Arlvit base.

You gave the vid a like before asking, of course? I'm not gonna watch some vtumor for half an hour, and I don't see any red letters or clues to what they could be elsewhere. Also note that you'll need to add <@> at the end.

Does that mean that the body was not originally attached to this model? Are there other outfits?
You sound like a vrchatter
Any outfit can be fitted to any model, what do you even mean about there being other outfits?
Sorry, I think I visited you a bit the wrong way. I just wanted to ask if this model had been replaced from the neck down. Sorry for the confusion.
Holy molly you're a genius, we've got some true detectives here
Thank you
How are the breast size morph sliders made, do I have to use blender instead of pmxeditor to edit it? If a model already has a breast slider can I make it even larger just by typing some numbers?
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It was. It's a very typical case for MMD. Forgot to mention, but in case you're wondering, the tails come from one of the Yakumo Ran models.
>> Are there other outfits?
Look up "アールビット bowlroll" and see for yourself.

If it weren't for some anon on /h/ mentioning a common correlation between the URL and these rules, I would've never guessed.

PMXView > Morph tab > New Morph > Vertex/UV. From there:
I) With only the vertex selection enabled, select breast bones on one side only (unless your model's chest is asymmetrical) and click the W button on the bottom bar > Ctrl+A > click W again > Ctrl+K. (+ F7 > Get OBJ to store the selection just in case.) Remove unwanted vertices by selecting them and pressing Ctrl+H. (Once you're done, store the selection again.) If you're working on only one breast:
※ Press A to enable virtual axis, you can now orient the handle by dragging the rotation circles while holding down Alt. After making sure you've selected all vertices, orient the handle along the line from the center of the breast to the nipple. Be warned that the orientation will reset if your selection changes.
F2 > Handle Operation type: Tension Movement > move the handle by dragging the Z axis (blue cube) to just behind the backmost vertices relative to the axis. (Alternatively {only if you're working on one breast}, move it to the nipple by dragging the cubes and stretch the titty with this handle type. Switch back to Compound Move handle type and scale & move the breast vertices from the root to prevent the tits from scaling into the torso. Scale all axes by dragging the center with Alt held down. Move and reshape further until satisfied, then Morph Editor > Edit (E) > Mirror Edit (M) > any choice (if 1 breast).
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II) F9 to go to TransformView > disable all IKs > drag any morph slider or a bone and initialize to reset all existing deformation due to IK bones > SCL tab > select a titty bone > change the numbers under the tab from 1.00 > click the Scale button > move the bone as needed. Repeat with other bones until you're satisfied. (It appears you can only operate them one-by-one.) When done, File (F) > disable Vertex Morph Normalize (N) > File (F) again > Update Model -Current Deformed State- (U). Check if any extra vertices got mixed in, remove them by selecting them > Morph Editor > Edit (E) > Set Original Position (B).

Name/append the morph once done.

>> can I make it even larger just by typing some numbers
The same as above OR the Morph Scale plugin by Wampa842 to make it easier. (Note that the "Create as new morph" function does not work, and, as it breaks the morph registration, you will have to re-register the morph on the display tab & remove the invalid -1 line, since it crashes both MMD and MMM.) Beware that rigids cannot be scaled by morphs (although you can use morphs to move differently sized rigids into position—the physics can only be moved through parent bone tracking rigids, as impulse morphs are not particularly useful), maybe unless you use NexGiMa or nanoem, whichever had the funny bone scaling feature.
now the real question is, how to make it look good without a shred of artistic or 3D modeling talent

To which my answer so far always turned out to be: steal it from some other model.
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I am making an addon (browser script) for iwara in order to filter out slop videos based on a like ratio, it's works really simply, it divides view count by likes and if the number is lower than a certain number it hides the video.

Anyone here would be interested in it after i finish it?

So far I found out a ratio of about 10 means a video is excellent (1 like for every 10 views). and 20 means about so-so decent..
Which is funny since that would make all the trending videos gigaslop since their ratio is usually around 30 or more (less = better)
Thanks again and again. I'll try to make it with your answers.
I think videos that have a lot of views also tend to have a lower like ratio, independent of quality.

