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Is this entire part of the world completely devoid of any sense of fashion?
Are there any fashion capitals here? What is the London, Paris, Milan, Tokyo, etc. of Latin America?
Post some fashion from here. I can't imagne an area this large with that many people has no fashion
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Bruh kys
And all of those people live in temperate regions where the warmest days are colder than the coolest days in equatorial swamps. So the point still remains. Their fashion is not suitable for hot climates.
Fashion only exists in the cold
north and center of the city, Usaquen, Chapinero…
As long as you dont go past calle 26 youre good
>29 posts, 0 images
That settles it.

Just bought some Rick Owens Gethshades, what am I in for?
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Mr Anderson..
Looks dope
you will be censored irl
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Nice man I wanna get a pair of the Kristers
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jp from grandma's boy but in a good way

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That's right, what are you wearing *right now*?
No getting up to change, no fiddling with your clothes to get a nice fit in the mirror, nothing.
Just raw, unedited, how you are at the moment you see this thread~
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You do but i would not consider twink cowboy a bad thing
>i dont want to read that or associate myself with that

And yet here you are
I would suck you dry
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at a wedding
i've posted several fits itt though

The 20 something year old zoomers i come across look like theyre 30 something
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i thought it was the reverse, zoomers in their 20's looking like teens while ppl from 80 years ago looking 30 when 20.
Not anymore
They look old as phuck
Google sam sulek
Apparently hes in his early 20s.
One dude killing himself with steroids doesn't apply to an entire generation.
Tren twins.

There is no excuse to be ugly in 2024 when the difference between a 1 and a 7 is 12000€ and a Ryanair ticket to Turkey
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Reminder that a hairline transplant is a form of gender affirming care.
Alright enough of that already. Do you have one million dollars to give me tomorrow?
He's telling you to play the system to get a cheap hair transplant.
>Ryanair ticket
I'd rather drive all the way than take a step onboard that.
look up male double jaw surgery with lipectomy
dudes go from 3-5s to 8s regularly with that shit. and this guy probably had 50 procedures muchless 1. i'd believe it

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Wanna escape masculine style, rocking the normal T-Shit and Jeans shit for ages, how to get androgynous without looking like shit?

late 20s
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Not him, but i approve femboi aesthetic. Fembois to it better than cis women. As this tutorial >>18135037 shows.
I genuinely despise you as a person, (((people))) like you are why I work extra hard with my sons to provide a good example of positive masculinity.
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Sorry to burst your bubble, i'm not a jew. And i applause your attempt to make masculinity great again, since i despise the weaklings today running around being jealous and anxious about everything they see.
But hands down, through your tradcuckery, cis women absolutely suck unwashed ass today. All my experience with trans and fembois were positive. It felt similar like to be with an actual women, but they try extra hard to be cute.
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bruh what, I dont care what other people do.
Like go masculine the fuck out, get jacked, grow a beard, who cares.

Its just not me

It would also help if you understood that like 98% of people are super hetero "normal", you are not in the minority fighting a guerrilla fight from the underground as one of the last living heteros. Get off the internet

Another thread goes

/fa/ -> /lgbt/

This is lame

I bough a size 37 and while length wise if looks perfect the button area gaps like crazy as if I were fat, the bigger ones don't gap but look kinda loose and sleeves a tad long. How is this worn?
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Tuck it, get a nice billowy look, and roll up the sleeves a little bit.
ID on the pants?
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These are from Zara last season
I think they have a similar style in the actual collection
Dropping more linen outfits
Shirt is Bugatti full linen
Blazer is second hand Italy wool
unless you're on a sailboat or literally james bond, this shit looks retarded
texture on that shirt looks great, one of the best looking linen shirts i've seen.

starting one because I need help.
how do you call the type of shirt in pic rel? and how do you call the inner part being of different color from the outer?
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Whats the best place to order chaps? Are they even worth buying online, or should I try and seek out a brick and mortar spot? I live no where near the west
saving you four hundred bucks

tack/equestrian shop. i got mine the same place i got my saddle etc.
its definitely a tapered relaxed fit not just a generic loose fit. look at the silhouette even though the leg opening is still large there's a strong taper throughout the entire leg. granted you could tailor anything with a wide enough leg to look like that.
at 150 your best bet is probably chinese brands or buying an unwaxed one and waxing it yourself. its really not that hard or expensive. internet is full of various guides and recipes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvZczKZfvF4

or buy a jacket from one of the chinese brands like red tornado, maden, bronson, etc. some of the chinese brands use higher quality canvas than barbour and filson do, although the general construction and detailing might not be as good & the designs are usually stolen from small brands. i forgot which brands are the best idk just search plebbit for the ones i namedropped and you'll probably find a bunch of reviews of similar stuff. there's one that's particularly good but they steal almost all their designs from rogue territory filson and barbour i forgot the name.

orvis, ll bean, flint and tinder, taylor stitch, gustin, etc

>actually around your budget
https://www.bespokepost.com/store/line-of-trade-waxed-ranch-jacket this looks ok
https://www.hoggs.co.uk/mens/coats-and-jackets these look good for the price

>”just spray tan bro”

What specifically does he do/use for his skin tone and hair color?
I don’t want to look tan I want to look orange like trump.
And how do I get my hair to look blonde like that without bleaching it? There’s no way Trump bleaches his hair and doesn’t ever have roots.

