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Why do russian women have such good style. It's all very classy. Even when they are being casual It's a step above everywhere else. Why? I thought russia was a poor shit hole.
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>albeit extremely toxic childish understandings of gender roles
in russia everyone is obsessed with looking your best at all times, even if you're very poor
buying groceries, taking out garbage, or getting to a hospital, we dress nicely
this overcompensation for 90s wont go away
it creates problems like bullying in schools too
you're behind the times
young men in this country dress and groom themselves better than women
>Why do russian women have such good style.
You cherrypick the wealthy moscovites and ignore the books and babushkas everywhere else. To your credit, if you aren't from Moscow or St. Petersburg you're not really a Russian anyway desu.
tips on how to look decent in Russia without too much effort or innate style? It's so radically different than dress standards in the US, we basically don't have any dress standards left

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Is buying shoes modeled after 90s cartoons based or cringe?
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these would look cute as fuck on a girl in a Swallowed scene I think that's the one where the set has the colors that pop
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80s video games > 90s cartoons
such blatant display of materialism and childishness is imho decadent and cringe.

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nigga predicted balenci in 2017

>adult man
>uses a cap
Is there anything more ridiculous than a grown man who is mentally still in elementary school wearing caps?

A grown man who wears a baseball cap is either autistic or completely childish in his mind. No sane adult wears a children's cap. There is no manifestation, an insecure man who tries to compensate for his own aging crisis and feeling of inferiority by wearing a children's cap.
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If they're young, they wear the cap to hide the fact that they're balding
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>adult man
Is there anything more ridiculous than a grown man who is mentally still in elementary school having tattoos?
Flat brim hats are the uniform of Low-IQ trash.
im forced to because im too insecure to let it go
i want a stable mind
ill adapt until theres nothing left then ill fly to turkey and spend all the money i have for a full head transplant
Too much?

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Looking for a sneaker, that can be described as follow:

imagine a converse chuck taylor, swap the gum toe box for just canvas and, if possible, the high foxing vulcan sole by a lower cupsole.

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I can't beat picrel, gotta get a new one for a study abroad stint in Glasgow this fall

I generally stick to workwear and hate hoods, but i'll bite the bullet if I have to on this one
straight fit pants, tight tees, big overshirts, similar silhouette as the model yk
price range <$150

thanks for the help assholes,
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also thinking about this one
Your legs are gonna get soaked with such a short jacket.
I sacrifice for fashion
look at what people there are wearing and copy them.
then what you have will both be appropriate and will not make you look like a weirdo.

When and why did tunics fall out of fashion? Could we bring them back?
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>ooga booga primitives
Go ahead and try replicate pic related for me then, use any machine you like.
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I'm waiting on a wool shearer's tee in the mail. I hope it comes today.
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So im studying archaeology at uni and for a little event I made a greek chiton. After wearing it for a weekend I realized why pants are nice. So sitting down in a chair its really easy to flash people. not a problem in 200 bc but that wont fly in todays world. also it tends to bunch up a bit and is kinda annoying when carrying a backpack or using a seatbelt. However it is way more comfortable than pants and I would wear this everyday if I could. I think it would be really hard to bring it back but maybe if someone starts the trend it can happen
Why do trannies get so mad when you out them as trannies?
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It's not just your imaginary "low tier men" who are obsessed with the Roman empire and WW2. Just because the men around you don't talk about it because they know you're too dumb and shallow to get it, doesn't mean they aren't thinking about it, because the modern world you're living in today would literally not exist the way it is without the profound influence of the Roman empire and WW2. There's not a corner of the world that wasn't affected by them in one way or another.

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Is it dumb to wear performance shoes casually?
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There is no way that you will be stable walking in those. They are meant for running marathons.
They're comfortable. What else do you need in life?
Possibly but if you got swag and rock them it’s fine. I wear trail sneakers all the time, even in the office with semi formal shit
Yes, those are only meant to be worn on race day
Yes I am pretty sure those shoes aren't flat and hard enough for doing normal things they're really meant for jogging for a real reason

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I used to just apply a full pump of conditioner to my hair the same way I would shampoo, but several of my exes have told me conditioner shouldn’t go anywhere near your scalp or roots. Does that effectively just rule out the majority of men with normal hair using conditioner? When I try to use a dime sized amount on the ends, it feels like a fool’s errand because it’s as short as it is.
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You gotta post your hair so people can tell if you're full of shit
>he thinks everyone were going bald at 20 before (((shampoo))) was invented
The shampoo marketing jew has really indoctrinated you, hasn't he? You don't need shampoo. If soap is good enough for your skin, then it's good enough for your hair, because they're made of the same stuff (keratin). If anything, shampoo is far harsher and is closer to detergent than anything you should be using on your skin. Hell, you should avoid even using too much soap as well, because frequently washing your skin nukes all your skin flora and fauna that you need to maintain your immunity and health. Let your body maintain itself through proper nutrition, hydration and exercise.

