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I need an everyday backpack to wear to work. I just need it to carry my lap top and food. Thinking of getting this one in black. Do you guys have any other suggestions? Also what colourway of Kanken is most fa? :)

inb4 backpacks are for children
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No, I'm a 27 yo male :D
kanken if you secretly wear panties, otherwise get a herschel
*see op while driving*
*roll down window*
unironically like the squareness of the kanken. way better than the uggo herschel others are recommending
kanken probably the only good looking backpack. chrome industries-esque messengers can look good too.
Buying kanken in any color other than pastel seems like such a waste.

Wtf were millennials thinking?
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Ok but why gay and wigger at the same time
Heterosexuality was made illegal during the Obama administration
Still a good look with the right accompanying clothing. The real problem is people often don't have the pecs to wear these or they're too fat so it switches from sexcore to peasantcore.
Agreed. V necks only look good if you’re muscular with a big chest specifically
I'm going to get some v necks this summer and test this out.

Is this an appropriate way to dress for 40 year oldes?
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They were in their 20s before smart phones even existed.
Costumes but still fucking embarrassing at that age
This is fine swimwear doesn't change much as you age
The dad is like 43 so yeah that's fucking embarrassing and the kid is now a tranny
i bet these women fuck like demons
would losing your virginity to one of them ruin other women for you
lol no not at all
they're just old enough that they've got A LOT of experience in bed, they know how to get themselves off, they know how to get you off and are comfortable enough with themselves that they're probably down for some kinky stuff.

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I fucking hate pre-made punk fashion. Selling shitty patch pants for $100 is THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF PUNK. I don’t give a fuck if they’re a small business, punk is all about HOMEMADE FASHION. People who actually sell a basic fucking battlevest for that much is directly contributing to the corporatization of punk.
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Heroin is such a goated band, but I wouldn't be surprised if the person selling these pants have never heard them.
Yeah sure...
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Lmao the sex pistols were literally a manufactured boyband

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Silver jewlery or gold jewlery?
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Muslims don't wear gold so silver
What if I am neither white nor dark but green?

Also I never understood the Gold hate ?
Gold goes with green

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Good brands for 70s core other than Hammies?
real 70s vintage stuff is cheap and all over ebay. look through scans of catalogues and media like that from the time to discover brands and make a notepad of search terms etc.
hardly anyone buys it and it doesn't command the insane prices pre 1960s stuff can.
if you want some nice bell bottoms big john mh402z's can be had for $60-80. i've found vintage blue bell/wrangler bell bottoms from the 70s for about the same price on ebay dead stock or with little wear. happened to be looking at them recently so it was fresh in my mind.
Thank you for informing me of this company.

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Memory-holed fashion trends

Remember when everyone was wearing Dr. Seuss hats at fairs? I had completely forgotten about them until watching some Disney movie from the 2000s and some guy was wearing one.
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it's from orwell's 1984 so it's from whatever wing you want
>I saw that on leftist subreddits first

Holy shit dude calm down your sports bra is too tight. This is literally one of the better threads on this shit hole in a year.
So how about Ocean Pacific tee shirts from the 80s? Literally everyone wore them. Now? Totally gone and forgotten.
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remember when stussy used to legitimately compete with supreme before they became a brand you find at ross?
People who actually wore those were insufferable cunts, of course we tried our hardest to forget them.

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Gen z has completely exhausted their creativity with fashion. All they do is rehash previous trends in grotesque ways and wear ironic trash

What are you expecting from Gen A when it comes to fashion? They'll grow up during economic depression/war/ collapse. It might get interesting
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Who influences the influencers? Have you ever thought about that?

What makes you think that it's so important to come up with a new formula for "the shoe"? Or "the pants" or "the shirt"? Sometimes things work nicely the way they are.
real fashion is not caring about trends
I shit my pants and walk around with a big pop stain as a fashion statement
Alpha and Beta are going to be too busy working to support their Zoomer and Millennial single mothers to worry about how they're dressed. I foresee that clothes will be simple and practical, but hair styles will be meticulous.

>My shoe
Stan Smith
>Why did I buy it
It felt comfortable at the store, I paid 110
>Is it comfortable
Not very much
>Is it beautiful
It is beautiful and I wipe it regularly
>Why do I like it
I paid a lot and if I don't like it I'll feel bad. So in a way I'm forced to like it.