Most videos with over a million views seem to have around 1 like for every 100 views.
but those are only edge cases, few and far between i would say for 95% of content this rule works well
I'm just saying that could be the reason why trending videos have a lower like ratio, instead of all of them being gigaslop.
yes, probably because if you like a video you'll watch it multiple times, but can only like it once, so there probably needs to be some kind of curve based on total viewcount; also for posts older than a year (from the old Iwara) the viewcount was often extremely inflated by a bug, like 10x higher than it should be, probably because people had to open the video many times before it would load (will be similar for content from the past few months)

I think rather than filtering them completely I'd prefer to "shade" them, like 50% transparency but if you hover over it you can still see the preview. It would definitely help to figure out my ideal threshold.

You could also do this by just setting a "slop" CSS class (if you don't already) and I can just set a Stylus rule.
good idea, i am already adding a class so i can hide the thumbs but letting the user set their own style might be nice as well
You learn through both observation and practice, like with any other skill. Talent is only the stat base you start with, not some unachievable bar that gets raised beyond your reach every time you try to approach it.
Well, that's the offical statement, but yeah it's a downgrade.
However, Win10 will be unsupported in late 2025. I want to get used to this crapware.
People with talent always underestimate just how much of it is required to become proficient. Practice alone is never sufficient.
I saw someone posted a bunch of their own mocap motions on iwara, but they're pretty rough, is there a simple way to clean them up and make them smoother?
you mean that one rando on the forum?
i wonder why they are so shitty since he said he bought the fancy suit, it's probably some cheapo shit like haritora
well the vmd has only one keyframe every 10 or 15 frames, so it's 2-3 fps, they're probably doing something wrong
in that case yeah, even the cheapest shitty mocap can easily record at 24fps
>y because if you like a video you'll watch it multiple times, but can only like it once
oh my god yes! that must be it! my videos aren't shit people are just watching them many many times so that is why my like to view ratio is so low!
i can't believe i haven't realized this earlier
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Anybody have this Makoto model?
what is the best place to download motions like dances, walking etc?
not sure if sarcasm, but i always thought that each user is only able to register one view (maybe it resets after a certain amount of time). but maybe that's not how it works
Consider studying the opening post, commonly known as the OP, which is also used to refer to its author on such websites. Which one is "the" best place depends on your criteria.

And I reliably guarantee that people tend to mistake years of pain and effort for talent. Only those who have not spent much at all, though.
He's right talent plays a huge role. Try going to school with someone like einstein and hawking and keep up with them by just "working hard" good luck.
I downloaded this model and whenever I try to open it in MMD it automatically crashes. How do I fix this?
good news shitsticks, the iwara servers are about to come back in few hours
don't have accunt there but if you toss it on mega i can see if i can open in blender with mmd tools to see if the whole model is broken
I doubt it's like that because you can view videos without an account and that definitely increases views. It could be IPs though or something like that. Maybe session cookies.

Actually it'd be nice to see how many views are from registered users versus random visitors.
it was exported from mmd tools so that likely won't be very useful to check
PMXE throws a bunch of warnings and one error which is probably the cause, that joint was only linked to one RB
>Invalid RigidBody A : 1 | ... × Bad! The following Joint has incorrect rigid body A setting. (95)

After setting that to the likely value of 100 I was able to load it.
my downloader is already running in a loop to plunge them back down whenever they try to come up for breath, I'm taking no more chances
Can I somehow "weight" a bone C to two other bones and say it should move with A by 75% and with B by 25%? Do I need to create physics for this?
Please help with sharing these if possible


I differentiate talent, or the natural aptitude toward a specific activity, and general intelligence, or the brain's ability to process input and refine the reaction/output based on it. If you're smart enough to rotate a realistic apple in your mind, you're likely smart enough to be a great artist, you'll just have to put in more effort to reach the same level as someone who is talented, i.e. starts with higher stats for this kind of activity.
Even general intelligence can be improved—maybe only to an unclear threshold—through extensive brain activity. A peasant put into right conditions can very well become a prominent scholar. A gorilla can be taught sign language. There's a lot of unrealized potential in the world, and you will never know if it's there if you don't provide the conditions for it along with active stimulation.

Physics are not that easy to control. Assuming your case cannot be solved simply by using bone weights:
1. Duplicate (Ctrl+D) bone A to create A1. Set A as local/append (offset inheritance) parent for Rot+ and Mov+ (if you actually need movement) at a ratio of 0.75 and hide it. Beware that Mov+ multiplication will not work in the latest version of MikuMikuMoving for some reason. (It works in v1.2.8.5 and doesn't in, just like AP bones with physics disabled. Wish it were fucking open source...)