And no, I will not post my photo on a glowie website, but I have silky smooth, straight and fairly dense hair that a lot of people envy. The only time I use shampoo is when I wash my hair after getting a haircut, because I don't want specks of hair stuck in my soap.
Do you have any other tips? Thanks
Massage your head with hair oil like once or twice a week to improve blood supply to your follicles and release the tension in your scalp. When your scalp muscles are under too much tension (simply from habits), your follicles don't get enough blood, so your hair doesn't grow as thick and fast as they should/would, and the follicles themselves may start dying off. Even a poor posture will restrict blood supply to your hair, due to your blood vessels getting compressed in the neck and at the bottom of the scalp. So if you have a hunch in your upper back and/or a forward head posture, try fixing it.

When I was trying to fix my own forward head craning, I could immediately feel the blood rushing into all parts of my scalp the moment I pushed my chest forward, pulled my neck back. My hair also started growing denser. Before that I was losing hair and could even see balding on the crown of my head.
Eat some fatty fish. Diet is key

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I am being priced out of quality denim
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Fuck you guys. I got memed into buying 13mwz in charcoal. I already have a pair of grey jeans and enough pants. Why must I consoooom?
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I think they look good if they come from actually wearing the jeans. Not only will they be molded to your body, but also the whole jean will too and look worn in, organic, natural, real. It's the crisp brand new jeans with high contrast fades (snowed in, they're called) which look like shit and thirdies love for some reason (always skintight).
Bro washing your jeans every week or two is going to give you vintage fades, but they’re going to be much more balanced compared to washing them every day lmao
Ok i got a pair of raw wrangler jeans now. I actually got the cowboy cut 936 because they seemed to fit a little bit better than the 13mwz.

I'm probably going to wait about a month before i wash them and in this month i will be wearing them to skate, hike and do other physical activities that don't get too dirty. After that month I'll wash them but then start wearing them at work (construction) and i'll probably wash them weekly.

Any thoughts denimbros?
If you got the rigid indigo, when they start to fade they show some electric blue (blueberry) lines that some people hate. Once you're statt washing them weekly you'll accelerate the blueberry phase into the traditional fades.

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How do I up my bathroom hygiene game? What products should I look into getting/trying as an adult man? Here is what I use currently:

I switch between Dr squatch bar soap and Dr. bronners peppermint Castile soap. Depends on how I'm feeling.
I am bald and do not use shampoo anymore
Old Spice original
>Face wash
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rip in peace, anon
such is life
I have the same problem, just invest in a cheap electric trimmer. I like the Philips Norelco 1100, it's $20 on amazon
that sounds like a good idea. For the time being I think I'll use my nose hair trimmer lol
>You want a body wash with niacinamide
What's the purpose?

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where does /fa/ buy their chinos from?
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Chinese n koreans look like that
Second hand stores because that’s the only place where you can find them with a high rise and a straight or relaxed fit.
My Lucky Brand 410 chinos fit me best. The leg openings could be slimmer, so their 412 might fit better if the thigh area is the same.

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What do you make of basic button ups being tucked into jeans/casual pants? Classic look, or too dad?
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Ive heard the opposite advice on armholes - larger ones will pull the fabric untucked easier. Ive compared nice blazers with high & tight armholes with cheaper ones with large holes and the former looked and felt noticeably better in motion.
The opposite is true for tailoring, sport coats and suits need to be cut differently from shirts. Also the construction is different, a suit that's full canvas will behave differently than a shirt.

Think about it, would you expect "drape" from a slim cut shirt?
It depends on the shirt. In OP pic the shirt is too formal and the guy just looks like a dork because it's like he's wearing blue jeans in a formal occasion which is retarded. But with a shirt like this >>18134561 that has a looser fit, natural colors and rolled up sleeves it looks way better.

All just depends on the shirt.
>muh boring dad
As opposed to what? A faggy zoomer with broccoli hair and androgynous body that can't grow a beard?
I kneel

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How do I fix my hairline
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bro said

>“gimme the beetlejuice”
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wrong one, dumbass
Do the thug shake
the doug shaker

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Hey guys, since Halloween is coming up in 5 months I was thinking about some costumes I could wear. All I can think of is old internet memes that no one will understand like Pink Guy or Vape Nation guy. Do you have any advice?
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If I ever get invited to a Halloween party(as if) I’ll go as eurnonomuss
Why does everything have to be a meme or somehow ironic? Why can't you just dress up as a cowboy or a zombie or whatever?
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Waffen-SS Troop
Just get a set of vampire teeth from the Halloween store and wear them with your normal clothes.

Bada bing bada boom

Gay vampire.

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