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File: bbcsissy.webm (1.39 MB, 1280x720)
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post videos of these feminine faggots taking BBC in the ass. Bonus points if plapping
101 replies and 46 images omitted. Click here to view.
Just kill yourself already.
You're not real.

sauce on left?
Mintii_xo AKA cammy, her onlyfans has been leaked

no nudes :(

File: 1715869463006884.webm (3.94 MB, 720x1280)
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Preferably Chinese or Korean
No Dicks, No trannys, only softcore stuff
99 replies and 67 images omitted. Click here to view.
What an amazing set if tits
File: 1707373791002150.webm (1.65 MB, 1280x720)
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Easily one of the best asian cows
Love jiheons ass
File: 1542506139719.webm (1.51 MB, 1280x720)
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1.51 MB WEBM
How ? I just typed "Konoe Riko" in search and the first two results were her main social media accounts

File: BQTgwzgo_ChlDX7V (3).webm (2.79 MB, 720x1280)
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bonus points if their bf is raging at them being a slut in public
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A store that treats them like whores, I don't get it, the employees get to do that? Is it a paid private company or something?
i dont have any videos to post but i do kmow that the place name is Severo Sinvergüenza, a bakery in Columbia. You can pay for baked goods shaped like dick and pussy, but you can also pay for a show. The girl in the video for onlyfans and her name is stefany star. Even the Bakery has an onlyfans Page.
oh wait, when I double check its not Stefany Star. I don't know this chick, but the place is the same
>front row of guys are all downies
What the fuck man

File: 1714380035196495.webm (4 MB, 572x700)
4 MB
Women pissing
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Fucking SAUCE
File: 1672568929176759.webm (4 MB, 912x668)
4 MB
anyone have the code for this one?
source ?

File: 1687576004503452.webm (3.56 MB, 1520x680)
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god what a fucking stupid ass face. that's actually amazing how bad she looks.
lana rhoades, the it-girl of porn five yearsago
Sawce plz
That's a UTI waiting to happen.
Is there a sauce?

File: 1713830326735532.webm (3.91 MB, 360x640)
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I'm looking for a webm where the guy had ridicilously big dick and he fucked this pale girl with big hips doggystyle balls deep, both completely silent. The webm had a watermark, something like @hugh_mongous or idk... Please tell me someone here has it, I need the webm to live
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File: designatedbonezone.webm (3.88 MB, 304x540)
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Not true
I've been with 6 women and have an 8", whom all I could go balls deep in
The vagina can stretch
where is the full vid on this?
Please for the love of god sauce
my experience of being 8.5" is that i have never fucked a girl that could take the whole length

Bigger girls can take more but i never got balls deep

File: BlairBini.webm (2.66 MB, 1280x720)
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pedo detection senses are on red alert
this is a longshot, but does anyone have the video of a woman who had a breast augmentation surgery where she was trying on different bras? I think she had black hair, and I think one of her bras was blue.
A good one is to search "(pornstar) makeup", nothing explicit but still certianly against TOS
who is she

File: 1717106814671216.webm (3.9 MB, 600x338)
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i love cock flashing
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Holy fuck lmao...This is insanely hot but not even speaking about the obvious part here that its crazy and probably really hard to cum handsfree like that but the balls this guy got. In the first clip atleast its only the two women close to him but in the other clips its so crowded and ofc once some people notice they laugh and tell the others. To be able to stay laying there without moving and to not sink into the ground from embarrassment. Like that guy is a true Gigchad (with a small pp).
not the anon you gave the instructions to originally, and assuming this isnt an elaborate shitpost, thanks, I'll try this out sometime as it sounds like a very cool skill to try to obtain

what's the feeling like compared to cumming regularly? I'm assuming it's not as intense as a hands free prostate orgasm, which I've tried a few times and gave up as it requires a ton of time and mental training to do
I would say it's typically a little more intense and longer lasting than a regular orgasm, and it's particularly good if you can manage to get a second one immediately like I described above. Can't compare it to any prostate stuff because I've never done it. I also like the actual process of getting there because it feels completely different to regular jerking off. Instead of external stimulation you are hyper-focused on the sensations in your own body and trying to "follow" this initially very subtle tingling in your penis until it intensifies and eventually leads you to orgasm. It's fun.
he's getting off on the humilation


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you're such a faggot for caring about what other men's dicks look like, why are you so obsessed man, are you jealous it's her getting fucked by that cock and not you?