Do something similar with your shoe
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no prob good luck with your homework
Nobody speaks. Typical fa behavior
I like low black converse. They're perfect for almost every occasion and fit and I'm not afraid to ruin them If I decide I want to fuck around climbing shit or jumping around. Unfortunately, last time I got them I sent a relative to buy them because I needed them on very short notice and was working at the time but they got me the 70s instead. While I do enjoy that they are kinda shiny they are pretty painful until broken in and the fact that they're sturdier and more "solid" makes them feel like "good" shoes and disincentivizes me from acting freely in fear of ruining them.
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>My shoe
Onitsuka tiger GSM SD
>Why did I buy it
Wanted white sneakers and looks cool
>Is it comfortable
For me yes, I'm not very picky though
>Is it beautiful
I like the silhouette and especially the colors, but haven't seen it posted here much so maybe people will disagree
>Why do I like it
I literally just really like the colors but everything else about it is pretty good as well imo

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I got these sandals that are supposed to be for hiking because they stay really tight on my feet, and they don't slip when it's wet like other sandals. I like them but can't help they look really dorky. I want to be cool like the teenagers I see wearing Tevas but that kind of stuff is not comfortable for me. What do you think, /fa/?
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They look gay, like women's sandals. If you're going to wear hiking sandals, then wear something more substantial.
I think that you should return them. They don't look good at all, they just look weird.
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wear chacos if you dont like tevas.
I’ve had some Bedrocks for a few years, I wish the thong was a little further back but otherwise they are pretty comfy. I wouldn’t hike in them, but I wouldn’t hike in any sandal. They’re better made than the Teva Terrafloats I had before, which never fit me very well anyway. Chacos have the comfiest footbed, but I couldn’t deal with their straps, too thin.

While I actually got a compliment on these today, I think Suicoke are probably the best looking “adventure” sandal.

It takes some getting used to, but if you wear flip flops like Rainbows it’s pretty much the same feeling. I’ve got long toes and low volume feet, so I wish the thong strap was secured farther back because my feet migrate forward as I wear them, unless I over-tighten. I have this problem on all strapped footwear, of course.
tevas are shit by comparison

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How to dress like Claude?
Especially looking for jacket recommendations.
As for pants, I think Im gonna wear some carhartts.
How about shoes?
Also looking for some fragrance recs. Gonna wear drakkar noir for now because I think it fits his vibe.
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black bomber jacket
any blue shoe with white soles
few people and even a therapist told me that but never I fully went through with diagnosis and lied on tests. I want to dress like that because I already dont speak
it seems more like a leather jacket and not any blue shoes with white soles since Claudes have some yellow thing on them moron
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blue puma suedes are what you need

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I also liked lunarcore
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i fux w it heavy

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What’s so bad about cargo shorts?
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people still leave their house in skinny elastic cargo pants? can these die already?
pants, short trousers. Shorts is an American word, some people use it for athletic shorts now.
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Nigga just shut the fuck up
hah thanks. I think my calves look quite nice if I do say so myself
Anon, you need therapy

I'm looking at pictures of modern day ''old money'' and they literally look like IG TikTok influencers with all the plastic surgery on their face

the only difference is that old money wear fancy clothes have a lotta money and property and have fancy titles
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There is no “modern day old money”. The aristocracy is gone and the people that made fortunes off estates in the revolutionary era lost it along time ago. Everyone with money is the descendant of a banker, an industrialist, a tech entrepreneur, or they’re new money themselves.
old money doesn't care about fashion. i spent a summer living in my friend's rv in a orange county gated community where all the homes were like 20-100 million and i never saw anyone except the kids dressed in more than costco jeans, tee shirt, air monarchs.
lots and lots of supercars in the driveways though. two hypercars i saw in the neighborhood too.
All the uk royals and european royals get plastic surgery on their face making them look like bogged influencers
Homosexuals and females usually cope with this old money shit
Its all bullshit in the end
"Old money" as a tiktok concept is literally just "how do I look like I'm on vacation"

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Who copping?
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not me, I am not into bizarre pr-stuff, just normal sneaker with a reasonable price/quality ratio.
Manlet shoes
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I wouldn't even piss on it.
+ autism
I'd never cop this one, Balenciaga does seem to have some okay-ish low tops tho and, they are the only recommended high tier low tops brand from the sticky that exists in my third world shithole so I might cop one one day sadly (yeah, no Dick Ovens or Raf here sadly...)

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