If you don't need the rotation of B to move C:
2. Parent bone C to A1 and set B as its local parent at 0.25. Done.
If you want the rotation of both A & B to affect the position of C:
2. Repeat step 1 for B1, with a ratio of 0.25, but parent it to A1.
3. Parent bone C to B1.

Alas, I can't solve the snapping that comes with multiplied rotation inheritance (my solution is to add more multiplier bones with x1.33 and x4 ratios for A&B) while maintaining the right influence for both A and B, for both rotation and movement, even if I separate movement and rotation inheritance. Something invariably stops working right.
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How do people make those MMD models? Do they sculpt them in blender from scratch? Because I tried it and it's hard as fuck, I can only create monsters

I am trying to make a model that looks like my sister, but I simply don't have nearly enough modeling skill for it, so I was thinking maybe take existing model and modify it or something? Any tips?
+ There are also the ILLUSION games, where you can easily create a semblance of your desired character with sliders and then export it to MMD through dedicated addons and Blender if you need more than basic sex motions. VAMshit goes there, too.
It's difficult, that's why you'll see that most people just change their heads.
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>I am trying to make a model that looks like my sister
based, I hope you succeed, I want to fap to your sister
Realism is disappointing, believe me
while true, if you know the person irl it always makes it much hotter
It's like looking in the mirror, you will never see anything ugly.
Sorry. Does anyone have or know of a FATE nero mmd r-18 model? I would appreciate it if you could obtain or share it if possible.
I've only seen TDA and CM3D abominations that I deleted right away. She's too sexy to suffer such a fate.
TDA a classic,
appears everywhere
Is the tda modified formula the only way...? I wish there were more models that would make me feel this way. ......
You kill me
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Google "Race Nero Claudius."

Heh, spotted an Asian using machine translation.
Is there anything else that's good?
No idea, look up Nero on the catalogue of tstorage and see for yourself.
Ok thanks. Let me know if you come up with others. I've been looking so much lately my head hurts lol.
Did anyone has this before it expires?
Speaking of mocap, I heard there's even an AI for it now, could it also reverse engineer the motion from an MMD video?
'Fraid I've no interest in the character. I probably got her only to try and steal parts of the the outfit.

If the model doesn't blend in with the background much and the camera doesn't jump around, sure, why not. It obviously needs a clear view of the motion you're trying to replicate.
So the poll for Natsumi San's next motion, which one y'all voting for?

I'd vote for a live motion capture of her getting drafted, but that's unfortunately not on the list. The available options all seem like the same kslop, so whatever.
Does anyone have a model of timmie r18 from genshin impact? I have seen videos where it is used but I can't find anyone who talks about it.
Does anyone have batter up by nikisa?


Or baddie? (not the Tstorage version, I mean ren or chaluvs)
is tararatarako /ourguy/?
Not until he makes a Kanna model
anyone have this models?
do you guys predict another mmd resurgence after the next wave of big gachas come out? (zzz, azur promilia, girls frontline 2, project mugen, etc)
I just want more Blue Archive models
This is legit some most detailed yet simple explanation one can expect on the internet, kudos to you legend.
Just follow fashion, azur lane, blue archive and others.
Don't forget the animation is the most important

Beware most of these models are kinda fucked in someway
Blog died :( Did anyone save the motions in it?
It was just a matome blog linking to other download locations. At some point in it's life a redirect to the following page was set: http://mmdhentaimotion.blog.2nt.com/
Seems to have everything the old one did.
Ah my bad anon, thanks for the link
The pastebin has the old link I think
Someone can share this motion?
does anyone know the pass?
please don't support any passwordniggers
it's an obnoxious practice that needs to be stomped out
anyone have this model?
this but rikka takarada model and iroha isshiki model and shinka nibutani model
they're your invited guests tho
maybe people shouldn't run their mouths off about this place's existence to shit ass websites or trannie discord and there wouldn't be a problem
oh yeah, a couple fags on 4chan are really gonna stick it to the nips and their culture of holding their cards close to the chest by refusing to download mmd models
Is there anyone, who could reupload these?
I've exhasuted all of my available options to make a baidu account as a foreigner, but it's just impossible.