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The more the better. Long distance in a plus.
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its weird how rare it is to see squirting with something still inside the puss
Squirting is real but it isn't like the fountain pussy videos.
My ex gf would do it when I'd have her blowing me while I was fingerblasting her from behind 69 style but like off to the side for increased control but anyway she'd just get wet af and start running thicker whitish liquid down her thighs and shit. It would gush but never really shoot all over like the videos.
There was a study of about a hundred women, each had blue dye injected into their bladders, and when they """squirted""" the liquid was blue. Google it. It's just pee/urine.
pussy bump

File: 1625312496085.webm (3.8 MB, 540x960)
3.8 MB
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fuuuuuck I can smell that sweaty poopy smell
try taking a shower for once
File: Bustedaf.webm (3.91 MB, 720x540)
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wasn't expecting to see this sauce. nice
Search for HIP-ANGEL JAV

File: 1704411889984477.webm (2.58 MB, 856x482)
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knot thread, gay, straight, whatever. Obviously nothing IRL, not trying to get jannied.
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Where tf do you get a GF who's interested in this? I'd love to wear one as a strap-on and just inject liters of fake chunky cum into her.

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Remember: This is someone's daughter
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Imagine finding this revolting shit sexy. Fucking FAGGOTS
white men really love it for some reason
I think this is it

File: 3490875.webm (478 KB, 640x360)
478 KB
Women reacting to Cocks that are big or small. Professional porn allowed but amateur preferred
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When I went to omegle these were my best memories:
1-The first chick that masturbated with me was a Czech. Very skinny and pale, perky tits. Amazing but it took half a year to get a fucking woman.
2-A Chilean chubby girl got off a lot by my dick and used her tits to make me cum
3- A Spanish Milf was rubbing one out with me and showed me her HUGE tits. Amazing, she treated me like a good boy.
4- A mexican got off to me sucking my own dick, good times.

I had some others but were so shit that I can barely remember
Seems to be the biggest annoyance in this. All the men
kill yourself nigger worshipper
Source ?
>this goes right into the fap folder

I fight so world accept beautiful appearance of darkness. When near monster, do not allow it to be a monster, but not hurt it more than needed, and then love it. For it is not a monster but the source of true love...
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I have a chance to get something in life here by hurting Patty... but... will ever do this... King don't want no fuckig money, no fame, if his wife not fine and suffer...

for fuck sake I need that all... need so Patty was fine, ok...
Imagine you are a king... and your wife she is a monster... and people of the kingdom always shaut - let she be a monster King, let she show something, you know, we need some action...

But wife always cried after she was a monster, and King could not handle this... he always said - I wil show these fuckers action, will show them...

But wife always calmed him telling - leave them alone my dear, they are stupid... for if you start to hurt you will never stop...

For she knew him, she knew him...

So Verano Amantess my friends... I want to see Patty happe and in better future, and I will get this...

Patty do you heea me... All will be fine my dear...

King just wanted for some time to be near his wife... see she not a monster... so she lied on his knees under this tree near the castle... so wind moved her hair softly...

to see she is fine, under the shade of the tree... to see she is fine and she felt as at home... for she was at home...
What also is sad... I have almost zero activity on all other platforms, and no LeenBeefPatty fan was "activated"... but if I would do something bad to Patty, yeah there will be fame, they would have what to chew...

Why here on fucking, I will write as it is, on fucking trash can of internet, on 4chan at least some activity... ok, some...

For people of 4chan have so much shit in their life, they can appriciate something what is not shit... you know...

So what 6 million fan of Patty wants, what? so she fucking suffer there so they have what so look while fukcing eating near fucking laptops of what....

Patty know this, and that;s why for real she hate them all... quetly...
I am fucking itching so much to see thta woman of this fucking world fine there, especially Patty...

Fuck I am iching for this... I need so Patty was fine, I have to get this... I need to get this... I need this... I need this so mcuh...

How to get this... so Patty was fine... how to get this... Fuck I am so fucking insane I can't even go to toilet without fucking not fucking.... ok...


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