I have pale skin and light brown hair.
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> There’s no way Trump bleaches his hair and doesn’t ever have roots.
If he doesn't spend 20 minutes in a tanning bed for the tan, he certainly isn't spending 1 hour at the hairdresser to bleach his hair
Dude is gilded and everything about him is cheap, even the food he eats
So how does he color his hair blonde without bleach?
>What specifically does he do/use for his skin tone and hair color?
Just google this shit. There are plenty of photos showing the makeup he uses.

Why does mine always hit the base of my upper back and I look retarded like pic related?
bump, this happens with all hats and even if I put the hat in the middle of my forehead and look stupid, I still can't tilt my head backwards even slightly
Why don't they look like pic related on me?
Is there a particular hat you have to buy?
bump don't let them slide this thread
wearing your hats backwards is retarded anyways
some skull shapes just work better with hats than others. long/narrow skulls like the op pic (and mine) struggle the most.

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Why do I see hotter girls IRL than I do in movies tv shows now

Is it because irl girls dress more skimpy n fashionable or what
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Margot Robbie is mid. All white women look like her in Hollywood.
Wolf of wall street margot robbie was peak
went downhill afterward
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It’s always strange going outside in the first weeks of hot weather. Girls that I didn’t find attractive just a few days ago now capture my attention. What a difference summer clothing can make.
Because jealous middle aged fat roasties took over casting jobs in Hollywood
spread the word

/balding/ and /finasteride/ general.
Sticky: http://tuxbell.com/index.php/Balding

Holy trinity:
Tabs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finasteride
Lotion: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minoxidil
Shampoo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketoconazole
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>NW 1.5
I don't care what you take, just want you to realize how good you have it and want you to be grateful you lived your youthful years without worrying about hair loss. While the Norwood Reaper was busy destroying the lives of millions of teenagers, you were spared in your 20s and left to frolic carefree in the sunshine with your beautiful follicles left intact. Unfortunately, the Reaper spares none and he is beginning to knock at your door, but you were spared for most of your developmental years, and with finasteride you can keep him at bay. I wish your hair follicles a long and healthy life in your scalp and wish you the best on your journey, soldier.
I've heard good things about blasting creatine, the hair loss is immediate.
it's been 7 months and the dutasteride isn't fucking working
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Fucking hate my headshape

Is this what kids are wearin' these days? Looks like any decade from the past 50 years.
no kid wears any of this shit

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Anyone tried these Saucony Omni 9 before? How do they compare in comfort and durability to similar New Balance and Asics?
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>a better shoe out there for a gorpcore look
I love sandals/flipflops and I've considered Suicokes, but these look very interesting. Do you own a pair, can you personally speak to their quality
don't own suicokes but i can safely say that xeros are worth it. comfiest fucking shoes ever
Right on, looks promising. Just want to check a few things, you posted the Z-Trail EV, they a few other models but is that the definite winner? Also there are a lot of reviews from the anti-shoe/grounding crowd, please tell me this isn't that
>Also there are a lot of reviews from the anti-shoe/grounding crowd, please tell me this isn't that
they are barefoot shoes so idk
can't really speak for other models

Previous thread: >>18128885

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So I tested Duro, and it faintly reminds me of CK Shock. Cherry isn't listed here but that's what I get mixed with spice and leather. It's not bad, but I'd rather get another leather frag, CK Shock, or use that money to get Baraonda.
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Anyone tried the original LIdGE (eau extreme)? I have a bottle of LIdG EdP and the cacao is a little too strong for me....wondering if its worth busting open the wallet for the eau Extreme, when I smelled it years ago it was incredible, prompted me to buy the EDP but the EdP was a slight disappointment.
I have loved Azzaro the most wanted parfum. Do you think it can be used as an everyday winter fragance? It is so nice!
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I finally pulled the trigger on a full BdJ bottle and I feel it's a tiny bit different than the decant I had previously. Do you also get like a faint BO smell for a couple of moments just after the opening? Not fecal notes like in Scandal but maybe more similar to something left in damp soil?

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