Rar PW: blender.kim

Alt storage link:
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You're right, the actual way to do it is by preserving their shit: https://archive.org/details/kasane-teto.-7z
The first one
Thank you Anon!
French kiss ,french kiss,french kiss,french kiss
I'll vote for sheesh, her motions are better quality than ren's
if only we could stick it to mameru with more than a handful of throwaway models
ie the models of characters that noone else makes models of
Obviously. Ren's motions aren't that good. He's C-tier.
Now I'm curious, who are the best and worst paid motion creators for yall?

I think my top 3 would be natsumisan, nikisasan, and juli
I do have a tierlist for motion creators. Paid and free. Including the ones who haven't been active over a year now.

S+: Natsumi San, Nikisa San, Juli, LadieAlien, Yisae (儀サエ)
S: muramasa4429, WolfMuzzle, Minchu
A: Dandelion Estudio, Sewelina Bloodroyal, Yuki Kumerai, Roseberrii
B: Mizuki-chan, Kimagure
C: chaluvz, kookiemilk, Kaevis, Winter, 000MMD, Ren
D: Obser vant, mf7cli, Cutedouding, Dreaming
E: VKQM, Lore2
Anyone got her?
help dl pls
i can't even seem to get cards to work on gumroad, wtf?
Only the YouTube creators? You poor thing...
By the way, obser vant's HWAA motion was quite a lot better made than Dandelion's, not to mention it was full length. I haven't had experience with any other motions from him, so it might be just an one-off, but I doubt such a difference in tiers is warranted. Is it full keying?

You are right about Ober vant's HWAA being better than Dandelion's. But Dandelion has improved so much since then. That HWAA motion was 3 years ago. I used to think he was pretty bad back then too. Maybe i should at least move Obser vant C tier.
Yeah, Fast Forward and Love Me Like This are definitely an improvement from two years before, although he still dislocates the elbows & wrists and leaves a lot of unnecessary keys.
Booth might work?
When posing models with the RGBA式おっぱい剛体 setup, most of the colliders stay stuck in place, moving only with the mother bone until you turn on physics, then they "snap" into their proper place. This causes a large physics oscillation.

Is this on purpose, can it be fixed?
oh also, what's the recommended way to make it interact with the arms on my model, which RGBA式おっぱい剛体 should I make collidable?
how to evade youtube's 18+ autoflagging? I see people posting literal tits and not get flagged yet my video gets automatically flagged with just underwear
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Most of the involved rigids don't have a bone to follow and are only propelled by joint connections, which are only active with physics enabled, so this behavior is natural. While you can create a bunch of invisible bones that move with the torso to stick the hostless rigids to, I don't see a valid reason to do that. If you want to change the model's default state, repositioning the rigids in PMXView once after you update should be easy enough.
>> which RGBA式おっぱい剛体 should I make collidable
The two that are attached to bones by default.

Stick to the 19th century's fashion, I guess.
>I don't see a valid reason to do that.
Well I wanted to avoid the jerkiness when physics starts up with those colliders way off (so that's it's as in A pose), but I guess it's not that easy.
>no sukarettog
>no mei
>no kler rinslet
anyone have this models?
doesn't do international
was hoping gumroad would work
this antiscamming shit is nerfing everyone who knows what they're doing
you can can use your bank/card through paypal for booth, probably the same for gumroad too.
Might be due to the fact Gonzales has made nothing worthwhile and the other two also have almost exclusively produced short TikTok slop and other Deviantart-tier MMDer content, with Kler also being a filthy click baiter.
Checking out some old time classics, what's this masturbation device and what's the model used in this video?
paypal only buys nonadult stuff off booths
just to further substantiate that
i wish there was some way to filter out all the slop in iwara because like no, i don't fucking want to see generic naked bitch running the chocolate cream motion for 10 000th time
And can't even filter it out on likes since dumbasses keep liking the slop
Please help with sharing these
my morning is ruined
thank you
does anyone have the terrathde stages? i'm just looking for the secret police and streaming heart stages.
At this point, I might as well forget it then. Cause this honestly isn't worth for this crap.

Thanks for trying though. Sorry for all this frustration.
Anyone please.
Kind of a longshot, but does anyone have any of AkikoKamui97's models? I am desperate.
anyone have this model?
Jew links for DL, do they not work? OR were you hoping to avoid getting viruses?

I thought ''masturbation device'' was enough for suggesting futa content but thinking again it actually doesn't, I'm sorry.
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>jUsT gOoGlE tRaNsLaTe BrO iTs ThAt SiMpLe
>WaIt WhY dIdNt ThIs JaP aCcEpT mY aPpLiCaTiOn To DoWnLoAd HiS mOdElS
i watch mmd but i am not that interested in making mmd videos, however i like modeling things in 3d like tables, chairs, dildos.. so i was wondering, anyone here who makes animations and is immersed in the mmd asset sites? would there be interest in props like that for mmd? (dildos, collars, sunglasses..). or is that market saturated? Since i while i would enjoy making them if they then get zero downloads it would feel like wasted time.(i would be making them free ofc)
You can make them and upload them to bowlroll, I'm sure they will be used :)
You can export as .pmx in Blender with the plugin, I don't think many in the mmd community know how to conmvert it themselves
i installed the mmd tools but i guess i'm retarded because when i try to export an object the pmx option is grayed out, not sure what i'm doing wrong, maybe it has to have armature? but that would be weird for static objects
while true, a lot of creators hide r18 textures in psds to circumvent this. so you can buy those ones no problem. but if they are explicitly stated as r18 items obviously can't buy them that way. booth doesn't offer proxy ways to buy items but it all through moonrunes, so i never looked into it too much.

before you export it you have to convert the armature to mmd, there's a tab on the upper right.
>before you export it you have to convert the armature to mmd, there's a tab on the upper right.
thats the issue, it has no armature it's a static object so it doesn't need one, all tutorials i found are all about exporting rigged human models, but nothing about how to export something like a simple chair
I'm pretty sure all mmd objects need at least one parent bone, just so you can position it.
this chair for example
Others have explained it before but here's the way I (severely retarded) do it
1. Have already the object ready
2. Click create new model in MMD tools
3. Select the objects you want to parent with shift, then still pressing shift click the bone, right click and select parent with automatic weights
4. Click the object and go to weight paint to make sure it's red
5. Click the object, select export as pmx

Alternatively, if your object already has an armature you can select it and click convert to .pmx instead

Also would suggest installing PMX editor, it's very easy compared to Blender and you can check your object correctly imported, can even add physics if you so wish

Thank you for your hard work! Looking forward to see what you create :)
managed to figure it out, you are correct
turns out to be mmd compatible the model has to have empty as a root, then bone as a child of that empty and then your actual model as a child of that bone
pretty stupid, but honestly we have to consider the fact her that mmd is an old ass abandonware software so it's not surprising
You'd have to be pretty creative, as in 16 years the community has already produced a vast variety of tables, chairs, shades, and dildos. They will certainly be downloaded dozens of times anyway, assuming you advertise your releases on nico or at least use eye-catching thumbnails. Zero guarantee even 1 in 100 or 200 downloaders will actually end up using it though.

>> it's a static object so it doesn't need one
You're very mistaken in that regard, better drop this attitude and always look for ways to make your creations versatile and thus more attractive for the end-user while not overbloating the model. For example, you can add a bone to shift the angle of the back, or weigh the bottoms of the legs to a separate bone so that you could increase the chair's height by lifting the other parts.
>You'd have to be pretty creative, as in 16 years the community has already produced a vast variety of tables, chairs, shades, and dildos.
I think more variety would be nice especially considering we've seen the same dozens of sex toys used time and time again
>booth doesn't offer proxy ways to buy items
there is, but it's a service meant for physical goods, not digital
it'd be nice to have a japanese paypal that americans could use
Don't work. The filesharing site they were once hosted on went defunct in 2021.

For static accessories I don't think there'll be much demand.

I'm always kind of annoyed when I get an accessory and it has no flexibility at all, at least morphs but better with bones. Also maybe even colliders to interact with hair or boobs. Or perhaps physics for dangling jewelry or power cords for that vibrator.

But honestly until you've made a few videos I'm not sure you can appreciate what kind of flexibility would be helpful, or you collaborate with someone to make videos and give you feedback.
What about sex furniture? Not just shackles and chains, I'm talking glory hole parts, those fancy couches, special chairs
If you go here you'll have an idea of what is already being distributed

ts ff4woa7mckas
Does anyone know where to find a mimic like this?
I have a memory of a similar one being sold on fantia but can't remember where
nothing enrages me more than clicking on a hoyoslop video and seeing million comments under it praising it which then perpetuates the slop cycles since videomakers will now of course make more hoyoslop since they are encouraged to
the only solution is to start liking it yourself
>. Or perhaps physics for dangling jewelr
what do you mean by this? isn't adding colliders enough? so wires and jewelry can collide with the objects?
the bones are definitely a good idea though, they are easy to add and allow easy customization
you'll also need joints to connect the colliders, and bones, depending on what you're making some IK may be needed too
well no complex humans or anything, i was thinking more along the lines of say a closet where you can open and close doors
for doors and such, no just bones will be enough, but you were asking about dangling jewelry, so
can you describe a chair like that and what features you would want it to have just as an example?
? "Like this" == remotely:
https://bowlroll.net/file/keyword/%E8%A7%A6%E6%89%8B (& R-18)

I suspect he means those chairs with cut-outs in the seat to hang the balls/put the cocks through so that a playful hand could toy with them. The common designs of those have all been produced already as well.
How do you feel about making stages? I think those are always in demand.
hmm that does sound more fun than making chairs, so stage is basically a whole area where the models dance it and stuff right? so kind of like a furnished appartment or does it have to be a literal stage like for concerts?
Whatever you want, as long as it provides enough room for the models to act out a play, dance, or maybe a bunch of aerial stunts.
could anyone help me with this download? Thanks in advance

>play, dance, or maybe a bunch of aerial stunts.
Yeah right.. what he actually means is enough space to FUCK.
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I'm doing some testing to see if i can repurpose my shitty vr setup into shitty mocap setup and it sort of works.
There are some issues that i need to solve, but I should be able to use it to create motions. (And then spend next 10 years by learning how to dance ;_;). Video was recorded in blender.
not sure why it lags in the middle, normally it never does that
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Nope. All you need to FUCK in MMD is a minimum of one character model and one phallic object (whether attached to another character or not), which don't qualify as a stage. A sole bed, bus, wall, or a single pillar to support the bodies do not count as one either. ...Well, a whole bus might, but it'd be a bit of a stretch.

That's a lot of float. Below is a backup of what I wrote in a similar situation a while ago:
If I understand what you mean correctly, the "floating," or "sliding" as I prefer to call it (that is, feet sliding across the floor when they should be firmly planted), is caused by two things:
(1) the difference in proportions between the source rig (assuming mocopi does not directly write motion data to the target model, automatically calculating angle differences, it will be the mocap actor's own body or, if it's a seriously cheap solution, some built-in body preset)—and the target model (TDA models with their unnatural proportions, for example, will never stabilize);
(2) not using leg IKs.

Before we get to a cyberpunk era with freely replaceable body parts, it can be solved via either matching the target model's leg proportions and center of mass height exactly to the mocap actor (ideally, you should also specify the values for the end user, too; most will not bother converting their model regardless) or converting leg keys to IKs, which is a much better solution (for example, mobiusP uses it). (Methods are googleable with queries like "motion capture IK." It seems the best way is to use ankle trackers for movable IK handle bones, but I'm not sure mocopi can do that.) IK keys can also be manually pruned if the quality of your mocap system is insufficient to keep the feet in place frame-to-frame and you're willing to put in some extra effort.

I also recommend MikuMikuMoving (in 30 fps mode) for anything related to motion making over MMD, it's much easier to work with bones and stuff there.
It's just the first test i did, there is no calibration or clean up yet. The software has proportions tuning which i haven't done yet as well, so i think i should be get it to look better than this, however there are of course limits it will never be as good as those fancy 5000 dollar suits.
Mocopi only tracks rotation, not location so it's FK only.
pining the legs to the ground is easy, but then i wouldn't be able to move around, basically getting firm feet is harder that it seems since the root tracking point is on the head, everything else is extrapolated
Bot hopefully i will manage to get it to a decent state so i can create some nice motions for anons here
link to the subway train please?
examples of hoyoslop?
I'm using Ademar's edit though.
I'm looking for a full body Sakuya or similar Arlvit body that's accurate to the original (the J&J bikini edit isn't fully Arlvit).
I don't it need to be clothed, I can add that myself with the assembly kit
Is there such a thing anywhere?
>Ademar's edit
is that still Patreon only? I haven't been able to find a link
Yeah. Very cringy, really—paywalling stuff that has barely any of your effort put into it, even more so when you credit yourself but leave no mention of the original author(s) (as is the case with a few other stages, like Ero Bar or that hotel from Koikatsu). In regard to this particular stage, the edits comprise:
1. Moving the textures into a separate folder.
2. English material naming.
3. Deleting unused bones.
4. A morph for easy door control, a morph that allows AutoLuminous to work with lamp materials by zeroing their specular values, and the standard AL control morph set.
5. Enabling 2-sidedness for wall materials to make the exterior non-transparent.

Also, the vertices are reordered, I guess he put it through Blender for some reason.
so i managed to reduce the skating a bit, but it's a tough battle i don't think i will be able to get it to zero without coming up with some gimmick like a script that looks a foot in place when it is touching the floor
huh, somehow I had hoped that he added physics to the handles hanging from above, so they would be able to shake

also I've never seen an entire stage shared as CSV before... didn't know that was possible
anyone have this model?
Niko/Blue Archive
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I suppose physically shaking handles would have been counterproductive, as they are meant to be held onto, and making them shake realistically from imitated train movement would be difficult to do without moving the stage, and attaching every model to the train would rob you of processing power like nothing else. Bone handles would've been useful though.

The PMX format is essentially an encoded and compressed spreadsheet with dot-separated values, although it can contain data that will not be represented in the spreadsheet form. CSVs can be used for comparison in WinMerge or to transfer/edit bits of the model, like the assembly kit anon mentioned above. Parts are not indexed in this format and are represented by their Japanese name, so loading a CSV of a morph that already exists will edit the values in the morph instead of adding a new one. However, you need to ensure that your system uses a period as the decimal separator, as commas can break this functionality and some PMXE plugins. (You can find it among additional regional parameters.) Non-Japanese Unicode names (e.g., Korean) will also be broken when using CSV, among other things (for example, a bunch of vertices lost their face and had to commit sudoku when I tried to recreate an entire model through exporting and loading CSV), so the best way to transfer parts is still via PMX.
So cute
help with password please

Please see the online terms and conditions for application and password.
I think it's only for Japanese

Does anyone have this as a pmx or fbx file?
Thank you!
It also talks about the Bilibili website, which is only used by Chinese people, so I think it's good for anyone. Well, it's only explained in Japanese, so it's probably mostly limited to Japanese people.
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Anybody has this? It's 404 now.

You must be logged in to view loli content on iwara.
However, you will only find the nico address below.

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Thanks I didn't know iwara requires login for loli contents. I could show her body with slight modifications of the niconico model.
can anyone share Ngon's sad cat dance motion? Please
this is probably really easy but how does one make it so only underside of skirt shining? https://www.youtube.com/shorts/d67G3qdbUmE
I assume he separate the material on pmxeditor and use mme to make it glows
I can think of multiple ways:
1) Most likely what you said (but you may have to duplicate the faces and material if it's single layer)
2) it could perhaps be a light source from below set to affect only the clothes
3) an edited shader like autoluminous that goes off some property of the vertices or texture, such as only lighting up opposite the normal direction i.e. on the reverse face
Really has a weird body
an edited shader can do that????? damn now I want to learn how to edit shader. I think the closest I ever editing shader is when following sodawave making see through crystal
This author rejects any account containing NSFW stuff, even those appear in retweets and likes, as written in the terms of use
f*cking Puritans
Any excuse is good,to say no stupid gaijin
ts b1qu3grtcsnd
Thank you so much for everything.
If you have this model, could you please post it?
I think it should be able to, since shaders use that information for bump maps I think? But I can't actually write shaders either so I might be talking out or my arse
https://www.aplaybox.com/details/model/iLXnMUxzqAXr someone have this?
>Assuming your case cannot be solved simply by using bone weights:
OK thanks, that worked well for regular bones.

For weighting off a physics bone, I had to enable "After physics", is that correct? Any caveats? I've never used that button before...
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I find 2-sided skirt materials with only the outward faces existing to be more likely here.

Are you trying to get banned or what?

AP is good for stuff like manipulating bikini cups without disabling breast physics, but you can also bake the physics and then disable them, use thick/very loose clothing instead of bikinis and higher framerate to counter clipping, or duplicate your physics, and then make do with regular bones. I currently prefer baking, since my chest rig is very prone to nipple clipping. (Also due to the issue below.)
>> Any caveats?
AP processing breaks when physics are disabled in MMM and (but not, with AP-weighed vertices remaining stuck in place until you re-enable physics, which means you can't use baked physics and AP in the same model at the same time. A major nuisance when you're making a photo set project with jiggly model(s) drastically changing positions each frame.
Hey buddy, you show worse things than this
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Does anyone have any of these 3? I've looked everywhere the authors site but I don't think they are available through normal means.




Look who's callin' the kettle black. Considering YOU post QUITE alot of Yuuka, eh?

Did he change the pass for these? It says their names in katakana, but I'm either not converting them properly, or they were changed. So does anyone have all 5 of these gals?
"Worse" is not a useful metric. Being against the rules or not, is.

Yuuka is not against the rules. What's your point even? We're 250 images short of image cap in a thread that's been on autosage for a week.
For example?

No issue on my end. You aren't confising the alphabets here, are you? E.g. 初音 = ハツネ, no spaces in names, no brackets.

What the other guy said (appreciably). Not to mention that not even half of my now-48 responses in this thread have any images attached to them. (Mostly due to phoneposting and a lack of appropriate pictures even on PC, though.)
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was this ever released?
As far as I can tell, no. I tried downloading Rin's model and for some reason the input is incorrect on my end. Switched language input as well to make sure I wasn't getting it wrong in that regard and it's not working. I did a full reboot though, so I'll try again with that to make sure I have it fixed since I normally never have this issue. The conversion sites I use for these type of passes always work, so I figured I would ask first to make sure it wasn't just on my end.

Thank you for verifying on your end. That's what I needed to hear.
Does anyone know the password?
Only to a small number of other MMDers in private. Probably those requesters whom he found trustworthy.

Provide your faulty input then. I use Google Translate to write in Japanese on PC and their IME app on mobile.

It's either "holy shit, learn to read and/or google, you fucking retard" or "use a hyphen instead of a dash."
Never mind, found the damn issue. Apparently windows decided to update, and had my locale set BACK to english instead of japanese! That's why it was fucking up on my end.
Maybe if you wait a little more
>> Kagamioto Rin
A good lesson to not trust conversion sites, this, but kana is not hard to remember.

P.S. Nice deviantard-tier replacement skills on that model, btw. Too few extra vertices though, gotta get those numbers up to thousands at least.
And it fucking worked. Switched locale, did another full reboot, used https://whiteagle.net/, and now my input is actually working as it should.
you can also use this to spell names out syllable by syllables, as well as in hiragana

also it's worth using deepl translate and yandex translate as i find google translate to be preet shit these days
Does anyone know of a website that compiles "愛升式" models?
I've been searching for "愛升式" Idolmaster models but I'm having trouble finding anything.
There's some fuckhuge packs on the booru
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Looks like it's possible to rip the models from Hololive's hololy app, but the guy who posted these doesn't wanna share
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Complete with facial morphs and everything
>but the guy who posted these doesn't wanna share
How do I make those spit lines with physics that connect a girl's tongue to a dick during a blow job scene?
damn it I need them now
shut up bitch
New to MMD here. How do I rotate an entire animation/motion at a certain degree/angle? Apply Center Position Bias only changes the coordinate, not the angle.
anyone have this model?

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That's typically what the root/全ての親 bone is for and is why it should not be used for movement.
MikuMikuMoving also allows you to use motion layers and plugins like ApplyOffset and ApplyRotation (which can be used to transform center bone's movements along the Z axis to movements along the X axis, for example).
also depending on what you're trying to do, rotating the camera angles and/or stage rather than the motion is often a lot easier
That will definitely come in handy! Thank you, anon.
anyone have this model?
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Did anybody get this pup before distro ended?
anyone have this model?
Siyu stopped sharing his recent models?
3dcustom girl mods
yeah i guess
>Wish it were fucking open source...)
Well it's .Net so you can just decompile it I guess?

The actual source might be harder to use since it uses that weirdly expensive proprietary widget kit from Devexpress.
Shame, I liked his models.
I cant get a nice creampie look :( i can do cum drips just fine, just wish I could also do the sloppy cum droplets that appear when fucking a creampied girl
How do you even animate that?
iwara's tagging system is fucking trash.
i want to filter out all the shitty dancing videos and videos with no music and only have music sex videos but it's impossible because nobody fucking bothers to tag properly
and also you can't even search by song since there are no song tags
it's incredibly annoying having to wade though all the dancing slop to find the good shit

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